Do You Want CoF P1 Farming to be Nerfed?
If you can do it without dodging, then good job.
Does a pocket feedback dome count towards it?
5/6g each hour isnt that much… Thats the most I can earn atleast.
I dont’ think the problem is cof is too easy or too fast. The problem is people spend “hours of farming it everyday”. I personally farmed it for 10 hours a day some time.
And if you nerf cof or make it more difficult, the people get hurt the most is actually the casual players. I just think if you put a diminishing return let’s say if you run cof more than 6 times a day it stop giving “any reward”. That solution is probably better.
And if you look at the situation of AC, many people “stop” doing it all together. There are virtually “almost” no low level group doing AC runs. I just dont’ think making it harder so people just stop doing it is the best solution.
But I think the people knows best are the Anet developer. Since they are the one squeeshing their head every hour of the day to try to find ways to make the game better. So whatever tweak they come up, I’ll accept it.
I’m pretty sure most people realize that CoF 1 will eventually get nerfed, I’m surprised it’s actually taken this long.
But I’m the type of player that just goes with the flow, if it gets nerfed then people will just run the next best thing. It’s obvious it’s going to happen, no use crying about it when it eventually does.
I farm cof for influence! I’ve probably farmed the guild some near 10k+ influence in the past 4-5 days.
1. I don’t think making other world events/areas as profitable is a great idea because then you just create inflation if everyone is making tons of money. However, it would be nice to say viably farm mats. Right now if I want a stack of powerful bloods it makes no sense to farm the mats directly but farm for money and buy them. Could be wrong but if you could actually farm for mats I would have slightly less need for cof1.
2. As someone who pugs the dungeon my runs take closer to 15min instead of 6-7 min like the hardcore farming groups, so I like the length for me. Though they could lengthen the dungeon some and that would be fine with me. They could also nerf the drops from the mobs/chests to make the run less profitable yet keep it the same length. No tokens after X number of runs. I’m not too sure there is a great solution to this.
Overall I, like everyone else, expect the nerf to come and I’ll be fine with whatever happens. I just want to be able to pug the dungeon afterwards and not have to stop running the dungeon.
Zergs on Demand [ZoD]
1. Personally, I want all rewards everywhere nerfed until CoE is the only way to get loot. Then I can get groups easily for it and get my Charged Lodestones. After that they can bring the rewards back and everyone can play whatever.
Seriously, its the time:reward ratio on CoF p1 that makes it so farmable. Yeah the fact its trained monkey easy helps, but when you’re running ANY other dungeon and you start thinking “I could have done CoF 3 or 4 times by now” and get (at best) the same rewards at the end… thats a problem. Rewards for the other dungeons need to be doubled, tripled, and quadrupled for the amount of time lost that should’ve been spent in CoF.
And since that wont happen…
2. Of course it’ll be nerfed. Which is kind of sad… CoF p1 is in a unique place as being a really, really, REALLY fast dungeon. There’s a community forming around that and comparing times and tactics. That’s pretty cool and I dont want to see that disappear. That was formed around the efficiency of this dungeon, and once that’s gone that facet will be too.
Guys you make me laugh with CoF p1 need to be nerf when AC has been redesign to scale up difficulty but as they didnt test it now its the path that people speed run under 10min using safe spot exploit allowing to kill Gigantus in under a minute with no dead nor damage. So AC p3 is broke you can even solo the last boss if you know where the safe spot are and this is getting ridiculous !!! If you manage normal encounter all your team rip because npc is broke and not working well. after this they need to fix AC first anyway because people are already farming it but not giving any feedback about this situation to Anet. This is getting ridiculous… AC p3 is the new CoF p1 …
AC p3 will never be CoF 1 because it has a timed event meaning you are forced to be slower because of the terribly boring burrow event.
If you knew what you were talking about, you would have referenced AC p1 which is significantly faster then p2 or p3 because it doesn’t have a timed event and can be speed run much faster, not to mention the last boss of p1 is the quickest and easiest of the 3 paths.
