Better nerf dungeons now
Hi I have just replied
I usually just surf the forums to read, I logged in just to respond to this. The moment Anet nerfs Dungeons or the content in general I, and ten of my friends are leaving. So, if casuals leaving is also a threat, so it is for people who like a challenge, people who stood by this game and people who made it possible. We tested it when it crashed, missed on dates, jobs and stayed late at night for that upcoming two-hours stress test and now, you, want what we love changed because you can’t play ?
This game is what we wanted for a long time, I don’t want exotics – I don’t want high damage or scripted fights. That’s why we play games, for the challenge and hard progression.
Test me, I am a gamer – I can take it.
Hope they don’t.
The only thing i want is harder paths to give more tokens, just to give incentive to people to try to run multiples paths rather than the easier.
While I understand your sentiment about having a challenging dungeon to play, there are a few major problems in dungeons, not necessarily with the content, as they exist today:
Drops in explorable dungeons need to start at Masterwork, minimum. Spending an hour running a dungeon I had a dozen blues, and one masterwork item that I couldn’t use. This runs counter to just doing standard PvE content, where I can spend an hour and get usable masterwork items, money, and experience, which is more rewarding than doing a dungeon at this point in time. If the risk of the content is higher, you shouldn’t just get some garbage drops and a handful of money that can’t cover the time you wasted going there in the first place.
Repair costs are out of control. If you have a less than optimal group in a dungeon, you will corpse throw your way through, and that ends up costing more silver than you ever make running the whole thing to completion.
LFG is not advanced enough for creating groups that want to do specific content. You can’t set yourself LFG to run a dungeon, or to run story vs explorable, so it’s common that people will LFG, find a group, and discover after joining that people wanted to do story, or explorable, when you did not. Making this intent easier to expose to players is going to be key to getting proper balanced groups in dungeons.
Bads in PUG groups are REALLY bads. I personally hate the term “bads” because it’s been overused in recent mmo terminology to mean “anyone who doesn’t play how i want them to”, but I really do think that since this game focuses more on skill, that when a player is clearly bad at playing their profession, the whole group suffers immensely from it. The dungeons are not forgiving of players who are new, and I don’t think they should be, but there’s no accountability, or mechanism for enforcing accountability of the players in your group.
Just to be clear, I enjoy the content in the dungeons I’ve been in. It’s refreshing to see a dungeon that isn’t just a coin toss based on gear and a chest filled with epics at the end, but I do think that the rewards need to be bumped up for explorables, and the costs associated with failure need to be reduced to give players an incentive to run a dungeon over just hitting a standard PvE zone.
The gist of most people’s concerns about dungeons are not that the dungeons as a whole are too hard, but rather much too tedious.
Non-boss enemies in the dungeon instances have far too much health, which means that most fights are an unnecessary grind. Due to this, dungeons take a very long time for most teams to complete. The slayer of Issomir and the Hero of Queensdale shouldn’t need to spend a full minute or two fighting a guard dog. It’s immersion breaking and time wasting.
The bosses are normally great, and in some instances AMAZING, for instance in Sorrow’s Furnace story mode (no spoilers!).
All-in-all, random mobs BAD, bosses GOOD. And don’t get me started on dungeon tokens. I love Arena Net, but this is just ridiculous. You shouldn’t have to run the same dungeon 10-12 times to get a single piece of special skinned armor. The dungeon rewards make me SERIOUSLY want to reconsider my trust in the company which promised every dungeon rewards you with unique gear and that they want to remove the grind from the MMO formula. Excuse me, what do you think YOU just did?
Some people really don’t understand sarcasm!
The problem isn’t the difficulty but the randomness of the difficulty, so anet needs to asap fix the dungeons to the same difficulty level (whatever that may be) or dungeons will just be ignored by people leading to less content for people to enjoy > less players in GW2.
I don’t get what all the fuss is about. People take easy games for granted, finally there is something hard again and people are complaining because they’re not used to it. I’ve done most of the dungeons and i like them being a challenge, you need to communicate with your party. I hope they will not nerf the dungeons since they stated themselves that you need to cooperate and communicate with your party in order to succeed.
Edit: I do agree on the loot though, it’s not really that good for the difficulty of the dungeons.
Not that I care for the loot as much as most people though.
(edited by Terrorcookie.8560)
Personally, I haven’t even bothered doing dungeons aside from just going in to try them out. If they were as advertised, ya know, any profession can go in with any spec… haha not true. I also don’t have 5 hours to waste on no rewards and a lot of repairs, especially since I’m not willing to find a bunch of elitist snobby grinders to play with all the time. Which seems like this game is full of those types.
It’s cool though, I just won’t do the dungeons. I’ll do my casual thing, and stop playing this crap eventually, like when a more rewarding game (torchlight2) comes out… I can already see there is nothing left after I finish exploring 100%, not sure I want to do that on another character.
I can’t complain really, it’s been something to do for a few weeks until a cheaper and higher quality game comes out.
Yeah I’m not going to bother with explorable dungeons either, I’m a semi-serious PvE raider in WoW but from what I hear about those dungeons, it’s probably not something I’d enjoy. It’s alright though, the rest of the game is top-notch, I don’t like the dungeon sets anyway, and that gives me an excuse to keep my WoW subscription despite GW2 existing. =)
Also, as a very defensive player, I prefer being a full-time tank and manipulate aggro, so I actually like the trinity.
I play a defense mace/shield warrior and it fits my playstyle handsomely, but from what I hear from other players, if you want to play the defense/tanky card in a dungeon, it’s go guardian or go home and I don’t want to be a “poor man’s guardian.” (I hated my guardian in the beta otherwise I would be playing one.)
I usually just surf the forums to read, I logged in just to respond to this. The moment Anet nerfs Dungeons or the content in general I, and ten of my friends are leaving. So, if casuals leaving is also a threat, so it is for people who like a challenge, people who stood by this game and people who made it possible. We tested it when it crashed, missed on dates, jobs and stayed late at night for that upcoming two-hours stress test and now, you, want what we love changed because you can’t play ?
This game is what we wanted for a long time, I don’t want exotics – I don’t want high damage or scripted fights. That’s why we play games, for the challenge and hard progression.
Test me, I am a gamer – I can take it.
You and your friends won’t be missed. This game could use less arrogant elitists like you.
Dungeon difficulty is not that bad. It is quite fun. But rewards could use a small boost and group finder needs a big boost.
Really do you want these people to stay in the community?
16 blues? thats 4 greens and 1 rare right there baby. Or for my lazy behind 15-30s Or for when I need that salvaging achiv- a ton of mats.
Useless I think not.