(edited by Makovorn.1706)
Collaborative Development- Request for Topics
1. Encounter difficulty vs rewards
2. Profession / Build usefulness – lack of content for control / support / condition builds
3. Not legendary legendaries – based on farming and RNG rather then performing legendary feats across the entire game.
(edited by Tongku.5326)
1. Dungeons.
2. Guild management tools.
3. Private Guild Overflow.
1.) PvP: Hotjoins are toxic and don’t teach basic techniques. They’re just there for rank farming.
2.) Tequatl-Like bosses: IMO such a large scale encounter that requires numbers and coordination should be instanced.
3.) Living Story: IMO the story is progressing a little slowly. Especially since most of the story seems to be new story, not expanding on previous loose threads (could be wrong). I’m just afraid that the Scarlette story like will take longer than a year to tell.
1) Class skills/skill mechanics
2) Quests/Dungeon mechanics
3) Living world combat process
1. How endgame content (ascended, legendary) is geared towards the hardcore players in detriment of the casual players.
2. WvW in the less populated/less PvP oriented servers. Simply not fun, I do like to jump in from time to time but when there is no hope , there is no point. Missing POIs have remained the same since 3 day head start… that,s a long time Chris, a really long time…
Only care about that as every flaw or problem can be fixed in time but its a real letdown that a fantasy game doesn’t let you have that “fantasy” feeling and instead becomes a chore that seems to become more impossible as the days go by.
I propose that a system is implemented so that every account (casual or hardcore) has a REALISTIC (read: tasks that take under 100 hours of play) to achieve “endgame stats/skins” for the first time. After the first (ascended, halloween skin, insert other stuff here) is crafted then its ok to set impossible goals to get a second one/set, you know like the ones that are set right now….
What would be achieved? Casuals have a realistic way to obtain ascended stuff, unique skins, etc for the first time (which for a casual is enough).¿ and the hardcore won’t really be affected as most do not stop on the first legendary, ascended set, etc. You can read in forums about many having 3 or 4 legendary weapons, etc.
I have 1000 hours of gameplay and the only ascended stuff I have is the amulet and an accessory because it has a realistic way of obtaining them. The only time I tried “farming” was CoF path 1, after 2000+ tokens I left the game for 7 months… Farming, not even once.
(edited by Cancer.9065)
1. Greater variety of builds other than Power-based builds (Condition damage and support roles feel underpowered. This ties into a lot of things like the ineffectiveness of crowd control on bosses.)
2. Battlefield visibility (I’m constantly annoyed that I cannot see what’s going on, especially with red rings of doom killing me in a zerg. Hello Mad King’s Labyrinth!)
3. New features! (This is a cheat answer, but I’d really like more to do and in a greater variety. Preferably some non-combat activities such as housing.)
1. Personal Story
2. Living Story
3. New Zones
I apologize for the length started getting into it
1. Loot – making loot more valid end game currently still been working with only dungeon armor / fractals pieces would be nice to make less sinkable more unique new sets also address RNG
2. Balance – Not only between classes but classes themselves. All classes should have more then one build. Address needs for more choice in weapon attacks for weapons equipped. It would be nice to have choices on what attacks a equipped staff did I understand limiting it to 4 moves but might be nice to give some alternatives to the same 4 moves every time you equip a staff to give the player a little more uniqueness to character.
3.Content- current events/dungeons need some revamping it shouldn’t be so hard to run any and all the dungeons in the game. Most of the dungeons should have mechanics rather then npcs you just run past to un agro, because they are too hard for the average group to fight. Events could use some work it would be nice if dragons had more a variable component to the fight. Personally I think Tequatl went to far on the difficulty curve I don’t want to have to join a raid with voice chat every time I do a public outdoor event. However it would be nice if sometimes Tequatl was a fight under water and sometimes above or kitten would land in different places giving the fight different strategies if you focus on new moves for these dragons rather then player screw up = wipe it gives the game a much more fun/challenging aspect.
4. Story content- Introduce permanent storyline content by this I mean have the story actually shape the changes and be there for replay. The temporary story line content was a nice idea but falls flat with people who miss parts or can’t finish in time. Really I would like to see storyline add new events to zones that stay changed.
