DC in fractals. no way to get back in
This just happened to me today, I was on the final fractal (out of 3) and then disconnected Even if my party completes it without me, they’d all be a rank higher than me now…
I’m super disappointed that I had to leave my party because of a disconnect. Now I’m too afraid to join another fractal group, what if it happens again?
Really need to get your kitten together with all of the dungeon bugs….
Tarnished Coast
When I read people saying “This happened to me just now/yesterday/etc”, some part of me feels like the joke’s on me. Because I have been trying for days now to get past lvl 2 and can’t exactly for this reason. Just today I reached 4th map’s boss and dced on 3 seperate times. And all 3 times, someone had dced/left during an earlier map, so all 3 times I reached the final boss before unlocking lvl 3 with only 4 people. In other words took even more time.
Imagine the frustration, to do 9 maps in a row for hours and still not unlock the next difficulty because these awesome new dungeons were so poorly thought
Can’t get past level 4 because it d/c’s on the same jump every single time.
Any chance of an ETA on fixing this issue?
Hello. This happened to us today as well (not me personally). Our fifth got dc-ed on the 3rd fractal and when he got back, he couldn’t join our instance. We we forced to 4 man that and the next 5 ones (not sure if we could have actually gotten a new member for the next level of fractal but we just soldiered on without a fifth).
yeah, a friend of mine d/c’d into the dungeon, and then another squadmate d/c’d 5 minutes later, couldn’t finish the dungeon run, and we where so far! We all had to stop and call it quits after :/
Come on Anet, we are holding onto hope that this game and it’s playerbase will stay around for some time but if you can’t fix a simple (VERY frustrating) issue like this… I don’t like your chances.
Maybe your dev’s could call Blizz, I hear they know how to fix it!
The thing about the Fractals is that I think the actual encounters and zones (most especially compared to the launch dungeons) are pretty good, bordering on awesome (I’ve completed 49 fractals across 2 characters, with 1 having done through 10 and the other only completed through 2).
But everything around them is pretty abysmal.
DCing in dungeons with no fix is awful.
Dying in inaccessible places – again awful.
LA being only an LFG hub is awful.
Player base divided by their fractal level is awful. You can have 50 people in one Lion’s Arch wanting to run FotM, yet no group is formed due to the division – and there are no tools to find people in other LA’s.
I agree. When I first did FoTM I D/C in the last dungeon. Then everytime i tried to do fractal i’ll lag for the longest and then d/c. took me three day to get to lvl 2. only way I don’t lag or D/C is if i play it in the middle of the night(2am or 3am) and I’m missing sleep because of it. My friend is already on lvl 11 she she fracing 3 times a day and I can only do this 1 a night. If I play during the day i’ll lag more and d/c. I just got to lvl 5 now I’m worried if I do this in the day time I’ll get an error again. Hopefully ANET will make so you can join back with your team. It’s a good dungeon though.
Same here DC in the last dungeon of FoTM after i can’t join my teammates anymore.
That was very frustration. I Hope Anet will implement soon a join back function while FoTM will be one of the nicest dungeon but with this problem isn’t very funny if you have redone the fractals only to get level.
This happens to everyone. Because of that, everyone feels it’s implemented this way. Getting game error which forcefully disconnects you at the last boss, loosing credit and loot is not fun. Especially after you put in hours in the instance, which some people sometimes cannot afford.
I’ve been ecstatically happy with everything in the game so far, but this problem is really tempting me to rage.
I’m not really happy to visit Fractals, knowing that there is always a chance I’ll get a game error, and it’ll be a wasted effort.
Like someone mentioned before, when it’s a normal dungeon, at least you can go back in and continue the dungeon.
But if multiple people get disconnected, kicked, or simply crash it hurts the whole party overall. And everyone have to start over if they cannot continue.
How can this not be fixed yet?
This is supposed to be the main new content, and it’s practically unusable unless you get a very very stable net. Even then, another party member going LD still spells doom since you cannot replace them.
Another 1:30 hours wasted. I think I’ll just not do Fractals.
I filled out the survey earlier, can you change my Fractals-opinion to “Not interested at all”?
^ same thing happend just now. wasted over 1.5 of time. firs off some guy DC’d on the third map, and i followed him when we got Jade Maw to half of hp.
why it isnt fixed yet?
They really need to do a hotfix to remove the fractal requirement from the monthly, since so many people are simply unable to complete a single run (like myself) without dc’ing. I ran thrice thru AC without a single DC, but a small map in the fractals causes my client fits within ten minutes? o.0
This has happened to me 2 times already and it’s really frustrating since it doesn’t only hurts you, but it also hurts the team. Hoping for a fix ASAP.
