CoF farming needs fixed
i bet you have no warrior nether mesmer, and come here wining because get kicked from partys.
Also, inc trolls.
Better rewards for rainbow groups maybe? I donno.
(edited by Moderator)
They just need to add some boss mechanics that work against burst tactics. Something like dropping heavy stacks of retaliation, a wind-up (high-damage) push-back skill, or weakness conditions. It would add a little spice to the encounters, and encourage parties to bring boon-stripping, stability, and condition removal.
They just need to add some boss mechanics that work against burst tactics. Something like dropping heavy stacks of retaliation, a wind-up (high-damage) push-back skill, or weakness conditions. It would add a little spice to the encounters, and encourage parties to bring boon-stripping, stability, and condition removal.
then mesmer will be more and more important since we could bring null field for conditions and arcane thievery for boon strip.
Tbh I see more mixed groups on than war/mes groups.
They just need to add some boss mechanics that work against burst tactics. Something like dropping heavy stacks of retaliation, a wind-up (high-damage) push-back skill, or weakness conditions. It would add a little spice to the encounters, and encourage parties to bring boon-stripping, stability, and condition removal.
then mesmer will be more and more important since we could bring null field for conditions and arcane thievery for boon strip.
Lol, guess that’s why I’m not a dev.
i think cof need to fix as well. i got warrior and mesmer as well. the "zerker party "its so ridiculous and need to be stop.
last time i join . my armor and weapon are all PPcri. only my runes its not.. they kick me out of party without saying a word..
There’s something that other people enjoy and I don’t! It needs to be nerfed immediately!
I think DR needs fixing more than COF p1 does.
I dont’ think the dps difference is even that big.
I mean there’s a video of theif group doing faster or equally fast as warrior.
There’s only 2 place you are dps check and even if your dps is 2 times slower you should be only slowed by 20 second at most.
The reality I think is most people have alt, that is especially true for people who do mindless farm all day. So people have warrior or mesmer to group up with. That is probably more of a saying as proof I’m a dedicated farmer.
(edited by laokoko.7403)
personally i don’t mind those people farming cof p1. They can grind their brains off to get 1k gold per week for all I care. What really bothers me is the imbalance of reward vs time of other dungeon paths coughfotmcough.
Other parties aren’t that much slower than war/mes, path 1 should just be made longer to match the other dungeons.
CoF path1 is the only dungeon/path in the game that rewards you properly for your time spent. Even when your not in a zerker group it does not take much longer, and the reward for your time is more than fair. Other dungeons take way too long and are significantly more challenging for the same amount/type loot one gets doing CoF, so why run anything else?
Nerfing CoF path 1 would accomplish 1 thing, no one would run dungeons at all anymore! ANet really needs to scale the rewards for time much better to make ALL dungeons and their paths as lucrative as COF P-1.
Uh, I’ve run CoF P1 on my Thief & my Ranger without getting kicked lol in fact I rarely run it on my mesmer anymore.. I don’t see nerfing CoF P1 as a solution to anything whatsoever. I did it to work towards my cultural armor, and it still took me forever and a hell of a lot of effort to accomplish. You don’t really get filthy rich in no time at all and nerfing it will just make people not want to run dungeons when they aren’t rewarded monetarily. The game is already hard to make money in, don’t make it worse.
The need to add a Diplomat Tarban/Komali clone to Cof 1 then lets see them 4 Warrior 1 Mesmer through it
I would prefer this stays, else how will I ever farm the BILLIONS of gold I need to GAMBLE for items so kindly dangled in front of us by Anet.
Sea of Sorrows
The need to add a Diplomat Tarban/Komali clone to Cof 1 then lets see them 4 Warrior 1 Mesmer through it
Also, you should have to go look for him all over the dungeon before being able to proceed. He is stealthed somewhere on the map (500 possible locations).
and what will all them zerk warriors and super mesmars do then? quit gw2?
this “fix” will never happen.
So you better post a problem about a dungeon not in the dungeon subforum! that’s smart.
Currently playing Heart of Thorns.
its possible b fix no high dps for warrior. drop down critical hit of warrior.. that it won’t have that much “zerker” only.. if warrior dps only can get up to 10k see what will happen..
no such things as 6min per run…and no zerker only as well. because they all gona die. and they must mix with the others. lol
personally i don’t mind those people farming cof p1. They can grind their brains off to get 1k gold per week for all I care. What really bothers me is the imbalance of reward vs time of other dungeon paths coughfotmcough.