Example Flame and frost it would have been nice to see events in char and norn area’s that radically changed the travel of the zones with flame legion and dredge setting up new camps with events surrounding them.
Also it would have been nice to see these camps stay for months years till sometime later when a assault was made.
I find it unrealistic the speed temporary content is pushed on players and how quickly that storyline plays right now. Its done and then removed it would be nice to see a real build up. Instead of one month done then move to next story… It should be one month they build camps, a few months later find they have built a fort in some other zone having new events surrounding it, a few months later they assault a city involving events surrounding that strife and then finally maybe even a 6 to 8 months down the line we have a dungeon/type assault during that month the camps are ransacked and fort left in ruins and the events change to players ransacking these camps.
Now this shouldn’t be month after month after month they should varied one month this is happening another month tidal waves drive krate to invade area’s outside lions arch another month you come back to dredge and flame legion amassing more armies. So it feels more real and less rushed.
5. PvP- WvW and PvP really needs better balance in this game personally I have desired PvP to be more tactical goal oriented even like halo or tribes with mini team on team base assaults or capture the flag or hold the base time trials while WvW should be more build to defend I liked the begging days of WvW since most of it was castle sieges and defenses now it seems like it field slaughters. WvW should focus more of the siege aspect then the PvP aspect it should be about amassing units in a castle and helping them weather its NPC or PC controlled units of mobile siege towers, battering ramps, mech suits this would give a bigger feeling of working together to accomplish goals rather then mass slaughter for territory these mobile units could give buffs or just be able to defend themselves rather well making sneak attacks while moving the units to a siege castle difficult.
(edited by Devincean.7450)
Firstly this should be stickied.
Only 3! Okay:
1. RNG and rewards in all its forms including diminishing returns.
2. Ascended weapons/items and ways of obtaining them.
3. fortnightly updates and living world.
I do have some more overarching topics that were raised in the initial thread but don’t necessarily fit in any of the areas of the game, principally the current pillars of the GW2 game design.
Miranda Zero – Ele / Twitch Zero – Mes / Chargrin Soulboom – Engi
Aliera Zero – Guardian / Reaver Zero – Necro
1. Class Mechanics: What is broken, what is working, and how to fix those things.
2. Functionality of the Trading Post.
3. Skin/wardrobe storage and functionality
-Mike O’Brien
Because we can’t be angry about both?
In PvP:
1) Dueling
2) Alternative modes to conquest
3) More participants (I think this will follow the other two objectives)
In PvE:
1) Viable conditions in groups
2) More jumping puzzles
3) More open world events related to the living story (not related to a specific zone)
1. Class balance, or lack thereof.
2. Ascended gear grind for alts.
3. Skill/server lag in WvW.
1. Elite areas.
2. Making lore more central to the game.
3. Look over skills and especially elite skills
1. Armor clipping
2. Quality of life features (account wide dye, PvE skin closet, etc.)
3. Roleplaying features, though I suppose that might be redundant with number 2.
1) Rewards/loot
2) More existing weapons available for existing classes that currently can’t wield team (i.e. new skills that aren’t in the utility slots)
3) Class balance. Engineers/Necromancers/Rangers are being frowned upon and in a lot of cases and kicked out of parties which is frustrating (PvP balance seems fine for the most part)
1. GvG ( territory war)
3. Spvp
1) better mob AI, to introduce the need of build diversity and not only best-dps builds
2) RNG and grind
3) alt friendlyness
1) Guild Features
2) Personal Story
3) Open World
1. Living story: making the story itself better. I’ll be honest, the entire Scarlet-related storyline has failed to interest me.
2. Class roles, specifically encouraging teamwork. GW2 ditched the holy trinity, which is fine, but it feels like nothing has replaced it. The current dungeon meta is “everyone is DPS,” which is not very deep tactically. Buffing support builds like you did is a good start but only a start.
3. More stuff for guilds to do. My favorite PvE content is stuff I can do with my guild, like guild missions, puzzles, and bounties, but they get repetitive after a while. Need moar plz.