We’re aware of the problem and are working on an active fix. Very sorry about this, hopefully it will be fixed soon.
i was doing my lvl 2 fractal
and on the third all party got err and game reseted…
i spent 2h for what?
so u can say oh we are sorry, our game is full of bugs but we are working on the fix…what fix
u think that satisfied me?
i want something in return… sorry aint good enough anymore
its been nearly 3 months and ive lost my nervs to many times over your stupid bugs
and every time u just say oh we are sorry
refound my tokens, refound me my lvl… no… u wont do that cause u have lame policy about that…
i had a guild with 50 friends in it, u wanna know how many stayed? 5 ppl max… 5 freaking ppl
all are fed up with your lame excuses…
and guess what, im inch close to say bye bye to gw2 and u anet cause u dont know what are you doing
maybe u all should go and beg blizzard to hire you again
just to see how customer service operates, how to program a game, how to refound missing items to players… and HOW NOT TO LIE TO PLAYERS
telling one thing but doing other is just fkd up…
and yes im mad, and yes ill go prolly play freaking kung fu panda cause atleast i can play the game normally and enjoy it
and for the record i typed this post with my middle finger
Wouldn’t it make sense to have an “Urgoz/The Deep”-style, separate, lfg lobby for fractals instead of having LA fill with spam? For it being a social hub, /map has been getting highly repetitive with ‘lfg fractal level x’ lately.
Also, fix DC reconnects. 60 seconds in-game after DC-ing (with the option to reconnect) would fix both this dungeon issue, and the wuvwuv Alt-F4 craze.
Any chance of an ETA on fixing this issue?
Well it don’t be until next week as they are all out of the office until Monday for the Thanksgiving Holiday.
I’ve been disconnected once, so I’m lucky in that regard; however, I’ve done fractals about 5 or 6 times, and every single time, someone or a couple someones have disconnected. I’ve only been able to level up once, and even then we ended with a partial group. I’ve seen all the fractals multiple times. I’ve beaten most of the fractals, and yet I’m still level 2 because I did not beat three consecutively. And now there are groups looking for level 20. I give up. Back to COE, but not path 1 of course. Sigh.
No one enjoys [it]. No one finds it fun.” —Colin J.
Just got dc’d on Jade Maw lv 10 after having to 4man it because our 5th had gotten dc’d on the 2nd fractal as well. Think I’m done with this game for awhile.
first 2 groups tonight – 2 DCs.
This really makes advancing in fractals hard.
It’s just a new level of immersion. You just got super fractal’d!
We’re aware of the problem and are working on an active fix. Very sorry about this, hopefully it will be fixed soon.
Almost a week later, still no fix.
Tried a FotM with a guildmate and 3 PUG members – one of them DC’ed and never logged back in during Fractal #2. The final bit of that fractal was not completable with the four we had, and we can’t leave to recruit more because that wipes your progress back to Fractal #0. Group falls apart.
Tried again later with all guildmates. One of them experiences the client CTD during the final boss fight in Fractal #1. Tries to get back in, and it just drops him into the lab in his own instance. Disgusted at the poor workmanship in this dungeon, we give up and run CM instead.
This is making FotM nearly unplayable. It’s absurd that there hasn’t been a fix for this glaring problem by now. Furthermore, this was obviously a deliberate (poor) design choice, because FotM is the only dungeon that disallows re-entering.
I understand that the ANet devs want the group to complete 3 Fractals in a row without repair and rearm, but I am flabbergasted that it didn’t even occur to them that people might CTD or lose connection to the server. That’s a basic factor of MMO design.
(edited by Blueshield.6291)
It’s not really the DC for me or some of the people, it’s the crashing. Yes, I have repaired the game every time (and it’s not that) and this is getting ridiculous. I can’t even get past fractal 10 because the first two times we went in, somebody crashed. Then 5 min ago, after 2 bosses, I crashed. I can’t finish do this. This HAS to get fixed now. Totally unacceptable.
We’re aware of the problem and are working on an active fix. Very sorry about this, hopefully it will be fixed soon.
i was doing my lvl 2 fractal
and on the third all party got err and game reseted…
i spent 2h for what?
so u can say oh we are sorry, our game is full of bugs but we are working on the fix…what fix
u think that satisfied me?
i want something in return… sorry aint good enough anymore
its been nearly 3 months and ive lost my nervs to many times over your stupid bugs
and every time u just say oh we are sorry
refound my tokens, refound me my lvl… no… u wont do that cause u have lame policy about that…
i had a guild with 50 friends in it, u wanna know how many stayed? 5 ppl max… 5 freaking ppl
all are fed up with your lame excuses…
and guess what, im inch close to say bye bye to gw2 and u anet cause u dont know what are you doing
maybe u all should go and beg blizzard to hire you again
just to see how customer service operates, how to program a game, how to refound missing items to players… and HOW NOT TO LIE TO PLAYERS
telling one thing but doing other is just fkd up…
and yes im mad, and yes ill go prolly play freaking kung fu panda cause atleast i can play the game normally and enjoy itand for the record i typed this post with my middle finger
Lol, your post shows the comprehension and memory of a goldfish. You have the audacity to compare them to Blizzard? Today’s Blizzard? Not Blizzard North, the Blizzard of the Warcraft series, Starcraft, and Diablo I and II. You are honest to God talking about that company that skinner boxed millions of people into their ONE hit to keep them paying through the nose for antiquated, grindy, powercreeping bullkitten?
