AC Revamp: Do not Listen to the Crying

AC Revamp: Do not Listen to the Crying

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Levistis.8356


First of all, I’ll state that I believe the new Ascalonion Catacombs is great. This is coming from someone who got a lot of gold from that dungeon, has 3000+ tears, and has LvLed two characters to 80 through it.

The new revamp is great and encourages smart play and teamwork. No more are the days of sitting spamming high damage moves on the spider queen. No more do we watch for one attack at Rumblus and the Howling King. No more do we beat on the Ghost Eater mindlessly ignoring his adds for 3-5 minutes. We the players must now use strategy, work together, slot some utility skills, use the Call Target function, and just keep trying. This dungeon, now, is the perfect representation of what many players on these forums have been asking for, “Boss fights/encounters should only take a long time if the players are not familiar with the mechanics/not working together. They need to learn the mechanics, and then it will become fast. Once you learn the mechanics, it becomes quick and easy. That’s the way dungeons should be.”

That is the way it is for my guild, we ran the dungeon the night it came out, wiped a numerous amount of times, had a lot of great laughs, and now, a couple days after, we’re bringing at LvL characters. The lowest inside so far was LvL 37. We have no trouble any longer. The only fight that takes a bit longer than it used to, and it shouldn’t and won’t soon, is the Ghost Eater.

tl;dr Great job devs, change all the dungeons and make them require teamwork like they were meant to be. This revamp is creating tons of fun for many people, ignore the crying on the forums. They will learn soon enough, and then they will complain it is too easy.

-A Satisfied Gamer.


(edited by Levistis.8356)

AC Revamp: Do not Listen to the Crying

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Dog.1472



The new AC is exactly what I want to see done with dungeons. The new mechanics are absolutely great. It requires you to learn them and play as a team with your group. It will get people to start looking at each of their individual abilities and how they can be used.

AC is a massive step in the right direction.

“Please, you can look down on people without having to be physically above them.
As an asura, I do this all the time.”

AC Revamp: Do not Listen to the Crying

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Eridanus.6283


I agree.
I am really enjoying how the changes introduces the new mechanics for each boss, encourages teamwork amongst party members (a larger emphasis on support utilities, and coordinated play styles).

When the going gets tough, make a complaint topic and claim you won’t play the game.

Scrub Logic.

AC Revamp: Do not Listen to the Crying

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Dub.1273


I dislike it. Because of the reason that gull group counts more than player’s skill. Pre-update the path’s 1 and 3 could be done by 2 people in 6-7 and 10-11 minutes without doing mistakes. Now the dungeon is just a cruel pain trying to solo or duo but even easier in a 5 men group. So, 5 completely new players are more efficient than 2 perfectly playing ones. And this isnt my interpretion of good game design.

Dub | [rT]
#LoveArrows2013, never forget.

AC Revamp: Do not Listen to the Crying

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Malediktus.9250


Its too easy now. Tried it with 5 people who never tried after revamp and it was too easy.

1st person worldwide to reach 35,000 achievement points.

AC Revamp: Do not Listen to the Crying

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Dog.1472


I dislike it. Because of the reason that gull group counts more than player’s skill. Pre-update the path’s 1 and 3 could be done by 2 people in 6-7 and 10-11 minutes without doing mistakes. Now the dungeon is just a cruel pain trying to solo or duo but even easier in a 5 men group. So, 5 completely new players are more efficient than 2 perfectly playing ones. And this isnt my interpretion of good game design.

I don’t think you know what “MMO” means.

“Please, you can look down on people without having to be physically above them.
As an asura, I do this all the time.”

AC Revamp: Do not Listen to the Crying

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Levistis.8356


I dislike it. Because of the reason that gull group counts more than player’s skill. Pre-update the path’s 1 and 3 could be done by 2 people in 6-7 and 10-11 minutes without doing mistakes. Now the dungeon is just a cruel pain trying to solo or duo but even easier in a 5 men group. So, 5 completely new players are more efficient than 2 perfectly playing ones. And this isnt my interpretion of good game design.

Well, dungeons are meant for groups of five people, but I’m sure when you first started running AC you couldn’t duo/solo it. In time I’m sure you’ll be adjusted to the revamped AC and duoing will become a breeze.


(edited by Levistis.8356)

AC Revamp: Do not Listen to the Crying

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Levistis.8356


Its too easy now. Tried it with 5 people who never tried after revamp and it was too easy.

Eh, I think it can really go both ways. With a good coordinated group who works together it is very easy, but by a PUG who only type and don’t play synergetically and go w/ w.e utility they choose, it can go very poorly. People need to adjust their play style, specifically all these people whining on the forum.

