Did I jsut get cheated

Did I jsut get cheated

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: VideoGamermike.5813


Oh boy…first dungeon experience I’ve had in GW2….and I never want to go into a dungeon again. Not because it was hard, the story mode was some of the most fun I’ve has in GW2….then I tried doing exploring….I think it be best if I spun you the tale. I was in the catacombs under the plains of ashford.

I spend 8 full parties(2 hours) of joining teams, only to find every, single, kitten , person I met, wanted to speed run and skip the ENTIRE dungeon every single time. NO one bothered to be serious, they just wanted to skip, and they succeed, but let me and anyone not level 80 unable to play, brilliant.
Finally, I get into a team…and then this happens. We leap into the den of spiders…..and quickly realize we have no chance. The suggestion of a more veteran player was to hull up in a corner….which was stupid because the spider queen(who i knew was coming) and the spiders has ranged or area attacks that made the corner actually worse. We beat the spider but the queen destroys us FOUR TIMES without even losing 50%, our so called ‘pro’ not realizing our best wave is when two of us sat on the opposite side so she couldn’t hit all five of us at once.
We kill her after deciding to fight more in the open, and move to the next guy…who we fight once….he uses his little pull spin, and kills everyone. No, not joking, just, spin, we all get pulled to him and die instantly. We do this twice and then use what I suspect is a small exploit to pass(I suspect, but given the BS this guy was I wasn’t complaining.)…then we hit the gravelings.
You know something about zerglings? they may have swarmed like ants, but they weren’t very powerful and were beaten in a few shots. But no, thats not hard enough, now we need to defend two set points from spawns that spawn 4 at a time almost instantly and do insane amounts of damage, and of course, the spawns are in pairs. We hit the last one(I believe 8), then get killed by the remaining 42 graves. We do this EIGHT TIMES, to varying degrees of failure. I then suggest that because they seem to cap out after 4-6 spawns, we kill 4-6 spawns after taking down one next. That fails and we still get swarmed, though a bit less, because these enemies are able to survive a full minute of punishment.
so given all of that…I feel like I was cheated. I feel like we never had a chance to beign with because the game never gave us anything that we had any chance against. We had area attacks from a veteran elementalist, single target power from a greatsword mesmer and shortbow ranger, as well as support from a guardian, and zeor targeting from a rouge. so why did we keep losing? these weren’t close lsoses either, we had literally no chance to fight, the damage output of the enemy was so high we didn’t last 20 seconds, unless we stacked up we couldnt even kill anything at all. Heck, the parts we did pass I felt like we half cheated to do it, and one I suspect may have been an exploit!
If someone wants to post some ideas, feel free, but at of now, I give up on dungeons, this wasn’t fun, it was like playing I wanna be the guy on insane. Maybe it’s just me, but the only one who wasn’t getting fed up witht he dungeons poor deisng was the so-called pro who’s only advice was “keep doing the same thing everyone else does even when its failing badly”

(edited by VideoGamermike.5813)

Did I jsut get cheated

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: dutchiez.7502


It sounds like you just had an inexperienced/bad party. AC is considered one of the easiest dungeons by the people who run all dungeons often and many people even solo it.

In the future consider bringing elementalists for conjured weapons (FGS/Icebow) which are very strong against burrows.

Stacking in the corner for spider queen is actually a good tactic, because she will not use her poison field if everyone stays in melee (which deals huge amounts of damage). You can still dodge her attacks, if you are having trouble make sure to dodge the bite (she moves her body back and then lunges forward) and have condition removal ready for when she does her immobilize spray.

Skipping Kholer is not an exploit, he is an optional boss and you can skip him by just simply walking past him.

Nova [rT]

(edited by dutchiez.7502)

Did I jsut get cheated

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: The Mexican Cookie.3690

The Mexican Cookie.3690

I didn’t read the post

But yes, I have to say you did cheated

#LoveArrows2013, never forget.

Did I jsut get cheated

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: VideoGamermike.5813


dutch, we had a full veteran on our team who couldn’t give us any advice on what to do. the only inexperienced one was me. But please, explain how that lieutenant was ‘easy’, he killed our ENTIRE PARTY in one shot, every battle. the gravelings killed me if I fought them more than 3 to 1, heck, our lvl 80 guy was killed by 2 young bugs, and an elite bug.

Serious though, what could we have done? we tried every strategy I could find on the wiki and a google search, nothing worked even when we executed it perfectly.

Did I jsut get cheated

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: FenrirSlakt.3692


Oh, no. I remember you from the BLTP sunforum complaining about being forced to sell your things at a higher price that you wanted.

We don’t need (any more) nonsense here in this subforum. We have enough for one year or two.

