Silver Doubloons - is this for real?

Silver Doubloons - is this for real?

in Crafting

Posted by: Luminarin.2301


Well, for all those crafting The Juggernaut – bad news.
Silver Doubloons skyrocket up to 80s30c from 47s00c in the last 5 days.

Srsly, I’ve got 1 legendary already so I will be probably totally dissed and negated now for making complains. But still, I’m almost a 2000h player and I demand something, (apart from a Precursor which I have never ever seen).

So I need 200g for the doubloons (which are unfarmable – those who tried will share my point of view) only, 600g for The Colossus (let’s be honest, pros ain’t gamblers ;D), 600g for T6 mats, (Dusts skyrocketing is awful), 90g for the lodestones, (mostly molten cores which need dusts again and SPs), 100 for Icy Runestones, 50g for ectos and RNG-amount of materials for Mystic Clovers. I also have to farm 250 full peanut snickers, 250 vials of liquid stool, 250 tufts of moist wookie’s fur and 250 electrical cow fences. Don’t you think it’s a bit exaggerated?

You say now: go for another legendary. And my point is – NO; I want this particular one as 2000h player, a guildmaster and a guy who has worked his butt off contribution-wise, into this game’s community (together with my own wife ;D).

Please, drop down Doubloons back to 20s max and Dusts back to 15s and I will be happy zomfg.

Do something; this game should be renamed to Skin Wars 2. I might just quit it and so the whole guild will follow me lol.

Silver Doubloons - is this for real?

in Crafting

Posted by: dagrdagaz.4913


The price cant just be lowered.

Obtaining them should be improved.

Makes we wonder though if it was an oversight or not from Anet, how difficult atm it is to acquire Silver Doubloons as loot.

Silver Doubloons - is this for real?

in Crafting

Posted by: Orangensaft.7139


so crazy… legendaries cost 4x or 5xmore than at start of the game

We Glitched Out Of All [MAPS]
26x lvl 80 Characters
Most fabulous Character:

Silver Doubloons - is this for real?

in Crafting

Posted by: BananaStand.3764


Most people probably wish they were only 4x or 5x more costly than at the start…

Precursors were ~5g then

There’s always money in the…

Silver Doubloons - is this for real?

in Crafting

Posted by: nowitsawn.1276


Or perhaps make it possible to extract platinum doubloons into gold doubloons, and gold doubloons into silver doubloons.

1 Platinum + master’s salvage kit + X philosopher stones + 1 mystic coin = 2 gold
1 Gold + fine salvage kit + X philosopher stone + 1 mystic coin = 2 silver

This would, at current prices, be 25.32 silver to extract a platinum doubloon into 4 silver ones. Silver doubloons would drop in price, and platinum and gold would rise (but at least they still drop at level 80).

I shot the seraph~
But I didn’t shoot the thackeray

Silver Doubloons - is this for real?

in Crafting

Posted by: Lonewolf Kai.3682

Lonewolf Kai.3682

How about a way to upgrade Copper Doubloons?

“Be like water” – Bruce Lee

Silver Doubloons - is this for real?

in Crafting

Posted by: darkace.8925


Well, for all those crafting The Juggernaut – bad news.
Silver Doubloons skyrocket up to 80s30c from 47s00c in the last 5 days.

The real bad news is I just sold 15 silver doubloons last week!

I’m not without sympathy for those of you trying to get The Juggernaut. It’s just that my gold > your Legendary. I’m sure you understand.

Silver Doubloons - is this for real?

in Crafting

Posted by: Nike.2631


We had this conversation, verbatim, months ago.

Two easy solutions:
Park a character in the appropriate level range (about 19-29 IIRC) at a jump puzzle chest and log in and open that chest every day. Silver doubloons will trickle in. Multiply this by as many characters as you care to or spend some time going from chest to chest.

Grab a few hundred/thousand tier 1 gemstones. Start speed pitching them into the mystic forge. ALL of them. If they promote up to tier 2 but aren’t silver doubloons, throw those back in also. You can get silvers directly from tier 1 promotion and more often (though less cheaply) from tier 2 transmuting within tier.

The price is what is was because it takes time to combine them, but NO ONE has the clout to control all the tier 1 and 2 gems simultaneously. Stick it to the manipulator and go about your business.

