@ GvG: There’s a lot of equivocation around "GvG’. Keep in mind that when we’re talking about GvG here, we’re talking about a GAME TYPE. Don’t get this confused with two guilds fighting each other for positioning on a ladder. That’s something else we can do (and want to do), and that would work for CTF, or KOTH, or GvG, or conquest, etc.
For the GAME TYPE, people seem to be asking for:
- 2 lords. If you kill their lord you win.
- There are obstacles in the way (a lot of people use the MOBA analogies of having NPC’s or towers in the way…you defeat these in order to get to the opposing guild lord).
- I assume there’s a time limit?
- Do we do VoD again to stop people from turtling?
Hi John,
There are many interesting game modes we would love. Heck even Factions introduced some really cool modes with the Kurzicks and Luxons? (hope i remember right) So there are many creative angles you could take away.
I understand your hesitancy about GvG with towers and it resulting in bunkering forcing VoD, I’ve read posts about how this was the reason conquest was implemented.
I think there are unexplored ways to make this work without going this route, I’ll share my thoughts and visions. Have you ever considered the following.
All you need to prevent bunkering and just fighting in your base with NPC’s is and objective out in the open field, something worth fighting for, an objective, that would give an advantage should Victory or Death occur.
This would also make both teams choose a decision, play for the secondary objective, which is fine because it still leads to some great open field fair fights, or play a strategy that would try to wrap it up before VOD.
This way you can force 2 teams to push at each other while smaller skirmishes happen at the secondaries as people will be concerned about them for end game. No team can bunker because it would basically loose them the game as team one just sends a lot to the secondary,
If a lot of fighting happens at the secondary, it could open up some interesting sneak attack tactics with some of the scout classes.
As an example,
*Take the conquest points and make it so the more territory you controlled, the more powerful your NPC’s at the end of the game became, It would prevent bunkering as people would leave the base to go control these territories. If VoD were to occur, the team that played the best through the match and controlled the most territories would be rewarded by powerful buffs at the end of the game.
*Or perhaps you get additional NPC’s for each territory under your control should VOD occur.
*Obviously you can even add another secondary objective like Flag running (OLD SCHOOL) to this to create intresting side fights and advantages and disadvantages to the main fights.
This would work great because you likely can still use the maps you would create for this for conquest as well.