(Half) Jokes aside, get to level 80, get some gear and try again. You’ll be surprised of how easily every boss falls. <:

Did I jsut get cheated

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Jzaku.9765


Oh wow. If kholer killed your entire party every time then your party was inexcusably bad. That’s just the truth of it. I’ve run into a new player once or twice who was perfectly willing to ask and learn the right tactics for fights and I’m fairly certain he enjoyed his run with us since it went really well and quickly without us even wiping once.

Did I jsut get cheated

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: dutchiez.7502


dutch, we had a full veteran on our team who couldn’t give us any advice on what to do. the only inexperienced one was me. But please, explain how that lieutenant was ‘easy’, he killed our ENTIRE PARTY in one shot, every battle. the gravelings killed me if I fought them more than 3 to 1, heck, our lvl 80 guy was killed by 2 young bugs, and an elite bug.

Serious though, what could we have done? we tried every strategy I could find on the wiki and a google search, nothing worked even when we executed it perfectly.

A full veteran that couldn’t give any advice? Sounds like a contradiction to me. If a lvl 80 can’t kill 2 hatchlings and an elite graveling then he is just plain bad at the game.

The thing about Kholer is, he has a pull attack which deals great amounts of damage. This attack has a very long windup. You will see him holding back his sword and his hands will start glowing. After ~1.5 seconds you have to dodge to avoid the pull. This way you will avoid all damage from him. Now he just became one of the easiest bosses out there (especially with tanky gear).

Nova [rT]

Did I jsut get cheated

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: VideoGamermike.5813


Then please Jzaku, enlighten me what we could have done. Please inform me how, in the veyr first dungeon, we could have resisted this guy pulling our entire party to oen spot and killing us in one whirl of his blade.
Thats not a lacking of strategy thats just handicapping stats. But if we missed some resistance to him(even the veteran said he wasn’t worth it,) please inform me of it. Let me make this clear, I’m not here just to rant, I’m here to try and find out if I could have done -anything-. And no, I do not include rebuilding traits and ‘improving equipment’ to be viable options in a beginner dungeon.

edit: Thank you for the hint to stopping that lieutenant. Keep in mind when I say veteran I do mean a guy who had been through the dungeon many times before. He was a terrible teammate or just angry that I wasn’t stacking. None the less I feel a bit less cheated, even if I still feel cheated given there is no hint to this in a starting dungeon.

(edited by VideoGamermike.5813)

Did I jsut get cheated

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: dutchiez.7502


Then please Jzaku, enlighten me what we could have done. Please inform me how, in the veyr first dungeon, we could have resisted this guy pulling our entire party to oen spot and killing us in one whirl of his blade.

You realize this game has a dodge button, right?

Nova [rT]

Did I jsut get cheated

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Sublimatio.6981


You have to dodge his pull :P he has a ~2 sec animation before he pulls. You can even block or ‘reflect’ this pull. Learn to counter some boss attacks

Did I jsut get cheated

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: VideoGamermike.5813


Alreayd made an edit to the dodge. But you guys are unintentionally not helping. this is the first dungeon in the game, and we have to keep track of an animation that lasts 2 seconds, time our dodges to it perfectly, or reflect, all with no warning of it. That’s a lot easier said than done, especially for someone not trained to notice that.

Did I jsut get cheated

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: dutchiez.7502


Alreayd made an edit to the dodge. But you guys are unintentionally not helping. this is the first dungeon in the game, and we have to keep track of an animation that lasts 2 seconds, time our dodges to it perfectly, or reflect, all with no warning of it. That’s a lot easier said than done, especially for someone not trained to notice that.

How are we unintentionally not helping? Everything that has been said in this thread is legit advice.

This entire game is about recognizing enemy animations and dodging it. Dungeons are exactly the place where this should be prevalent. You are saying that the game is hard because you are inexperienced. This has been true for everyone at one point. There is one solution: get experienced.

Nova [rT]

Did I jsut get cheated

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: FenrirSlakt.3692


Alreayd made an edit to the dodge. But you guys are unintentionally not helping. this is the first dungeon in the game, and we have to keep track of an animation that lasts 2 seconds, time our dodges to it perfectly, or reflect, all with no warning of it. That’s a lot easier said than done, especially for someone not trained to notice that.

Friend, an animation that obvious with such a long windup is not hard to evade at all. Even when playing a class with uninterruptible abilities (such as a MH sword ranger’s AA), you can easily avoid all damage from this ability.
Not to mention that any decent guardian/mesmer can reflect it to save the group some endurance.

Did I jsut get cheated

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Dalanor.5387


You are inexperienced and found a horrible group for your first run, nothing special.
Why you didn’t make your own group in the first place? I mean, it would took 2 minutes max, not 2 hours to fill up the group with no skipping people.
Weird, maybe my client can exploit the LFG and i can make posts.

