Arah P4
The bosses are especially easy when you learn to AFK them.
Youtube Channel –
Shame on those lazy people (but at least we can make some good money with them)
Conclusion: This may sound weird for veteran Arah players; but, the toughest boss in the game is: Arah trash mobs. , the actual Arah p4 bosses were a refreshing challenge in our excruciatingly long run.
Truth. xD The first time I did p4 (had a good guild group btw), the only place where we wiped, twice, was killing the trash mobs in the Grenth room, before the boss fight. :p
[DV] – megaboss community
I’m never able to sell due to guildies not being available and my inability to solo GL :<
As a result I PuG and end up meeting people from rT and HC. Each time I think → easy run incoming
Shame on those lazy people
(but at least we can make some good money with them)
Its not that we are lazy its that we dont have the time but we still want to look cool and epic.
But you have time to farm champions.
Two rotations in Quueensdale = average time needed for a near-optimal group to do Arah P1, P2 or P3…
Well, Dwayna has been nerfed to hell. So don’t complain about it being easy now. Because there were massive crying outs in the forum before the nerf. At point you actually felt special for completing it. Now it’s just a time sink saddly. And I farmed this kitten!
Well, Dwayna has been nerfed to hell. So don’t complain about it being easy now. Because there were massive crying outs in the forum before the nerf. At point you actually felt special for completing it. Now it’s just a time sink saddly. And I farmed this kitten!
Remember the times when Dungeon Master meant something?
Remember the times when Dungeon Master meant something?
Yeah, back then I knew that guy had leveled a warrior and bought/farmed/crafted berserker gear.
Such prestige.
Remember the times when Dungeon Master meant something?
Yeah, back then I knew that guy had leveled a warrior and bought/farmed/crafted berserker gear.
Such prestige.
I did it with guardian mesmer warrior ranger and a thief group though. But yeah…I’ll take your word for it too
Remember the times when Dungeon Master meant something?
Back when AC was a bit weird and Simin was slightly harder?
Goodness, did it ever mean anything after like 3 months in?
Simin is even easier when you fight her on the rock.
Youtube Channel –
Simin is even easier when you fight her on the rock.
Can you NOT abuse bugs even if you know them. That’s just lame and cheap, and kittened.
I play how I want.
Youtube Channel –
Simin is even easier when you fight her on the rock.
Can you NOT abuse bugs even if you know them. That’s just lame and cheap, and kittened.
I play how I want.
I hope you get banned then. Because there are rules we all follow. I don’t care who you are. In the game we are the same. I follow the rules, you should too.
Brazil, you should play like he wants because that’s how he wants to play: with you playing as he wants!
Sheriff Ravenmoon, would you grant me an interview?
Here are the questions…
1. TheMaskedParadigm is a notorious scrub who must use cheats to get through difficult content. How bad has he hurt you by doing this?
2. Are you going to request monetary reparations?
3. Have you seen the videos of TheMaskedParadigm killing bosses naked? It is obviously an exploit, he’s scaring them into submission!
4. Would you like to run Arah with me? I promise I will kill every single mob that infinitely spawns, and we can spend eternity in there together, just you and me…. And 3 others because if you can only kill things with 2 people it’s obviously a cheat.
If you can get back to me I’d be greatly appreciative. I really really have a thing for manly forum white knights like you <3
And all who stood by and did nothing, who are they to criticize the sacrifices of others?
Our blood has bought their lives.
Well, Simin is a good test of skill. There’s nothing like a fight where the only things you have to do are pick up and use a bundle at some point in time, grab the aggro of NPCs and herd them into an area, and walk out of some red circles.
So yes, those who exploit Simin are indeed worthless scrubs and should be banned.
Simin is even easier when you fight her on the rock.
Can you NOT abuse bugs even if you know them. That’s just lame and cheap, and kittened.
I play how I want.
Because there are rules we all follow.
That’s not true, actually.
Youtube Channel –
+1 for the OP. I’m fine with people selling the paths, but players should try every path for themselves at least once. I remember when I ran path 4 for the first time, pugged it… We laughed, we cried, and there was a lot of virtual group hugging at the end since we all earned our DM titles that night. Good times.
I feel like a new term would be applicable on these forums..
Exploitaphobe.- A strong phobia of people who sell dungeon paths regardless of whether they actually exploit or not. The individual will assume exploiting is the case in all eventualities. May or may not result in the following symptoms:
- Multiple personalities – One day you are a regular player, the next you are the sheriff of the moral brigade, an elite group of forum police who will not stand for anything that goes against their feelings.
