Bosses at 1%
This is off top of my head but,
Ac None
Cm None
Ta F & U Sorta, you can keep the boss low and sit at the edge of the room generally to keep it in combat, just mind the add spawns.(Similar to how pugs used to do F-U)
Se None
CoF P2 but Good luck getting buyers
CoE None
HotW None (Not that it would ever be worth soloing for anything but fun.)
Arah P1,2&4 Can all be kept at 1% easily. (P1 is just a reflect check so you just hold crystals the whole fight, so not technically 1% but it’s a simple fast boss either way that’s simple to solo)
(edited by Xcorpdog.2840)
You can keep vallog at 1% by staying at range in combat and sidestrafing his projectiles. Or you could do cm p2 since it requires you to trigger the cage to end the path. Ta trees are easily maintained in combat as well. Arah p2 brie can also be put at 1%.
Looks like CM P2 is my best choice… But I hate soloing that path >__<
Well, thanks for the info anyway
you can play a guardian and just wall and shield. but that might kill the boss.
and oxtred have the answer there I think. All you need to do is keep shifting left and right and the boss range attack won’t hit you.
This is an elementalist solo video done by someone. Fast track to 19 minutes and watch him just move left and right.
(edited by laokoko.7403)
you can play a guardian and just wall and shield. but that might kill the boss.
and oxtred have the answer there I think. All you need to do is keep shifting left and right and the boss range attack won’t hit you.
This is an elementalist solo video done by someone. Fast track to 19 minutes and watch him just move left and right.
I already know how to solo him and I know how to avoid his fireballs. What I’m looking for is a boss I can literally stand still and browse the TP or something.
If I wanted to bore myself to death, I’d just do world bosses all day :P
how much are you selling it for?
I presume you are in EU. selling path isn’t as popular in NA. People mostly only sell arah here.
how much are you selling it for?
I presume you are in EU. selling path isn’t as popular in NA. People mostly only sell arah here.
Yes I am. I used to sell it at 2g per spot. P2 is kinda harder, so I might sell it at 2.5g or even 3g per spot
I already know how to solo him and I know how to avoid his fireballs. What I’m looking for is a boss I can literally stand still and browse the TP or something.
If I wanted to bore myself to death, I’d just do world bosses all day :P
Then I would suggest doing Arah P2.
You can easily bring Brie to 1%, and then just stand outside the bubble, and she won’t regen, or attack you.
It’s also one of the easiest paths in the game to solo imo, and if you can’t pass lupi you can always make a kek LFG like “WTB guard for oneshop lupi 1g”
Ummm keeping boss at 1% is not an exploit?
Ummm keeping boss at 1% is not an exploit?
How would this be an exploit? Please explain.
Waiting at a safe range from a boss while he is stuck in combat with you and can’t hit you or reset his hp looks kinda fishy to me. Unless it is arah where designers forgot to replace placeholders with actual bosses that fight back.
Waiting at a safe range from a boss while he is stuck in combat with you and can’t hit you or reset his hp looks kinda fishy to me. Unless it is arah where designers forgot to replace placeholders with actual bosses that fight back.
Chris commented on this, he said, as long as you can’t attack the boss while being safe, it is not an exploit, he said it was bad design if the boss doesn’t reset.
However, if you are able to hit the boss from a range while the boss can’t hit you and doesn’t reset, it is an exploit.
Waiting at a safe range from a boss while he is stuck in combat with you and can’t hit you or reset his hp looks kinda fishy to me. Unless it is arah where designers forgot to replace placeholders with actual bosses that fight back.
In the case of Vallog, it’s just bad design. He can’t move from his spot, so if you hide behind a corner i ncombat range he can’t hit you.
The exploit would be something like the coral at the ooze from Arah p1 (that got removed)
Waiting at a safe range from a boss while he is stuck in combat with you and can’t hit you or reset his hp looks kinda fishy to me. Unless it is arah where designers forgot to replace placeholders with actual bosses that fight back.
Chris commented on this, he said, as long as you can’t attack the boss while being safe, it is not an exploit, he said it was bad design if the boss doesn’t reset.
However, if you are able to hit the boss from a range while the boss can’t hit you and doesn’t reset, it is an exploit.
This basically makes all traited longbow rangers exploiting at some time.