I just don’t want this to get nerfed due to so much whining – it happened to Simin (not that she didn’t need one, I did her pre-update and kinda agree, although w/ good spark runners high dps was not neeeded) and would hate for it to happen with the new AC.


AC Revamp: Do not Listen to the Crying

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Snoots.2970


The new changes to AC have baffled me. I don’t disagree or agree with the changes. I will learn and adapt. my only real complaint is, they’ve changed all the bosses and what they do, But they have not updated the text under the boss names that warn you of what they do.

The spider queen for example says “sprays posion” Does not mention the new web or the fact that she throws 6 stacks of bleeding on you when you she hits you in melee.

I was busy fighting for my life against the cave troll, but i am sure there was no mention of fearing in the name description either. nor kholer now summoning adds.

I appreciate the need for changes, But for the sake of new player and old. update the text under the bosses HP bar to more accurately represent what you are walking into to, after all isn’t that why the text is there in the first place?

AC Revamp: Do not Listen to the Crying

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Levistis.8356


The new changes to AC have baffled me. I don’t disagree or agree with the changes. I will learn and adapt. my only real complaint is, they’ve changed all the bosses and what they do, But they have not updated the text under the boss names that warn you of what they do.

The spider queen for example says “sprays posion” Does not mention the new web or the fact that she throws 6 stacks of bleeding on you when you she hits you in melee.

I was busy fighting for my life against the cave troll, but i am sure there was no mention of fearing in the name description either. nor kholer now summoning adds.

I appreciate the need for changes, But for the sake of new player and old. update the text under the bosses HP bar to more accurately represent what you are walking into to, after all isn’t that why the text is there in the first place?

I guess I can agree with that – although they have changed the Howling King/Ghost Eater/Rumblus text, they should also change the queen / troll / kholer.


AC Revamp: Do not Listen to the Crying

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Dub.1273


I dislike it. Because of the reason that gull group counts more than player’s skill. Pre-update the path’s 1 and 3 could be done by 2 people in 6-7 and 10-11 minutes without doing mistakes. Now the dungeon is just a cruel pain trying to solo or duo but even easier in a 5 men group. So, 5 completely new players are more efficient than 2 perfectly playing ones. And this isnt my interpretion of good game design.

Lol, dungeons are FOR groups of 5 people. Shouldn’t be angry that it can’t be done by less now…

All i worry about is that skill is worth less than mass.

Dub | [rT]
#LoveArrows2013, never forget.

AC Revamp: Do not Listen to the Crying

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Dresden.1736


Don’t listen to the crying? More like don’t listen to the MMO stereotypes who invest entirely too much time and energy into this game.

AC Revamp: Do not Listen to the Crying

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Lexandro.1456


First of all, I’ll state that I believe the new Ascalonion Catacombs is great. This is coming from someone who farmed a lot of gold from that dungeon, has 3000+ tears, and has LvLed two characters to 80 through it.

And thats where I stopped reading. Why? Because your view is skewed by the very fact that you have played the game that much and are well versed in the mechanics, have plenty of resources and characters and probably have plenty of people on hand from your guild to join up with that are at the resources/character/playtime as you.

Im dont proclaim to be any kind of gaming god, but I am not a fool either. I see the potential in the current AC setup, however the scale of the challenge is just to much for the very people the dungeon is advertised to; New level 35 characters.

New players, with 35-45 characters and no real resources have very very little chance of passing this now without wiping multiple times along the way. Consistantly wiping over and over is not “fun” for most people.

The curent encounters and mechanics are good, they are just OP in execution.

AC Revamp: Do not Listen to the Crying

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: LieutenantGoogle.7326


One of the things I don’t like added is that mini gravelings in p1 burrows stacks bleeds at an insane rate =/

lv80 with skills fully unlocked, warrior, elementalist and engineer
lv80 Necromancer, all professional skills unlocked, working on the final norn elite skills.

AC Revamp: Do not Listen to the Crying

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Levistis.8356


One of the things I don’t like added is that mini gravelings in p1 burrows stacks bleeds at an insane rate =/

Truly, I haven’t noticed that much of a difference in any of the hatchlings. The only mobs that were truly buffed in that dungeon (trash wise) were the spiders before the queen. Jesus christ w/o any reflections those were tough.

And to those complaining about scavengers; they were fixed with the update, and the graveling jump attack is very dodgeable, and can be avoided by strafing or backing up out of range.


AC Revamp: Do not Listen to the Crying

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Dresden.1736


I’m pretty certain the gravlings have also gotten a toughness and vitality buff. They definitely don’t die as easy.

