Goodness, it seems like you read “placebo” and nothing else of my post. The main argument that you make I actually mention just above that – Bridgette and retal. Turmain is essentially the same thing: you brute force rather then ib5, so healing allows melee classes to stay in melee range and dps the whole time. I was actually trying to play devils advocate.
I’m sorry that word distracted so much from my point, which was really just that whether you have a centaur rune mesmer running around portaling or a healing guardian, being down one dps character isn’t going to make much of a difference where kill times are concerned. It’s going to be seconds or a few more seconds.
I don’t have any problem with the set up, although I wouldn’t advise trying to use it in pugs as you suggest. Because while 4zerk1heal is not that much different from 5zerks, 4 grab-bag-of random-traits-and-specs + 1 heal isn’t always going to work out. You can’t depend on pugs to deal dps, and after two years of pugging I can safely say it’s much better to bring your own dps and bring active defense without gimping yourself to buff or heal your party mates. Pugs are much more likely to lack good damage then they are to lack personal survivability. “They trust me to protect them, and I trust them to fully dps.” – trust is not something you bring into pugs, so I’d advise keeping the healer guard for times when you know everyone in the party and know the full group composition.
Dear rfDarko.4639,
Thank you for your reply. You post was one of the more substantive ones., and worthy of reply. The replies to your arguments can actually all be found in my earlier post. I certainly hope you won’t jump to conclusions that I only considered your ‘placebo argument’ just because ‘placebo’ was the only word I borrowed from your post. In summarising the gist of the entire posts so far, I hope I can seek your understanding that how I phrase it may not fully correspond to how you phased things – but it does not meant your words were not considered.
For the sake of completion, I set out your main arguments and reply accordingly:
1. Encounters are so under-tuned that everything explodes in seconds
I disagree. I have replied to this in my post. GW2 is harder than it appears because it rewards good teamwork (with easy runs), but serious penalises ones.
2. Using the same strategies as in the video but making the guard zerker probably wouldn’t make the path that much faster
I agree. It would probably make the run slower (if the same tactics were used) since zerk guardians cannot heal. I mentioned earlier in my post that full support requires active defences, passive defences, and heals. Zerk guards are only strong in the first element.
3. Healing had more of a placebo effect than anything else – you would have done nearly the same with or without it + 1heal 4zerk is unlikely to work well with PUGS
Again, in my post. Good healing is elusive. The point is not whether I would have done the same, but whether any reasonable pug in my position would have done the same kitten zerk or 1 supp 4 zerk. My humble view is that 5 zerk in any pug is far more likely to fail due to the low margin for error. My experience from pugging since GW2’s inception is that where I play heals, I can better control the survivability and fate of my group compared to when I am full zerk. While I may not be able to trust every pug to DPS effectively, I can at least trust them to DPS. Keeping them alive is not predicated on them trusting me. The absence of trust doesn’t mean the run fails. It just means its overall speed is reduced a little by people dodging or defending more than they should. This is a far more acceptable outcome than being a zerker in a pug group and you have far less options of ensuring group survival because you yourself are struggling to survive amidst the group’s tactical mistakes, bad team members, etc. I also point out that I have had good DPSers join when I post for zerker pugs. My group today were all PUGs I met along the way. In short, all things being equal, 1 heal 4 zerk is more viable in pug/casual scenarios than 5 zerk parties.
4. 1heal4zerk may not result in much kill time difference compared to 5 zerk parties
I agree on this point, and I have addressed this in my post earlier. One of my key arguments is that 1heal4zerk brings many benefits in addition to allowing you to kill around or at the same speed as full zerk parties. Therefore, it is worthy of sincere consideration.
Thank you.
Yours Faithfully,
(edited by Faythe.3096)