Other useful guides.



Yeah, you had a horrible group.
GS mesmer, any ranger with a bow is horrible. “Support guardian” is i guess a staff camper WvW noob nugget so yeah, bad group.
Ask for help in the dungeon mentors thread or watch guides online.

(edited by Dalanor.5387)

Did I jsut get cheated

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: VideoGamermike.5813


1) I did make my own group.
2) I was the greatsword mesmer, and I don’t appreciate being attacked for a choice of play style.
3) My ranger is a shortbowman, I find him boring, but that doesn’t give you the right to call a teamate terrible on fighting style alone.
4) and guardian is a support class, not a killing class, i sadly do not remember his build., or I didn’t pay attention.
5) I did ask for advice, either no one talked or expected me to follow the way every other berserk build does even though I had a duelist style(precision and toughtness)
6) You are calling my group bad because they didn’t have a specific weapon/stat combo that isn’t beserker. I don’t want stereotype builds telling me what to do, I want something to aid in problem solving. The link is very much appreciated, though you should be aware it’s giving out exploits.

This seems much more fair and makes me feel less cheated on the queen and lieutenant, even if he is still pretty ridiculous due to timing(again, very first dungeon)

Did I jsut get cheated

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Purple Miku.7032

Purple Miku.7032

Quite a dramatic post. Your team was awful, sounds like. It’s possible to AFK autoattack solo the spider queen, let alone burst it down with a group. There’s no excuse to have that much trouble on it; you and your teammates are inexperienced and have a lot to learn. It’s normal to be frustrated but excusing yourself and claiming the design of the dungeon is poor when you evidently know nothing about it is pretty close-minded of you.

Despite the fact that I do think that dungeon is very poorly done along with many of the other ones, I can’t take you seriously when you bash the design of it just because you couldn’t do it as a newcomer lol. To me that roughly translates to “I don’t care to learn how to play better and I want the game to cater to me.”


On another note… in regards to what you described as your party composition…

GS mesmer deals horrible damage in PvE and because of it, mesmers camping it are some of the most obnoxious teammates to have, right up there with a rifle warrior, a p/p thief, staff guardian, or bearbow ranger.

To be honest, I think rifle warriors p___ me off the most though mainly because it’s the class I’m pretty much always on and know the most about. Every time I see a warrior using rifle in PvE, I immediately feel irritated. I can’t help it. There’s just no kitten excuse — it’s terrible.

(edited by Purple Miku.7032)

Did I jsut get cheated

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: VideoGamermike.5813


to be fair, the long story is just how I post when I’m frustrated, helps me calm down and think a little more fairly.
And guess, there is nothing wrong with a greatsword build mesmer, a bow ranger, or anything similar. I use both of them and have been very effective. Yes, me not noticing those tells was a matter of inexperience, but stop bashing builds because they aren’t yours, its just arrogant.

I do thank everyone for the advice, learning about the dodges and tells(and seeing them in video) has helped a lot. However my bigger problem is with the hoard of bugs defending those machines the NPC sets up. How could we have handled that? and don’t tell me to pick up beserker builds or some garbage like that. It makes me feel a lot better about the designer to see those tells though, which is a good thing.

Did I jsut get cheated

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Lindbur.2537


I like being cryptic.

Here, eat this.


A remnant of times past.
“Memories are nice, but that’s all they are.”

Did I jsut get cheated

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: AdaephonDelat.3890


However my bigger problem is with the hoard of bugs defending those machines the NPC sets up. How could we have handled that?

Conjure Frostbow → Skill 4 → ??? → Profit!

It helps if you know the order the burrows spawn to kill them off. This will come with time. And if you don’t know then more experienced players can call them out. It’s what I do when running with newer players.

[BAD] a casual PvE guild on Aurora Glade.
The Family Deuce. Asuran Adventure Specialists.

Did I jsut get cheated

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: dutchiez.7502


1) I did make my own group.
2) I was the greatsword mesmer, and I don’t appreciate being attacked for a choice of play style.
3) My ranger is a shortbowman, I find him boring, but that doesn’t give you the right to call a teamate terrible on fighting style alone.
4) and guardian is a support class, not a killing class, i sadly do not remember his build., or I didn’t pay attention.
5) I did ask for advice, either no one talked or expected me to follow the way every other berserk build does even though I had a duelist style(precision and toughtness)
6) You are calling my group bad because they didn’t have a specific weapon/stat combo that isn’t beserker. I don’t want stereotype builds telling me what to do, I want something to aid in problem solving. The link is very much appreciated, though you should be aware it’s giving out exploits.