Also the reason AC isn’t as profitable is because you can’t use the tokens for rares for ectos, and there are no lodestone drops even if molten is one of the cheapest.
Those 2 things alone are reason enough AC isn’t that profitable compared to CoE or CoF.
If you did want to run something fast that had more useless tokens (i.e. not 68+ rares) and was still extremely fast, you would do SE1 which is another 6 minute path and it can also drop destroyer lodestones, that would be much closer to CoF 1.
(edited by Strifey.7215)
burrow event can be done under 3min with ele ice bow
Don’t the burrows appear at fixed times ?
burrow event can be done under 3min with ele ice bow
True, if you play at Jupiter.
Buff the end boss to how he was at release, good times.
That would do it. Why even bother with the crystals at all at this point if the max healing stack is what 9? 10?
Nerfed? No…Balanced? Yes
However, as of the first patch ever added to GW2, devs always seem to imply, Nerf=Balance.
Unfortunately, regardless of what we think, they operate on statistics and are likely to change things based on that.
burrow event can be done under 3min with ele ice bow
You do know the burrows spawn in the same exact spot and time every run, and everyone completes it at the same time assuming you don’t lose either of the mist essence collectors…
This event is exactly 5 minutes long once the collectors are setup, and it takes the npc maybe another 30s to setup the collectors before the status bar/event timer appears in the top right. This event alone, takes almost as long as a full CoF or SE run. Then of course, you still have to do the opening sequence to the spider room which involves waiting for the slow moving npcs, then you are forced to kill the spiders and spider queen now, then you have some running between events, have to still do the 2nd burrow event which fortunately does go quickly, and then you have to wait for the npc again before you can run and kill the last boss.
P3 is significantly longer then AC P1 and a majority of other dungeon paths further proving my point you don’t know what you’re talking about. You could run CoF 1 twice in the time it takes to do AC3.
(edited by Strifey.7215)
You could run CoF 1 twice in the time it takes to do AC3.
That can’t be true if you can’t do 4,5-5 min CoF Path 1 Runs from entrance to reward.
Regarding average pug times it clearly is, though.
Imo- Nerf COF farm-
Give players other viable options to earn the amount of money required for a legendary, divinity runes, ectos for gear or cultural gear set within an acceptable amount of time.
|-Swiftpaw Sharpclaw [DnT]-|
I’m going to skip all the comments in this thread to answer the two questions directly.
1. If we were to do that, it would depend on how cash was made but it would directly affect the economy int he worst way possible. If we have cash coming from rare loot, the value of rare loot decreases and the rest of the economy acts accordingly. If the source of income from the boosts to make this equal comes from cash inflow, we have a catload of inflation due to the value of a gold piece decreasing. Mind you this is not taking into account the gem market and the value of gold to actual cash ratio. (For all we care, we can convert the value of gold into Yen or Rupees.)
2. If we were to do the opposite by bringing down to make a CoF p1 run as optimal as the currently known methods, it would depend on how they would change the dungeon. I am all for nerfing CoF p1 to make it match, it’s an easy target to be abused. I’ve even made a bit of scratch off of it. The problem is that they can change how much it is worth it in two ways. CoF currently gives you the cash of a normal dungeon run with a dungeon run that isn’t even challenging to toddlers without hands once you know the little tricks of the dungeon itself. From here, you have two choices. You can either make the dungeon a lot less profitable by means of cash reduction while making minor changes to the dungeon, or you change the dungeon itself so that it is still just as profitable as far as doing any dungeon run goes, but it’s not a field of burning sunshine and lollipops that you can finish within 15 minutes. Personally, I would like some changes to be made.