- Assumption that when one sells a path, he must have exploited his way to victory due to lack of comprehension on how to play the game.
- Strong and fearful urge to tell people how to play the game in his absence, when there is no way rational or irrational that he or any unwilling partakers can be affected negatively by their actions. When they react in defiance, the affected individual will begin to use the Caps Lock key.
- The individual may take time out of his day to convert someone to his cause. This may include indoctrinating a fellow guild-mate into sharing the same irrational fear and hatred that he so possesses. Once this is completed, the two of them will jump into seller parties and kick the lot of them out of the dungeon. At the end of the day the two individuals will hold hands and stroke each other’s shoulders fondly while they reminisce over the warm memory of ruining someone’s day for the good of mankind.
|-Swiftpaw Sharpclaw [DnT]-|
(edited by swiftpaw.6397)
Simin is even easier when you fight her on the rock.
Can you NOT abuse bugs even if you know them. That’s just lame and cheap, and kittened.
I play how I want.
Because there are rules we all follow.
That’s not true, actually.
You should read the EULA, not just blindly agree to it.
Sheriff Ravenmoon, would you grant me an interview?
Here are the questions…
1. TheMaskedParadigm is a notorious scrub who must use cheats to get through difficult content. How bad has he hurt you by doing this?
2. Are you going to request monetary reparations?
3. Have you seen the videos of TheMaskedParadigm killing bosses naked? It is obviously an exploit, he’s scaring them into submission!
4. Would you like to run Arah with me? I promise I will kill every single mob that infinitely spawns, and we can spend eternity in there together, just you and me…. And 3 others because if you can only kill things with 2 people it’s obviously a cheat.If you can get back to me I’d be greatly appreciative. I really really have a thing for manly forum white knights like you <3
1. Not the slightest, if he’s using exploits he’s an kitten
2. I can take your gold if that’s what you’re offering
3. Done that too, it’s not really that hard
4. As long as you don’t skip Lupicus and you don’t do texture glitches or AFK fight abomination – sure, I love running arah, it’s on my daily checklist. Skipping trash mobs is cool. I just don’t consider lupicus a trash mob.
(edited by Ravenmoon.5318)
Sheriff Ravenmoon, would you grant me an interview?
Here are the questions…
1. TheMaskedParadigm is a notorious scrub who must use cheats to get through difficult content. How bad has he hurt you by doing this?
2. Are you going to request monetary reparations?
3. Have you seen the videos of TheMaskedParadigm killing bosses naked? It is obviously an exploit, he’s scaring them into submission!
4. Would you like to run Arah with me? I promise I will kill every single mob that infinitely spawns, and we can spend eternity in there together, just you and me…. And 3 others because if you can only kill things with 2 people it’s obviously a cheat.If you can get back to me I’d be greatly appreciative. I really really have a thing for manly forum white knights like you <3
1. Not the slightest, if he’s using exploits he’s an kitten
2. I can take your gold if that’s what you’re offering
3. Done that too, it’s not really that hard
4. As long as you don’t skip Lupicus and you don’t do texture glitches or AFK fight abomination – sure, I love running arah, it’s on my daily checklist. Skipping trash mobs is cool. I just don’t consider lupicus a trash mob.
In case my sarcasm wasn’t found (404 sarcasm not found?) Realize that there’s not a force in the world that would make me party with people who fail to see that Anet is okay with path sellers and that they by no means think its a bad thing.
And all who stood by and did nothing, who are they to criticize the sacrifices of others?
Our blood has bought their lives.
They have not enforced it on anyone that has played Guild Wars 2.
That’s what Ravenmoon is here for.
Someone get this guy employment at Arena Net.
That would be a sad day for all of you
Before trying to blame the people who actually help the community how about looking at you ?
You’re actually getting offended over something that doesn’t affect you, and are taking it out in public…
Please refrain from such behaviour, it’s childish and doesn’t have its place, be it on the forums or ingame.
See, I can also be offended by simple things, now move on, whiteknights aren’t needed.
They have not enforced it on anyone that has played Guild Wars 2.
That’s what Ravenmoon is here for.
Someone get this guy employment at Arena Net.That would be a sad day for all of you
The great thing about all of this is that you do not indeed work for Arena Net, and so therefore your forum rampage is just a waste of time.
|-Swiftpaw Sharpclaw [DnT]-|
(edited by swiftpaw.6397)
This guy.