This seems much more fair and makes me feel less cheated on the queen and lieutenant, even if he is still pretty ridiculous due to timing(again, very first dungeon)

1) Alright.
2) Greatsword is a bad weapon choice in PvE. You may enjoy it, but this forum is full of the most experienced dungeon players in the game. If you say you are having trouble, we will point out flaws in your strategy. Don’t hate us for telling you what is best/easiest to use when you are having trouble.
3) Also a bad weapon choice for PvE.
4) Guardian is not a support only class. Every class can fill every role more or less.
5) You asked for advice within the group? We already established your group was bad.
6) No one mentioned berserker gear before this post. If your entire team was not wearing zerker and you were still getting one shot by Kholer, yes they are bad.
Wait… what link is giving out exploits? gw2dungeons? I don’t think so.

Nova [rT]

Did I jsut get cheated

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: xallever.1874


to be fair, the long story is just how I post when I’m frustrated, helps me calm down and think a little more fairly.
And guess, there is nothing wrong with a greatsword build mesmer, a bow ranger, or anything similar. I use both of them and have been very effective. Yes, me not noticing those tells was a matter of inexperience, but stop bashing builds because they aren’t yours, its just arrogant.

You don’t sound like you’re looking for any advice. Please don’t use the forum for personal griefing.

Did I jsut get cheated

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: dutchiez.7502


However my bigger problem is with the hoard of bugs defending those machines the NPC sets up. How could we have handled that? and don’t tell me to pick up beserker builds or some garbage like that. It makes me feel a lot better about the designer to see those tells though, which is a good thing.

“Please give me advice, but don’t suggest the solution that is all-around accepted as best in PvE by players with much more experience than me because I don’t like it.”

Yeah man, I’m not even going to try to help you anymore. Good luck and have fun wiping.

Nova [rT]

Did I jsut get cheated

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Dalanor.5387


1) I did make my own group.

“I spend 8 full parties(2 hours) of joining teams,”
I tought not, my bad.

2) I was the greatsword mesmer, and I don’t appreciate being attacked for a choice of play style.

It’s still a bad choice, you like it or not. Firstly you potentially doing one third of your damage, since the cleaving mechanism of the sword is more effective than the “piercing” of the GS. Secondly, the closer you are the lower the damage gets. Thirdly, ranged is always less damage compared to melee weapons. Try a sword mainhand, it even has an invulnerability skill.

3) My ranger is a shortbowman, I find him boring, but that doesn’t give you the right to call a teamate terrible on fighting style alone.

See above. And i guess he doesn’t provided Spotter nor Frost spirit to the group. You know, group content. Be usefull, don’t be selfish.

4) and guardian is a support class, not a killing class, i sadly do not remember his build., or I didn’t pay attention.

You can use your support abilities aka. right side of the skill bar in offensive gear and with offensive builds. And every class has support in various form, so try to enlighten your friend about this misinformation.

5) I did ask for advice, either no one talked or expected me to follow the way every other berserk build does even though I had a duelist style(precision and toughtness)

Maybe they couldn’t speak the same language as you. Happens to me often even if i put the english flag in the description.

6) You are calling my group bad because they didn’t have a specific weapon/stat combo that isn’t beserker. I don’t want stereotype builds telling me what to do, I want something to aid in problem solving. The link is very much appreciated, though you should be aware it’s giving out exploits.

Okay, lets call it inefficient and not the gear stat is your main problem. Training wheels are fine until you get more experienced.

This seems much more fair and makes me feel less cheated on the queen and lieutenant, even if he is still pretty ridiculous due to timing(again, very first dungeon)

In melee range she don’t even uses her aoe poison attack, only the immobilize web spary (long leaning back animation) and the bite which applies bleeds and weakness.
People usually go for the corner for various reasons.
1. It helps to group up both the hatchlings and the queen.
2. You get in melee range too, so no deadly aoe poison.
3. You are able to use some skills more effectively against a wall, namely Whirling wrath from warrior GS#3 and Fiery rush from the summoned sword of elementalists.

Did I jsut get cheated

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: VideoGamermike.5813


Xaller, first line. yes, I will rant when im frustrated, it helps clear my head to do these things. And yes, when people go off on the “you need to play with X build and nothing else” I get ticked off.
I don’t need grief or reminders how terrible I am at whatever I do thank you. Also, yes, the DW2dungeons link has sections for exploits in a few of the posts, there’s a tab for it in the final part of path 3.
And we did memorize the order of the first 9 burrows(we didn’t get past 9), they still swarmed 4 enemies each before we could kill them, and spawned too quickly, with each one having a remarkable killing power. Memorizing their order didn’t help. We also had frostbow and fire greatsword, neither made any difference(all four team members had control of them at some point.)