For myself these would be:
1) Dungeons – specifically fractals. Why is there still a hard cap? Class balance: guardians, mesmers and warriors are far more useful than other classes (with a couple exceptions). Progress on dungeon and boss mechanic revamps and new fractal design/rebalancing.
2) Guilds. Guild halls, guild alliances like in gw1, added functionality.
3) Living story and permanent content. Where is it all headed? How much developer time is being spent on adding new permanent content?
Spirit of Faith [HOPE] – RIP
1)News Hairstyle for Charr Asura Sylvaris (pack of 10)
2)New armor skins (cultural) and generally and Gw1
3)Recreating the common armor skins to suit the non-human races. (Charr / Asura)
4)New zones and more lore (gw1 echo)
5)Open House in all cities. or Housing! (For RolePlay)
6)Living give more cards to discover! Dragons!
7)New dungeons!
8)New puzzle jumps! Treasury! Explorations!
9) Costumes PNJ Black Lion (For RolePlay)
10) Extentions!
Otherwise, I love the game as it is!
I forgot this too:
I would push the personal history. We stay longer to discover our people before going to Orr.
And have wicked as Kudu, deeper, we discover in the personal history, with more choices.
(edited by Louveepine.7630)
1. more variety of armour, either as skins ,or new items . plus better design, some of the recent additions ,are truly dreadful.
2. a functional trading post, (I’m looking at LOTRO, EVE, or WOW.)
3. boss drops , you go to all the trouble of downing a big boss ,and the reward is ,unusable worthless rubbish .
1) Class/build/role balance – certain classes/builds/roles rule the meta, this needs to be addressed as not all of us enjoy playing those classes/builds/roles
2) RNG/DR/Rewards – RNG favours a few, but a lot of us haven’t seen a shred of good RNG since launch, with the DR and farming nerfs, certain items have become incredibly hard to come by whereas before we could reliably farm certain areas for these items (we didn’t get tone of it, but certainly more than the RNG chance at one random mat from and RNG chance at a Heavy Moldy Bag drop…). Rewards in general are pretty lackluster
3) Less frequent, but larger, more interesting LS content – at the moment the LS is rolled out fast, but the content is only good for a couple days, ultimately leaving me with the feeling that the LS is just dragging on and on, and I find it’s loosing it’s impact/becoming less interesting
1. Skin Bank (using TC/Ss to ‘memorize’ skins into a place where you can reuse them again on a whim, like a dye or like how the armor/weapon skins are made available in the achievement system).
2. ‘Retooling’ existing content and shifting it towards a different player base (often having it nearly abandoned after a rush) while the players who used to enjoy the content as it was lost a piece of their world vs. making ‘new’ content to suit those needs. (i.e. Tequatl)
3. Making ‘all’ activities profitable in the game. I shouldn’t have to (in the old days) run CoF P1 to make money, or do champ runs (new way). Doing events should provide money, scaled to your level. World events. Whatever we can think of, just flatten it out more. There shouldn’t be those ‘one or two’ things that are the only way to make money to save up for materials and cultural armor or whatever.
I have some general ‘quality of life’ questions (i.e., was it really necessary to make the plush griffon that I paid $6.25 for not able to swim under water after he did it for 3-4 months and wasn’t hurting anyone), but I’ll save those for when we get into more detailed Q/A, I guess. I’m hoping that communication also involves the smaller things and not only big, heady topics.
1) Lack of content that actually advances the game.
2) Lack of new zones (Pretty sure Southsun was the last addition)
3) The personal story quest chain. Many NPCs that have some connection to the player just disappear and this should be addressed.
All three can be considered the same thing in a broad idea but I feel the games success at this point hinges on new content in the form of expanding the main story line, not the grind fest the Living Story has turned into.
Khan of The Burning Eden [TBE]
The first part of the plan is for you all to list the top three sections of this area of the game that you would like to discuss:
1. Class Balance
See the discussion on “soft-trinity” resp. class roles.
2. RNG and Loot
For example: if there any difference between the loot of fractale level 10 and level 40 exists, no one seen it yet. Or just take a look on the “Bonus Chest” section of http://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Dungeon that revard system is utterly bad.
3. Gear and Grind
Ascended Gear-Grinde particularly with regard to the coming ascended armour and legendary jewelry.