NemesisMMNecro [rT] – Trans-Transsylvanian RPer EU
Define both “good MMORPG” and “good community”.
You say that you like playing with newbies because they don’t run their mouths. What that tells me is that you don’t like to run with people who might “challenge your authority” as though you are some god among men in the dungeons, and that the only person who can possibly be right is you.
What this tells me is that this discussion is meaningless because you are so stuck up in your own beliefs that are false that nothing anyone can say will change your absurd vendetta.
And all who stood by and did nothing, who are they to criticize the sacrifices of others?
Our blood has bought their lives.
You say that you like playing with newbies because they don’t run their mouths. What that tells me is that you don’t like to run with people who might “challenge your authority” as though you are some god among men in the dungeons, and that the only person who can possibly be right is you.
What this tells me is that this discussion is meaningless because you are so stuck up in your own beliefs that are false that nothing anyone can say will change your absurd vendetta.
Not really. People love doing dungeons with me. I’m quick and efficient and I’m joking all the way so its fun atmosphere. And I always take good ideas especially if we wipe. I’m just not okay with 4 other people all saying different things. Its confusing to say the least. I’m not a communist BUT when it comes to tactics and procedures there should be one at a time no?
And until then (which will likely never happen) I guess you’ll just have to persevere and keep wasting your time.
Lesson here: You can sit there and fantasize about what A-Net will do all you want, but it will not create a reality. Your idea of what ‘makes a good game’ are simply your opinions, which have no basis on anything outside your own bubble of thought.
P.S. Your moral compass or how good you think you are towards pugs is completely irrelevant. Your self righteous indignation on these forums towards individuals who do not affect you in the slightest is enough of an indicator for the kind of attitude you maintain. I’d also like to point out that name calling towards us is rather low and immature, please try to keep these forums civil.
|-Swiftpaw Sharpclaw [DnT]-|
(edited by swiftpaw.6397)
Funny fact : I also tend to have a lot of time, so I’ll take some and answer you in a polite way, because I don’t want to be infracted. My message can be summed up as : “get lost” though.
Are dungeon sellers lame ?
- No, they’re clearly not. At least legit sellers are not. They are part of the game, and disrespecting them is the same as disrespecting Champion farmers or WvW enthusiasts. They play the game how they want, and if what they want is to create challenge by running a 5-man instance on their own, eventually getting to the last boss through sheer effort and skill, it’s their way of playing and you shouldn’t criticize it. If they then want to sell the path they’ve just manage to do solo, it’s up to them. They don’t find their fun in chap farming, nor in TP trading, so let them get money one way or another. It doesn’t impact on your way to play does it ?
Is this whiteknight-ish ? Is this some kind of vendetta ?
- Yes, it clearly is. Why not yell on the players playing trader wannabes at the TP ? They make products more expensive. They thus impact on your game. Same goes for gem traders, they make it harder for people to avoid paying real world money. Why not criticize them then ? Why take out your hatred on dungeon sellers ? You sound like a teenager to me, only wanting to make their day by annoying other people, while being protected by internet privacy…
Are they undermining the fundamentals of the GW2 community ?
- I think we at least agree on the fact that the fundamentals of a MMO community is all about exchanging info and helping each other. Fact is that most of the people you find posting here to defend what little income they have through dungeon selling are also the guys who spend hours making guides and videos to explain how to play the game well, how to beat the harder content. They don’t even try to prevent people from soloing, they help them do it. They don’t care about competition. Try selling and then come back, maybe your position will change. And since offer meets demand, it’s all about dungeon buyers and sellers. Think about this.
You want dungeons fixed ?
- Same for most of us actually. It will prevent cheaters and exploiters from selling. There are differences between legit solos and using Jumping puzzles…
You want dungeons to require 5 people ?
- This is plain stupid… Man, I have two real life friends playing with me. Do you mean that we’ll have to put up with two players we might not want to play with ? That we won’t be able to joke n party chat, because we might offend someone ? That if by any means we want to play at hours when nobody is online, we’ll just be punished by a no-dungeon rule, while it’s the only game content that we truly like ? That we’ll have to carry some pugs through things that would be funnier if we play just the three of us ? Think before saying such things.
You want us to be sad ?