“You keep saying ‘its unfair.’
I wonder what your basis for comparison is…”
- Jareth, King of Goblins.

Silver Doubloons - is this for real?

in Crafting

Posted by: Luminarin.2301


Park a character in the appropriate level range (about 19-29 IIRC) at a jump puzzle chest and log in and open that chest every day. Silver doubloons will trickle in. Multiply this by as many characters as you care to or spend some time going from chest to chest.

Wait, so what? Do I have to park with a 19-29 character at a 19-29 area’s chest? Or is the character level irrelevant? I just tried picking the chest with a 65 lvl char in Snowden Drifts JP and i got sapphire crystal or something. I’m lost

Silver Doubloons - is this for real?

in Crafting

Posted by: Sebulon.7683


Charged Lodestones for Sunrise cost 3g a piece, you have no right to complain.

Silver Doubloons - is this for real?

in Crafting

Posted by: Luminarin.2301


Charged Lodestones for Sunrise cost 3g a piece, you have no right to complain.

Dude, u serious?
My wife is farming 100 of those for the Dwayna Longbow. And she got 87 charged lodestones during last 30 days. I played like 30 times CoE, she played 30 times CoE, we farmed sparks a bit, asked our guildmates to donate some lodies…

It’s really not that hard to get them, still they ARE farmable at CoE or Sparx or FoTM.

And look – 100 Charged lodestones cost almost the same amount of gold as 250 Doubloons and only charged are farmable. Think about it.

Anyway, there are more and more ppl out there leaving the game because of that enormous grindfests. We are getting nuked with hundreds of skins/cosmetics/adds instead of challenging content and adult lore. The living story was a total joke and slap in the face…. Do something with that game or there will be: TP skyrocketing = leaving members skyrocketing.

Silver Doubloons - is this for real?

in Crafting

Posted by: darkace.8925


Dude, u serious?
My wife is farming 100 of those for the Dwayna Longbow. And she got 87 charged lodestones during last 30 days. I played like 30 times CoE, she played 30 times CoE, we farmed sparks a bit, asked our guildmates to donate some lodies…

It’s really not that hard to get them, still they ARE farmable at CoE or Sparx or FoTM.

And look – 100 Charged lodestones cost almost the same amount of gold as 250 Doubloons and only charged are farmable. Think about it.

Anyway, there are more and more ppl out there leaving the game because of that enormous grindfests. We are getting nuked with hundreds of skins/cosmetics/adds instead of challenging content and adult lore. The living story was a total joke and slap in the face…. Do something with that game or there will be: TP skyrocketing = leaving members skyrocketing.

Of her 87 loadstones, how many were donated by you or guildmates? Your answer will go a long way towards supporting or invalidating your claim that they’re “really not that hard to get”.

Silver Doubloons - is this for real?

in Crafting

Posted by: Luminarin.2301


Like 6 or 7 have been donated and no more.

Silver Doubloons - is this for real?

in Crafting

Posted by: Kryptonite.9376


If you think about it, these are even harder to come by than charged lodestones and the only reason they were so cheap at the start and why there was an influx of them was because the majority of the community was starting anew and leveling through the point that dropped these.

I don’t agree that the rarity of charged lodestones is correct, but what I am trying to say is that Doubloons are rarer than Lodestones and right now the price is too cheap imo. They should be a bit closer together, so I don’t see these going down anytime soon until theyre around 2-3g a piece. It sucks yes, I know, but everything is getting more scarce everyday. Heck, look at t6 mats and t6 Dust in particular.

They are BOTH hard to get, however at least most of us are at level 80 where we have more of a chance to see a lodestone vs a doubloon.

Silver Doubloons - is this for real?

in Crafting

Posted by: Khisanth.2948


If you think about it, these are even harder to come by than charged lodestones and the only reason they were so cheap at the start and why there was an influx of them was because the majority of the community was starting anew and leveling through the point that dropped these.

I don’t agree that the rarity of charged lodestones is correct, but what I am trying to say is that Doubloons are rarer than Lodestones and right now the price is too cheap imo. They should be a bit closer together, so I don’t see these going down anytime soon until theyre around 2-3g a piece. It sucks yes, I know, but everything is getting more scarce everyday. Heck, look at t6 mats and t6 Dust in particular.

They are BOTH hard to get, however at least most of us are at level 80 where we have more of a chance to see a lodestone vs a doubloon.

