Dungeon Patch Discussion 1/28

Dungeon Patch Discussion 1/28

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Boban.7013


This new PW mechanic is big disadvantage to weaker classes and ppl they are not too good on their char. Some of them had problems to find party before this patch and now it will be real pain for them.
All parties will be now only from Warriors and Guardians and from lvl 80 characters. Lower lvl warrs, guardians and classes like mesmers, elementalists, engineers, necromancers, thievs and rangers will have hard time now.
I was kicked from party too many times only cuz i was on another class than guardian or warrior and brainless ppl dont know im good on them.
There will be really big selection now.

I dont care i have “dungeon runners”, but think about this again plz.

Sry for my english.

Ranger 80, Warrior 80, Thief 80, Mesmer 80, Guardian 80, Necromancer 80, Elementalist 80,
Engineer 80, 2nd Thief 30

(edited by Boban.7013)

Dungeon Patch Discussion 1/28

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: cesmode.4257


My feedback:

-I like the rez-rushing change. I agree, this is not what dungeons were designed for. If you haven’t already, however, add in some more waypoints to dungeons.
-Koehler(sp) fight in AC. This is a good fight. There are things you need to be aware of to down the fight, yet completely managable.
-The mesmer fight in TA Exp. Awsome. Don’t hit her while chaos armor is up unless you want confusion. Stay out of bad floor. She ports around. A few things happening at once that don’t one-shot you but you need to be aware. Ive wiped on her a few times, indeed.
-The worm(first) boss in TA exp. Its good, theres way too much badfloor as it is. Adding more is…excessive, even if you decrease the difficulty.
-Trap-pit in AC exp, where we need to use traps to kill waves of mobs. Very nice.

-As you know, health <> difficulty. Even in a “tank and spank” fight. Taking 5 minutes to kill the boss vs 3 minutes bears no difference in difficulty.
-One-shot abilities, such as Malrona’s “bad-floor” <> difficulty. This is very lazy design. Mechanics like this almost force players to be at max range to avoid a lot of it.
-Nightmare tree in TA exp: Boring. The common strategy for all paths, except the one with the spirit trees, is to sit at max range, and range down the boss. Talk about forcing me to play a style that I do not want to play on my warrior. Sitting at max range and mashing two buttons is boring. Also, for one of the fights, not using AoE because it’ll aggro spiders, is a bad idea too. I know we shouldn’t use aoe for single target, however, having 50 spiders that come and melt your face is lazy design too.
-Hard to see boss windups with all of the particle effects (for instance, Koehler’s(sp) windup animation for the “grab” that he does. Hard to see in the middle of everything.

General suggestions—
-Reduce health from a lot of bosses.
-Im not sure if this was what you were referring to in patch notes, but fix being able to sit on a ledge and DPS down adds/boss without them touching you. This is brainless and I scoff at the communinity for finding this and using it(even though I myself use it because the rest of the group does! remove these “exploits”!)
-Skipping all trash. This is out of control, absolutely out of control. In other MMOs trash in dungeons will follow you to the end of the earth. They reset in GW2 dungeons. Id prefer them not to reset. I think people focus way too much on speed, efficiency, and reward rather than enjoying the content given to them. Also, when people try to speed run, often it leads to one person lagging behind for hatever reason and ultimately creates more time lost than if the group decided to kill the adds. Now the group must wait for this person.
-All the work arounds, glitches…find them and fix them! Im with you on this.
-Gear from chests is absolutely pathetic. Coins/gold from chests is absolutely pathetic. Increase the quality of both of these. I care less about blue junkie items.
-Add in more boss mechanics where groups could use walls or reflects to avoid/mitigate the damage. A guardian reflect wall would be nice on malrona if she spat out a projectile. Or, for instance, on my thief I use smoke screen on Ole Tom. I love it. My group loves me for using it. Im using what I have in my bag of tricks to help the group.
-How about a boss that takes more damage from life-steal combo projectiles, and/or from regeneration combo projectiles, or from using combo fields in general. Get deeper into fight mechanics that feed off of our abilities to utilize eachother’s combo fields. One thing to look at is the dragon fight in Icecrown Citadel in WoW (I forgot the boss name). For a year or two prior to that fight being released, I had said that the game should have a boss fight where healing the boss is the key. I know there are no healers, and to do this exact thing would make people take elementalists and guardians…but something similar to this would be awsome. Think outside of the box, or PM me for more ideas..Ive got a lot!

