It’s not ready yet. We’re still working on the fix for this issue.
DC in fractals. no way to get back in
It’s not ready yet. We’re still working on the fix for this issue.
Any ETA on this? Sometime this week? a month from now?
Bluecog – Valór [RUN] – Kaineng
Got Disconnected? NO PROBLEM! Join your party in the Fractals of the Mists with our handy dandy Portable Asura Gate! Only 500 Gems! One Use Only!
It’s not ready yet. We’re still working on the fix for this issue.
Robert, will this fix allow us to come back to the dungeon? Or will it just “fix” the crashes and dc?
Some of us have unstable connection or GW2 is moody with our PC and randomly crashes(like mine when changing maps, or during a zerg ). Can you answer, so i can just give up of the place prematurely and stop having hope?
The world is teeming with unnecessary people.
It is God’s decision that i fight.
As knight of honor, as protector of the sin. I sacrifice myself, for the blood of criminals.
It is God’s decision that i fight.
As knight of honor, as protector of the sin. I sacrifice myself, for the blood of criminals.
(edited by Nebilim.5127)
It’s not ready yet. We’re still working on the fix for this issue.
I so called it. We have a fix ready for next patch was so much bs. I think I can speak for most people here when I say it’s not the wait that gets us angry it’s the lies that do.
It’s not ready yet. We’re still working on the fix for this issue.
I so called it. We have a fix ready for next patch was so much bs. I think I can speak for most people here when I say it’s not the wait that gets us angry it’s the lies that do.
to be honest- the wait is making me angry too.
in my oppinion they should put all their resources on fixing this. (like stop working on the winterfest event, hire more people to work in this etc)
this is really game breaking for me and should be number one on their priority list.
i know that most disconnects are not caused by gw2- but not having the option to rejoin your party makes playing fractals a pain in the a**, especially in higher fractals when they get more time consuming.
i feel like playing a hardcore game where you loose all your progress when you fail.
just with the little difference that the fail isnt dying (so your fault) but caused by random issues you cant control.
but probably people like me arent the majority and therefore this issue is not the top priority…
We’re aware of the problem and are working on an active fix. Very sorry about this, hopefully it will be fixed soon.
You were able to fix exploits in a matter of days, but when it comes to making a dungeon not disconnect, or at least open it up like the other dungeons instead of the “no rejoin” policy? I’m quickly losing faith in your programming abilities.
You were able to fix exploits in a matter of days, but when it comes to making a dungeon not disconnect, or at least open it up like the other dungeons instead of the “no rejoin” policy? I’m quickly losing faith in your programming abilities.
Well lets be honest. It doesn’t seem like this “emergency” path (as devs RUSHED to fix exploits) was tested in any serious manner. It is clearly evident by the gamebreaking bugs the path iteself introduced.
Seriously? You bugged jumping AND the fractal that you fixed an exploit that allowed easy completion.
You were able to fix exploits in a matter of days, but when it comes to making a dungeon not disconnect, or at least open it up like the other dungeons instead of the “no rejoin” policy? I’m quickly losing faith in your programming abilities.
Well lets be honest. It doesn’t seem like this “emergency” path (as devs RUSHED to fix exploits) was tested in any serious manner. It is clearly evident by the gamebreaking bugs the path iteself introduced.
Seriously? You bugged jumping AND the fractal that you fixed an exploit that allowed easy completion.
For real, the most pressing issue is not the number one issue (to players)… it’s taking the extra 5-10 minutes to down arch-guy three more times than normal.
Think of it as an Extended Diminished Returns Experience (EDRA).
EDRA is FUN! Since EDRA is based on RNG in Fractals of the Mist we can be sure that it is fun. Anyone can DC at any point and is then unable to come back – something which adds an additional flavor to this new form of dungeon.
EDRA protects the economy. Since Fractals of the Mist is intended to be done by 5 players, EDRA offers players a safety net against too cheap Globs of Ectoplasm and rare weapons, and/or armor.
EDRA adds challenge. Have you ever felt the frustration of Fractals being too easy? EDRA adds challenge to Fractals by adding the potential experience of experiencing a 4, 3 or even 2 player Fractal of the Mists run. It is impossible to not be excited with so much RNG around. Also, experience.
EDRA is ever evolving: being unable to reconnect after a DC in Fractals of the Mists is not the only way that EDRA will be implemented in the game. To combat the rarity of EDRA, it has been introduced on trial in the Cliffside Fractal where the final encounter becomes unfinishable on a RNG basis.
I can say that I am very excited by the introduction and expansion of EDRA and I hope you are too.
(edited by Irenicus.9801)
-_- /le sigh dc’s and rng
Dragons’ Solstice [SoL]
Maguuma Server
Maguuma Server
2 members jus dc on 3rd one which is dredge making it impossible…. what a waste of 1-2 hours. this seriously need to be fixed right now.
Think of it as an Extended Diminished Returns Experience (EDRA).
EDRA is FUN! Since EDRA is based on RNG in Fractals of the Mist we can be sure that it is fun. Anyone can DC at any point and is then unable to come back – something which adds an additional flavor to this new form of dungeon.