If they are rare because of drop rate issues then that is something for the devs to fix. If they are rare because players aren’t bothering to kill the relevant mobs then it might still be something that needs fixing but it would be a completely different(and more difficult) type of fix. In theory if you wanted to farm these Gendarran Fields would be the place to go.

As for parking a character at a JP, just park one in the right level range in one of the Lion’s Arch jumping puzzles. They’ll get level appropriate stuff there.

Silver Doubloons - is this for real?

in Crafting

Posted by: Lasareth.3295


Fortunately, there’s a recipe for this. Combining 2 pebbles and 2 nuggets in the mystic forge, or 3 pebbles and 1 lump, has a 5% chance of yielding a silver doubloon. It’s tedious but if you really want them (or if you want to turn a nice profit) that’s an option rather than farming and hoping to get lucky.

Silver Doubloons - is this for real?

in Crafting

Posted by: BamYannick.9702


From experience, even with the crazy doubloon prices the upgrading wasn’t always profitable, I had times I would’ve been better off just buying doubloons instead of upgrading RNG be RNG there is no 100% profit when you try such things.

Silver Doubloons - is this for real?

in Crafting

Posted by: Nike.2631


From experience, even with the crazy doubloon prices the upgrading wasn’t always profitable, I had times I would’ve been better off just buying doubloons instead of upgrading RNG be RNG there is no 100% profit when you try such things.

I find once you factor in the value of not giving money to a person deliberately trying to screw you, processing them via fountain is ALWAYS the better deal .

“You keep saying ‘its unfair.’
I wonder what your basis for comparison is…”
- Jareth, King of Goblins.

Silver Doubloons - is this for real?

in Crafting

Posted by: Nike.2631


Charged Lodestones for Sunrise cost 3g a piece, you have no right to complain.

Amateur. I’m working on Infinite Light. And even I pity those poor buggers who want Mjolnir. (I’m up to 102 Charge lodestones btw, so I know the pain quite well thank you very much .)

Silver doubloons are startling to be sure, but doable.

“You keep saying ‘its unfair.’
I wonder what your basis for comparison is…”
- Jareth, King of Goblins.

Silver Doubloons - is this for real?

in Crafting

Posted by: Nike.2631


Wait, so what? Do I have to park with a 19-29 character at a 19-29 area’s chest? Or is the character level irrelevant? I just tried picking the chest with a 65 lvl char in Snowden Drifts JP and i got sapphire crystal or something. I’m lost

No, park a character levels 19-29 at any jump puzzle chest. The Umlauh’s Secret puzzle in Lion’s arch works fine for this, but there are may others accessible to lowbies if you want to run around and do several in a single day (porting out to demongrub pits is a quick one too). The jump puzzle chest rewards table reflects the level for the character who opens in. If your character is in the right level band you’ll get a gemstone from the right tier almost every day, and some days that gemstone will be a silver doubloon. Its not a fast process with just one character and one chest, but doing it consistently will pile them up while you work on other aspects of your legendary.

“You keep saying ‘its unfair.’
I wonder what your basis for comparison is…”
- Jareth, King of Goblins.

Silver Doubloons - is this for real?

in Crafting

Posted by: Luminarin.2301


Silver Doubloons just went up to 94s.
I’m leaving the game soonish. This is unacceptable.
Already signed up for TESO closed beta.

Silver Doubloons - is this for real?

in Crafting

Posted by: darkace.8925


Silver Doubloons just went up to 94s.
I’m leaving the game soonish. This is unacceptable.
Already signed up for TESO closed beta.

I hate to say this because it might come across as condescending, and that’s not my intention, but if the pursuit/possession of a cosmetic item is the only thing keeping you playing then you would probably be better off looking for a game you find more fulfilling.

Silver Doubloons - is this for real?

in Crafting

Posted by: Nike.2631


Silver Doubloons just went up to 94s.
I’m leaving the game soonish. This is unacceptable.
Already signed up for TESO closed beta.

Because no one in the TESO’ version of pvp that’s called “the market” will ever break your heart?

Seriously, you’re griping about the behavior of your fellow gamers and running off to another MMO to get away from it?

Think that through for a second. Take three seconds if you need to.


“You keep saying ‘its unfair.’
I wonder what your basis for comparison is…”
- Jareth, King of Goblins.