Thats all for now. I have a lot to say on the subject. I’ll return

Karma is as abundant as air, and as useless as the Kardashians.

(edited by cesmode.4257)

Dungeon Patch Discussion 1/28

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: keysix.5230


I hope you do something about the gravelers. I run AC multiple times a day and every time I run it a scavenger knocks me down and its impossible to get back up before death. I am a necromancer and they will knock me down and drain my entire death shroud and base HP bar before standing up. Also with the, “Res-Rushing” please take into account the players that get killed way behind there party. Many times on path 1 my party will rush to the howling king and as a necro has no running skills I will end up dieing multiple times. This removal of it would almost guarantee that many players would have to miss that boss. such as elementalist. they’re much to squishy to run through that, and if all of us players took the time to fight our way through the over powered gravelers it would just be frustrating, time consuming, and a waste of time.

Oh and in a further comment to the above about players doing dungeons for, " speed, efficiency, and reward rather than enjoying the content given to them." of course players do. how many times will a player that is extremely time consuming and just meant to be enjoyed for its content? if you can complete it at a decent time with decent rewards it will be much more fun to the player to continue doing so, while if its supposed to be just for the enjoyment and be time consuming then players will ultimately grow tired of the dungeon. Whether you do make it more time consuming or not, the loot is abhorrent. Out of 25+ runs in the ascalon catacombs and 4 hours of FoTM I have only gotten 3 rare items. the masterwork drops usually sell very cheap and the blue are not even worthing checking the price.

(edited by keysix.5230)

Dungeon Patch Discussion 1/28

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: rizzo.1079


Dungeons were aggressively unfun before. It’s like they were designed to not work like the rest of the game, to reward rote memorization and prioritization of certain classes within the party. I was hopeful that whatever changes you were making would fix that somehow, but this doesn’t make me want to play them. I didn’t like rez rushing before, but I highly dislike just sitting there, being dead weight for my party and watching them lose partially because I went down. A debuff across the board and better rewards are necessary. Also, please consider making a dungeon or two that are for one or two players, not 5, as some of us don’t like to play with other people for the most part.
Thank god the overworld is so awesome:)

Dungeon Patch Discussion 1/28

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Onirazael.8694


“They’re removing Rez-rushing with all it’s flaws and tweaking the encounters so that the benefits that the mechanic used to provide won’t be necessary!”

Yes but the implemented the PAIN before doing the tweaks. Phase 1 and 2 SHOULD NOT have been separate!

Dungeon Patch Discussion 1/28

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Captain Hook.2783

Captain Hook.2783

I see no problem with away with doing away with rezing at waypoint’s but fell if you do this I think you should allow a larger party if you want group participation I feel a little larger groups would make a little more enticing for others to join in the dungeon fun. you have no limits on dragons why such a tough limit of people in dungeons?

Dungeon Patch Discussion 1/28

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: wickedgreen.4685


Funny that ANET chooses this path only weeks after recommending lfg.com. It will be a cold day in hell before I play another PUG while this system is in place.

Dungeon Patch Discussion 1/28

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Nanoko.1850


Although i understand what Anet is trying to do, and dont mind that they are removeing the “zerg rez”, I do not agree with how they have handled this Dungeon patch. It was a stupid idea to remove things first, and then tell everyone the fine tuneing would come in a later patch (which mind you, they have not set a date for releaseing)

Basicly you guys have done something along the lines of giveing a hungry person a plate and saying the food is comeing next week. What are we suppost to do with just a plate untill the rest arrives except throw it at the person that gave it to us.

very pour management indeed. Anyone who thought this was a good corse of action should be fired. None of the dungeon changes that were implimented, cept fractal bugs, that have been around for months trump looking at all the fights and bosses and balanceing them imo. That should have been done first.