AC Revamp: Do not Listen to the Crying

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Dolan.3071


NO. It is completely unfair to the casual gamer. I don’t sit around playing all day everyday and it is completely unreasonable to expect people like myself to be able to do this dungeon sub level 80 without full exotics/ascended gear. Especially now that I can’t WP rush either! Most of us don’t have time to sit around discussing utilities and tactics, and Anet really needs to pull their finger out and cater to us, like some easier version of dungeons that can be solo’d.
By the way, what’s this “H” button everyone keeps talking about?

(I know I stole that but hey, I like it! )

Uriel Asther ~ Warrior | Kaya Lereau ~ Elementalist | Natalie Fox ~ Thief
Skye Eterna ~ Mesmer | Arya Slade ~ Charrdian | Kiera Thine ~ Ranger
Oceanic ~ [LOD] [Noob]

AC Revamp: Do not Listen to the Crying

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Levistis.8356


NO. It is completely unfair to the casual gamer. I don’t sit around playing all day everyday and it is completely unreasonable to expect people like myself to be able to do this dungeon sub level 80 without full exotics/ascended gear. Especially now that I can’t WP rush either! Most of us don’t have time to sit around discussing utilities and tactics, and Anet really needs to pull their finger out and cater to us, like some easier version of dungeons that can be solo’d.
By the way, what’s this “H” button everyone keeps talking about?

(I know I stole that but hey, I like it! )

I think your being not serious. Maybe.


AC Revamp: Do not Listen to the Crying

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: laokoko.7403


So basically dont’ do pug? that’s what the post seemed to be saying.

Oh my guild blah blah wipe over and over but now we are fine and it is easy that we can use low level.

If you would to run with pug and have to restart over and wipe over and over everyday it became quite frustrating. Ya either way just do with guild or dont’ do it at all.

Anyway I dont’ care. At most I’ll just do 2 more runs to get enough ac token for twilight and never do it again.

I never complaint about dungeon being too hard in other game. Because I never need to farm the same dungeon 500 times for money. I suppose that’s what really sucks about doing pug in this game….

“Oh I ran the same dungeon 500 times already. I still need to suffer about my group sucks and wipe over and over again”

(edited by laokoko.7403)

AC Revamp: Do not Listen to the Crying

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Serephen.3420


I love the changes even though in some cases things may seem easier (to those who run with experianced groups like I do) despite that I can say I love that the boss battles are actually interesting and while not overly difficult the difficulty is not tied to one spam ability (colossus) or a snore fest of beating up a barely responsive boss (ghost eater) I’d have to say path 2 was the most interesting change to me.

AC Revamp: Do not Listen to the Crying

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Khal Drogo.9631

Khal Drogo.9631

1) At best a Meh from me. Interesting bosses? Not really. In fact they have gotten easier in P1 and P3 provided the NPCs are kept alive. Nice animation of hyperbeam laser though.
2) I want my kittening FPS back.
3) The new AC disadvantages lvl 35s in their starter dungeon especially path 2 and perma knockdown from the many mobs.

Summary for the fanbois and shills.

Apologies to those who may find my posts on GW2 forums offensive and hateful.

(edited by Khal Drogo.9631)

AC Revamp: Do not Listen to the Crying

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Shiren.9532


I find it amusing you got so many tears and you seem to imply that not having to watch for one attack on Colossus and Howling encounters makes them better. Both of these encounters are far more of a DPS encounter than they were in the past (dodging the howls was annoying but forced you to pay attention, the last two times I fought these bosses I walked around fire rings or I stood in a bubble (in the past that encounter was MUCH harder – although the AoE of Colossus’ howl was stupidly large) and shot by bow. That’s all I had to do.

The Ghost Eater encounter is frustrating as all hell, especially for pugs. It uses no known mechanics to players. Most players hate using skills that aren’t their own – we chose our classes because we like our classes, we play a fantasy MMO to do that, not some weird synchronised block dragging game. I’m also sick of dragging mobs onto something to get something to happen during a boss encounter. It’s not fun in the dredge fractal, it’s not fun during the underwater fractal and it’s the worst it’s ever been during the Ghost Eater simply because without voice coms it’s a ridiculous amount of communication requirements to put on a pug. Most of us are good at dodging attacks, watching enemy animations, using control skills to keep mobs off of us, reviving allies etc. We are continuously mastering the skills of combat given to us by this game and we engage in content which allows us to use those skills in a team environment which is rewarding. This kittening encounter takes all of that away from us and requires us to do something completely foreign from what we’ve done for everything else in the game. I can see how it might not be bad for organised groups, but for pugs, this is enough to kill this content for people.

It seems insane to me that someone who did the dungeon as much as the OP did can’t grasp that most people haven’t levelled two characters to 80 in it, most people didn’t farm that many tokens lieing around in their banks, most people don’t have time in their lives to repeat everything to point where it’s redundant to them. It’s not surprising that someone has mastered the dungeon and found it too easy, the reality is, that person is in the minority.