- Dungeon subforums are quite the group hug lands if I’m not mistaken. Everyone knows each other, and one player ranting about not liking the regulars won’t change anything, except for when you’ll come for advice and find that those you bash will ignore you…
You’re losing your time and making us lose ours. You are the troll. Now reflect on your actions and come back when you’ll be mature enough. Thanks in advance.
My whole argument being invalid ?
For your information, I’m a french player, and the only one actually posting on the french forums to teach rookies how to do dungeons. I could almost solo Arah, and I often duo’d or trio’d it, so yeah, to me it’s easier to do it this way than having to teach a whole group, even if I do it with pleasure.
You’re no teen ? then why the hell are you still fighting over this ? Be a responsible adult, and keep in mind that your liberties cease where other people’s start.
The group limit is 5 players. You just answered yourself my dear
Do we want to play with strangers ?
- It’s not necessary. I don’t like it, except on my good days. I won’t do it. You don’t get to decide how I play. Nor do you get to decide for others by the way.
Do I think I’m special ?
- Yeah, we’re all special, as the main protagonists of our own lives. We make choices, be it great ideas or the worst mistakes. You’re special in your own kind, the free-bashing-whiteknight-troll-making-people-lose-their-time kind.
Lastly, I’ll add that sellers don’t think their time is worth 5 gold. It’s actually all about buyers agreeing that 5 gold is a fair price for the path. If they didn’t want to pay this sum, they wouldn’t pay it. Get a good economics or selling management textbook, it will be in the first pages
PS : saw your edit, I’ll thus answer you.
Yeah I intend to solo content. Always have, always will. If I think it’s doabe, I’ll do it. In real life you can do a group paper on your own. In games you can do a 5-man dungeon by yourself. It’s all about effort, time spent, and learning.
Plus you’re switching to RP mode there : the lair of Zhaitan and whatnot…
Want some RP ? In all the good RP books, there are mentors to heroes, people who have wandered longer in the harsh world than the heroes. And they are more powerful. Amicable pugs taught me the ways to Arah. To me he is such a mentor. He soloes, and made bad casual me a decent player, able to go through Arah without dying. I then taught my friends, and now we trio P3 every evening, to get some money while having fun with more difficult content, because we have less meatshields (read PVT/clerics PUs) to tank hits for us :/
(edited by Enaretos.8079)
I made 120g today selling paths, customers are so grateful and generous
Soon I will be making my fifth legendary, bless those buyer’s souls, bless them.
|-Swiftpaw Sharpclaw [DnT]-|
(edited by swiftpaw.6397)
Soloing is not easier unless its a specific fight where newbies can make it harder for one experienced player by triggering certain attacks (lupi). Everything else is easier in a bad group because you essentially get 4 meat shields and aggro is shared.
Why are you so against people challenging themselves by soloing content? I think it would be a pretty good showcase of skill if you could 4-man a 50-man raid. And I like the idea of it being possible if the players are skilled enough. Restrictions like the cof p1 gate are just stupid.
Soloing is not easier unless its a specific fight where newbies can make it harder for one experienced player by triggering certain attacks (lupi). Everything else is easier in a bad group because you essentially get 4 meat shields and aggro is shared.
Why are you so against people challenging themselves by soloing content? I think it would be a pretty good showcase of skill if you could 4-man a 50-man raid. And I like the idea of it being possible if the players are skilled enough. Restrictions like the cof p1 gate are just stupid.
I’m against people selling dungeon paths. Whether you do it solo or not is fine by me as long as you don’t rip users off. Have you ever considered that some of your “customers” do not feel confident and thus think that the only way to pass arah would be to pay someone off, not because they have gold in excess?
In this thread I’m obviously ranting against soloing dungeons, I’m not denying that but it’s only because it is the only thing that I consider would “fix” this issue.
And yeah, screw your marketing tips please, I’m selling my products well enough to have huge profits in real life. I don’t need that in my games. I play games to relax not to make a living of.
And btw, TP prices are not buffed enough. An exotic weapon weapon costs 2g while armors get more reasonable prices, so, Gw2 economy is cool and besides, you can go and farm just about anything.
P.S: How long before people start charging for world events and just about anything else, as it is in real life?
Edited by moderator
(edited by Moderator)
Yet another thread about someone who feels the need to force other people to live their lives (and play the game) the exact way they think is best.
I would say that these threads are tiresome, but clearly you have boundless energy.
I really like the slippery slope argument he puts in at the end, it’s a nice touch. What’s next?!?! Cats and dogs living together!?!?