4. (i know you say tree) Revamped content and Living Story.
If you desing content that your infrasturctur can not handle, then do not bring it online. See Tequatl 2.0.
The two weeks circle is to fast.
1. Armor Diversity; not just a PvE concern actually. Looking at medium in particular there’s basically no options that are not either a trenchcoat or some kind of “buttcape” this extends to both heavy and light as well though not to the extreme found in medium
2. Build Diversity; Due to the nature of Ascended Gear and stats being on gear people are much less able to “experiment” with builds which has contributed to the zerker meta (among other things)
3. Lack of difficult organized group content; While Tequatl is a step in the right direction in terms of difficulty due to the nature of it being in the open world it’s not exactly ideal for groups of friends (small or large) to tackle. Explorable dungeons were expected to fill this void but they are lacking in difficulty (Aetherblade path of TA is basically the best example that exists)
4. Class balance; Many look at Warriors in particular and wonder why they are so “powerful” in PvE expecially compared to say a thief who has to sacrifice much more to attain the same level of damage or support (keypoint of it not being both)
5. Ascended attainability or rather lack of methods. Right now both weapons and backpieces only have one path to be acquired and for those who do not enjoy crafting or fractals these are long arduous grinds jsut for max stats.
6. Effort vs Reward it seems like the most difficult content available in the game is also some of the least rewarding
Just a reminder for those who want to post their suggestions with full details.
Hey everybody,
Also, please keep your suggestions as concise as possible to aid us in identifying the most-desired topics for discussion. We understand the desire to elaborate on your choices, but there will be time for that in follow-up discussions.
1. PvE Skin Locker/ Wardrobe Management
- not tempted to collect new skins if they cannot be reused, so much inventory space taken up
2. Living Story
- moving forward to create change, while being able to flash back or view historical events
3. Guild Features
- being able to view multiple guild chats, more guild missions, etc.
1. Role-playing support
2. Time-gated content
3. Armour clipping
1) Condition Cap and Condition in general: As a Condi Necro since release, I have problems in World events and Dungeon. I think that working on a way to improve its cap and scaling would go a long way to make a lot more playstyles viables.
2)Reward vs Risk (FoTM): Already been talked about extensively and more in depth in previous posts. If I had to narrow it to something more specific, it would have to be Fractal: I love it, but the time investement that you have to put into it is not worth it by a large margin Also we’re getting new fractals this year: keep them coming tough
Even 1 every 3 months will help the variety of Fractals
3)Better Lore Implementation: GW has such a fascinating Lore, but I feel is not used to its full potential.
Last but not Least: Thanks ANET for the awesome game that is GW2. But there is still a lot to improve, and I’m confident that this is a step in the right drection
An hopeful Sylvari Necro <3
Rafflesia Sothoth, Silvary Necromancer
1. Hide/Remove kit backpacks on engineers
2. Bring back the removed armour sets
3. Rise the drop rate on precursors a bit because 800G is getting a bit to much
1. Hard Mode dungeons, and other challenging 5-man group content.
Whenever I do any dungeon with a competent group it is such a breeze, there is no sense of achievement in completing any content in the game as of now. That is a shame if you ask me.
2. Inspect function with API.
This in a manner so the community can set up lookups and profiles for players down to which achievement he has and hasn’t done. As someone who is a sucker for statistics, this is something I have always wanted to see happen. It wouldn’t be such a hard feature to add either.
3. More longterm progression achievements.
Something so you feel like you’re always working towards something. Capping gathering achievement at 500 gatherings is silly. Why is there no dye collector achievement? The more there is the better. Some ideas of other things that could’ve been added is waypoint spender (money spent on waypoints) and total kills. Everything that is easily completeable and comes naturally without you seeking it up yourself should have more tiers. Split the leaderboards into daily/monthlies and permanent achievement points aswell so doing permanent achievements actually matter, or at the very least number 2 could be a way for the community to set up their own leaderboards with an API.
