|-Swiftpaw Sharpclaw [DnT]-|
Dungeon Mentors [Noob]
|-Swiftpaw Sharpclaw [DnT]-|
I like the last one
Me too, lol
And all who stood by and did nothing, who are they to criticize the sacrifices of others?
Our blood has bought their lives.
I like that last guild name as well.
I think I’ll end up enrolling at some point as well.
Totally doing it for the tag
If anyone wishes to contact me please send a mail as I’m forbidden to PM on forum.
name sugestion: We Teach How We Want [DM]
Despite the fact that I love the name I came up with, I really love this and I am mad I didn’t think of it.
If anyone wishes to contact me please send a mail as I’m forbidden to PM on forum.
name sugestion: We Teach How We Want [DM]
Despite the fact that I love the name I came up with, I really love this and I am mad I didn’t think of it.
In addition, we could do “We Teach How We Want” [Noob] because that might be fun. Idk just throwing out an idea,
And all who stood by and did nothing, who are they to criticize the sacrifices of others?
Our blood has bought their lives.
“I Was Once A”[Noob]
Chuck The Stampede – Engineer
[Lg] Agatha – Dragonbrand
Chuck wins hands down
I love Chuck’s, but it’s not nearly snarky enough. Maybe that’s a good thing. XD
And all who stood by and did nothing, who are they to criticize the sacrifices of others?
Our blood has bought their lives.
hmm, if (or maybe I should say when?) this dungeon mentor guild gets started, I would love an invite to it.
Skritt Stole Our Zerker [GEAR]
guys pls.
How’s about Trying to Teach [Noob]?
These ideas need a vote. I can’t decide, lol.
- doranduck, 2016 on Lore in Raids
(edited by Iris Ng.9845)
How’s about Trying to Teach [Noobs]?
J/k, I think I’ll go with the simple one.
I still like “we teach how we want” [noob]
And all who stood by and did nothing, who are they to criticize the sacrifices of others?
Our blood has bought their lives.
‘We Teach How We Want [Noob]’ or ‘We Teach How We Want [DM]’?
I’m gonna seriously make it.
- doranduck, 2016 on Lore in Raids
‘We Teach How We Want [Noob]’ or ‘We Teach How We Want [DM]’?
I’m gonna seriously make it.
Either, but I think a couple folks really want the [NooB] tag.
And all who stood by and did nothing, who are they to criticize the sacrifices of others?
Our blood has bought their lives.
Oh Lord, I pray that our students can see past this joke. So I decided to make ‘We Teach How We Want [Noob]’. Mass invitations will be sent soon ;D
- doranduck, 2016 on Lore in Raids
Can you also make it so mentors can do upgrades? This way I can activate guild buffs on my server. And other mentors can do the same.
And all who stood by and did nothing, who are they to criticize the sacrifices of others?
Our blood has bought their lives.
S/t-f-u im trying to teach [noob] would also have worked. Iris pop me an inv.
(- and / there because censored)
|-Swiftpaw Sharpclaw [DnT]-|
(edited by swiftpaw.6397)
By the way, after showing my hubby that All is vain! Post and explaining how people are now using it, he made this for me, and it think he made it for all of us.
I wish we could make our own guild emblems. I would demand it.
And all who stood by and did nothing, who are they to criticize the sacrifices of others?
Our blood has bought their lives.
I give you the job of making our guild emblem, Lilith!!! All the invitations are sent, along with private message to those who don’t have an open guild slot ;D.
- doranduck, 2016 on Lore in Raids
I give you the job of making our guild emblem, Lilith!!! All the invitations are sent, along with private message to those who don’t have an open guild slot ;D.
I will certainly do that, xD unfortunately you can’t upload pics, but I swear the guild emblem will be fab.
However, I don’t know if the guild emblem is server specific or not. Guess we will see. H ha
And all who stood by and did nothing, who are they to criticize the sacrifices of others?
Our blood has bought their lives.
I give you the job of making our guild emblem, Lilith!!! All the invitations are sent, along with private message to those who don’t have an open guild slot ;D.
However, I don’t know if the guild emblem is server specific or not. Guess we will see. H ha
It’s not~
I’d definitely love an invite to the guild, as a noobie. I’ve been running with Yakkington’s armor/travelers runes for a long time, which keeps me alive, but still gets me kicked from experienced pugs for not being aggro enough. So I’m finally saving up for the zerker/scholar gear, and I’m excited about learning something other than CoF.
One question: Do you really expect a casual warrior to switch to Nike’s 30/25/0/0/15 build just for dungeon’s when I’m usually running a 0/0/30/30/10 in WvW and PvE?
I’d definitely love an invite to the guild, as a noobie. I’ve been running with Yakkington’s armor/travelers runes for a long time, which keeps me alive, but still gets me kicked from experienced pugs for not being aggro enough. So I’m finally saving up for the zerker/scholar gear, and I’m excited about learning something other than CoF.
One question: Do you really expect a casual warrior to switch to Nike’s 30/25/0/0/15 build just for dungeon’s when I’m usually running a 0/0/30/30/10 in WvW and PvE?