PS: Don’t summarise concerns of others as crying. It’s disrespectful.

(edited by Shiren.9532)

AC Revamp: Do not Listen to the Crying

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Levistis.8356


In no way do I sit at home and play this all day, I go to school, maintain perfect scores, and play in a sport. In no way do I run this to the point of redundancy, the game has been out for 6 months, 3000/60 is 50 runs of AC over the course of 6 months. Not that much time is needed to gain that many tears.

Rumblus’s howl was bugged and fixed a month ago – its range was adjusted to the normal one, and if your running around ranging him, I’m, sorry to say but you are doing it wrong.

PUGs will learn this dungeon in a week or two and will stop complaining. This is the exact uproar that occurred at launch – AAAAGH AC TOO HARD! It will cease soon enough, but perhaps to far into the future that the devs will respond and nerf it into oblivion.

To solve the issue for the Ghost Eater: use the Call Target function, you can key map it to a key of your choice in the control options. It places a target above an enemies head and is perfect during this encounter. Type out: X use the levitation 1 ability Y use the pull 2 ability. Communicate a bit, it can go a long way.

And, last but not least, I never said the dungeon was easy. At the moment, to most people, it is as challenging as AC was at the beginning of the game. I find it very fun – it rewards people for working together and following the mechanics, and punishing others for trying to ignore them and range through it, dodging those 1 hit wonders.


AC Revamp: Do not Listen to the Crying

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Ethics.4519


First of all, I’ll state that I believe the new Ascalonion Catacombs is great. This is coming from someone who got a lot of gold from that dungeon, has 3000+ tears, and has LvLed two characters to 80 through it.

Sure, it’s great for geared level 80s with a lot of experience. Think about a level 35 (you know, since that’s what level the dungeon is) and a completely new player (you know, since it’s the first dungeon in the game) and how their experience might go.

RIP in peace Robert

AC Revamp: Do not Listen to the Crying

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Levistis.8356


First of all, I’ll state that I believe the new Ascalonion Catacombs is great. This is coming from someone who got a lot of gold from that dungeon, has 3000+ tears, and has LvLed two characters to 80 through it.

Sure, it’s great for geared level 80s with a lot of experience. Think about a level 35 (you know, since that’s what level the dungeon is) and a completely new player (you know, since it’s the first dungeon in the game) and how their experience might go.

They will die, a lot. They, if they would like to play dungeons, will learn from their mistakes, adjust to situations, and ask for help. I for one, gladly take in and help new players with dungeons. I know others are different, but I have no issue taking an extra 1/2 hr – hr explaining/wiping a couple times if it means that the new player will learn.

I died a lot when first running old ac, heck, story mode doing it the first time took my group 4 hours! We managed though, and boy were we challenged by explorable first time. 2-3 hrs PER PATH no joke.

I did not quit, others shouldn’t right away either if they want to play dungeons. It takes patience.


(edited by Levistis.8356)

AC Revamp: Do not Listen to the Crying

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Quam.7218


Beside the Last Bosses I find the new AC changes really fun! Wich changes I find good IMO:

Trash is now more “attractive” to kill rather than skip (lower hp, shorter time fight) really nice change!

Bosses/Champions like Spider Queen, “The-Howller-champion-after-Spider-Queen”, Kholer etc. Really nice fight mechanics, good thing their HP got lower, are more attractive to kill rather than skip (Kholer especially) – nice change!

No Breeders in burrow… firstly I asked myself “why ?” but after 15+ AC I realized why, but that will be described further.

New “last boss” mechanic. (Did’t have a chance to see p2 last boss becouse it bugged 3/3 times I try this path…) but for the p1 and p3 I have mixed feelings. The “idea” of p1 and p3 fight are great! They are much much more entertainming than the last one’s they where a bit boring tbh.

So Yes these little changes made AC a really fun to play dungeon good work Anet!

What I find annoying, well there are just 2 things.

First is the “knockback” and second it’s the AI as in fight.
The “knockback” itself is annoying in 2 cases really not the whole dungeon! The first place is at p2 Detha “chain event” the most effective way to play it as for now I found/seen is the “1-man-bait-4-man-chain”

I’m the one deffensively spec’d (Necro) and play as “bait” before the change is Was ok, now when every mob knockdowns You it’s a pain… You get knockdowned and die. This is annoying for a profession who does not have stability skills like Guardian/Warrior to be knockdown be every single mob even the little tiny one who are not bigger than my foot. So this change made me sad, and the fight itself including framrate dropping got really annoying. Same goes for last boss path 1. 10 seconds of knockdown gg.