I’m going to bed now that physics is finished. Hopefully a later attempt will do better than my first. I’ll check up once on this next time I try to see if anyone has ideas on the 15 burrows.

Did I jsut get cheated

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Purple Miku.7032

Purple Miku.7032

to be fair, the long story is just how I post when I’m frustrated, helps me calm down and think a little more fairly.
And guess, there is nothing wrong with a greatsword build mesmer, a bow ranger, or anything similar. I use both of them and have been very effective. Yes, me not noticing those tells was a matter of inexperience, but stop bashing builds because they aren’t yours, its just arrogant.

That’s subjective. To me, there’s something wrong with the choice when it’s noticeably worse than something else. Hand-to-hand combat is generally always the superior choice for damage output when you play games online as it usually means application of the concept of “risk vs reward” if you’ve ever heard of it. You “risk” by making yourself more vulnerable and open to a direct close-range attack yet are rewarded with more damage with your own attacks. The use of berserker gear/DPS builds is a prime example of it as well. You learn how to play better and are rewarded with being able to do things much quicker and more efficiently.

GS mesmers and longbow rangers deal way less damage than what is ideal, which is why we’re saying they’re horrible. In no way are they capable of outperforming the meta for their classes and/or anything very similar, so if that’s what you feel like sticking with then have fun wiping over and over again on the easiest dungeon in the entire game with a full party… doesn’t sound like fun to me but each to his/her own.

(edited by Purple Miku.7032)

Did I jsut get cheated

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: No Pulse.2967

No Pulse.2967

However my bigger problem is with the hoard of bugs defending those machines the NPC sets up. How could we have handled that? and don’t tell me to pick up beserker builds or some garbage like that. It makes me feel a lot better about the designer to see those tells though, which is a good thing.

Pick up berserker builds (wtf is even berserker “builds”, it’s a gear prefix).

Inactive member in Dark Renegatus [REN]
The Order of Calamity [OOC] is recruiting!
5/8 Champion titles

Did I jsut get cheated

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: dutchiez.7502


The things listed under the ‘exploit’ tab aren’t really exploits, they are strategies that are kinda cheesy to use and make it too easy but they are not bannable offenses.

Nova [rT]

Did I jsut get cheated

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: AdaephonDelat.3890


And we did memorize the order of the first 9 burrows(we didn’t get past 9), they still swarmed 4 enemies each before we could kill them, and spawned too quickly, with each one having a remarkable killing power. Memorizing their order didn’t help. We also had frostbow and fire greatsword, neither made any difference(all four team members had control of them at some point.)

I’m going to bed now that physics is finished. Hopefully a later attempt will do better than my first. I’ll check up once on this next time I try to see if anyone has ideas on the 15 burrows.

You don’t need to kill the mobs. Just the burrows. You also need to kill them quickly, hence why it’s easier when you know where they are going to spawn.

Frostbow really should make a difference. I’ve done it with 4 frostbows and we killed the burrows so quickly I had time to get a drink before it the whole thing was finished. I’ve also done it no frostbows and and no decent melee options and we’ve only just scraped through it.

[BAD] a casual PvE guild on Aurora Glade.
The Family Deuce. Asuran Adventure Specialists.

Did I jsut get cheated

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: No Pulse.2967

No Pulse.2967

And we did memorize the order of the first 9 burrows(we didn’t get past 9), they still swarmed 4 enemies each before we could kill them, and spawned too quickly, with each one having a remarkable killing power. Memorizing their order didn’t help. We also had frostbow and fire greatsword, neither made any difference(all four team members had control of them at some point.)

I’m going to bed now that physics is finished. Hopefully a later attempt will do better than my first. I’ll check up once on this next time I try to see if anyone has ideas on the 15 burrows.

You don’t need to kill the mobs. Just the burrows. You also need to kill them quickly, hence why it’s easier when you know where they are going to spawn.

Frostbow really should make a difference. I’ve done it with 4 frostbows and we killed the burrows so quickly I had time to get a drink before it the whole thing was finished. I’ve also done it no frostbows and and no decent melee options and we’ve only just scraped through it.

You don’t even have to kill the burrows, just protect the collectors.

Inactive member in Dark Renegatus [REN]
The Order of Calamity [OOC] is recruiting!
5/8 Champion titles

Did I jsut get cheated

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Dalanor.5387


And we did memorize the order of the first 9 burrows(we didn’t get past 9), they still swarmed 4 enemies each before we could kill them, and spawned too quickly, with each one having a remarkable killing power. Memorizing their order didn’t help. We also had frostbow and fire greatsword, neither made any difference(all four team members had control of them at some point.)

I’m going to bed now that physics is finished. Hopefully a later attempt will do better than my first. I’ll check up once on this next time I try to see if anyone has ideas on the 15 burrows.