With all of that said, I would rather meet in a middle ground. I would want Anet to take CoF, and somehow change it in a way so that it is a dungeon run, but not one that you gripe and moan about when you need something like titles, achievements, or tokens. (Spoiler: Everybody and their Warrior has their own CoF equipment already so you won’t look special gathering tokens for equipment.) Inb4 more people say it’s fine the way it is. It’s a good cash intake, but it’s just asking, maybe even begging to be abused.
Tl;dr- Nerf CoF p1 to a level where it doesn’t suck to run but trying to farm it is a pain in the kitten
You know those event chests as they exist now? Nerf CoF 1 and put one of those at the end of every dungeon path. Chuck in a daily lodestone per path per account while you’re at it.
That should spread dungeon runners out a bit.
Resident Thief
jezz ppl still fighting about this? let it go…jezz if they nerf it they nerf it if they dont they dont.. i doubt they will being well look at world chest’s n Guesting enough said i think that will be fixed before anything
Imo CoF1 is ok for me DR works as intended.
Tekkit’s Workshop
Ok let me rephrase that, 95% of pugs of lvl 35 with blue/green gear can’t do AC exp
First of all, how did you get that percentage? Have you run some statistics or did you just made that number up?
In any case: if people are not willing to gear up for a dungeon then they deserve to fail. You expect rares at a minimum from a level 80, so it’s logical to assume that you would expect greens from a level 35 that wants to run that explo.
Do You Want CoF P1 Farming to be Nerfed? : Yes
Why ? : To farm the tears of the cof p1 farmers ^^
lf more zerker warriors and 1 mesmer !
the rest can suck a candy :P
Chuck in a daily lodestone per path per account while you’re at it.
That should spread dungeon runners out a bit.
I’ve been suggesting this for months. Do it do it do it.
I think we just need more viable options to make money.
- Gathering resources (wood, ore, plants) is a terrible source of income. All the goods have become invaluable.
- Fractals don’t give us anything of worth, until you get to level 20+ which isn’t worth the effort.
- Other dungeons are too hard and give too low rewards (think of CM, TA, SE (dredge one), COE, Arah)
- Give better rewards for completing personal story.
- Make it possible to gain money from crafting
- Allow for more money gain in World vs. World (right now one hour in WvW makes like 20 silver on a level 80).
- Add money rewards in spvp
Precursor Scavenger Hunt first, then we’ll talk
So one less thing to play then. Though p2 is not too bad. I don’t think I would do any path more than two times a day as its fun exploring other professions, etc..
no! i love my mindless carefree grinding @ night to relax!
ruin your own fun, don’t ruin mine!!
You can nerf CoF p1, 2 and 3. I don’t care I hate dungeon: but the fact that CoF p1 is the only dungeon you can run in 7minutes make it easier to farm (and DR works very well). The fact that you can make money from CoF p1 shouldn’t be an issue because the REAL ISSUE IS THAT YOU MAKE ALMOST NO MONEY IN ANY OTHER GAME CONTENT THAT WE REALLY ENJOY (ex WvW, Fotm…) !!!!!!!!!!
I fail to see how this would be a nerf to anything. If the dungeon path is too easy, then it should be made more difficult. If you can currently skip over a third of the dungeon, then it should be altered so you can’t. Sure, people have slowly turned this dungeon into a way to farm easy money but that isn’t ANet’s problem. ANet’s problem is designing a game world where activities are enjoyable in and of themselves, and not delegated to “Easy Grind” status. They should find the current trend to farm that dungeon path as a sign that they need to revisit the design of it and fix the problem.
And if they were to ask me if I minded, the answer would be a resounding “No!” I avoid any activity that stinks of exploiting design mistakes. Poor environmental design does bad things to people. It brings out the worst in us. It makes us judgemental, selfish, and narrow minded. When there is a “best” way to do anything, suddenly we have a measuring stick by which we can judge other people. Even if that measuring stick is “How fast can you run CoFp1,” which is remarkably silly, it taints everything around it.
And suddenly, other design decisions (e.g. how much new stuff should cost) is influenced by average player income. And average player income is, of course, influenced by CoF p1. Just fix it and get on with the rest of the game. There’s plenty of ways to make money. We don’t really need this one.