But the second fight wich made me really sad was the part 3 last boss fight. Just to clarify the idea I find pretty nice, hidding under the barrier gives the fight some “taste” od cooperation and it feels fun. But that’s where it ends. The AI is so incredibly stupid it hurt my eyes. As those melee who fought the boss You cannot go near him becouse You will fly if You don’t have stability. He knockback with every single hit. but that is not it! The incredibly stupid npc want to melee him! He is sended flying 4-5 times and dies like an idiot. Standing inside the bubble also does not mean You are safe no no… the boss comes inside melee You and send You flying right at the collapsing celling gg

I hate encounters involving NPC, they are just kitten
Not being able to go melee on path 3 last boss becouse of every hit knockback.
Also the “Low Framerate” Combo Field and “Every-mob-knockdown” Combo Finisher.

I like the rest of the changes really!

AC Revamp: Do not Listen to the Crying

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Druzo Blint.2893

Druzo Blint.2893

…Most of us don’t have time to sit around discussing utilities and tactics…

You sure do have enough time to sit here and troll though. Perhaps if you took the same amount of time you need to QQ then you can discuss tactics or builds.

AC Revamp: Do not Listen to the Crying

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Dresden.1736


You sure do have enough time to sit here and troll though. Perhaps if you took the same amount of time you need to QQ then you can discuss tactics or builds.

I’m sure this will be very difficult for someone like you to understand, but there are a lot of us who are adult gamers with jobs, families, and lives. And just because we can take a break from work and easily pull up a website and chat about the game for a few minutes doesn’t mean we’ve got all day to sit in front of the game, groveling over our own narcissism.

AC Revamp: Do not Listen to the Crying

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Druzo Blint.2893

Druzo Blint.2893

You sure do have enough time to sit here and troll though. Perhaps if you took the same amount of time you need to QQ then you can discuss tactics or builds.

I’m sure this will be very difficult for someone like you to understand, but there are a lot of us who are adult gamers with jobs, families, and lives. And just because we can take a break from work and easily pull up a website and chat about the game for a few minutes doesn’t mean we’ve got all day to sit in front of the game, groveling over our own narcissism.

LOL, first I work full time, I have my own indie development studio, and I go to school full-time. Then there’s family, friends and the rest of my social life. So, don’t think you can assume what is going on in my life or my understanding of life and all the intricacies that entails.

My point is in the few minutes it takes to drum up a topic or a reply crying about this that or the other, or explaining how you don’t have time to do this, that or the other, you could have easily created a topic asking for help, general or specific.

This forum/website provides you with the tools necessary to seek that help or start a conversation about your preferred class and techniques. There are way to many people complaining and not enough asking for help or helping others.

In addition, who said you need all day to sit in front of a game? Since beta I’ve only logged around 220 hours in Guild Wars 2, but I’m not the one complaining. I read forums, take others suggestions into account, and practice with my own play style. And you know what?; you can to!

So again, don’t presume you know me, my life, or my capacity to understand what a busy life is.

The time you spent typing 60 or 70 words could have easily been spent on asking or giving help.

AC Revamp: Do not Listen to the Crying

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: laokoko.7403


I dont’ know what you guys talking about. You can talk tactics or build all you want. If the other 4 people in your group sucks it is really hard to pull of a dungeon.

That is the frustration with pug and for people farming money which is essentially the center part of the game.

Like I always says. In other game, I played through hard dungeon, do it a few times get the drop I want and I never have to go through again.

In this game, after a hundred times doing the same dungeon I still have to do it again. And tolerate hours of wiping because my pug groupmate have no idea what to do. I think that’s the problem.

(edited by laokoko.7403)

AC Revamp: Do not Listen to the Crying

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Sovta.4719


I dont’ know what you guys talking about. You can talk tactics or build all you want. If the other 4 people in your group sucks it is really hard to pull of a dungeon.

That is the frustration with pug and for people farming money which is essentially the center part of the game.

Like I always says. In other game, I played through hard dungeon, do it a few times get the drop I want and I never have to go through again.

In this game, after a hundred times doing the same dungeon I still have to do it again. And tolerate hours of wiping because my pug groupmate have no idea what to do. I think that’s the problem.

There is that little kick option

AC Revamp: Do not Listen to the Crying

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Druzo Blint.2893

Druzo Blint.2893

@laokoko Oh, I agree. The group makes a big difference. That’ll always be a problem with PUG’s. Some may say going through the same dungeon is monotonous others may find it fun. With that said, PUG’s are still viable. Yes, we may have to run the same section over and over again, until you learn the mechanics and how the group members play. But if you repeatedly fail, maybe it’s time to find another group or wait for guild members or some friends.