People can also do AC1 (duo) in 7 minutes. Hotw1 in 8 minutes. Most of Strife’s dungeon video is under 10 minutes.
I suppose cof always have the advantage because the token can be trade for 70 rare for ecto. And berserker is one of the most popular armor.
But the difference is actually “not that big”. They can try extend cof a bit, forcing us to kill the bridge mob, or make the rolling rock go on before mesmer can blink. But the reality is difference isn’t that big.
And they can also do Lupicus in less than 50 seconds. So really:
- If the Warrior gets nerfed (for no other reason than being used in speedruns), people will use another class and the cycle begins again
- If CoF gets nerfed, people will pick another quick dungeon path and the cycle begins again.
Either way, it wont do anything. Nerfing the warrior in particular based on its “speedrun” skills is a ridiculous idea. 5 Mesmers, 5 Guardians, 5 Theives, 5 whatever that are properly specced and geared is going to PLOW through the dungeon regardless.
The balance between cof P1 and all other dungeons indeed needs to be fixed.
It is too easy compared with other dungeons, it is much shorter than other dungeons and gives the same, or in some cases better rewards. So, yes there is an imbalance here that would be good to be addressed- whether by increased difficulty/length in cof p1 or decreased difficulty/length in some others.
However, what the OP is asking for is not balance. He is asking for a special fix that will eliminate specifically one type of party (in which he does not/cannot participate), while allowing the general farming (in which he does participate) to go on unhindered. I find this both childish and unhelpful. Childish because it sounds exactly like “if they don’t want to play with me then they should not be allowed to play at all” and unhelpful because compared to at least 30 mins for other dgs, whether you do cof in 6 mins with a zerk group, or in 10 mins with a pug group is irrelevant. It is too short either way.
@ Jun Yang: Warrior is only about dps, they do not have much of anything else – take that away and you have nothing left in the class. If you reduce the dps of the warrior class in order to reduce the dps of the zerk build, then you will harm all other builds too, taking their dps down to a point where these are no longer viable. And all you would accomplish is to make the zerk build (which you wanted to nerf in the first place) into the only viable build as opposed to the “optimum” build it is now.
Ps: I do have a warrior and a mesmer and I also have zerk gear so I can join these parties. I did it once or twice and ever since avoid them like plague – if I wanted a second job I would get one, I don’t need to run cof as if it was one. I generally keep the warrior in a combination of soldiers and zerk and the mesmer as condition or full support and join other parties of more balanced people to run cof. But if zerk parties want to persist in this un-fun and un-cool activity, that is their own problem, not mine. Unless we think they adversely affect the game economy, but that again is another matter and anyway debatable, since there seem to be other activities, more detrimental to the game economy than cof p1 that are accomplished with even less ingame effort.
^ So in your opinion every dungeon should have the “exact same length” by the minutes?
I already told you AC1 can be done by 2 people in 7 minutes. HOTW1 is 8 minutes. Most of the dungeon path done by strifes video is under 10 minutes. There is indeed a few dungeon which take almost 20 minutes, but “most of them” is under 10 minutes. You can check the dungeon video in the dungeon forum.
The point is the difference isn’t big.
The dps between warriror and other class isn’t big too. It’s already shown in video theif can speedrun in comparable time. If you theorycraft an elementist could potentialy sub for a warrior to do comparable if not more dps because of conjure weapon. The truth is even if warrior can do it faster. The difference wont’ be more than 20 second for cof path 1. That’s the reality right?
Now if you nerf warrior and buff other class. The reality is other class will actually do more damage. Because there probably isnt’ much difference in dps in the first place.
People always think warrior do like major damage because they hit for like 40k. The reality is they don’t they hit for like 4k-5k 8 times.
(edited by laokoko.7403)
Tbh I see more mixed groups on than war/mes groups.
Yes. Until one looks at the CoF listings. There it is all CoF p1 warriors and 1 mesmer, or CoF p2, warriors and guardians.
They need to make the encounters rougher, with some anti mobility effects and a few mobs that apply confusion. And for CoF p2, they need to fix it so you can’t skip the entire dungeon.
JAH Bless – Equal Rights and Justice for all.