1. Ascended Gear- attainability, 400 to 500 crafting, alt-unfriendliness, build diversity dampening
2. Ease of use for Cosmetics – skin storage, portability between characters, split from stats, making town clothes usable
3. Non-weapon damage scaling with equipped weapons
2) RNG/DR – Despite doing a variety of content (dungeons, farming, events, etc) with 300%+ MF I see the amount of rares/exotics in a week as a “lucky” person sees with no MF in a day.
How do we fix this without taking all the fun out of getting random stuff and saturating the market.
2.Guild Halls
I myself think that rng is a joke, would much rather be rewarded for skill in this game. Otherwise why be any good at it other then just to get by? Dumb luck get’s the bank.
Välkyri – 80 Warrior
JQ[Lulz] – Kill fur Thrillz…
(edited by Rama.6439)
1. RNG
2. Reward vs. Effort
3. Weapon/Armor Skins
RNG is bad design.
(Almost) Noone plays chalenging content if the rewards are not worth it.
Why Playing PvE? SKINS! (Looking at you Farmers)
Automated Tournaments!
1) Where the game is going? LS/Expansion – feels like the game is going nowhere, and lorewise it has very little coherence to the overall plot i.e Dragons. Not steampunk Pirates, crabs and the like.
I want to play a GW2 where we go on adventures side by side, fighting dragons, with an epic storyline, and beautiful and meaningful cinematics, Bubbles, Kralkatorik, Primordus. I hope it will come in the future. It’s always a festival in GW2…
2) Armor skins/ weapon skins outside RNG chests – should normally be released in an expansion with a new race to boot, and maps. Maguuma, jungle dragon and all that goodness. I won’t mention Elona or Cantha, since that’s not gonna happen anytime soon, if ever.
3) Housing/guild halls………yeh, kinda tired waiting now.
Overall were being fed content that disappears as quickly as it came, and no progression at all, especially for new players thrown into the frey.
You can only use, so many carrots, before the stick breaks.
1. Please allow events in later zones to scale more effectively to small groups and solo players. Respawn times could be increased in these areas as well.
2. Please either allow all instanced content to scale down to 1 player, or add heroes/henchmen equivalent to those in GW1.
3. Please allow 100% map completion to be done without having to enter wvw zones.
Condition damage Cap (making condition builds viable)
Condition damage Cap (making condition builds viable)
Condition damage Cap (making multiple condition builds viable in a group)
I would prefer to see the condition cap discussed/solved before Class Balance is the focus. If the condition system needs to be overhauled to address the issue, it seems counter productive to balance and then change a core mechanic and have to balance again.
1) Karma – currently it’s a grind for points to buy exotics, RNG boxes or obsidian shards, there’s little of value on heart vendors (and heart vendors would have been my #4) and it doesn’t feel particularly rewarding.
2) Legendaries – engineers don’t have any good legendaries (the one that seems made for us, The Predator, we shoot from the hip, so it looks ridiculous). Moreover, getting a legendary doesn’t feel legendary. They’re skins, when they should feel like they have a history.
3) Personal story – it’s pretty disjointed and does a poor job of introducing the world and leading players through the world.
1) Expansion – new exploration, dragons
2) Living Story – permanent content
3) Dungeons – 5-man, concerns over replacing current path in TA, no platform play
I am not expecting my guild’s concerns to actually be addressed (as I don’t believe we are the customers ANet wants to delight) but I promised them I’d post.
(edited by goldenwing.8473)
I actually should have proposed Orr. If hardcore farming has been given the green light from the developers, why not restore Pent/Shelt to their former glory? And if nothing is going to be done to entice players to return to these abandoned zones, perhaps it’s time to overhaul the Temples? Or at the very least give us a better means of acquiring Obsidian Shards since the Temple of Balthazar is rarely open.
- Please tie up some loose ends. I know you have to have stuff going on all over the place, but I watch Wooden Potatoes, and there are more loose ends in Guild Wars than a bowl of spaghetti.
- Tokens instead/as well as RNG.
- Class fixes Weapons skills specifically need a balance pass.
(edited by Svarty.8019)
-Ascended: they’re the incarnation of everything you should have avoided in Gw philosophy of endgame structure.
-Living Story: you’re shooting yourself in the foot with this.