AC Revamp: Do not Listen to the Crying

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Vol.5241


I just did the Detha path (path 2 I think?) And I must say, I love the new improved last boss fight. Took awhile to learn but I think it’s a great way to introduce several mechanics other than tank and spank

[Permabanned on Forums]
[Currently Inactive, Playing BF4]
Magic find works.

AC Revamp: Do not Listen to the Crying

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Mark.7615


its just sad.. it promotes tactics and coordinated skills in order to finish this dungeon.. not much fun for me since i am just a newbie casual player.. i usually run into PUG and i may not be killed in game but watching them always being killed is horrible they get frustrated and then leave the party eventually.. even the spider queen is over powered so much as the gravelings with spamming knock back.. this is no fun at all.. now the new players just like me will suffer more. i wish someone with a group of level 35 with level 35 gears will make a video then show us that this dungeon is doable. not by saying yeah we do it with level 35-40 people. Maybe all is just a bluff, with no proof at all. they must also upgrade all dungeons make it so much hard and almost impossible to finish with PUG.. since it is already the pattern of what the developers are doing.. its just doesn’t make sense that the very first dungeon would be upgraded and those dungeon with ascended gears are not.. promoting goodies for old players and not inviting new players.. looks like this game doesn’t want anymore new players.. good job on this one.

AC Revamp: Do not Listen to the Crying

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Dresden.1736


Lol, I have a friend who hardly ever plays – his top character is a Lv55 Engineer. I tried showing him the update, today, and sat looking for a group for 35 minutes before we quit trying. Every person who joined the party immediately left when they saw the Lv55. The stereotypes in these topics can tout their GW2 prowess all they want, it doesn’t change the fact that so far, the cons of the update have far outweighed the pros.

AC Revamp: Do not Listen to the Crying

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Mark.7615


LOL.. i just tried it with my friends doing the path 3 with grast and tzark.. what i have observed is grast just keep attacking the final boss.. i thought he was meant to defend when the ceiling falls off.. and i see tzark do the same too they both attack continuously then they die like 2 idiots.. grast always goes near the boss and always thrown back coz of the knockback with every wave of the boss, i thought we can adapt to the AI movement but we cant.. we already have a coordinated team with 2 level 60+ and 3 80’s.. we waited for grast to grant us his shield but we just waited for our characters to die.. we tried for more than 20-30 times and see if there’s a pattern to it or may be there something wrong with our strategy.. but the AI always do the same.. when the aoe comes no shield.. some people here likes the changes since they have already benefited from the old version of this dungeon.. a beginner dungeon must not be like this.. what about the new players like us.. Anet please fix the broken not the already fixed one.. really hated now the AC..

AC Revamp: Do not Listen to the Crying

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Belgarion.2536


First of all, I’ll state that I believe the new Ascalonion Catacombs is great.[…] LvLed two characters to 80 through it.

Well there is your problem. You are a veteran, playing a dungeon meant for new players.

Do you really think someone that picked up the game a week ago, is lacking rings, has a level 16 sword and barely understands how the targeting system works, has any chance of beating the new AC, even if he tries a hundred times?

Best regards,

AC Revamp: Do not Listen to the Crying

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Levistis.8356


First of all, I’ll state that I believe the new Ascalonion Catacombs is great.[…] LvLed two characters to 80 through it.

Well there is your problem. You are a veteran, playing a dungeon meant for new players.

Do you really think someone that picked up the game a week ago, is lacking rings, has a level 16 sword and barely understands how the targeting system works, has any chance of beating the new AC, even if he tries a hundred times?

Best regards,

That person should run AC story. After running that, they will see they need to buy rings, find a lvl 30 sword, look up/ask how targeting works, and then he should be fine. I failed a lot when I first ran dungeons, I wiped around 30 times in AC story.

Best regards,


(edited by Levistis.8356)

AC Revamp: Do not Listen to the Crying

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Brennus.1435


My point is in the few minutes it takes to drum up a topic or a reply crying about this that or the other, or explaining how you don’t have time to do this, that or the other, you could have easily created a topic asking for help, general or specific.

This forum/website provides you with the tools necessary to seek that help or start a conversation about your preferred class and techniques. There are way to many people complaining and not enough asking for help or helping others.

In addition, who said you need all day to sit in front of a game? Since beta I’ve only logged around 220 hours in Guild Wars 2, but I’m not the one complaining. I read forums, take others suggestions into account, and practice with my own play style. And you know what?; you can to!

So again, don’t presume you know me, my life, or my capacity to understand what a busy life is.

The time you spent typing 60 or 70 words could have easily been spent on asking or giving help.