EDRA protects the economy. Since Fractals of the Mist is intended to be done by 5 players, EDRA offers players a safety net against too cheap Globs of Ectoplasm and rare weapons, and/or armor.
EDRA adds challenge. Have you ever felt the frustration of Fractals being too easy? EDRA adds challenge to Fractals by adding the potential experience of experiencing a 4, 3 or even 2 player Fractal of the Mists run. It is impossible to not be excited with so much RNG around. Also, experience.
EDRA is ever evolving: being unable to reconnect after a DC in Fractals of the Mists is not the only way that EDRA will be implemented in the game. To combat the rarity of EDRA, it has been introduced on trial in the Cliffside Fractal where the final encounter becomes unfinishable on a RNG basis.
I can say that I am very excited by the introduction and expansion of EDRA and I hope you are too.
Post of the year.
The balance team is chained to SPVP, and the PVE team is all about producing carnivals
It’s not ready yet. We’re still working on the fix for this issue.
At least Anet CM has responded. I guess our problems are being heard. Hopefully, Anet can provide us more info.
Bump. Can we get a status update? 3 weeks since this bug was identified, and it’s probably the most severe one.
Guardian – Commander – Officer of Rethesis [RE] Tarnished Coast
Guardian – Commander – Officer of Rethesis [RE] Tarnished Coast
Good news there is another issue because of this and the group leader thingy who can’t kick, cannot be kicked.
Because she got dc during the boss, we all got dc… Please give us some update about it or anything because this is starting to be really annoying and just prevents us from playing.
They said it should be fixed in the next patch.
Now the problem is : when is the next patch ? Considering we had nothing this week, I fear we should wait until 14th December >_<
You truly believed it, didn’t you.
Dungeon Master ME Fractal Guild Promoter
It’s not ready yet.
ladies and gentlemen here i present you Anet in a nutshell!
no, but really take your time as long as isn’t broken when you release it
It’s not ready yet.
ladies and gentlemen here i present you Anet in a nutshell!
no, but really take your time as long as isn’t broken when you release it
Who are you kidding, of course it’ll be broken. It’ll probably make people unable to dodge or stop people being able to use skill slot 2.
Nope, the most common will be the senseless update where everyone can rejoin, so organized abusers will kick players at last boss of 3rd/maw fractal inviting guildies. 7 minutes, all dailies 8 10 20 30 40 done. Like dungeons’ abuse.
As bug, obiouvsly , players going inside splitted or moving to fractals no more together, duoing. Wanna bet?
QA and testers? WE are the testers of this funny post i wrote , and well, was truly online playing dungeons until a few days ago.
Dungeon Master ME Fractal Guild Promoter
(edited by Lucas Ashrock.8675)
u cant kick ppl anymore in dungeon else u get kicked by urself. shouldn’t be that hard to take that system to fractals….
Reaper – Anguîsh
I’ll admit right off the bat that I don’t have a clue about programming but if one works for a major company like ArenaNet and is working on a salary (paid pretty well I assume) to fix bugs, shouldn’t they be able to do it within days..even hours? It’s been 3 weeks and counting…plus Mr. Hrouda just pretty much admitted that they have no clue how to fix this bug “give us more time please/working on a fix/not ready yet”. As another person in this thread said as well, I’m losing faith in your programmer’s abilities.
I hope this crap gets sorted soon, 30 mins to get a group finally start and ….disconnected….near the end.
Im done with this crap until it’s fixed.
How can they NOT fix this asap? Spent like 12-14 hours in scale 20 the last 3 days… havent managed to complete it once due to people crashing or DCing. I just cant understand it. Whats wrong with this company, seriously… This should be their priority atm.
You people are raging so hard when the game has only been out for about 3 months now, this is sick and so unfair for ANet. If you want a game bug free then GL finding one.
How is it unfair? They released a product we bought it. Wed like it to work properly.
However much we want it to work properly (and yes, I’ve been dced at really inconvenient times in fractals as well) I’m sure Anet want it more. Its their livelihood on the line, after all – its not like they want problems in their game.
Your treating them so unfair, they are trying their best, just have some patience people
I’ll admit right off the bat that I don’t have a clue about programming but if one works for a major company like ArenaNet and is working on a salary (paid pretty well I assume) to fix bugs, shouldn’t they be able to do it within days..even hours? It’s been 3 weeks and counting…plus Mr. Hrouda just pretty much admitted that they have no clue how to fix this bug “give us more time please/working on a fix/not ready yet”. As another person in this thread said as well, I’m losing faith in your programmer’s abilities.
i don’t have a clue about programming/coding, either. but from what i’ve gathered, there are (substantial) differences between the dungeon systems and the one they implemented for the fractals. i think that might be because of how the difficulty levels/scales work, but i’m not entirely sure.
How can they NOT fix this asap? Spent like 12-14 hours in scale 20 the last 3 days… havent managed to complete it once due to people crashing or DCing. I just cant understand it. Whats wrong with this company, seriously… This should be their priority atm.
If you was wondering..