Switching takes 5 minutes. The people who ask for meta builds will certainly require to switch. Some people in the list don’t really care though (e.g. see Lilith).
What do you think about making specific ranks for players? that way someone can check in a moment what each player teachs. For example: Arah mentor. And then put all the Arah mentors in that rank. FotM mentors, and more more ranks.
For people that wants or can teachs more than just 1 dungeon, i guess we could use some ideas or different ranks as well.
Aens / Ellantriel / Nao To Mori / Saelyth. Commander
Guias de Raids en español / Spanish raiding guides
Probably best to put mentor specific data in the message of the day.
Hmmm if this guild expands and becomes somewhat of a foundation of Dungeon mentoring then I think trying to put everyone’s dungeon/class specialties in the message will get a bit out of hand :/
Perhaps just a link to this thread so potential students can peruse through who does what?
Skye Eterna ~ Mesmer | Arya Slade ~ Charrdian | Kiera Thine ~ Ranger
Oceanic ~ [LOD] [Noob]
I never got my invite, could you send it again?
Ooh ooh, can I join as a student?
“Memories are nice, but that’s all they are.”
Sorry guys, I blame the dragonite ore farming train last night for the delay. Sent you the invitations right now.
- doranduck, 2016 on Lore in Raids
Can I get an invite to join as a student?
[TLA] Desolation (EU)
And all who stood by and did nothing, who are they to criticize the sacrifices of others?
Our blood has bought their lives.
May I join as a student too?
So it’s time for me to become a mentor, since I have cleaned up some guild space :p
Mentor name : Enaretos.8079 [SC]
Servers : EU
Specialty : Warrior, Ranger, Necromancer, Mesmer (partly), Thief (partly)
Active dungeons : AC all paths, TA Up and Forward, SE 1&3, CoF all paths, HOTW all paths, CoE all paths, Arah all paths
Availability : Actually not often, being a college student + working part-time, I have some time in the evenings (provided I’m not playing in guild/with friends). I tend to take my Sunday afternoons either for WvW or for dungeon teaching so you could just ask when you see me online these days. If you see me in LA, I’m most probably available.
Communication : I have a mumble server, somewhere and I use ts often (if you have one available we might use it :p). I can do with ig chat but it’s not as good as voice communication. By the way I can teach in English, obviously, but also in French and in… wait for it… Spanish !
Message :
I play in a hardcore guild and with good players as well. I thus do not have that much time. However, I’m probably the nicest person you’ll find in GW2, not joking. I have incredible patience, built through a year of pugging before joining the cool kids I ask for people who are open-minded and ready to take advice. I’m not gonna carry you but I’m not gonna start screaming because you’re not in full berserker exotics either. However, if you’re playing close to meta, it will make things much smoother. I also tend to swear, especially when I make the tiniest mistake. Please bear(bow) with me
I also have some slight latency lately, and might just be bad when it goes over 4s…
P.S : I’ll need an invite to the sexy guild :p
Hmmm if this guild expands and becomes somewhat of a foundation of Dungeon mentoring then I think trying to put everyone’s dungeon/class specialties in the message will get a bit out of hand :/
Perhaps just a link to this thread so potential students can peruse through who does what?Edit: I HAVE MY SIGNATURE BACK, THIS IS THE BEST DAY OF MY LIFE!!
How did you got it back? oO
Iris I took the liberty to advertise your initiative on reddit in hope that we get some more students to help out
(edited by Quickfoot Katana.8642)
Hmmm if this guild expands and becomes somewhat of a foundation of Dungeon mentoring then I think trying to put everyone’s dungeon/class specialties in the message will get a bit out of hand :/
Perhaps just a link to this thread so potential students can peruse through who does what?Edit: I HAVE MY SIGNATURE BACK, THIS IS THE BEST DAY OF MY LIFE!!
How did you got it back? oO
Iris I took the liberty to advertise your initiative on reddit in hope that we get some more students to help out
Very glad to hear that! Yay Katana!
And all who stood by and did nothing, who are they to criticize the sacrifices of others?
Our blood has bought their lives.
I just saw the reddit post. May I please join as a student?
I just saw the reddit post.
May I please join as a student?
And all who stood by and did nothing, who are they to criticize the sacrifices of others?
Our blood has bought their lives.
May I join as a student too please!
Mentor name: Fush Funger (Go by Fush alot)
Active dungeons: Fractals (including some harder instabilities, e.g 39) All dungeons but arah right now
Availability: I’ll say first off my timezone is GMT +10.00 but I am available every day but Saturday during my day right now.
Contact: Just in-game mail or whisper please
Communication: Teamspeak or party chat whichever is preferred by people
I run the meta build myself, I’d prefer people running this so my teaching is more applicable to the students. I will be patient with people as long as they are patient when I explain stuff, because I will tend to go in depth where I can
I’m on European Servers, I am available to help people with learning to solo,duo or trio bosses and paths!
It’s good to see people taking an interest in this.