Silver Doubloons - is this for real?

in Crafting

Posted by: Luminarin.2301


I hate to say this because it might come across as condescending, and that’s not my intention, but if the pursuit/possession of a cosmetic item is the only thing keeping you playing then you would probably be better off looking for a game you find more fulfilling.

^Well said and it’s true. My aim is the pursuit of cosmetic items indeed, but we all have to admit that this is the only kind of pursuit there is now in GW2 for experienced players. If there was another content as well done as skin wars I would probably care less about legendaries and stuff like this.

Let’s face it: FoTM are fun but you won’t keep playing it. Someone forgot to make it more rewarding at 40+ levels genius! which are actually not that easy.
PvE content and Storyline are a joke. Sometimes I feel like playing some game for 10 year olds. Other Dungeons are desolated because of the CoF p1 hype. Story is cheap. Living story was a slap in the face. The only things I enjoyed this far was The Halloween event, CoE and HoTW since they were challenging and the books from GW2 world, (Ghost of Ascalon ftw).
PvP is the only content which I’m fully satisfied with. Intense, more or less balanced and mature ;D
WvW is ok, but we had to wait for 7 months to get rid of culling and other problems. It’s very ‘monotone fun’ though.

Now tell me, what must I do to get rid of my cosmetics pursuit and focus on another game aspects? Oh, I could go watch some trees and sunsets – graphics as for an MMO are outstanding here. I could also spend time in build editor since character development and combat mechanics are undoubtedly the strongest spot of GW2, but I don’t need to open the game in order to do it.

Silver Doubloons - is this for real?

in Crafting

Posted by: Sebulon.7683


I find it childish to come complain at the forums because some materials are expensive. They are legendaries, yes, they are meant to be hard to get! And yes, no one forces you to make that specific legendary, pick another one if you find silver doubloons expensive. I’m sure every other legendary is cheaper.

Silver Doubloons - is this for real?

in Crafting

Posted by: Khisanth.2948


These actually seem to be less farmable than lodestones. Has anyone ever seen one as an actual drop rather than from a loot bag or chest?

Silver Doubloons - is this for real?

in Crafting

Posted by: Obtena.7952


Fortunately, there’s a recipe for this. Combining 2 pebbles and 2 nuggets in the mystic forge, or 3 pebbles and 1 lump, has a 5% chance of yielding a silver doubloon. It’s tedious but if you really want them (or if you want to turn a nice profit) that’s an option rather than farming and hoping to get lucky.

OMG thank you SOOOO much for this information. I don’t think you realize just how much you just helped me out.

Silver Doubloons - is this for real?

in Crafting

Posted by: ElforTheLandStander.7052


How about a way to upgrade Copper Doubloons?

This. This, so hard. Copper Doubloons are pretty much useless as-is, uncommon enough that they can’t be farmed easily without being so rare that they’re impossible(unlike silver, coughcough).

If you think 2 Copper Doubloons and 2 dust is getting off too easy, make it 4 each. Just give us SOME reliable way to get them, rather than having to choose between relying on the Forge RNG or the .00000000000000000000000000001% or so drop rate on them from those worthless bandit bags.

That’d put a kink in the motherless TP exploting gold flippers, I’d wager. Drop the price a little…

A stack of mats that are 1/4th of one Gift shouldn’t cost more than your freaking precursor.

Silver Doubloons - is this for real?

in Crafting

Posted by: Shakki.3219


cool i crafted juggernaut 6days ago and paid not more than 55s for doubloons

Reaper – Anguîsh

Silver Doubloons - is this for real?

in Crafting

Posted by: Mortifer.2946


Flippers saw your topic OP… and this is what you got… unwanted attention

Silver Doubloons - is this for real?

in Crafting

Posted by: Arduin.3029


Silver Doubloons just went up to 94s.
I’m leaving the game soonish. This is unacceptable.
Already signed up for TESO closed beta.

Silver Doubloons dropped 10s a piece since yesterday. Better cancel that closed beta sign up!

Silver Doubloons - is this for real?

in Crafting

Posted by: Sebulon.7683


Silver Doubloons just went up to 94s.
I’m leaving the game soonish. This is unacceptable.
Already signed up for TESO closed beta.

Silver Doubloons dropped 10s a piece since yesterday. Better cancel that closed beta sign up!

Someone needs to flip them quickly back to 1g just for the heck of it.