I wish more people felt like this. There’s entirely too much, “OMG ITS IMPOSSIBLE” and not enough, “So we failed, what can we change?”

“Everyone is born a 5 signet Warrior,
what we become later only depends
on how hard we try and how good we want to become.” -HannaDeFreitas

AC Revamp: Do not Listen to the Crying

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: tnarrant.9714


I’ve run AC many, many times before, and now it’s considerably more difficult. I thought after they nerfed WP rezzing they were going to tone it down a bit, but it looks like they went the opposite direction. To be disappointed by that is not the same as weeping. I’m not against a pleasant challenge in a game, but for me gaming should not be a source of significant added frustration and stress.

AC Revamp: Do not Listen to the Crying

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: siralius.9517


My only beef with this revamp is path 2. And here’s why, THE END BOSS FIGHT!!!! Now before you go calling me a noob and that I should go QQ somewhere else, listen. This boss fight IS NOT for pugs, which is how I do most of my dungeon running. I have been in groups where this boss goes down in a matter of minutes and in groups where people just /rage quit at hour #2 of being stuck on this boss. The end reward is just NOT worth the time invested in trying to learn the fight with pugs. This is something Anet needs to take into consideration. They have turned a path which used to be farmed into a path that is completely avoided by pugs (those pugs that know better)…That’s not what you would call an ideal middle ground. I completely understand if there are players on here that only run with a solid group of guildies and have taken the time to get fights like this down pat but in the same token they need to understand that there are quite a few players that do not. Now I agree that the previous path 2 boss fight was laughable and needed some buffing. However, its current status, well, quite simply its just a bit much. Anet, please take a look at this.

I’m just going with the flow.
Let’s make it “Casual Friday” errday.

AC Revamp: Do not Listen to the Crying

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Stooperdale.3560


The new AC is fine as the third or fourth hardest dungeon but it shouldn’t be the first dungeon. It is unforgiving and makes it hard to revive anyone who is downed (wide poison fields, Kohler’s spin, graveling knockdown, etc). New players don’t get a chance to learn the fights because every mistake cuts off their learning experience immediately. It might be easy for experienced players but isn’t everything easy for experienced players when they know the tactics?

I suspect that a lot of PUG groups use dubious positioning for the path 1 and 3 boss fights and would give up without those. The path 2 boss fight is clever the first time but seems less so with each later visit. It would be ok if it wasn’t so buggy as well. Kohler is still usually skipped. The new troll is ok in explore however he’s also in story mode where he’s completely unsuitable. Put it all together and AC hasn’t got a clean bill of health yet.

AC Revamp: Do not Listen to the Crying

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: swiftpaw.6397


New dungeon is fine, my only issue is that the end of P 3 ( I think) with the warmaster NPC, is dependant on that npc not dieing. I don’t like NPCs and I don’t think they should dictate how a boss battle goes. Other than that, I like the new update to AC but I think that of you’re gonna make it take a little longer, bump up the loot tables or something. This dungeon is easy to pug so long as your pugs are decent players.

The real issue here is the overall quality of pug players. They are absolute garbage. People need to improve as players, instead of the dungeons being tailored down to easy-mode for them. Nobody learns that way.

Grandmaster Forum Mind Brain
|-Swiftpaw Sharpclaw [DnT]-|

AC Revamp: Do not Listen to the Crying

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: GoldenTruth.2853


New dungeon is fine, my only issue is that the end of P 3 ( I think) with the warmaster NPC, is dependant on that npc not dieing. I don’t like NPCs and I don’t think they should dictate how a boss battle goes. Other than that, I like the new update to AC but I think that of you’re gonna make it take a little longer, bump up the loot tables or something. This dungeon is easy to pug so long as your pugs are decent players.

The real issue here is the overall quality of pug players. They are absolute garbage. People need to improve as players, instead of the dungeons being tailored down to easy-mode for them. Nobody learns that way.

Tbh the dungeon takes about the same amount of time simply because while the enemies have added mechanics, they also have a decrease in health. Also if I remember correctly they did update the tables such that AC chests drop dust (with the rarest dust drop being crystallized dust)

I agree that Warmaster needs to be changed (you can stand in a spot where rocks don’t fall, but I doubt this is intended) and with your opinion that dungeons shouldn’t be watered down. Although I know Hrouda has been working on the living story team, I really hope someone on the team is working on updating the other dungeons (and the dreaded dredge fractal)

Alara Vesmir – Guardian
Tyr Sylvison – Warrior
Illyiah – Revenant

AC Revamp: Do not Listen to the Crying

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: swiftpaw.6397


New dungeon is fine, my only issue is that the end of P 3 ( I think) with the warmaster NPC, is dependant on that npc not dieing. I don’t like NPCs and I don’t think they should dictate how a boss battle goes. Other than that, I like the new update to AC but I think that of you’re gonna make it take a little longer, bump up the loot tables or something. This dungeon is easy to pug so long as your pugs are decent players.