I do not want it to be nerfed, but we all know it’s going to be nerfed. I’m hoping ANET does not abolish other short dungeons like SE P1 though.
The problem with COF isn’t the speed run itself, it’s that the reason why it’s ran so often is because dungeon running is really one of the only ways to effectively grind for gold, and COF p1 is the easiest one to do currently. There really isn’t any other way.
Even if they did nerf it, people would just find the next easiest dungeon and run it all the time.
What they need to do is put back in effective ways to make loot BESIDES this one path of this one dungeon. But considering their track record of nerfing any way to make money, I don’t see that as likely.
nerf p1… but modify the droprates of t6 mats, and precs… cuz the drop rate of any prec is idiot low… i have a much better chance running cofp1 for an hour a day.. and ill have gold to buy it in a month or so…
plus if they do coe p1 is fast enough once u get to know it…. hotw p1 too…
i dont like though the awful grind that becomes fishing for a prec…
ohh and that stupid MF stat is worthless ever since they nerfed ktrains….
Gate of Madness
Might have noticed this problem if it wasn’t always closed on my server (SBI). I swear that event chain is borked; CoF almost always contested. Just the other day, ran with a group and did the pre ourselves, then ran a path, came out and was already locked again.
Just make every server like that.
The true issue isn’t COF P1 in itself but that it is the only place where you can reliably farm for golds in order to buy overpriced materials (due to them being a nightmare to farm and needed in 100 or 250 for every single item).
I know people are not supposed to farm in gw2, but sometimes I wonder when I look at the crafting tables for cool weapons for which you need boatloads of materials you can’t consistently farm for….
YES I kittening do! I want to do all routes of every dungeon like the game intends with no whines and moans and gripes no matter how hard or how long it takes which is far more efficient as you get 180 tokens + bag tokens vs 120 and then 40 more repeating path 1 and 2 over and then 10 each path all over again then 5 and so on until you get 0 and DRed to kitten.
I also want a guild that plays the game the right way: helping others achieve goals not, “I want gold or shinies asap!”
Yes for the love of god, nerf it to the ground. I farm it all the time, but it is causing ridiculous inflation on high level items like precursors, and I don’t want to be forced to continue grinding this boring path just to keep up with the Jones’.
Instead of the inflation-fest that is CoF, make grinding directly for mats much more productive, so that people aren’t generating gold out of thin air at 1000 miles per hour.
Endless Petrification Tonic
I do CoF runs when I need instant cash like that 3-something gold to buy Fine Transmutation Stones for pimping up my toon but what I can’t imagine doing is doing 10 or more CoF1 runs in a day. It just feels like becoming a puppet in the system where you’re forced to do something that you really don’t want to do. I play GW2 for fun like exploring different dungeons, defeating different world bosses, doing fractals and events, etc. with some competitive play in WvW. In other words, this is just a game so I think all of us should be able to play it the way we want to. I transmuted my Plush Quaggan Backpack on my Infused Fractal Capacitor, stuff like that In spite of these, I don’t think that there’s anything wrong with farming CoF.
What makes me disappointed is that CoF pulls in a big percentage of the population into it. If you feel like pugging in GW2LFG, you’ll see dozens of CoF1 ads (last updated less than a minute ago) but only 3 of CoE any path (last updated 13 minutes ago!). The point is, instead of you having some random playmates to explore Arah with, they’re in CoF1 instead. Also, of course, the inflation that CoF1 causes, which is a very big disadvantage to the casual player.
For me, what ANET can do well about this is balance the rewards in doing certain stuff in the game. Make difficult accomplishments like defeating Lupicus more rewarding (!) instead of looting blue things. I also think that it’d be a nice idea to eliminate ‘skipping trash mobs’ in dungeons. That way, it will lessen a little bit the reward : time ratio in a dungeon such as CoF without making it wipe players like in the AC spider queen remake.
