Arah Vets grouping together to do Arah Runs
Name: Kamu Orugaron
Profession: ele
Traited: staff
Experience: none
Time: est 9:00am-2:00pm
Any members here in the guild who want to run path 3 daily (or even twice) or path 2 daily? Even at peak hours with 40+ members on, hardly anyone is changing their icon status to lfg. I still have to resort to PUGs to do my daily runs.
I’m usually avaiable nights PST, sometimes during early afternoon as well.
I’ve been having a hard time finding groups as well. I think some people in the guild just needed one run for Dungeon Master, so now they’re done. I turn on my looking for group tag, but then usually end up doing some CoF or fractals, which turns the tag off. Whisper me if I’m on, I’ll probably go as soon as I’m out of the dungeon I’m currently in.
To be honest I think people should represent when willing to do a run, sure you can whisper everyone but it just doesn’t feel right to me, I get a lot of “I’ve done it for today, or not enough time”, or just get ignored so posting in gw2lfg seems easier. I think representing when wanting to find a group or do a run would help more, but I think a chat system like vent would be better, that way we could get to know members better.
Retired Until Expansion or Meaningful Content is Released.
I’ll start to make sure I have my lfg up when I am available. I am eastern time though, but am usually up pretty late. I normally get on after 7-7:30 pm ish. If I am able to help out, I will. I tend to do path 3 each night and sometimes path 2 as well.
Yak’s Bend
Any members here in the guild who want to run path 3 daily (or even twice) or path 2 daily? Even at peak hours with 40+ members on, hardly anyone is changing their icon status to lfg. I still have to resort to PUGs to do my daily runs.
I’m usually avaiable nights PST, sometimes during early afternoon as well.
I’ve been having a hard time finding groups as well. I think some people in the guild just needed one run for Dungeon Master, so now they’re done. I turn on my looking for group tag, but then usually end up doing some CoF or fractals, which turns the tag off. Whisper me if I’m on, I’ll probably go as soon as I’m out of the dungeon I’m currently in.
I think you hit the nail on the head here regarding one run for DM. I’m sure many of those in the guild did the one run with Obal and joined just for the heck of it. Maybe we need a new topic “Arah Vets Grouping Together to do DAILY (or frequent) Arah Runs” :-D
I’ll add you later
I’ll start to make sure I have my lfg up when I am available. I am eastern time though, but am usually up pretty late. I normally get on after 7-7:30 pm ish. If I am able to help out, I will. I tend to do path 3 each night and sometimes path 2 as well.
I can vouch for nova staying up really late! ;-)
For Dungeon Master title, they have to complete all Dungeons All Paths (correct me if I’m wrong). So I don’t think running just 1 path, especially P3 (the easiest path) would do them any good to acquire the title and 1 path run with Obal as a newbie, wouldn’t give you any real experience because he did all the works (look at me, guys).
The real experience comes when they start running w/ different groups with various level of experiences & compositions then they will realize there’re more to learn. Some will step up to the plate, some will say nah, it’s not worth it, couple runs are enough to know what’s in there. This applies to all dungeons, just not Arah.
Then we have people w/ timing problems. Some’re from east coast, some’re from west coast and so on. And schedule prioritizing issues such as running w/ friends, teaching their newbies ropes in different dungeons etc. Then preferences to only run w/ people you know, especially places like Arah. In the end, you don’t get that many people joined you. So if Yasha got his 5 and I think he does after last night, meaning others in the same guild with the same timing as Yasha won’t get their 5 for daily running due to limitation of available players in the pool, unless he’s in Yasha group. And it starts getting complicated
(edited by SkyChef.5432)
I’ll group with anyone in the guild who wants to run Arah—doesn’t have to be with 4 other exclusive people. :-P
I don’t want anyone to get the wrong impression. I don’t NEED to run Arah daily but right now, it’s my flavor of the month—can’t run Arah forever right? :-)
(edited by Yasha.6105)
I’ll group with anyone in the guild who wants to run Arah—doesn’t have to be with 4 other exclusive people. :-P
I don’t want anyone to get the wrong impression. I don’t NEED to run Arah daily but right now, it’s my flavor of the month—can’t run Arah forever right? :-)
I don’t want to come across as implicating favoritism or anything else. It’s just a problem of limitation of resources which we have no way to know who is available or will be available at certain time. And we can’t tell the person’s location is due to cross-servers display resulting in several times, people returned my pm that they are already in Arah w/ our guild people. Imagine if my pm comes at the time their date w/ Lupi is hottest.
(edited by SkyChef.5432)
I’ve run Arah with many in the guild so far. I keep trying to group with everybody to get acquainted. But in the end there are a few that I just prefer to group with because they are good people and its always an enjoyable run. I’m not picky but I’m not a speed runner and elistist pretty much turn me off so I tend to not group with them again if I can help it.