Silver Doubloons - is this for real?

in Crafting

Posted by: Khisanth.2948


Silver Doubloons just went up to 94s.
I’m leaving the game soonish. This is unacceptable.
Already signed up for TESO closed beta.

Silver Doubloons dropped 10s a piece since yesterday. Better cancel that closed beta sign up!

Someone needs to flip them quickly back to 1g just for the heck of it.

No flipping necessary, just takes one person buying a stack for the vial would push it to 1g. The volume on spidy seems a bit weird. 613.5? Who is selling half a silver doubloon? I am looking at the raw so there shouldn’t be fractional amounts …

Silver Doubloons - is this for real?

in Crafting

Posted by: Osi.3504


Silver Doubloons just went up to 94s.
I’m leaving the game soonish. This is unacceptable.
Already signed up for TESO closed beta.

It’s easy, make level 20 characters, park them at the JP chest in non-level zones like Lion’s Arch, or take your mains and open the level 20 JP zones for silver doubloons, they also can be crafted with gems which is probably profitable right now if silver doubloons are 94s.

Also no one cares, if your such a baby and going to quit the game cause your not getting your way, just quit now because not everything will be your way in this game so learn to deal with it and appreiacate what you earned. It’s certainly not my way for me… I get owned with all the “ticket skins, like fused, scelrite” because they are so extremely rare because the company is trying to milk profit from idiots who blow $200 trying to get a ticket vs. selling them fairly at a flat rate for a decent price so people like me can stock up their sPvP locker, but nope… im missing out on content because I REFUSE to spent 2000g or $500+ to get 20 tickets when they release their stupid RNG chest.

Threathening to quit over this won’t change anything, wish you would realise that because reading it gets really old. Unless 10,000 people came on here and complained all at once, not much will happen. Best of luck though.

Silver Doubloons - is this for real?

in Crafting

Posted by: CAA.9653


Well, they made changes to ectos. When do you guys think they will change Silver Doubloons?

I guess it doesn’t matter much for me now, since I’m almost done collecting them. I’ll be so sad when their prices drop right after I spend 150+ gold getting my pile.

Guardian – Cameid, but my friends call me Cam

Silver Doubloons - is this for real?

in Crafting

Posted by: Obtena.7952


They don’t really need to do anything everytime someone QQ’s about something.

I converted 250 Amber, Garnet and Malachite Pebbles and Topaz lumps into 15 Silver Doubloons, 10 Gold Doubloons and random T2 gems (useful for the next silver doubloon conversion run). If I were selling the silver doubloons, I would be a few gold ahead of the cost to do this. There isn’t an issue here.

(edited by Obtena.7952)

Silver Doubloons - is this for real?

in Crafting

Posted by: Zaxares.5419


They acted for Crystalline Dust because it was needed in so many high level recipes. Having Dust be so prohibitively expensive was hurting a lot of players from being able to do what they wanted to do. In contrast, Silver Doubloons are pretty much only in such demand for crafting the Juggernaut. I imagine they will also change it eventually, but it may be a while yet.

Silver Doubloons - is this for real?

in Crafting

Posted by: ElforTheLandStander.7052


It’s easy, make level 20 characters, park them at the JP chest in non-level zones like Lion’s Arch, or take your mains and open the level 20 JP zones for silver doubloons, they also can be crafted with gems which is probably profitable right now if silver doubloons are 94s.

Also no one cares, if your such a baby and going to quit the game cause your not getting your way, just quit now because not everything will be your way in this game so learn to deal with it and appreiacate what you earned. It’s certainly not my way for me… I get owned with all the “ticket skins, like fused, scelrite” because they are so extremely rare because the company is trying to milk profit from idiots who blow $200 trying to get a ticket vs. selling them fairly at a flat rate for a decent price so people like me can stock up their sPvP locker, but nope… im missing out on content because I REFUSE to spent 2000g or $500+ to get 20 tickets when they release their stupid RNG chest.

Threathening to quit over this won’t change anything, wish you would realise that because reading it gets really old. Unless 10,000 people came on here and complained all at once, not much will happen. Best of luck though.[/quote]

When you say level 20 areas, do you mean like 15-25 or 25-35?

