Cliffside Fractal boss is poorly designed
I completed him twice without using the exploit. The first time we had a party of 3, the second time with 4. It wasn’t a problem.
#3 this was never an issue for me.
#4 is an issue in a lot of places when attacking objects. Disabling auto-target helps a lot.
#6 appeared to be an issue, but did not seem to impede us the first time-the second we didn’t wipe.
This is not the new fight you are doing, this is the fight some of us have been doing right along.
Hutchmistress of the Fluffy Bunny Brigade [FBB]
Hutchmistress of the Fluffy Bunny Brigade [FBB]
More often than not, I mainly have an issue seeing the circle sometimes… the thin red border can be a little hard to make out where it is on the ground given the ground colors and textures. Is there a UI option to make the circle border a little thicker?