The time zone difference is an obstacle. Its just a suggestion but dont give up on whispering people. Imho with around 90 people in the guild your bound to hit it off with 3 or 4 people at least. Also its good to be pro-active. If your waiting for an invite it might not come. And when in a group remember people are evaluating how fun it is to group with you.
Now that its the weekend finally! I think it should make it easier to get more runs in including other paths. Or at least thats what I hope for
Troy Blackthorn
Profession: Elementalist
Traited: D/D Auramancer
Experience: Did path 3 once..
Time: Tuesday, Wednesday, Friday – 8PM – 2AM EST
Sunday – 2PM – 6PM/8PM – 2AM EST
Other: Very good at doing what I’m told. Fast learner.
Lil Wreck
Profession: Warrior / Guardian / Necro / Ranger
Traited: GS war/ AH hammer guard/ Bleed Necro / Ranger….ranger… lol
Experience: Only done story
Time: Everynight from 6pm+ est till 1am
Other: Above average player fo sho, never had the chance to try Arah
Valentina J
Profession: Mesmer
Traited: GS/S+F, 20/20/0/10/20
Experience: N/A…
Time: Every night, 8pm PST till 2-3am ish
Other: Relatively new player, but I pick things up quickly.
also looking to run Arah on a regular basis
full exotics
i use all weapons, mainly p/p sb in Arah
experience P3 (8+ finished runs) and P4(1 complete run)
would like to do other paths as well
usually on all day Sun. evenings EST rest of week
plz give me a whisper and invite.
use Evercruel.7603 to get me as i’m on alts also.. thiefs name is Saydis
Hi guys I would love to join you all for arah runs.
Ele: 0/10/0/30/30
Full exotics
Experience: All paths
Time: all day weekends
(edited by DAsicko.9103)
Rhbyn Yew
Profession: Ranger
Traited: DPS (Exotic)
Experience: Played Arah dungeons before they updated to stop resets
Time: EST 9am-11pm
Note: I can run different armor and builds.
born to Isle Of Janthir
(edited by Robyn Yew.6072)
Hey guys, I ran Arah for the first time with a few of you last night and you guys pointed me to this thread
Autumn Catin
Full Exotic
Played Arah p3 speedrun once.
Time: EST evening most nights
I have the hardest time finding a group for this place!
Sir Clooney
Trait 30 0 0 20 20
Full exotic
Experience: finally got a full group and failed path 1 instantly so fairly new to this dungeon but not all
Time: est evenings and weekends
Just a reminder: for all the newcomers, if you want to run Arah change your status to lfg
did a couple of arah runs in the weekend, had to reject lots of pm’s because my whole guild is still trying to find the best strategies for those bounties (we are a smallish guild so yeah…) so I was helping out for the most part.
Anyways, i’m thinking about using something like a free blog site to create some sort of sign up sheets and create groups for each day so people just have to pm those they are grouped with. I can probably try do that but I won’t be able to maintain it everyday because sometimes RL gets in the way
Venomous X
Profession: Guardian
Traited: AH build
Gear: Full exotic armor (got PVT and Knight), ascended all zerk(rings, capacitor and amulet)
Experience: none in arah
Time: Mostly when i online i can get my self to join. Im in South-eastern Asia.
Other: Im fast learner and dont mind getting some guides from you guys.
(edited by VenomousEX.4012)
Custom Zerker
Partial Exotic, rest ascended.
80+ runs on all paths. (path 4 completed ~5 times to help friends get DM)
EST evening/weekend
Note: I do not use rifles. Will LB path 1 boss 3 and path 3 boss 2. Otherwise full melee, including lupi.
Willing to gamble gold on lupi; last player to down takes pot.
Add Yoff to that list!
I play on my war/guard/engi.
I’ve done plenty of p3 and some p1 and p4
Profession: mesmer
Traited: dps gs/sword-focus
Experience: none
Time: random time between 12pm-7am gmt-7
I have experience to set up a free website w/ events scheduling. Basically, legitimate members of the guild have to re-apply to the website so they have full access to calendar’s event. In there, they can initiate their own request & time. Members who want to group in that event just need to add their name in that group, and the class they will take w/ them. It’s that easy & nobody has to do anything housekeeping.
But I’m an old fashion guy, so I will only set up the website if Obal or Kumakichi gives me the go.
But it’s also my experience that regardless of the website events are in place, people just do not use it. They all want everything instantly like instant messenger. Heck, human nature. I want it and I want it now.
(edited by SkyChef.5432)
You should PM Obal or Kumakichi in-game, one or the other is usually always around. If not, I can mention it to Obal or Kuma too when I’m logged on the game. I think it’s a good idea to be able to see when certain members are most free to be running a path. I’ve been helping out a ton of people but sometimes they ask me very late at night and I’m unable to help them. But great idea!