You don’t need to kill the mobs. Just the burrows. You also need to kill them quickly, hence why it’s easier when you know where they are going to spawn.

Frostbow really should make a difference. I’ve done it with 4 frostbows and we killed the burrows so quickly I had time to get a drink before it the whole thing was finished. I’ve also done it no frostbows and and no decent melee options and we’ve only just scraped through it.

You don’t even have to kill the burrows, just protect the collectors.

They got an ele, so obviously they could Ice storm them down. Two icebow is more than enough.

Did I jsut get cheated

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Lucas.9157


The reason people use certain builds and gear is to clear dungeons faster. Most of the time, they are builds which have one of the highest DPS possible for the class, and/or provide your group the best offensive buffs, synergies and utility offered by your class.

Did I jsut get cheated

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: AdaephonDelat.3890


You don’t even have to kill the burrows, just protect the collectors.

But I like killing burrows……

[BAD] a casual PvE guild on Aurora Glade.
The Family Deuce. Asuran Adventure Specialists.

Did I jsut get cheated

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Enaretos.8079


And we did memorize the order of the first 9 burrows(we didn’t get past 9), they still swarmed 4 enemies each before we could kill them, and spawned too quickly, with each one having a remarkable killing power. Memorizing their order didn’t help. We also had frostbow and fire greatsword, neither made any difference(all four team members had control of them at some point.)

Wait, I thought it was P1 or P2 you had difficulties in :/

Just ask any dungeon mentor with an ele to solo that event for ya and you’ll see. By memorizing both the places and times at which burrows appear you can pre-shoot them and have no gravelings spawn. I myself do perfect solos for funsies

Snow Crows member since January 2014
My Twitch

Did I jsut get cheated

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Elrey.5472


support… roles… resistances…. ok, seems like you come from another MMO. Then please take in notice this next sentences:

“In other MMOs you are suppose to get damage and then outheal it to survive, that’s ok, that’s possible. In GW2 you are NOT suppose to get damage in the first time. You are suppose to get track of the enemy animations (either easiest or hardest dungeons) and then just dodge it.”

I know it will take some time for you to adapt, but that’s how it works. I also hate stacking, skipping and not a “fun/challenging” fight. But eventually you will find a good group and learn how to play together better.

Now i’m happy to say that my group (started 2 months ago to play with them) has done every dungeon paths without stacking in a single corner or skipping some enemies. We wiped a few times, but also learnt how to do every fight in a proper way, and nothing is impossible.

Your group was just bad, sadly your problem it’s that you think that getting right proffesions will work wonders, but if they don’t know how to play their proffesions (or worst, if they are zerkers that die in a second) you will find yourself with no help from your said group.
I hope you have better experiences sometimes. Here in GW2… levels means nothing, AP means nothing, proffesions means nothing, all that matters is player skill.

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Did I jsut get cheated

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Izaya.2906


Then please Jzaku, enlighten me what we could have done. Please inform me how, in the veyr first dungeon, we could have resisted this guy pulling our entire party to oen spot and killing us in one whirl of his blade.
Thats not a lacking of strategy thats just handicapping stats. But if we missed some resistance to him(even the veteran said he wasn’t worth it,) please inform me of it. Let me make this clear, I’m not here just to rant, I’m here to try and find out if I could have done -anything-. And no, I do not include rebuilding traits and ‘improving equipment’ to be viable options in a beginner dungeon.

edit: Thank you for the hint to stopping that lieutenant. Keep in mind when I say veteran I do mean a guy who had been through the dungeon many times before. He was a terrible teammate or just angry that I wasn’t stacking. None the less I feel a bit less cheated, even if I still feel cheated given there is no hint to this in a starting dungeon.

The solution to your problem is the super secret op ele conjure weapon skill Fiery Rush.


All your “we cant kill him fast enough” problems will go away as soon as you wear full berserkers gear with scholar runes and force/night(for ac) sigils, stack in a corner, press 4 and watch the boss burn in 2 seconds.

As for the burrow you will have to turn to your ele party mate for the ultra op damage against structures skill Ice Storm.


Just as before(you dont have to stack this time!) just keep wearing your gear with scholar runes and press 4 and watch those yucky bug spewing burrows get destroyed by your Ice Storm alone.

But beware, this is all considered an exploit and might get you banned.

Did I jsut get cheated

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Iris Ng.9845

Iris Ng.9845

This thread is pure gold. Let’s check:

  • Veteran dungeon forumer are unhelpful elitists.
  • Stacking against spider queen requires no skills, or is a cheat.
  • AC is too hard.
  • Kholer is the hardest boss in the game.
  • Skipping is an exploit.
  • You are arrogant to bash my builds.

Did I miss anything? Do I have my Bingo yet?