-Alt unfriendlyness: while it’s ok, for some extent, you shouldn’t try to get it more and more harsh every single patch.
Most used: Guard/Mes/War/Nec/Ele.
Yes, i use 5 chars at time. Because REASONS.
1. Future of vertical progression versus horizontal progression
2. Effort versus reward ratio; e.g. do you feel the cost / effort for current Halloween skins is appropriately balanced? How much effort or gold do you expect players to expend on temporary and cosmetic items?
3. PvE/WvW skin locker
(edited by BondageBill.4021)
- Reward defensive play – The mindset right now is cap and move. Would be nice to have some kind of tangible incentive to protect your capture points.
- Make siege weapons more threatening – If five of us are defending a tower against 20, it would be cool to be able to put a dent in their force if we have the proper siege. People just revive so quickly it is impossible to take any of them out of the fight.
- Commander map markers – Would be cool to give a commander access to different types of map markers they can place for all to see. “Defend here!” Attack Here!" etc
1) Underwater combat – This is a huge addition to the GW2 world. However I think it is getting zero attention from the players because it isn’t what they expected or hoped it to be.
I made a thread to discuss this very topic. Unfortunately it got very few attention and replies. Like I said silence from the players is the worst and clearest rejection. They don’t even care. This clearly indicates that a major overhaul of the whole underwater combat mechanics is required.
2) GW1 Lore – imo we should focus on tying up loose ends from the GW1 lore (e.g. Livia, Mursaats, Joko) before exploring further into new GW2 lore (e.g. Scarlet). I made a threat about this. And most players seems to want GW1 lore answered.
Also read up on fan written LS suggestions to get an idea of the type of story they are looking for.
3) World Events and Living Story- Please consider adding “world invasion” events as described by me in this thread here.
4) Blood Magic – This is a selfish request from a lover of blood magic, dated back to GW1. No poll is required really, since blood magic users are rare in both GW1 and GW2. We have always been a very small minority of players that no one pays any attention to and no one invite to dungeons. Perhaps the future will be different.
As you know, life stealing has been broken since GW1 and was never fixed. Due to spiking in GvG, its armor ignoring damage have to be very low. And most life stealing skills are mindless fire and forget. A combination of “armor ignoring” and “easy to use” means that life stealing skills have to be “very weak” for balance purposes.
In GW2 the situation is even worst. Now necros get life stealing by just auto attack. So we have “armor ignoring” damage that is “even easier” to use than GW1. So it is obvious that life stealing becomes almost non-existentially small.
Consider changing life stealing to “Duration of Time” instead of one lump sum, and make life stealing “harder to perform”. Only then would life stealing have a place in GW2.
The other missing part is the “life sacrificing” nature of blood magic. Blood mage plays around with life itself. It is always about blood sacrifices for power. Without life sacrifice, blood magic won’t be blood magic.
To make up for the life loses, they steal life from their enemies to fuel their magic. Sacrifice life and then steal life. That’s the cycle of power for a blood mage.
By lore, a well played blood mage should beat other professions that doesn’t require any life sacrifices. A badly played blood mage would get him/herself killed fast. It is the ultimate high risk / high reward profession, even more so than the thief. The “Dark Aura Bomber” from GW1 would be a prime example of a blood mage.
Please take a good hard look at blood magic. Blood mages are the love of my life. Read one of my thread about this.
The Order of Dii[Dii]-SBI→Kaineng→TC→JQ
Necro Encyclopedia-http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BrAjJ1N6hxs
(edited by CHIPS.6018)
1. Condition caps. My first character was a necromancer. I loved the whole idea of this class and originally anticipated being some sort of support character. As I got to learning more, I realized a few things: support classes aren’t desired and neither are conditionmancers. Conditions need a revamp. Either increase the cap (which still doesn’t solve the problem IMO, because we will just keep hitting that cap), or remove/decrease the ability to apply some conditions from some of the professions.
2. Activities for small guilds.
3. We want more armor skins!
1) Dungeons & Fractals
—> Fractals 50+, rewards (maybe fractal armor)
2) New legendaries (maybe some which need less grind and more skill)
3) Story —> fighting the other Dragons and not some crazy sylvari + Focus more on Story and not on grind