Count me in.
Ivy Synchro/Razzle
Profession: Engineer/Elementalist
Traited: Condition/DPS
Experience: I’ve done Path 2 & 3 once
Time: After 9pm eastern time until 3am
I have experience to set up a free website w/ events scheduling. Basically, legitimate members of the guild have to re-apply to the website so they have full access to calendar’s event. In there, they can initiate their own request & time. Members who want to group w/ that individual posting comment under that event to specify their wish to participate with that particular run. But I’m an old fashion guy, so I will only set up the website if Obal or Kumakichi gives me the go.
But it’s also my experience that regardless of the website events are in place, people just do not use it. They all want everything instantly like instant messenger. Heck, human nature. I want it and I want it now.
I think this is a good idea but as you implied, it’s tough to stick to scheduling—unexpected circumstances leading to no-show and then the other members having to wait around. And people not wanting to have to go to another website, etc…,.It certainly wouldn’t hurt to try it out and see how it goes. I think it might be good use for relative newcomers to Arah though. Put a time when you want to run and maybe the vets who log on at the same time will then initiate a run.
I have experience to set up a free website w/ events scheduling. Basically, legitimate members of the guild have to re-apply to the website so they have full access to calendar’s event. In there, they can initiate their own request & time. Members who want to group w/ that individual posting comment under that event to specify their wish to participate with that particular run. But I’m an old fashion guy, so I will only set up the website if Obal or Kumakichi gives me the go.
But it’s also my experience that regardless of the website events are in place, people just do not use it. They all want everything instantly like instant messenger. Heck, human nature. I want it and I want it now.
I definitely like the idea. However sometimes my schedule can be a bit erratic. I’d hate to commit to a time and not be able to make it. Luckily I found a pretty steady group within the guild that I’ve been running with, including you SkyChef.
Maybe if there were something similar to the gw2lfg format, that lists people ready to go now “I want it and I want it now!”. Setting my icon to lfg doesn’t necessarily work all the time because while I’m waiting for people to run Arah, I might do something in a group. I’m willing to try whatever you come up with though. I plan on getting them tokens indefinitely.
That sounds like it defeats the purpose of not using gw2lfg, but I like using people from the guild as they’ve all basically consented that they aren’t elitist jerks simply by joining the guild. Everyone so far has been very affable. Sometimes someone goofs up a little, I hate when a group falls apart after this because someone is way too upset about it. I’ve had this experience with gw2lfg a couple times and it’s very annoying because we could easily just pick up where we left off and get it done. But that one person just needs to be a jerk and pull the team apart.
We can still use GW2LFG but said specifically that this is for this guild only. No one said we cannot use GW2LFG for a specific group.
Yeah, I’m not saying we can’t use gw2lfg. Just that this guild was created partly so we don’t have to. I don’t mind using gw2lfg, but I like getting as many from the guild as I can first. Nine times out of ten you still get good people from gw2lfg, but sometimes there’s just a bad apple.
Yeah, I’m not saying we can’t use gw2lfg. Just that this guild was created partly so we don’t have to. I don’t mind using gw2lfg, but I like getting as many from the guild as I can first. Nine times out of ten you still get good people from gw2lfg, but sometimes there’s just a bad apple.
That’s not what I’ve trying to say. What I meant is we could use LFG for our group to put in such ads as:
SkyChef Dungeon Arah p3 Level 80 LF2M Members of LupiGuild Only [options]
Possible Options:
Melee’ing Lupi.
[Two] new comers welcomed.
All [class specifier] challenged.
And whoever puts in the ads should screen the applications to make sure that all members aware if there is someone not in our club.
PS: I want to emphasize this because I don’t mind to run w/ your guild or your friends but my priority is running w/ this guild’s members first.
Edited for contents.
(edited by SkyChef.5432)
Good ideas. I like the suggestions. If you want to try the website SkyChef I’d say go for it but just dont burden yourself with too much is all. Maybe we could explore the GW2LFG option first?
This GW2LFG suggestion is interesting. I like the idea its worth a try. If someone can think of a format for posting it might help if we all sort of used a similar post.
I’ll edit the first post accordingly.
p.s. That looks good SkyChef. I might suggest maybe adding “melee’ing Lup” or “LF1M guild newcomer welcome” Just sort of brainstorming if you have something unique going on.
(edited by Kumakichi.2583)
Yeah, I’m not saying we can’t use gw2lfg. Just that this guild was created partly so we don’t have to. I don’t mind using gw2lfg, but I like getting as many from the guild as I can first. Nine times out of ten you still get good people from gw2lfg, but sometimes there’s just a bad apple.
That’s not what I’ve trying to say. What I meant is we use LFG for our group to put in such ads as:
SkyChef Dungeon Arah p3 Level 80 LF2M Members of LupiClub only.