Justice And Honor – Tarnished Coast.
Even if changes were made to extend the length to 10 minutes or so it’d still be the most farmed. Perhaps some people would move on to HoTW path 1 or CoE, but the trend for speed groups would still be 4W1M or MG3W. Fix the class imbalance and I think a lot fewer people would complain about speed groups.
There are plenty of groups on LFG by the way that aren’t “LF 1 ZERK WARR $$$$FARM GROUP PING GEAR$$$$” so if you don’t have a warrior or have one without optimal gear there are still plenty of groups for you. You can always make one of your own with a listing like “LF farm group, no zerk warriors needed, join and have a good time!” and your group would fill up in a matter of minutes. If that’s the kind of group you’d rather roll with, more power to ya. But don’t hate on those of us who would rather pick and choose who we take, and then are also picky about what utility skills you run, because we’re aiming for <7 minutes/run.
The problem is twofold.
1. CoF1 is easiest babymode.
2. Every other dungeon has lower dosh/hour rate.
I personally would suggest a system to scale rewards with group performance and buffing the "hard"er paths like Arah1 to give more dosh and tokens.
^ So in your opinion every dungeon should have the “exact same length” by the minutes?
I already told you AC1 can be done by 2 people in 7 minutes. HOTW1 is 8 minutes. Most of the dungeon path done by strifes video is under 10 minutes. There is indeed a few dungeon which take almost 20 minutes, but “most of them” is under 10 minutes. You can check the dungeon video in the dungeon forum.
First, you are missing the point entirely. I am not comparing speed runs, I am comparing normal runs. I don’t think the PVE part of the game needs to be balanced around what some very specific combinations of professions/builds can do.
So, while some paths of some dungeons may be done by certain parties with specific composition and builds (and I don’t care what that composition is) in under 10 minutes, parties with multiple professions and builds do not finish said dungeons in under 10 minutes. they finish them in 30. But they do finish cof in 10. That is a considerable difference and it does not make sense. If anything cof should had been harder/longer than let’s say CM because of the lvl 70 vs lvl 45 rares.
Now to your first point, no, they need not be of the exact same length/difficulty and I doubt this is possible anyway. But they should be of comparable length/difficulty if they have comparable rewards. Balance the dungeons, or balance the rewards. What we have now is rather silly.
And btw, do not expect people to agree with you because you “already said so”. And kindly provide a link to a 2man 7 min AC1 run – I would love to see it.
Oh deae god no. Leave those l33t players in Balefire’s prison. Please, do not unleash them into the rest of the dungeons.
Tbh I see more mixed groups on than war/mes groups.
Yes. Until one looks at the CoF listings. There it is all CoF p1 warriors and 1 mesmer, or CoF p2, warriors and guardians.
They need to make the encounters rougher, with some anti mobility effects and a few mobs that apply confusion. And for CoF p2, they need to fix it so you can’t skip the entire dungeon.
Completely wrong. If you can’t find a non war/mes group you’re doing something wrong.
i think cof need to fix as well. i got warrior and mesmer as well. the "zerker party "its so ridiculous and need to be stop.
last time i join . my armor and weapon are all PPcri. only my runes its not.. they kick me out of party without saying a word..
Haha. “Shut them down for not letting me join because I didn’t have the right equipment!”
Runes can add a lot more dps.
Seriously guys. It’s not hard to find a non war/mes group. I do on my guardian every single day, easily.
Sure, I think the dungeon should be longer and harder. But blaming people for making zerker groups is not the issue. They’re just being efficient. I do these runs with my warrior. They go so much faster than regular groups do, especially for doing multiple runs.
I also run at least once everyday on my guard and NEVER have an issue finding a group.
Oh deae god no. Leave those l33t players in Balefire’s prison. Please, do not unleash them into the rest of the dungeons.
this is a good point actually….
Oh deae god no. Leave those l33t players in Balefire’s prison. Please, do not unleash them into the rest of the dungeons.
this is a good point actually….
Sorry to burst your bubble, but we’re already doing other dungeons. I run Arah with my guard all the time and have Dungeon Master. My warrior is specifically set up for CoF right now, but when I do run him elsewhere, I re-trait and have different gear.
Also, maybe you should look up some vids of DPSers in other dungeons. Almost every dungeon can be optimized in this fashion.