That pathetic excuse for a development studio is STILL riding the coattails of the dev team behind torchlight. They haven’t come out with a single bit of unique intellectual property since their inception and conglomeration in Activision, aka “Give me your kittened money” publisher.
Their content is kitten.
Their service is kitten.
Their balancing is kitten.
They’re about as innovative as Apple, everything they’ve done has been done before and better, they just have more money to throw at things to make them ‘shiny’.
Get the kitten out.
ex – The Midnight Syndicate [Dark]
Great… this just happened today to me. It was doubly bad. First time, second fractal in, everyone crashed and we lost all progress. Second time, 3rd fractal in, DC’ed and lost all progress.
Sigh… really hoping for a quick fix.
good job being useless arenanet i sure love wasting more than 1 hour trying to get a group for my fractal (lol at that stupid system i just wonder how someone will find a low level fotm group in 1 or 2 months in the future) and then waste another 20 minutes in a fractal to get dc’d and then be unable to join, top notch arenanet!!!
We’re aware of the problem and are working on an active fix. Very sorry about this, hopefully it will be fixed soon.
I am glad you are working on a fix for this, it has been driving me crazy. I d/c more in this dungeon than I have since release, and its always on the 3/3 in a set. Having to rerun an entire set because of not being able to get back in is horrible.
If its a different group I understand but the same people should be able to continue.
Yup I refuse to run FOTM until the DC bug is fixed cause it seems to happen ALOT..almost impossible to get anywhere in the dungeon!
This is so annoying.. last nite i was in fractal 2 and got knocked off a ledge and as i was falling to the ground (during which the map reloads itself) the game stopped responding and crashed. The result being i could not rejoin my group in the dungeon when i came back online. Not to be put off by this i joined another group for fractal 2 and tried again! this time myself and 2 others got Disconnected from the server during the final boss resulting in 3 of us not being able to get back into the dungeon to complete the fractal..
So in summary there are 2 issues at play here..1. The random game crashes while in a fractal..and 2. Server disconnects while in a fractal..both of which are causing lockouts.
(edited by Zeki.7829)
This just happened to me as well. First it sucks when it happens to your teammates, but now I find myself telling everybody in my house to not use the internet so I can have little to no chance of getting disconnected, WHICH IS RIDICULOUS. What a headache, I can’t even release from dying in a boss fight without losing out on looting the corpse in ANY dungeon, now this disconnect issue.
If this doesnt get fixed soon, what little patient everybody had with this game is going to run out very soon.
Hey guys this a real problem, those dc, thank you to work on this.
Also please let us make group with americans from europe and let us join normal map with people from other servers. As it stand now you can only join people in overflow, and people that need to join other servers do it because they play off hours when there is not much people on their servers. I would love to be able to party with american since i mostly play when everyone in europe is sleeping. Thank you guys!
TBH I haven’t had the nerve to try again after I got disconnected 5 times during my L1 fractals attempt. I don’t want to let anyone down as much as they don’t either for anyone else in the team, but while this isn’t getting fixed, those people on more ‘solid’ connections will continue to skip away and form their little elitist club. Seriously?! I haven’t even progressed from L1 yet!! This makes me feel kind of useless as a player, and I’m certainly not enjoying all the rushed content which was lobbed on us all at one time… which I think is half the problem with why we have so many stupid bugs of such epic proportions in this past week.
The other reason I think the troubles exist are because LA is becoming (as someone said earlier) the fractals hub and “LFG” central. I don’t know about anyone else but I haven’t been able to log straight into my homeworld server on entry into the game while in LA since the weekend. All this demand on the servers would be causing the lag and subsequent culling of people from the servers… regardless of if they’re in a fractal of whatever level. The more demand for content/services a server has to deal with, the higher the chance someone will have to get booted because of that load.
Come on ANet. This is totally unacceptable. And while you’re all at home stuffing yourselves on turkey we’re still here lamenting the decisions you ultimately thought were best for the game in releasing a crapload of new content. Protip: More QA PLEASE! Honestly would you like this if someone else did it to you? We paid good money for this game only to have it riddled with bugs left right and centre.
For those people wanting a fix on this I don’t think you’re gonna find one before next week. Arenanet, after you’ve basically destroyed the concept of your manifesto, I believe you guys have a lot of soulsearching to do. All I can say is may our complaints and sheer frustration from dealing with basic idiocy weigh heavily upon you. I hope you find the path… while I sit and watch people spam LFG lvl ‘x’ and I think to myself “will I ever get there”.