Grab ye tin foil hats folks, it’s gonna be a bumpy ride.
|-Swiftpaw Sharpclaw [DnT]-|
Yet another thread about someone who feels the need to force other people to live their lives (and play the game) the exact way they think is best.
I would say that these threads are tiresome, but clearly you have boundless energy.
Hm, nah. Stop being a broken radiostation, ok? I’m not telling you how to live your life. I’m not trying to tell them how to play they game either. What I am trying to say that all this dungeon sell fiasco is a huge overlooking by ANet to the point that the sellers are in fact abusing the new and/or less experienced players.
And to all of you that feel like repeating “since there are buyers there will be sellers” and stuff like that … tell me how you feel about taxes? Do you pay them because you have to or because you want to? For the sake of argument think about for the most people out there, not just you, its obvious some of you have quite screwed up moral systems.
You know what they say – “There are 2 certain things in life – death and taxes”. I do not consider either of them as fun experience As most other people do.
Am I making a living out of GW2 ?
- No, because I’m no gold seller. I’m just your average guy who wants to buy some stuff. For this I need money. It just so happens that I’m not half bad in dungeons, so I try solos, duos or trios. Then I get money and can buy what I want.
You play games to relax. I believe you’re not relaxing while we’re all telling you that you’re wrong. I need some fun in my life so I play. I don’t need games to make a living. If I wanted to make a living, I’d play less and work more.
I can go and farm anything ?
- Sure.
Will I relax/have fun ?
- No, because there are trains hindering my champion solo kills.
Will I keep on selling dungeons ?
- Yeah, because I can have fun + get money. Need I say more ?
Now your points have been heard and dismissed. You’ll fall into redundancy if you keep this on. By the way, you’re the only one defending your point. Can’t you see that you’re trying to force your feelings on everyone ?
Oh, and you can definitely see that my answers are getting less long, right ? That is my level of boredom with this argument going up. I’ll just enlight you once more I guess.
My customers are often champ farmers or Living story farmers with tons of APs, sometimes even legendaries, which means they are richer than me. I never got lowbies. Where is the problem ?
And please, never talk to me using the world “screw”. I hate this. I’ve been polite all the way, good guy Ena style. I’m starting to get offended now.
I really like the slippery slope argument he puts in at the end, it’s a nice touch. What’s next?!?! Cats and dogs living together!?!?
Grab ye tin foil hats folks, it’s gonna be a bumpy ride.
Cats and dogs do live together though
Yet another thread about someone who feels the need to force other people to live their lives (and play the game) the exact way they think is best.
I would say that these threads are tiresome, but clearly you have boundless energy.
Hm, nah. Stop being a broken radiostation, ok? I’m not telling you how to live your life. I’m not trying to tell them how to play they game either. What I am trying to say that all this dungeon sell fiasco is a huge overlooking by ANet to the point that the sellers are in fact abusing the new and/or less experienced players.
And to all of you that feel like repeating “since there are buyers there will be sellers” and stuff like that … tell me how you feel about taxes? Do you pay them because you have to or because you want to? For the sake of argument think about for the most people out there, not just you, its obvious some of you have quite screwed up moral systems.
You know what they say – “There are 2 certain things in life – death and taxes”. I do not consider either of them as fun experience
As most other people do.
I am confused about a couple things.
The first is in the above post; what is the connection between selling dungeon paths and taxes? Taxes are required by the government to live in a certain municipality. Dungeon paths are voluntarily bought by people with more gold than skill.
I am also uncertain about your connection between 4 people talking at once in a dungeon and the commonly owned means of production.
(edited by sbr.8170)
I converted too brother, those nasty path sellers are ruining my fun by taking advantage of people who don’t know any better.
Yet another thread about someone who feels the need to force other people to live their lives (and play the game) the exact way they think is best.
I would say that these threads are tiresome, but clearly you have boundless energy.
Hm, nah. Stop being a broken radiostation, ok? I’m not telling you how to live your life. I’m not trying to tell them how to play they game either. What I am trying to say that all this dungeon sell fiasco is a huge overlooking by ANet to the point that the sellers are in fact abusing the new and/or less experienced players.
And to all of you that feel like repeating “since there are buyers there will be sellers” and stuff like that … tell me how you feel about taxes? Do you pay them because you have to or because you want to? For the sake of argument think about for the most people out there, not just you, its obvious some of you have quite screwed up moral systems.