Edit: Sam, please don’t give out bad advice. Mentors are there for people who are willing to learn only.

“Raids are like fortune cookies. You eat the cookie and then read the paper scraps.”

- doranduck, 2016 on Lore in Raids

(edited by Iris Ng.9845)

Did I jsut get cheated

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Iluzija.1798


Wow dude if you want people to help don’t be so aggressive.

Also explore mode dungeons are a huge step in difficulty, you need to learn animations, what attacks you can face tank, what ones you can’t, good skills to use, good weapons to use (I personally have one of each weapon for my necro in my inventory so I can swap out at any time like axe at the TA wurms for blossom clearing if we don’t have a staff guard) and all their attacks.

I would suggest joining a guild that does dungeons runs so you could join them and they could help.

If you do go down the lfg route understand that 99% of the groups there are going to skip because they’re people that have probably done the dungeon hundreds of times, you can make your own lfg and say “no skipping” or something.

Did I jsut get cheated

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: xsquared.1926


Spider queen is pretty hard yeah

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Did I jsut get cheated

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Enaretos.8079


Edit: Sam, please don’t give out bad advice. Mentors are there for people who are willing to learn only.

Haha I’m not asking anyone to teach him, just to prove to him that’s easy when you have “apparently” memorized the spots.

I could find a video on YT if I had faster internetz (phone connection is skritt), would prove it all the same.

Snow Crows member since January 2014
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Did I jsut get cheated

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: GrimmR.3541


It was obviously cheats, the gravelings use to cheat all the time.. i hate them!

toxic since 2012

Did I jsut get cheated

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: maxinion.8396


The burrows can be one -shot with icebow 4, but only if you’re wearing full power gear (berserkers or at least soldiers). If everyone is using something else, You’re Gonna Have a Bad Time.

Did I jsut get cheated

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Stooperdale.3560


The dungeons are hard without tactics. Really hard. They do eat up players who have experience only of other MMOs, who struggle to work it out one encounter at a time. You need different skills in dungeons compared to the open world.

So why do people say the dungeons are easy? It’s because they are using common knowledge tactics that are tried and tested over millions of runs and they do work. Lots of players know the tactics but don’t know why they work and can’t explain them to anyone else. The way to pick up common knowledge tactics is to see them in action and learn them as you go.

Did I jsut get cheated

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Enaretos.8079


The dungeons are hard without tactics. Really hard. They do eat up players who have experience only of other MMOs, who struggle to work it out one encounter at a time. You need different skills in dungeons compared to the open world.

So why do people say the dungeons are easy? It’s because they are using common knowledge tactics that are tried and tested over millions of runs and they do work. Lots of players know the tactics but don’t know why they work and can’t explain them to anyone else. The way to pick up common knowledge tactics is to see them in action and learn them as you go.

We did a guild dungeon yolo run with 4 metarangers and 1 condinecro then 3 metanecros, 1 condinecro and 1 metaranger. We had no clue what to use on the necros a they have close to no skills that are actually useful in dungeons. We facerolled yolo CoE, TA and fracs 11.

You don’t really need the tactics I’d say, just to be able to see what your group needs and that’s rather easy.

Example 1 :
- “Oh skritt, we got wiped due to all these condis”
- “Guys, let’s remove them” => searching through utilities for condi cleanse.

Example 2 :
- “Oh, by the foul stench of a Norn warrior’s boots, we got stun locked by these ennemies”
- “Guys, how about we take stability or CC the mobs ourselves ?” => search through utilities and traits.

Snow Crows member since January 2014
My Twitch

Did I jsut get cheated

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: DonQuack.9025


Thanks for the read I laughed. Almost got caught by headnurse. Bad boy.

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Did I jsut get cheated

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Jeremlloyd.6837


The dungeons are hard without tactics. Really hard. They do eat up players who have experience only of other MMOs, who struggle to work it out one encounter at a time. You need different skills in dungeons compared to the open world.

So why do people say the dungeons are easy? It’s because they are using common knowledge tactics that are tried and tested over millions of runs and they do work. Lots of players know the tactics but don’t know why they work and can’t explain them to anyone else. The way to pick up common knowledge tactics is to see them in action and learn them as you go.

We did a guild dungeon yolo run with 4 metarangers and 1 condinecro then 3 metanecros, 1 condinecro and 1 metaranger. We had no clue what to use on the necros a they have close to no skills that are actually useful in dungeons. We facerolled yolo CoE, TA and fracs 11.

You don’t really need the tactics I’d say, just to be able to see what your group needs and that’s rather easy.

Example 1 :
- “Oh skritt, we got wiped due to all these condis”
- “Guys, let’s remove them” => searching through utilities for condi cleanse.