Silver Doubloons - is this for real?

in Crafting

Posted by: Nike.2631


Just put them at the easy jump puzzle in lion’s arch. The loot table from that one is responsive to the character’s level – if they are 19 to 29ish (not absolutely certain of the band boundaries) then opening the chest will generate 2 pieces of gear and a t2 jewel. If you’re on target expect mostly jewel-lumps, but the occasional silver doubloon.

“You keep saying ‘its unfair.’
I wonder what your basis for comparison is…”
- Jareth, King of Goblins.

Silver Doubloons - is this for real?

in Crafting

Posted by: Syberius.2301


Thank you for tip now I can put my character in easy JP a in about 2 year (probably more) I will have enough Silver Doubloon.

Silver Doubloons - is this for real?

in Crafting

Posted by: Obtena.7952


Thank you for tip now I can put my character in easy JP a in about 2 year (probably more) I will have enough Silver Doubloon.

You can put more than one there or you can do the T1 gems conversion in the MF and be done alot sooner.

Silver Doubloons - is this for real?

in Crafting

Posted by: Profanity.8016


Sil;ver Doubloons just hit 2g a peice last night… ~500gold for just this portion of the legenday…

Silver Doubloons - is this for real?

in Crafting

Posted by: Nike.2631


Or make them yourself for a fraction of that.

“You keep saying ‘its unfair.’
I wonder what your basis for comparison is…”
- Jareth, King of Goblins.

Silver Doubloons - is this for real?

in Crafting

Posted by: Nauyaro.4892


Or make them yourself for a fraction of that.

And how would you suggest doing this? MF is the only way to “make” them. 5% Chance at a doubloon with pebbles, which are going up in price as well. 1s 40c last I checked.
12g for 4 stacks and rising, averaging 8 doubloons per 1k pebbles.

Not to mention the hours of clicking…

Jovek – 80 Sylvari Guardian
[VLK] Valkyria Immortalis
Henge of Denravi

Silver Doubloons - is this for real?

in Crafting

Posted by: Hiei.8697


100 attempts in the MF and 0 silver doubloons..

Why Anet hates these doubloons?!

(edited by Hiei.8697)

Silver Doubloons - is this for real?

in Crafting

Posted by: Uvatha.5476


Please, drop down Doubloons back to 20s max and Dusts back to 15s and I will be happy zomfg.

Silver Doubloons just went up to 94s.
I’m leaving the game soonish. This is unacceptable.
Already signed up for TESO closed beta.

The TP is a free-market economy. People demand a product and people supply it; this dictates prices. If demand is high when supply is hard to come by prices rise. If an item is easily obtainable and no one cares to ask for it the price will be very inexpensive.

The devs may have created the catalyst for demand and may have made obtaining doubloons rare from the start but they have no control of how the market reacts to this and they can’t very well adjust prices. If they did the backlash would be huge namely because of statements like this:

I’m not without sympathy for those of you trying to get The Juggernaut. It’s just that my gold > your Legendary. I’m sure you understand.

If you’re upset about rising or fluxuating prices in a free-market economy in this game you’ll find the same situations in any MMO you’ll ever be in. If the trading post has gotten you so flustered that you want to leave the game then I think the reply to that was best said here:

I find it childish to come complain at the forums because some materials are expensive. They are legendaries, yes, they are meant to be hard to get! And yes, no one forces you to make that specific legendary, pick another one if you find silver doubloons expensive. I’m sure every other legendary is cheaper.

Childish, indeed. You’re going to have to learn to deal with it.

Silver Doubloons - is this for real?

in Crafting

Posted by: Drarnor Kunoram.5180

Drarnor Kunoram.5180

Just as a heads up, Silver Doubloons are currently more expensive than any lodestone but Charged.

Dragonbrand |Drarnor Kunoram: Charr Necro
I’m a Geeleiver

Silver Doubloons - is this for real?

in Crafting

Posted by: Rainie.7154


Well the mats for the 5% chances for Silver Doubloons have currently rise now its about 1.15s each so give or take a stack will roughly cost you about 2.8g this ridiculous. I always have been using this recipe but now with the price going up I dont know if I should take my chance and gamble from the stack or just buy them from TP. I really do hope they will come up to convert Gold Doubloons to Silver Doubloons.