(edited by laharl.8435)
personally i don’t mind those people farming cof p1. They can grind their brains off to get 1k gold per week for all I care.
yeah, this. if anything the dungeon is just too easy in general. i view the berserker warr/mes thing as simply the most efficient way that min/maxers have found to run an already simple dungeon.
i have 6 80s, all professions except engi and ranger atm, and i regularly do cof 1 and 2 on each of them. i do it all through pugging via and have no problems finding groups for different professions. so i guess i don’t see the problem. the ads for zerkers with 3 ascended gear and gear pinging and all that are ridiculous in an absurdly funny kind of way, but i really don’t see where it’s hurting the game.
please don’t dismiss this with your “trolls inc” comment. if you disagree with me, discuss why.
This forum is a wretched hive of scum and villainy. ~DevilLordLaser
Every time, I read a post regarding nerfing a class, rewards, contents due to its efficiency in certain situations, it reminds me a story of a cavemen tribe used to fight with stick and stone to gather his foods. They did just fine until one day, they met another group of strangers equipped w/ bows & swords. As a result of the strager’s advanced utilities, the new strangers are completely taking over the hunting ground, leaving the cavemen in shock & awed. Desperately envied, the cavemen came home crying to their gods:
“Dear god, how could you do this to your beloved children? How could you gave an unfair advantages to your other children? Please, I beg you. Give them sticks & stones just like us. Nerf the freaking crap out of them so we can be an equal footing.” And they cried and cried into their sleep.
Now I don’t know how their god would answer their calling but I could imagine 2 possible scenarios.
1) Their god isn’t better than their children, which is an indication that they are faked god, nerfing the other group and gives them the sticks & stones to make them equal their moronic cavemen children.
2) The real god would slap the face of the cavemen repetitively “How could you be so stupid of all your lives? You could ask me to provide you better gears but no, you want to pull everybody down to your moronic level. Is it the way how your life advances? No wonder you continue to live in your cave so long. Go back to your cave. I have no hope for you.”
Disclaimer: Anything in this imaginary story is completely fabricated. Any remote connection w/ GW2 & its player base is completely co-incident because caveman is no longer existed. Their genes still though.
(edited by SkyChef.5432)
If the knowledge that DPS specs are the fastest way to clear a dungeon would spread out to everything outside of CoF all of the PUG dungeon groups would get better eventually. It’s frustrating going from CoF where people understand that bringing only the necessary utility, then maximizing damage minimizes the length of the run, to something like TA or AC where the PUG community for the most part believes “play whatever you want, there’s no difference in classes!”
The lessons you learn from CoF will make you better at the rest of the dungeons. That is, the core lesson should be “do as much damage as possible while surviving”.
Oh deae god no. Leave those l33t players in Balefire’s prison. Please, do not unleash them into the rest of the dungeons.
this is a good point actually….
Sorry to burst your bubble, but we’re already doing other dungeons. I run Arah with my guard all the time and have Dungeon Master. My warrior is specifically set up for CoF right now, but when I do run him elsewhere, I re-trait and have different gear.
Also, maybe you should look up some vids of DPSers in other dungeons. Almost every dungeon can be optimized in this fashion.
errrr maybe I misunderstood the post I quoted, i thought its talking about people who treated other players like crap
Oh deae god no. Leave those l33t players in Balefire’s prison. Please, do not unleash them into the rest of the dungeons.
this is a good point actually….
Sorry to burst your bubble, but we’re already doing other dungeons. I run Arah with my guard all the time and have Dungeon Master. My warrior is specifically set up for CoF right now, but when I do run him elsewhere, I re-trait and have different gear.
Also, maybe you should look up some vids of DPSers in other dungeons. Almost every dungeon can be optimized in this fashion.
errrr maybe I misunderstood the post I quoted, i thought its talking about people who treated other players like crap
Nah, he was just being sarcastic by saying “l33t players”. War/Mes groups aren’t treating other players like crap. Well some might, but those are the same people who treat people like crap in any dungeon.
Oh deae god no. Leave those l33t players in Balefire’s prison. Please, do not unleash them into the rest of the dungeons.
this is a good point actually….
Sorry to burst your bubble, but we’re already doing other dungeons. I run Arah with my guard all the time and have Dungeon Master. My warrior is specifically set up for CoF right now, but when I do run him elsewhere, I re-trait and have different gear.