Dungeon Patch Discussion 1/28

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Erebus.3897


I am a casual player, and I enjoy very much doing dungeons, but this new mechanic is in detriment of a broader audience doing dungeons, unless you have a level 80 character, and all your party is high level is getting increasigly difficult to run dungeons.

the thing is mainly we were used to doing dungeons with rez-rushing, cuz speacially in some it was part of the strategy… try keeping Magg alive along with ur party was a chore last night… a boring chore… where it used to be fun… yes people like challenges, that is why we have fractals that upscale in difficulty as u go…

the only way this new dynamic would work and not disencourage players, is if they upscale the party limit to say 8 or 10 players, so if i ihave a level 40 party i can do a CM run where while some of my party is DPSing some other rez the downed… otherwise is becoming a problematic issue that comes in detriment of this being a game for everybody, and not just hardcore gamers who can put 2 hours of their lives into copleting a dungeon run….

Commander Gladius Deum [ART]
Gate of Madness

Dungeon Patch Discussion 1/28

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Skalef.6140


I still would love some kind of hard mode or a mode for guildteams in dungeons. If you are able to work togther, the dungeons get to easy

A player who loves challenge is a player I like.

Dungeon Patch Discussion 1/28

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Ed of Death.4819

Ed of Death.4819

I must say I like the idea of no more res-rushing. However I do not quite get Anets priorities. Rewards are crap, dungeon finder needs to be implemented and not an external site. And the fights should have been adjusted before removing the res-rushing.

I agree with most. The changes need to be made. But the order in witch your going just does not make sense. And this will most likely promote elitism.

Please use a PTR so you can get feedback before implementing changes like this.

Dungeon Patch Discussion 1/28

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: FlareHeart.4360


I posted this in another thread, but I’ll add it here as well since this is the “official” feedback spot.

Wow…me and my (guildie) party just tried to run CoF Path 2. It is WAY harder than before…almost unreasonably so.

We are a very co-operative party, we collaborate via voice chat and we play together often. We can run most dungeons with a reasonable amount of difficulty. We have an entire party of people who are level 80 and 2 out of the 5 are wearing a full set of exotic gear, and trying to defend Magg while he’s placing the Bomb is STILL nearly impossible.

We tried it about 8 or 10 times and no matter how we strategized it, no matter who did what, or who kited where, or who defended who, we couldn’t get Magg to live long enough to place the bomb. The combination of the horde of Flame Legion on top of the MULTIPLE assassins that sneak up make this way too bloody difficult. My repair bill on my exotic armor after all was said and done was NOT worth what I got out of it.

I’ve given up on P2 and will run P1 from now on. The drops in CoF are no longer worth the repair bills.

Dungeon Patch Discussion 1/28

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Magiofdeath.2745


Please fix the ice elemental boss in underground fractal. Its nearly impossible now with it spamming AoE agony/ice chunks every 15 secs.

Fort Aspenwood | Kurzick ftw!

Dungeon Patch Discussion 1/28

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Silidus.7985


For one, I absolutely LOVE the WP changes.

Please continue to improve the dungeons and make them challenging and fair.

PS. Pug or not (I only do pugs), if you don’t know the strategy for a boss, you should loose at least once… that’s how you get better. Trivializing content is no fun for anyone.

Dungeon Patch Discussion 1/28

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Mario Lemieux.9107

Mario Lemieux.9107

For one, I absolutely LOVE the WP changes.

Please continue to improve the dungeons and make them challenging and fair.

PS. Pug or not (I only do pugs), if you don’t know the strategy for a boss, you should loose at least once… that’s how you get better. Trivializing content is no fun for anyone.

No one said anything about trivializing dungeons. However, with this update and WP change, they have definitely made dungeons more frustrating, and as a result, the casual player will likely not look to run a dungeon very often, if at all. Is this what ANet intends? I don’t think so. I don’t think Anet wants to turn dungeons into inaccessible content to new/inexperienced players, and I don’t think they want players to start with their elitist behaviour (which many unfortunately already have, check gw2lfg.com, CoF runs -_- ).

In my opinion, this WP feature is a complete fail on Arenanet’s part. I’ve been a loyal supporter of GW1 for many years, and love GW2, don’t get me wrong. I don’t hate Anet. But i feel with every update, they keep on migrating further and further away from their original model/idea/vision of what GW2 would be. It seems to be evolving into something completely different than what most GW2 fans expected, than what Anet said it would be.

