CoE Teleporter path thoughts and bug
Like most mobs Alpha has a leash and should ONLY be fought in that room. As for the crystals you should be having whole party destroy the trapped person. Makes it alot easier to free him. The boss isn’t that hard, I’ve beat him numerous times with only some deaths. The AoEs he drops you can just strafe out of, no need to dodge. Only time i dodged is when multiple members were together making a bunch of his circles appear in one place.
Enemies start regenerating when they break leash, while bit annoying not a big issue.
Bring more offense/melee to kill it faster (goes quite fast unless you have people dying all the time), slight reduction would be fine though.
AoE is perfectly fine. Don’t dodge Dragon’s tooth. Bring vigor, blocks, etc. Stand in safe spots if possible (safe-spot will be directly under you, danger-zones may overlap, one safe-spot may get ice-blast which shows as blue mist).
Crystal is awesome because it actually requires team-work (lame that some classes can just teleport out of it). To make it consistent either nerf teleports or increase cast-time so it can be dodged more easily.
Sounds like youre trying to avoid the AoE by getting out of it. NO! Stop doing that. Dodge when it hit, roll comfortably over ice and rock spikes. As long as you are rolling and you time it right, you can dance over his AoE without sweat.
ex – The Midnight Syndicate [Dark]
Indeed, don’t bother avoiding the red circles. You can safely stand on them for a second, then use your dodge to completely evade the attack.
The teleported path might actually be my favourite out of all dungeons I’ve been to. It´’s really difficult at first but now I usually go through without dying (unless I get killed while reviving someone else). The crystal prison is actually quite harmless – many classes can port out of it and the rest can usually use some kind of life-saving abilities (like death shroud). Notice that Subject Alpha will not cast dragon tooth if he’s in your melee range – so don’t fear him away from the trapped player. The spike circle aoe won’t even hit you (unless someone else stands where he’s not supposed to stand) and the ice spike is quite rare.
As for his abilities – you can simply walk away from the dragon tooth (hell you can even backpedal out of it) and it’s not so hard to dodge the rest – with swiftness you can even make it out of the circle without dodging. If you really are in trouble, look at the kind of aoe are you standing in – if the frozen ground effect in the smaller circle isn’t changing, you’re safe. If it has an animation, just step out of the small circle into the big one.