(edited by Shadowfax.4109)
Orr got nerfed. So why doesn’t this?
If anything I’m being forced to grind in dungeons all day, rather than preferring open world events and seeing no reward in gold for it, compared to speed runners.
Keep in mind this game doesn’t exist in a vacuum. If you nerf enough stuff, the people who play for rewards, and who tend to be the ‘farmers’, will just go find some other game. Without those people filling up the TP with stuff they don’t want, everyone will start to suffer as the TP gets way more expensive with way fewer options.
This was one of the fun parts of balancing way back in the pen and paper RPG days. Too much loot makes the game too easy. Not enough loot and your players revolt because their characters aren’t ‘growing’ fast enough.
But here’s my body – So rez me maybe?
Before lots of people farmed ac explore (all paths), but since they made it ‘more fun’, there are only 2-3 parties asking for help. People please stop complaining about old dungeons so they can focus on giving us NEW dungeons that are challenging. So many people HATE things being ‘too easy’. No matter what they do, you can’t please everyone.
Keep in mind this game doesn’t exist in a vacuum. If you nerf enough stuff, the people who play for rewards, and who tend to be the ‘farmers’, will just go find some other game. Without those people filling up the TP with stuff they don’t want, everyone will start to suffer as the TP gets way more expensive with way fewer options.
This was one of the fun parts of balancing way back in the pen and paper RPG days. Too much loot makes the game too easy. Not enough loot and your players revolt because their characters aren’t ‘growing’ fast enough.
I agree with you, Xavori. We all farm the game at all sorts and I’m not against it because I want gold and more gold $__$ It’s just that I think nothing will be lost if you take something away from a dungeon such as CoF and put it into WvW or TA. In other words, balancing. Distribute resources to other areas in the game so people won’t be concentrated in one place.
No need to nerf it, just gate it along with all the other dungeons. Once you kill everything including the trash (give these better drops) then the next section opens up to you. This way the runs will be completed at close to the same speed by most parties.
I could never understand the leashing process anyways, if someone enters my house looking to rob me and I’m home, I don’t ignore them if they enter my bedroom because it is too far away from me to bother with them. If you agro it you should have to deal with it IMO.
No need to nerf it, just gate it along with all the other dungeons. Once you kill everything including the trash (give these better drops) then the next section opens up to you. This way the runs will be completed at close to the same speed by most parties.
I could never understand the leashing process anyways, if someone enters my house looking to rob me and I’m home, I don’t ignore them if they enter my bedroom because it is too far away from me to bother with them. If you agro it you should have to deal with it IMO.
In dungeons I agree. In open world environment I disagree.
However, if that change were made, then you’d likely have an issue with stealth.
No need to nerf it, just gate it along with all the other dungeons. Once you kill everything including the trash (give these better drops) then the next section opens up to you. This way the runs will be completed at close to the same speed by most parties.
I could never understand the leashing process anyways, if someone enters my house looking to rob me and I’m home, I don’t ignore them if they enter my bedroom because it is too far away from me to bother with them. If you agro it you should have to deal with it IMO.
In dungeons I agree. In open world environment I disagree.
However, if that change were made, then you’d likely have an issue with stealth.
I was only referring to dungeons actually, but thanks for the clarification. As for stealth, having the mobs reset (ignore) wouldn’t be an issue as the next areas still wouldn’t open thus you would still have to deal with the mobs in that area. Although as always, being able to stealth would be very handy.
