(edited by Olgit.8629)
About Dungeon's overall... Bring back the fun!
Bring back the fun of doing the same path over and over and over? That is fun? o.O
Grinding is part and parcel of MMO life. I expected that.
The point’s I was trying to make were.
1. Fun
2. 20 – 30 min dungeon runs.
Overall, these are better for a majority of players than frustrating one hour long runs of a single instance part of a dungeon.
I agree with this post, in it’s entirety. I’m here for fun, not slave labour.
GW1: Ritualist
I agree with this post, in it’s entirety. I’m here for fun, not slave labour.
So his opinion lies with mine and it’s irony?
A dungeon can be “Fun” for many different reasons.
A fun dungeon can be fast?
A fun dungeon can have money?
A fun dungeon can have loot?
A fun dungeon could be due to a good team?
A fun dungeon could be a small segment of the whole dungeon?
As I mentioned, grinding for many is not fun, but there is a difference between a REAL grind one hour long and fast FUN twenty minute dungeon.
We all expect grind’s in MMO… but it depends on your own mentality towards the deed your doing.