Also, maybe you should look up some vids of DPSers in other dungeons. Almost every dungeon can be optimized in this fashion.
errrr maybe I misunderstood the post I quoted, i thought its talking about people who treated other players like crap
Nah, he was just being sarcastic by saying “l33t players”. War/Mes groups aren’t treating other players like crap. Well some might, but those are the same people who treat people like crap in any dungeon.
oh haha that cleared things up
It’s an extension of a larger problem.
Currently dungeons lean in favor of direct damage, and that ends up boiling down a fairly diverse array of character building options into a surprisingly shallow handful.
And that’s a problem, not just because RPGs are about character building and anything that limits that is generally speaking pretty bad news. But in that there just isn’t enough depth of execution (manual aiming, skillshots, etc) in the combat system to support playing a direct damage build 24/7. This game seems more built around letting you choose various ways to play with different small and medium-sized skill curves to explore, instead of limiting the ways you can play and giving you one skillcurve that’s really big. So if we limit our choices to just one way to play, it isn’t long before we master things and start getting bored.
I can sympathize that the routes for gaining a legendary are few in number, and the only one that gives you any feeling of steady progress is a gold-based grind. But this can’t stay this way.
(edited by Vox Hollow.2736)
Um…I rather they buff every other dungeon’s Time:Reward ratio than nerfing CoF’s…
Simply killing CoFP1 will result in:
-some people will just ragequit because other forms of farming gold in this game is simply too boring or too inefficient. (“why not just play and enjoy the game?” cuz most players have already done 1000+ hrs of ‘playing and enjoyin’ the game, they are now more interested in finally having a legendary, and legendary requires money, and this is the most fun and efficient way of making that money)
-some people will go 4W1M the next easiest/efficient things that’s there. I’m guessing COE is a good option due to the drop rate of Charged lodestones. Then Charged lodestone market will crash, so it wont even be efficient anymore. More players ragequit.
People will always find the best setup for making money. And there will always be certain preferences and exclusions…that’s how MMOs are. COF farming is at least more fun than farming vials of karka blood or armored scale or corrupted cores or whatever…at least for me. I feel like a bot when i farm those items in open world, when i do CoE i feel like im actually playing the game.
“I tried out for my high school basketball team and I didn’t make it… ABOLISH SCHOOL SPORTS!” Please people, try to understand that not everyone wants to play casually and some people like highly coordinated, highly efficient teams with maximized potential. There are plenty of things for you to do in this game aside from joining our speed run groups so please stop acting like you’re being excluded from the entire game.
“I tried out for my high school basketball team and I didn’t make it… ABOLISH SCHOOL SPORTS!” Please people, try to understand that not everyone wants to play casually and some people like highly coordinated, highly efficient teams with maximized potential. There are plenty of things for you to do in this game aside from joining our speed run groups so please stop acting like you’re being excluded from the entire game.
Also, they’re not excluded at all, they just want to act like they are because they refuse to bring the asked for classes/gear/build. There’s a sign on the gym wall that says “ATHLETIC SHOES REQUIRED” and these folks are throwing a tantrum because they’re not allowed to play in combat boots.
Tbh I see more mixed groups on than war/mes groups.
Yes. Until one looks at the CoF listings. There it is all CoF p1 warriors and 1 mesmer, or CoF p2, warriors and guardians.
They need to make the encounters rougher, with some anti mobility effects and a few mobs that apply confusion. And for CoF p2, they need to fix it so you can’t skip the entire dungeon.
Completely wrong. If you can’t find a non war/mes group you’re doing something wrong.
I can find one easily. In my guild.
But not on – that’s overwhelmingly warrior + mesmer zerker when you filter for CoF Explorable.
Fortunately I don’t PUG this kind of content often. Fortunately my current 80s are also a warrior and a guardian, and next up for me is a mesmer. BUT none of my characters are zerkers – which I consider a flawed build.
A look at this screenshot shows the place needs looking at, given how tailored the intent of the PUGs for it are.
JAH Bless – Equal Rights and Justice for all.
Justice And Honor – Tarnished Coast.
I wanted a weapon in CoF once, all I did was type in something like “LFG P1, not a speedrunner just want my ****ing 60 tokens” managed to find a friendly rainbow group every day until I got enough tokens.