Example 2 :
- “Oh, by the foul stench of a Norn warrior’s boots, we got stun locked by these ennemies”
- “Guys, how about we take stability or CC the mobs ourselves ?” => search through utilities and traits.

Dungeon Yolo runs’s the best! Anyway, I think pretty much everything useful has been already said now. http://gw2dungeons.net/ -> video guide -> berserker gear -> learn the boss mechanics and dodge when needed -> enjoy the game

Did I jsut get cheated

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: maxinion.8396


As a seriously reply to OP…

I remember the first time I did ACp1. The burrows event took like 15 tries there, while nowadays I solo it with my ele. The point its: you can have a rough start, and still figure things out in the end.

The transition from open world PvE (which I assume is what you’ve been doing up till now) to dungeon explorable is stupidly, stupidly rough. Especially nowadays with the megaserver, open world is more or less a faceroll— you can range and kite, never dodge, and play pretty much any build and survive. There are so many people around that you’ll rarely lose.

And then you get thrown into AC explorable, with bosses like Kholer and the Spider Queen that one-shot. These bosses require some actual knowledge of the game mechanics— how to recognize tells, how to dodge, how to use your class mechanics to support the team, etc. What stinks is that the transition is so stark— there is no tutorial or introduction to the higher expectations. That is pretty bad, and a problem with the game— but there’s nothing we can do about it except tell you what to look out for.

Now you know that there is such a stark transition. Now it’s on you: will you take a good look at your contribution to your team and decide you could do better, or blame the game for being too hard? The folks here have given you a lot of advice which can help raise the chance of success, but if you don’t look inward and take this as a learning opportunity, you won’t succeed at the game.

Did I jsut get cheated

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Slither Shade.4782

Slither Shade.4782

You have just experienced the game the way everyone did at release. Consider yourself lucky.

Did I jsut get cheated

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: RemiRome.8495


With ferocity scaling you can just solo kohler.

Your party did not contain any veterans.

Did I jsut get cheated

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: DonQuack.9025


You have just experienced the game the way everyone did at release. Consider yourself lucky.

This is not what we had at release.

Concerns about HoT pre-order? Check here!

Did I jsut get cheated

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: VideoGamermike.5813


Jesus people, I don’t pretend to be the greatest poster in the world, but stop the blind attacks. Yes I get frustrated easily, that doesn’t mean I don’t care.

1) I dont think that boss is ‘the hardest boss in the world’ I just had no idea what to do against him, and the only advice the guy who knew what he was doing had, was to skip and not fight him. And yes, in restrospect we got a bad team with an inexperienced leader and an elitist veteran, given our veteran decided not to tell us the one-shot kills only really work with beserker gear.
2) Stop bashing other weapons. Every weapon has it’s purpose. yes, in many spots the greatsword was useless due to it’s low close range damage, but in some situations(like hitting burrows cross room) its damage output was greater. Yes, I’m aware the greatsword isn’t as efficient or reliable, but I won’t change my entire fightingstyle for a character like that, personal rule of mine.
3) I will not use beserker gear, none of my current character designs have that even if they all could get to level 30. If the dungeons are made in such a way you are pushed into that level of specifics something is wrong.
3) We tried killing the burrows, 15 times, we tried focusing on the burrow, focusing on the goons between burrows(to avoid swarming), focusing on defending the items, none of it worked. We had 3 characters with excellent crowd clearing to(one due to frostbow, our ranger) and so you know, I was the first one to hit the burrows every single time.

Or and iris, yes our veteran was useless and didn’t communicate, stacking that queen when we had ranged attackers kept killing us as her AEO attack would kill our entire party every time, AC was too hard for my skill level(though difficult spiking is neither here nor there), the lieutenant was impossible because no one was talking enough to call out the tell I am angry at myself for not noticing. I don’t know if skipping the way we did is an exploit, but it seems suspicious(again neither here nor there). And yes, I do find the people saying ‘go beserker gear’ as if thats the only viable option to be anger inducing. Begin to see why I was so frustrated?

4) Thank you to those who helped with the advice, I don’t know why I didn’t notice the tells, I’m usually very good at dodging, won many a champion battle without getting hit.

5) Finally, taking the words from maximum, now that I know the difficulty I can see the major differences from what I’m use to in game(I beat the beach battle in arc fantasia on try 1 before, I can handle hard battles) I thank those who did give me good advice for putting up with my fairly aggressive posting(I lacked the time to cool down giving I had to sleep in 2 hours). Hopefully my next run will be better now that I can see how to dodge the attacks from queeny and the Lieutenant(serious how did I not see these…) I can help other players from doing just that if we die. Either way it means learning some new ideas for crowd clearing work. With that, I’m out or I’m going to start posting here forever