Cool, sounds good to me.
Wow I’m upset I didn’t find out about this earlier! I would love an invite
Slight Werk // Danielyy
Profession: Warrior // Ranger
Gear: All exo knight /w zerk trinkets or full zerk // apothecary gear
Traited: DPS // Condition BM Bunker
Experience: Ran other dungeons but not arah
Time: Weeknights eastern time 8pm or later or weekends anytime
Other: Just trying to experience all content of this great game
Wow, my internet shut down on me again. Second time now, just after midnight both times. Sorry Yasha, SkyChef, Dai and other guy! Luckily we had just got in there. I’ll be calling my ISP tomorrow.
Dun worry laharl; we figured as much. :-)
Jade Quarry (NA)
Arcadius Blackthorn (Guardian) lvl 80
Full exotics
Greatsword and Specter/Focus
Would love to learn Arah Exp and if others need help with other dungeons willing to help.
Too much effort involved to be an elitist or pushy but willing to play one of my five classes to suit the need of the group.
Arcanon Black (Ranger) lvl 80
Full exotics
Arcadia Faust (Mesmer) lvl 80
Working on full exotics
Greatsword and Scepter/Focus
Hung Ovér (Warrior) lvl 80
Full exotics
Greatsword and Rifle
Arcanius Noir (Elementalist) lvl 80
Full exotics
I’ve done path 3 a couple times…only have problems with Lupicus and have seen the solo video of someone doing path 2 many times so I know what to expect.
Wow, my internet shut down on me again. Second time now, just after midnight both times. Sorry Yasha, SkyChef, Dai and other guy! Luckily we had just got in there. I’ll be calling my ISP tomorrow.
I had the same thing happen to me the other night. I felt terrible!
Yak’s Bend
Yeah, I’m not saying we can’t use gw2lfg. Just that this guild was created partly so we don’t have to. I don’t mind using gw2lfg, but I like getting as many from the guild as I can first. Nine times out of ten you still get good people from gw2lfg, but sometimes there’s just a bad apple.
That’s not what I’ve trying to say. What I meant is we use LFG for our group to put in such ads as:
SkyChef Dungeon Arah p3 Level 80 LF2M Members of LupiClub only.
Cool, sounds good to me.
Great idea. I am always willing to go in groups and help people learn the path, but it’s nice to have someone else that is very familiar with the lupi fight. Especially since I am not the best when he constantly targets me, lol
Yak’s Bend
Yeah, I’m not saying we can’t use gw2lfg. Just that this guild was created partly so we don’t have to. I don’t mind using gw2lfg, but I like getting as many from the guild as I can first. Nine times out of ten you still get good people from gw2lfg, but sometimes there’s just a bad apple.
That’s not what I’ve trying to say. What I meant is we use LFG for our group to put in such ads as:
SkyChef Dungeon Arah p3 Level 80 LF2M Members of LupiClub only.
Cool, sounds good to me.
Great idea. I am always willing to go in groups and help people learn the path, but it’s nice to have someone else that is very familiar with the lupi fight. Especially since I am not the best when he constantly targets me, lol
You should stop bringing that pretty shiny stick to the fight Nova! :-P
It took me no more than 30 min to set up the website.
Members of the club will have access to once you have applied to for a free account then re-apply again at our website. That’s the way it works.
I’ve also put an example of how to schedule an event in the event calendar. All suggestions are welcomed. This thread now should returned to its original purpose. And other purposes.
wonderful quick question though, which timezone does the website use? server time?
edit: oh, and I just applied :P
quick question though, which timezone does the website use? server time?
edit: oh, and I just applied :P
Server time but to eliminate confusion, everybody should specify time zone in their own events. In the absent of time zone specification, it’s defaulted to server time (which is PST).
(edited by SkyChef.5432)
Very cool…. thanks SkyChef!
(edited by Kumakichi.2583)
Chef, great job on the site. If it gains traction, perhaps we could expand it to other dungeons as well. I wouldn’t mind running other dungeons with people from LFG
Just have to say what a great experience being a part of this is. A million thanks to everyone who made (and continues to make) this a game-elevating experience.
Chef, great job on the site. If it gains traction, perhaps we could expand it to other dungeons as well. I wouldn’t mind running other dungeons with people from LFG
Everything is possible.
Somehow we need to broadcast the new website & its event scheduling to members who rarely show up here.
(edited by SkyChef.5432)
It took me no more than 30 min to set up the website.
Members of the club will have access to once you have applied to for a free account then re-apply again at our website. That’s the way it works.
I’ve also put an example of how to schedule an event in the event calendar. All suggestions are welcomed. This thread now should returned to its original purpose. And other purposes.
Awesome site! Let me know if you need help with anything.
Yak’s Bend