You know what they say – “There are 2 certain things in life – death and taxes”. I do not consider either of them as fun experience
As most other people do.
I am confused about a couple things.
The first is in the above post; what is the connection between selling dungeon paths and taxes? Taxes are required by the government to live in a certain municipality. Dungeon paths are voluntarily bought by people with more gold than skill.
I am also uncertain about your connection between 4 people talking at once in a dungeon and the commonly owned means of production.
The connection is that people are not giving this gold willingly, they are paying it because they know no other way. They think THIS is the way. It may be caused by the frequent kicks or the aholes that open a dungeon and leave right after the boss is killed before anyone could get to the chest. There are plenty of threads in this forum about that, i suppose they are paying because they want none of that, It’s quite frustrating. As you can see in those topics most people are anxious to start their own LFG, especially since some of them do not know the dungeon mechanics. And that’s just wrong. And that’s what the sellers are “exploting” (Not as in game exploit, thus the quotes)
And I fail to understand your second paragraph. I think I explained myself above on why 4 other people giving out tactics and doing their own thing is bad for the team. Be more specific I guess
I converted too brother, those nasty path sellers are ruining my fun by taking advantage of people who don’t know any better.
It’s not about ruining my fun. It’s because they make Gw2’s community look terribad. Name one other MMO that has dungeon path sales, because I’ve played a lot and I’ve never seen one MMO having dungeon selling as a thing or better put – way of earning gold.
Yet another thread about someone who feels the need to force other people to live their lives (and play the game) the exact way they think is best.
I would say that these threads are tiresome, but clearly you have boundless energy.
Hm, nah. Stop being a broken radiostation, ok? I’m not telling you how to live your life. I’m not trying to tell them how to play they game either. What I am trying to say that all this dungeon sell fiasco is a huge overlooking by ANet to the point that the sellers are in fact abusing the new and/or less experienced players.
And to all of you that feel like repeating “since there are buyers there will be sellers” and stuff like that … tell me how you feel about taxes? Do you pay them because you have to or because you want to? For the sake of argument think about for the most people out there, not just you, its obvious some of you have quite screwed up moral systems.
You know what they say – “There are 2 certain things in life – death and taxes”. I do not consider either of them as fun experience
As most other people do.
I am confused about a couple things.
The first is in the above post; what is the connection between selling dungeon paths and taxes? Taxes are required by the government to live in a certain municipality. Dungeon paths are voluntarily bought by people with more gold than skill.
I am also uncertain about your connection between 4 people talking at once in a dungeon and the commonly owned means of production.
The connection is that people are not giving this gold willingly, they are paying it because they know no other way. They think THIS is the way. It may be caused by the frequent kicks or the aholes that open a dungeon and leave right after the boss is killed before anyone could get to the chest. There are plenty of threads in this forum about that, i suppose they are paying because they want none of that, It’s quite frustrating. As you can see in those topics most people are anxious to start their own LFG, especially since some of them do not know the dungeon mechanics. And that’s just wrong. And that’s what the sellers are “exploting” (Not as in game exploit, thus the quotes)
It is a choice to buy the path; taxes are not a choice. To make a valid comparison you would need to find a good that many people want, but don’t need, and they purchase for more money than it might be worth; it would definitely be a luxury item. Maybe we could compare path sellers to yacht makers.
And I fail to understand your second paragraph. I think I explained myself above on why 4 other people giving out tactics and doing their own thing is bad for the team. Be more specific I guess
You said you were not a communist, and talked about 4 people talking at once. I don’t get the connection.
I see that you’ve decided to ignore me… Did you reflect on your bad behaviour or something ?
Serious Ena mode : there are still LFGs that are not about selling you know. People play how they want. They KNOW they can do the runs without buying. I taught such groups, like many others in this subforums.
And if the newbies are this afraid, they can just own the instance, I don’t care, they are usually not kick fanatics. And most of them are grateful to have someone keen on giving advices or willing to be some kind of a leader.
It just seems to me that Raven wants to be the dungeon leader of all of his dungeons. The idea that anyone else gives opinions in a dungeon makes him uncomfortable. So when he runs dungeons he prefers to teach others (who likely won’t retain the information and will continue to plague our pugs), so that his way of doing the dungeon isn’t challenged, but is graciously accepted and he can feel good about his special snowflake white knight “talent”.
And all who stood by and did nothing, who are they to criticize the sacrifices of others?
Our blood has bought their lives.