I become increasingly frustrated with every patch, and this one is no different. To Anet, i say this: “If you don’t want to alienate your playerbase, stop being so ridiculous! Don’t rollout updates with adjustments/content which breaks the next day, and which proves to be frustrating and in no way fun! Because, isn’t that what we all want to do here? Have fun? Yes, that may involve a challenge here and there, and no, i’m not asking for everything to be handed to me on a silver platter. But jeez…tone it down a little. Rather than release a frikkin Quaggan backpack in your kitten gemstore….BE TRUE TO YOUR FANS!”

Dungeon Patch Discussion 1/28

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Xandror.2356


People who only do dungeons with VOIP with their level 80 guildmates with full exotic and ascended gear sit on their high horse and tell everyone else the level 35 dungeon they have personally done 30 or more times is “easy” and are baffled why anyone would say its hard. I’ve never been part of an MMO community that was so out of touch. In a nutshell. “Guild Wars 2: New Players Are Not Welcome”. I feel like this game is doomed.

Dungeon Patch Discussion 1/28

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: CROBINA.5412


I really really…. disappointed to gw2 game.. seriously..
They removed the ability to use waypoints while any player is in combat.
That means if you want to res yourself, you have to buy revive orbs with gems.
That is insane…Do they really want us to use real money for this game?
So disappointed..

Dungeon Patch Discussion 1/28

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Shandalar Al Tambol.9683

Shandalar Al Tambol.9683

I haven’t read all of the replies, nor am I an avid dungeon runner, but the dungeons I have been in have bosses that, if an ally attempts to rez a fellow player, the likelihood of that player also dying is greatly increased. If multiple players attempt to rez to decrease rez-time, the likelihood of the entire team getting wiped is greatly increased. Naturally, if the entire group is wiped, the boss is reset, and we have to reset. Now the team has armor damage, and DP. Gee golly, if the team couldn’t get the boss before, how the heck will it succeed now. I appreciate that Phase 2 will be looking closely at the bosses and the need for res-rushing, but like others have said, Phase 1 and Phase 2 should be implemented at the same time. Don’t take away the only possibility of a “noob” group succeeding a killing the boss without getting the whole team wiped.
So called “expert” dungeon runners will not balk at removing res-running, they know how to kill the bosses effectively, but new dungeon players don’t know and will likely be killed quickly, and the rest of the team will go down trying to res the fallen comrade.

Many players complain that res-running makes the dungeons too easy. Okay, then give the option of turning on res-running or off, with off granting more rewards (easy or hard mode), thus giving less experienced players a chance to learn better strategies, learn from their mistakes, not weaken the entire dungeon just to not allow or require res-running.

David Basinger

Dungeon Patch Discussion 1/28

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Dean Calaway.9718

Dean Calaway.9718

What started the rez-rush/graveyard-run was some of the insane fights like the Magg one where for most (all?) the only way to do it was like that.

I’m all from change, to keep it fresh and make it more enjoyable but I think the problem all along was some of the insane fights.

I’d suggest faster res, since you can easily go down on the time it takes to half-res someone.
And more clear objectives, since right now for beginner the way to do is ask in the party (and risk a kick) or look up on YouTube.

I do hope this seek to make it more tactic doesn’t end up making it dependant on a holly trinity.
And for the love of all that’s holly, GROUP FINDER.

Victoria Cross [VC] – Desolation [EU]

Dungeon Patch Discussion 1/28

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Chibi.1840


Now Gw2 turns into Warcraft with the , "lfg must know fight, must be geared, must be smart, etc. etc. etc…. the idea is good, but the way its being implimented is very bad. now players are either no longer going to progress, or u must be in one of the 1st groups to learn the fights or u are stuck wondering if u will ever get in a dungeon because u are a 1st timer… this is just gunna be fuel for those “inconsiderate players” to go ahead and belittle the casual/non-hardcore player for being “inferior in skill” or a newb/nub/nooblet whatever… the loss of re-rushing is a good idea imo, because now u actually have to pay attention in the battle and can’t lawl around, but it will make those that need to complete dungeons for gear impossible. this will be intresting to watch as the dungeon system slowly tears itself apart because only some players will get to experiance the content now…

Dungeon Patch Discussion 1/28

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: wickedgreen.4685


ArenaNet, I read your message as: If you don’t have 4 other friends to play with on a regular basis (who are also not bored to death with the lame idea of running the same dungeon over and over), dungeons are not for you. While I’m glad you are trying to address zergers and skippers, I don’t think this was the way to go.