Tbh I see more mixed groups on than war/mes groups.
Yes. Until one looks at the CoF listings. There it is all CoF p1 warriors and 1 mesmer, or CoF p2, warriors and guardians.
They need to make the encounters rougher, with some anti mobility effects and a few mobs that apply confusion. And for CoF p2, they need to fix it so you can’t skip the entire dungeon.
Completely wrong. If you can’t find a non war/mes group you’re doing something wrong.
I can find one easily. In my guild.
But not on – that’s overwhelmingly warrior + mesmer zerker when you filter for CoF Explorable.Fortunately I don’t PUG this kind of content often. Fortunately my current 80s are also a warrior and a guardian, and next up for me is a mesmer. BUT none of my characters are zerkers – which I consider a flawed build.
A look at this screenshot shows the place needs looking at, given how tailored the intent of the PUGs for it are.
That is just silly. Just because there is many warrior/mesmer group don’t mean there is not other group too. So I’m not sure what you are upset about.
It take me roughly the same time to find a warrior/mesmer group or a normal group.
I don’t see any problem with this at all. I do have a level 80 zerker Mesmer and warrior but I’ve never joined an elitist group like that personally because I think groups like that would kick me out if I made even a single mistake or dc’d, it’s not hard at all to find a PUG group for CoF p1 and even p2 on, especially if you have a Mesmer or warrior yourself. CoF p1 and p2 are the only dungeons I enjoy doing nowadays, they’ve made all the other dungeons so hard and long that it takes way too long to find a team to begin with and they’re all frustrating to play with a team of inexperienced players. In my opinion they should make AC much easier for low level players because most groups only seem to take level 80 players which is just wrong in my opinion considering it is the first dungeon in the game.
The real problem is that guardians, warriors and mesmers are far superior to all the other classes in general. They’re just as good, if not better than other classes for soloplay but when it comes to teamplay they unarguably outshine the other classes in every possible way. They just bring so much more to the table than other classes, sure there are niche areas where the thief’s invisibility(Dredge fractal door bomb) or the ele’s frost bow(ac p1 burrows) can be very handy but overall guardians, warriors and mesmers are way more useful than the others. I can’t remember the last time I pugged with an engineer and as a player who mains necros I can tell you that I often get told by teammates that they hate playing with necros because they’re useless, most of the time I end up in a team with more than 1 necro the group either struggles to beat the content or takes ages to beat it. Class balance is the problem.
Bottom line is that they need to balance the classes better, CoF is fine. If anything they should lower the difficulty of dungeons like AC, CM, SE and CoF p3. If they’re going to make CoF p1 longer and/or harder then they’ll have to make p3 easier. I personally wish they’d lower Arah’s difficulty as well so I can finally do p1 and p2 and get my Dungeon Master title but I understand that as the final dungeon in the game Arah deserves to be as hard as it is.
(edited by Sundar.1735)
Tbh I see more mixed groups on than war/mes groups.
Yes. Until one looks at the CoF listings. There it is all CoF p1 warriors and 1 mesmer, or CoF p2, warriors and guardians.
They need to make the encounters rougher, with some anti mobility effects and a few mobs that apply confusion. And for CoF p2, they need to fix it so you can’t skip the entire dungeon.
Completely wrong. If you can’t find a non war/mes group you’re doing something wrong.
I can find one easily. In my guild.
But not on – that’s overwhelmingly warrior + mesmer zerker when you filter for CoF Explorable.Fortunately I don’t PUG this kind of content often. Fortunately my current 80s are also a warrior and a guardian, and next up for me is a mesmer. BUT none of my characters are zerkers – which I consider a flawed build.
A look at this screenshot shows the place needs looking at, given how tailored the intent of the PUGs for it are.
I never said there aren’t a lot of zerk runs. I said it is still VERY fast and easy to find a non-zerk group. I do it everyday with my guardian. Even your photo shows a bunch of non-zerk runs.
Btw, CoF isn’t the only dungeon being speed farmed by zerkers. It’s just most popular because it has the best time/reward ratio.
Zerker builds are more effective in full zerker groups. A zerker in a group of tanks is going to go down because he will run out of damage mitigation skills before the mobs are dead. In full zerker groups the mobs are often dead fast enough that the zerkers aren’t running out of dodges, blocks etc.