Silver Doubloons - is this for real?

in Crafting

Posted by: Wanze.8410


Well the mats for the 5% chances for Silver Doubloons have currently rise now its about 1.15s each so give or take a stack will roughly cost you about 2.8g this ridiculous. I always have been using this recipe but now with the price going up I dont know if I should take my chance and gamble from the stack or just buy them from TP. I really do hope they will come up to convert Gold Doubloons to Silver Doubloons.

That would be bronze to silver.

Tin Foil [HATS]-Hardcore BLTC-PvP Guild
Bloin – Running around, tagging Keeps, getting whack on Scoobie Snacks.

Silver Doubloons - is this for real?

in Crafting

Posted by: Zorric.5704


Just as a heads up, Silver Doubloons are currently more expensive than any lodestone but Charged.

To be honest, this is bad. A level 20 item that can only be found in chests, bags, and RNG Mystic Forge is stopping people from making a legendary. At first, I was like this is okay and I’ll buy them when I get a chance but now it has turned into one expensive ingredient. Let me take you on a trip here…

To buy 250 silver doubloons will cost you roughly 325g(1.3g x 250 as of this post)
The silver doubloon can be found in 6 different bags found from level 20-35 mobs.
The mystic forge has a 5% chance to produce 1 silver doubloon from 4 tier 1 upgrade components.
Or a 3ish% chance from tier 2 upgrade components.
As of this post, tier 1 components cost roughly 1.25s/ea.
As of this post, tier 2 components cost roughly 1.45s/ea.
The cost of tier 1 components to 250 silver doubloons in the forge is 62.5g to RNG’s mercy. This means it will more than likely be much higher than 62.5g.
The cost of tier 2 components to 250 silver doubloons in the forge is 217.5g to RNG’s mercy. This also means it will more than likely be much higher than 217.5g.
The Gift of the Juggernaut is 1 out of 4 pieces of the forge material for The Juggernaut.
The Vial of Quicksilver is 1 out of 4 pieces to make the Gift of The Juggernaut.
The 250 silver doubloons is 1 out 4 pieces to the Vial of Quicksilver.
This means 1/16th of The Juggernaut is the defining piece of the legendary at 411g on the market as of this post, 62.5g if you’re lucky with RNG, or free if you have enough time/characters to farm them from chests.
Most people have leveled up their characters past level 35 which is the tipping point for almost no chance to collect random silver doubloons from chests. (You can still get them from chests found in level 30 or below areas at any level.)

So what’s the big deal? Here’s that trip…
These are the prices for the same part of the legendary as The Juggernaut. The cost is the cost of the materials off the market.
Twilight’s total cost for the Gift of Darkness is 115.75g off the market as of this post.
Sunrise’s total cost for the Gift of Light is 225.75g off the market as of this post.
The Bifrost’s total cost for the Gift of Color is 93.15g off the market as of this post.
The Dreamer’s total cost for the Unicorn Statue is 35.65g off the market as of this post.
Kudzu’s total cost for the Gift of Nature is 71.9g off the market as of this post.
Bolt’s total cost for the Gift of Lightning is 131.5g off the market as of this post.
Howler’s total cost for the Wolf Statue is 101.75g off the market as of this post.
Kamohoali’i Kotaki’s total cost for the Shark Statue is 169.25g off the market as of this post.
The Juggernaut’s total cost for the Vial of Quicksilver is 524g off the market as of this post.
And I checked the price of every legendary part equivalent and the closest was Sunrise’s Gift of Light. The precursors are a different story with Bifrost’s being the most at 800g but the Colossus sits at 569g. Total for the gift part and the precursor puts The Juggernaut as the most expensive legendary to buy and put together off the market. Popularity only increases the prices of the others.

But why is this? I showed you the numbers but the fix is quite easy. Have silver doubloons as rare drops much like everything else you can farm for the legendaries. Silver doubloons are ALWAYS a second drop such as found in bags, a chance from the mystic forge, and from random loot chests as secondary loots. There is always one more step to get to them than any of the other ingredients. They are rare with the only legendary ingredient not to total over 1k of them on the market. The argument that charged lodestones are just as rare is wrong. The price on the market reflects they are used in more than just the legendary and they still number in the thousands on the market.

Anet may have over looked this but something will have to change for people like me so close to getting my legendary hammer but stopped by a level 20 item costing over 400g to get enough. There’s is no denying the facts. I feel for you all looking to get your hammer and here’s to hoping Anet sees this! Good luck and good hunting!

Edge Stone