May the DPS Trinity be with you. ;)
“Memories are nice, but that’s all they are.”
I would love to enter in as a student. I have only done AC p1 explore and that defend event has really put me off from dungeons since launch… I would really like to overcome it one of these days. That event just always seems so chaotic I barely know what the hell is going on x_x.
I’m interested in learning dungeons but I’m already in a WvW guild that requires near 100% rep. If that’s not an issue, I’d love to ultimately get my DM title!
I’m interested in learning dungeons but I’m already in a WvW guild that requires near 100% rep. If that’s not an issue, I’d love to ultimately get my DM title!
Someone online can send you an invite. The guild requires 0% rep but of course you can rep it (some of us do to chat). If you haven’t gotten one I can send you some in approximately 8 hours after work haha.
And all who stood by and did nothing, who are they to criticize the sacrifices of others?
Our blood has bought their lives.
I’ve sent an invite.
“Memories are nice, but that’s all they are.”
Hi, please consider me for this and invite me when you can. I have very little experience in the dungeons and would love to be mentored in a group setting. Also, I think some of us students could get together in the off hours to work on things ourselves without the pressures of LFG tool and expectations of others! To me, this makes this an ideal situation guild to be a part of, knowing ahead of time what a lot of the players status is in the beginning.
Look forward to being in this guild!
Server – Yak’s Bend
Hi, please consider me for this and invite me when you can. I have very little experience in the dungeons and would love to be mentored in a group setting. Also, I think some of us students could get together in the off hours to work on things ourselves without the pressures of LFG tool and expectations of others!
An invite will be sent.
As a note, I just wanted to clarify, as mentors (most of us) we aren’t going to have super huge expectations of our students initially and I personally hope that no mentee feels like they are being picked on or pressured in any teaching group. I don’t think that will ever be the case in this initiative, so I hope no ones feels like that might happen.
And all who stood by and did nothing, who are they to criticize the sacrifices of others?
Our blood has bought their lives.
I just found out about this and I would LOVE to be a mentor.
Mentor name : plethomacademia.8265 [FLUX]
Servers: NA (Tarnished Coast)
Specialty : Warrior, experience with all other classes to varying degrees
Active dungeons : I’m comfortable with all paths
Availability : Evenings between 4pm and 11pm server time. I’m not on the entire time every night, but can be on during those times save for nights where I have guild events.
Communication: For most dungeons, I am fine with the in game chat. For some dungeons, I do prefer voice, just because it is easier for me to explain things efficiently in voice. At this time, I won’t require it.
Message :
I like to joke that my GW2 endgame is fractals and teaching dungeons to people. I already teach members of my guild and would love to help more people outside of them. I have done more dungeons than I think is sane. I don’t require speed runs, I don’t require skips. I prefer people with 80s in exotics but, again, I don’t require it. All I require from people is a positive attitude and a sense of humor if/when we wipe on something stupid.
I would love to join this guild as well!
Hi, please consider me for this and invite me when you can. I have very little experience in the dungeons and would love to be mentored in a group setting. Also, I think some of us students could get together in the off hours to work on things ourselves without the pressures of LFG tool and expectations of others!
An invite will be sent.
As a note, I just wanted to clarify, as mentors (most of us) we aren’t going to have super huge expectations of our students initially and I personally hope that no mentee feels like they are being picked on or pressured in any teaching group. I don’t think that will ever be the case in this initiative, so I hope no ones feels like that might happen.
Thanks, I look forward to seeing you all online this week. For clarity sake, what I meant by expectations of others was meant outside of this guild in random PUG groups. As it is now, I’m not big in going into PUG groups because I honestly don’t know much about the dungeons I am going in too.
Once that newness fades away it would not be an issue to me. Also, after I become more comfortable in running certain dungeons, I’d be happy to do some mentoring myself but that is future plans Thanks again for the consideration and invite.
Server – Yak’s Bend
Very good. I must have misinterpreted, but still what I said stands for anyone coming in xD.
Once you have demonstrated your ability to do the dungeons you will be promoted to “Graduate” and then as you find your niche you can become a mentor (there are different ranks, like meta mentor, general mentor, Arah mentor). These will help distinguish what you are best at teaching.
And all who stood by and did nothing, who are they to criticize the sacrifices of others?
Our blood has bought their lives.
Very good. I must have misinterpreted, but still what I said stands for anyone coming in xD.
Once you have demonstrated your ability to do the dungeons you will be promoted to “Graduate” and then as you find your niche you can become a mentor (there are different ranks, like meta mentor, general mentor, Arah mentor). These will help distinguish what you are best at teaching.
Haha yeah, after re-reading what I wrote I can see how it could be interpreted as you did. My fault :P
I just meant in random groups, which is about all the experience I’ve ever had. I think all joining up with this guild would have an understanding and respect for one another because this guild has a purpose and goal in mind upon signing up.
Again, I look forward to being a part of this and being shown some things. Great idea and I appreciate those putting it together and the mentors time.
Server – Yak’s Bend