“Obtaining a legendary should be done through legendary feats…
Not luck and credit cards.”
(edited by Valandil Dragonhart.2371)
I never get disconnected and I have run 100+ fractals. Are you guys sure it isn’t your connection/pc?
Another run aborted, this time not because I DCed, but because my game crashed.
No way to get back in, no way for my group to find someone new.
This should be fixed, really. Assuming you use Jira, this is either High or Critical priority, probably the latter. I can understand it’s not a Blocker, but it’s definitely Critical.
I never get disconnected and I have run 100+ fractals. Are you guys sure it isn’t your connection/pc?
You’re missing the problem. Every other dungeon you can a) rejoin your group and b) your group can replace you with someone else.
Not so for Fractals. The griefer potential is also amazing, join someone, log out, they’re stuck with 4. kitten.
(edited by Carighan.6758)
OK now I’ve had it. I’ve had more runs where me or someone else has disconnected and can’t get back in than I’ve completed stages. This needs to be fixed, ASAP! This along with the player segregation makes this one VERY VERY frustrating dungeon when it should be the absolute best dungeon yet (which it is as long as it works and you manage to find a full group). I’m not gonna play Fractals again until you can enter after someone has disconnected.
My connection can sometimes be iffy (speaking of lag, that is – that’s what you get for living in Australia), but that says nothing of the amount of times I’ve disconnected from ANet’s servers where no fault was on my end. At no time have I ever D/C’d from the game because of my connection while in a server. That’s ANet’s problem. I designed and built my PC to run way above required specs of GW2 as most gamers would have. It’s been able to handle everything the game has thrown at it so far, and even though the game is very pretty in places, it still doesn’t help us clear a fractals run without interruption/disconnection.
Please implement the same system you had in GW1 where you had a rejoin timer of ~10mins before they were kicked from party. This is unacceptable.
“Obtaining a legendary should be done through legendary feats…
Not luck and credit cards.”
(edited by Valandil Dragonhart.2371)
This is the most frustrating thing possible , because one in 3 parties get a member dc / crash or something this happened to me atleast 4-5 times stopped me from progressing. We need a hotfix patch and fast.
If Anet doesn’t fix this soon…
Anet is trolling the players with the fractal dungeon, ahahaha
Absolute hell, Ive had to quit more fractals than Ive won and it always has to be the THIRD fractal that some1 gets dc. Its bloody awful. Last night we did that snow fractal as THREE. Went oddly well, we were like kitten GJ necro, thief, mes
We’re aware of the problem and are working on an active fix. Very sorry about this, hopefully it will be fixed soon.
Please roll this out soon, its frustrating as hell.
Alliance of the Forgotten Seas [AFS]
Sanctum of Rall
6 days of awareness, still no fix for this.
This is really annoying, even more if the dc is not because of our connection…
We’re aware of the problem and are working on an active fix. Very sorry about this, hopefully it will be fixed soon.
Problem is by now a lot of people have moved up the fractal scale a lot. As many players have moved on to fractal lvls 10+ it is getting progressively harder to create parties at lower scales. The longer this bug is present the more frustrating it will be for players most hit by this issue to catch up. It already takes well over an hour to create a low level fractal party.
Besides why have that many scales in the first place? It only makes it harder for people to group up. It would have been a lot simpler if fractals had fewer but broader scales and people just needed to repeat scale 1 ten times rather than completing 1-2-3-4-5-6-7-8-9-10 once.
We’re aware of the problem and are working on an active fix. Very sorry about this, hopefully it will be fixed soon.
Wonder what “fixed soon” means in this instance. I, too, have crashed multiple times during fractals. Most at the third fractal boss. Stuck at level 2 fractal until they get this “fixed soon.”
Problem is by now a lot of people have moved up the fractal scale a lot. As many players have moved on to fractal lvls 10+ it is getting progressively harder to create parties at lower scales. The longer this bug is present the more frustrating it will be for players most hit by this issue to catch up. It already takes well over an hour to create a low level fractal party.
This illustrates one of the most annoying aspects of the design of FotM; that it breaks the player base up into small groups unnecessarily. Coupled with the problem that losing a player to DC, CTD, or just plain quitting can mean derailing the entire enterprise, FotM really doesn’t look like a good direction for GW2 at all.
I hate to complain, because it rarely solves anything. But I still haven’t been able to get past lvl 1 in FotM because of DCs, both my own and others in the party. It’s… very frustrating. These have been my favorite dungeons so far, and I have yet to complete a single level!
I believe that understanding the problem might be helpful: https://forum-en.gw2archive.eu/forum/game/dungeons/FoTM-is-like-95/first#post842249