The reality is nerfing cof will accomplish nothing, i know personally the moment they nerf cof I’m headed to hotw farming path 1. This game seems to be in a hole that’s going to be tough to get out of, being that everything important just takes a TON of gold. So people are always just gonna wanna make a ton of gold. You can’t expect people to just be like, ok I’ll just farm 5g a day and get my twilight in a bit under a year. Even for a legendary item that’s just a ridiculous grind. To me this game is all aesthetic, once i was 80 on a few characters it was time to gear them up all pretty like. And the only way to do it is farming gold. There will always be a best way to farm gold and it will always get nerfed eventually. Personally I love CoF path 1 farming, it’s not very intense and there are alot of breaks where you can just relax but still makes sure you’re paying attention. But without a dungeon to repeat farm, I honestly can’t find any reason left to play this game. There will no longer be an efficient enough way to make money to get expensive gear in a reasonable amount of time, which is all I care about. I think back to gw1 where I could just farm uw all day, and the drops weren’t great but you could do it over and over and over and it was easily the most enjoyable dungeon/elite area speed runs I’ve ever played. I’m a pretty easy grinder and I don’t tire easily, but I think all games should have some repeatable content. Hell if you wanna spend 8 hours a day farming you should be rewarded for that. As of now, you can, but once you can no longer repeat a dungeon path, then you’re forced to do a bunch of paths you don’t enjoy just for a bit of money that isn’t anywhere near the amount you’ll need for a legendary/other expensive items. What else in the game is really repeatable? World event chests were, now they’re not. They want people to do everything once a day, but how many players actually do that? Most serious players at least, want something they can do all day, perfect it, and have that be “my thing”. And if you aren’t rewarded, but are instead punished for repeating something you enjoy, then it repeats the Anet philosophy of “you’ll play how WE want, not how you want”. I understand it, but why keep going against what the players want? Other than to sway them towards buying more gems… and I honestly don’t think that’s their main goal. So i guess I don’t really see the endgame on destroying aspects of the game that people enjoy.
(edited by Syn Sity.5826)
Are there not other paths and dungeons? I mean for kittens sake can’t the people who wanna farm it, get gold for their legendary, or just speed run it in general have at least 1 path w/o the rest of the community crying?
I’m torn…
On one side, I know that there will always be content that will be farmed for gold and I am really happy that one of the best ways to do this right now is through a dungeon instead of mindlessly killing mobs over and over in open world.
However, it is disappointing that this heavily favors people that have a mesmer or warrior at level 80. If this was something that was viable with other classes as well, it really wouldn’t be an issue to me, but right now there are two main problems that prevent that from happening:
1) Warrior dps is so far beyond what any other class can do, it’s no wonder that many people won’t join a group for something like CoF unless it’s a 4 warrior 1 mesmer group. I’ve heard the argument of melee getting higher dps since it’s riskier to be in melee than in ranged, but melee for many other classes still isn’t close to warriors (rangers may be one of the best examples of this issue).
2) Dungeons right now, as a whole, generally encourage glass cannon builds since damage is often avoidable through dodges and unavoidable damage is so low that there’s not much reason to ever bring a person running a full support build.
No need to nerf it, just gate it along with all the other dungeons. Once you kill everything including the trash (give these better drops) then the next section opens up to you. This way the runs will be completed at close to the same speed by most parties.
I could never understand the leashing process anyways, if someone enters my house looking to rob me and I’m home, I don’t ignore them if they enter my bedroom because it is too far away from me to bother with them. If you agro it you should have to deal with it IMO.
Most of CoF 1 is gated. You have to kill the slavemaster. You have to kill the acolytes. You have to do the pillars-gate thing. The reason it’s popular for speed runs is that all of those things can be done best with raw DPS which means they can be done very fast.
Contrast that with the vines in TA where you want DPS, but if your group has nothing but DPS, the vines starts spraying AoE puddles everywhere and your delicate little zerkers all start falling down boom. Much better to have someone who can facetank the champ and draw a bunch of the fire. Heck, the fastest I’ve made it through that bit was playing my bunker necro who stood side by side with an altruistic healing guardian and just laughed off ALL the incoming fire from all the vines which meant the other three people in the party were free to go kittening crazy DPS.
Anyway, CoF1 isn’t speedrun because of a lack of gating, it’s speedy because all you need is deeps.
But here’s my body – So rez me maybe?