An Ode To Farming. (Memories)
Technically GW2 is not supposed to be about farming. But with the crazy requirements for building a legendary…
I think you covered most of it… when I hit level 80 with my elementalist I farmed Orr day and night and went from 12 gold in the bank to 100 gold in the bank. I outfitted my elementalist with full exotics within 2 weeks of playing a few hours every evening.
Since the change I’ve struggled to get more than 120-30 in the bank, really only making cash when I go and do CoF runs. My guardian recently hit level 80 and getting her full exotics put a severe dent in my bank.
I know people say it’s tremendously easy to make gold, but I’m not into flipping the TP or nonsense like that. I prefer to make my money by playing the game, and ArenaNet seems determined to stamp out every method of making more than 20-30 silver per hour. It’s frustrating when I get penalized for trying to catch up to the economy that is wildly out of control because the developers don’t understand basic economics.
I think you covered most of it… when I hit level 80 with my elementalist I farmed Orr day and night and went from 12 gold in the bank to 100 gold in the bank. I outfitted my elementalist with full exotics within 2 weeks of playing a few hours every evening.
Since the change I’ve struggled to get more than 120-30 in the bank, really only making cash when I go and do CoF runs. My guardian recently hit level 80 and getting her full exotics put a severe dent in my bank.
I know people say it’s tremendously easy to make gold, but I’m not into flipping the TP or nonsense like that. I prefer to make my money by playing the game, and ArenaNet seems determined to stamp out every method of making more than 20-30 silver per hour. It’s frustrating when I get penalized for trying to catch up to the economy that is wildly out of control because the developers don’t understand basic economics.
Au contraire. The economy is “wildly out of control” because the value of gold right now is being devalued more and more constantly (hence higher prices for everything). Get in on the CoF p1 farming train if you want to gear your characters fast, it’s 5-6g/hr or so.
Dusk has got it right - 5-6g/hour or as I like to put it (around 1800 to 2400 COF p1 clears to get a legendary depending on which you pick and if you buy the legendary outright or invest in each component).
Hotw 3 paths in cough….15 min cough*. cough*.
Arah p3 first 2 bosses farmirng ~5 min, depend on your jumping skills. But it was really long ago. The time when 100 gems was 18s, pentinent event was just to spam aoe on the entrance, shelter humanoids was coming in column. Jofast, Arah entrance, Melandru and Grenth temples was perma bugged.
All the world was full of armies of naked rangers with bears. Memories …
If a player cannot make at least 2g / hr running pent/shelter/jofast, there is something seriously wrong with your toon and/or play style.
This areas is better for farming now than before because all the MF leechers are gone..
Theoretically GW2 was not supposed to be about farming. But with the crazy requirements for building a legendary it technically is.
There you go.
farming grenth over and over again when you actually got 10-20+ rares a day so you could throw them in the mystic forge for fun. A lot has changed since the beginning of the game, im actually happy when an event is bugged out, so i can relive those days.
Not a dungeon but the mad kings labryth was pretty awesome as a pve zerg with a champion/chest every few minutes, plus the game was all still very new and fresh. I finished my 1st 80 in there.
why in the world do you enjoy a game were you need to repeat the same thign over and over mindlessly???? go work in a sweatshop!!!!!! you can make money that way and get your fun too! for the rest of us remvoe cof!!!!!! it ruined the tp as the gold loses value faster than a non cof farmer earns it
go work in a sweatshop!!!!!
This actually brings up an interesting, yet unrelated, point. I wonder if working in a sweat shop and converting your minimal wages into gems and thus gold would be as profitable as farming in-game.
Not sure about sweat shop, but it’s definitely the case for minimum wage in the US. $7 buys what…10g+?
I can se the headline now – “Unemployment rises as competition spikes when gamers take to the streets to farm that shiny legendary!”
It’s crazy to think I could just convert a paycheck into a legendary weapon, haha.
SE path 1 is devoid of hardship and takes 11-14 minutes…..
Rising always has great points. Another guildie pointed this out to me as well.
The issue is that the supply isn’t going down – certain people can control the market and since alot of people have money they are willing to pay more.
But back to the point – I do miss farming for materials for stuffs – instead now we farm for gold via dungeon runs to buy materials. I miss AC 1-2-3 runs in 45 mins for tokens.
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