The real issue here is the overall quality of pug players. They are absolute garbage. People need to improve as players, instead of the dungeons being tailored down to easy-mode for them. Nobody learns that way.

Tbh the dungeon takes about the same amount of time simply because while the enemies have added mechanics, they also have a decrease in health. Also if I remember correctly they did update the tables such that AC chests drop dust (with the rarest dust drop being crystallized dust)

I agree that Warmaster needs to be changed (you can stand in a spot where rocks don’t fall, but I doubt this is intended) and with your opinion that dungeons shouldn’t be watered down. Although I know Hrouda has been working on the living story team, I really hope someone on the team is working on updating the other dungeons (and the dreaded dredge fractal)

mainly the reason I think it takes longer is because on path 2 you have to mess around with the silly oozes at the end with the guns and most pugs are crap at coordination vs. just killing the thing straight up like it used to be.

Grandmaster Forum Mind Brain
|-Swiftpaw Sharpclaw [DnT]-|

AC Revamp: Do not Listen to the Crying

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: bullettohead.9715


As somebody who runs AC on a regular basis, the new AC is not “hard”, it is “annoying”. CC: the dungeon does not make it Fun: the dungeon.

Bosses I’m more okay with, but being knocked around like a ping pong ball is not fun.

AC Revamp: Do not Listen to the Crying

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Bright.9160


Also if I remember correctly they did update the tables such that AC chests drop dust (with the rarest dust drop being crystallized dust)

AC dropped dust as long as I can remember. I did a bunch of AC before it got vamped, and very few afterwards, but it has always dropped dust.

I’ve seen people get crystalline dust since the patch though, but I can’t remember if it dropped pre-patch. I always got the t1 or t5 dust.

Legion of Doom [LOD] – Death ’n Taxes [DnT]
“People wanting content where Berserker sucks should remember that it needs be so hard
that they will cry, not just a river, but a huge ocean.” – Wethospu

AC Revamp: Do not Listen to the Crying

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: bullettohead.9715


Also, they need to cut either the aoe or the infinite slow/bleeds from The Ghost Eaters toolset when he’s no longer covered in a ghost shield. The inability to stand near him (especially if the aoes are focused on one of the meeles, which they usually are), behind him, or in front, REALLY hampers any DPS a group can do. Range is of course an option, but this being a DPS race due to regen and shields, not to mention the use of only 3 turrets (Well, you CAN use them during combat, but it’s insanely difficult with the aforementioned aoes), sacrificing the DPS is a very bad idea.

It’s not a fun fight.

AC Revamp: Do not Listen to the Crying

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Milo Rock.2457

Milo Rock.2457

First of all, I’ll state that I believe the new Ascalonion Catacombs is great. This is coming from someone who farmed a lot of gold from that dungeon, has 3000+ tears, and has LvLed two characters to 80 through it.

And thats where I stopped reading. Why? Because your view is skewed by the very fact that you have played the game that much and are well versed in the mechanics, have plenty of resources and characters and probably have plenty of people on hand from your guild to join up with that are at the resources/character/playtime as you.

Im dont proclaim to be any kind of gaming god, but I am not a fool either. I see the potential in the current AC setup, however the scale of the challenge is just to much for the very people the dungeon is advertised to; New level 35 characters.

New players, with 35-45 characters and no real resources have very very little chance of passing this now without wiping multiple times along the way. Consistantly wiping over and over is not “fun” for most people.

The curent encounters and mechanics are good, they are just OP in execution.

Actually this is a really good argument, I agree to pretty much everything the OP says, but he is forgetting this should be a “low level” dungeon, the one that new players (those who have little idea about mechanics) should be doing. Nevertheless, if AC was to be THAT easy, higher-lvl/experienced players would grind it for gold/tokens, which I think was the problem in the first place. I’ll leave that dilemma as an open question, for I dont know exactly how to resolve it.

One way could be: easier dungeon, less rewarding (that way we avoid lvl restrictions)

Btw: I completely agree that, from a lvl 80’s pov, this dungeon was made much more interesting, team-oriented, and overall fun to play, its the lvl designed for it that troubles me. If they revamp, say, Cof, this way, I’d have nothing to say but congratulations to the dungeon design team

AC Revamp: Do not Listen to the Crying

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Ayrilana.1396


It having the lowest recommended level does not mean it should be the easiest. Explorable yields tokens which are used to get level 80 exotics. The rares will be quickly outdated once you’ve gotten enough tokens for them.