Call yourself lucky enough if the game stands on his legs a bit more
Dungeon Master ME Fractal Guild Promoter
Please Anet make this disconnecting crap in fractals fix a priority, so many players iv played with can’t even and won’t even play fractals because of it.
Been trying to complete a lvl for days now and can’t due to myself and other players losing connection.
Please fix this asap.
is there still no update on this? just got dc on 2nd one. this is the worst ‘bug’ waste of 1 hour.
overly pissed twice now have i dced at the end with picture and proof man kitten that dungeon
Bump for the fix/solution for DC. I don’t care about DC, just let people back in, even if we have to wipe an instance and start over with the current one.
How can they NOT fix this asap? Spent like 12-14 hours in scale 20 the last 3 days… havent managed to complete it once due to people crashing or DCing. I just cant understand it. Whats wrong with this company, seriously… This should be their priority atm.
If you was wondering..
Call yourself lucky enough if the game stands on his legs a bit more
wow that’s bad news, already started layoffs?
Sanctum of Rall
Pain Train Choo [Choo]
Mind Smack – Mesmer
Pain Train Choo [Choo]
Mind Smack – Mesmer
This needs to be elevated to a level of actual importance. I know that ANet only fixes stuff that benefits players and couldn’t care less about about stuff that kitten on players.
You said that you don’t work on the d/c issue, only on fixing exploits. Guess what. Go join the kittening team that’s working on d/c and make yourself useful.
I REALLY hope this is fixed by the 14th, by then it will be 1 month after the issue the dungeon was introduced and this issue has been present. I don’t care who’s working on what this is a MAJOR issue that hasn’t been corrected, if this is not fixed by then then I will probably quit this game and move on to another one where major problems are quckly addressed.
Necromancer Lupicus Solo –
Retired Until Expansion or Meaningful Content is Released.
Retired Until Expansion or Meaningful Content is Released.
Just here to leave my rant about that issue…
Happened to me twice the last three days, one time at the bonus fractal boss, one time in the third fractal.
It was my fault one time because I could have prevented that dc. It was very frustrating nevertheless (I almost rage-uninstalled ^^).
I really hope for a fix soon (and I mean the real soon).
P.S. love the game nonetheless
Any information on when this issue be fixed?
Why the join mechanic works as story mode as you mentioned before? Just change it like normal dungeon mode so problem solved and nobody will have to move same overflow
[VcY] Velocity – Gargamell
Anet seems to react to threads with lots of posts. Please keep this thread on top by bumping it and keeping Anet’s attention on this topic.
Bumping this!
This is a pretty detrimental issue, as people are really doing nothing BUT Fractals now, so getting a group for anything else besides Fractals takes significantly longer than it used to. Because of that, people with this recurring problem are pretty much SoL in-terms of general gameplay options.
Especially me, where I’ve already crafted, explored, and whatnot.
Have not played fractals since the first few days, still waiting for it to be fixed
SoS original -“They mostly come out at night … mostly”
[FIRE] Serene Snow, Warrior
[FIRE] Serene Snow, Warrior
There have been compains about that since fractals release!people that DC cannot get in to continue with there group!Is this so hard to fix?it has been almost a month since there release and nothing is done about that!
PS:i wont mention that you cannot replace someone is also bad!
I really hope 14/12 will fix that. But I also hoped 3/12 would have the fix.
But really, if the fix won’t be available on 14/12, I will be pretty mad. (not that it means anything significant, just saying)
As someone with limited play time – I’ve basically given up on FOTM. I’ve had so many runs aborted due to people getting DC’d that it’s just not worth the investment of time.
The thing that really sucks is that I see a lot of people still chugging away at it, and the levels people are asking for just keep going up. I guess others have more fortitude for the DC problem than I do (or more free time) but the end result is the same – FOTM was already not a great thing for less hardcore players, and issues like this one are just making this issue worse.
I hear ya, Nightwatch. As disappointing as this particular bug is, however, I think everyone should realize that pouting and screaming at the developers isn’t going to get the fix here any faster. This is a fantastic (and FREE TO PLAY) game and I’m sure they’re working very hard on this major issue. Patience is a virtue.
Relentless Raven, 80 Warrior
Robin Sparklies, 80 Elementalist
Crimethink [ct] – Yak’s Bend
Robin Sparklies, 80 Elementalist
Crimethink [ct] – Yak’s Bend
This is a fantastic (and FREE TO PLAY) game and I’m sure they’re working very hard on this major issue. Patience is a virtue.
It isn’t free to play.
This is a fantastic (and FREE TO PLAY) game and I’m sure they’re working very hard on this major issue. Patience is a virtue.
It isn’t free to play.
I don’t know about you, but I’m not paying a subscription fee. I’m not even buying gems.
Relentless Raven, 80 Warrior
Robin Sparklies, 80 Elementalist
Crimethink [ct] – Yak’s Bend
Robin Sparklies, 80 Elementalist
Crimethink [ct] – Yak’s Bend
im glad they are working on it. im personally boycotting this dungeon until they fix it as i am fed up with the frustration this issue brings. i’d rather spend my time elsewhere in the game.