This system = death to PUG’s, and poses a serious barrier to newer players attempting a new dungeon in the first place. I understand the appeal, maybe, for the smug, elite players that love to troll these posts with comments like “try not to die” “learn to play” and “I don’t see how anyone can have any problems with this…”, but I joined this game because I enjoy a community that encourages pro’s to help noobs so thay can grow into pros themselves, and keep the game alive.

There’s a lot of talk about what’s fun and what isn’t. Personally, I don’t enjoy trying to play like a bot [cookie-cutter build + stand in this spot + attack/pause/dodge/attack, lather, rinse repeat, until the boss is dead]. This seems to be the formuls for GW2 dungeons and I’ve noticed a lot of complaints about it = boring.

Also, sometimes I just want to do something by myself, something that not possible in any GW2 dungeons. How about making THAT an option for players who want more difficulty? Allow goups of 8 instead of 5 to soften the learning curve. Then take the rewards and split them based on the max number of people that were in the dungeon at any point in the run (to avoid scammers trying a kick & steal). The best players could probably do some of the dungeons in groups of 3-4, doubling their rewards and reducing the number of “grinding” runs. Just a thought.

Dungeon Patch Discussion 1/28

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Silidus.7985


“They’re removing Rez-rushing with all it’s flaws and tweaking the encounters so that the benefits that the mechanic used to provide won’t be necessary!”

Yes but the implemented the PAIN before doing the tweaks. Phase 1 and 2 SHOULD NOT have been separate!

It is far easier to rebalance encounters that are too hard than ones that are too easy. Have some fun with it for a month and see if you can do it.

Dungeon Patch Discussion 1/28

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: piombinoj.2159


I would like to add my voice to the long list of complaints about the new rez policy. Here’s my background: I am a casual player, I have one lvl 80 Guardian, I pug ac exp once each day, and I am going through the dungeon for the reward, not for the teamwork gaming aspect. I understand that the change was supposed to alter the gaming experience to suit your intentions, but the change is not a good one. There are a multitude of reasons why the change is not good, most of which have already been stated. Overall, it really raises the bar for less experienced players, and unbearably so. Dungeons are no longer fun get-togethers, but calculated militaristic campaigns with no room for mistakes. I really hope this policy is altered again. I suggest that the new rezzing policy be implemented only in certain modes of the dungeon (i.e. story mode, or perhaps a new separate mode) That is all, and I hope you take these complaints to heart. When a game cuts out any room for mistakes, it requires that much more effort and perfection from players in order to squeeze out what little fun you can.

Dungeon Patch Discussion 1/28

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Silidus.7985


" I am going through the dungeon for the reward, not for the teamwork gaming aspect."

They stated from the very start that explore mode dungeons were intended to be difficult and for more organised and experienced groups. There is no actual ‘reward’ for these dungeons, other than bragging rights by sporting a full set of unique looking gear.. if you just in it for the reward, you need to remember its just a game.

Dungeon Patch Discussion 1/28

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Negrul.5423



Is this “WP rushing” solution going to be implemented into WvWvW or SPvP as well?I mean if it’s such a great thing to have for PVE dungeons, why not expand this brilliant idea to the whole game?

Proper Dungeon Finder is needed.

Dungeon Patch Discussion 1/28

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: rizzo.1079


They stated from the very start that explore mode dungeons were intended to be difficult and for more organised and experienced groups. There is no actual ‘reward’ for these dungeons, other than bragging rights by sporting a full set of unique looking gear.. if you just in it for the reward, you need to remember its just a game.

That’s the thing, they’re both unfun and unrewarding. A different looking piece of gear is not a reward, it’s a paper cutout for a dress up doll. Dying to cheap tactics like fireball traps that one shot you when you’re nowhere near them is not challenging for anyone, it’s cheap, frustrating and annoying.

Dungeon Patch Discussion 1/28

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: kioga.2439


The number of ppl that dont like this fix is too large..

I was not a fan of dungeon, and i dont do them until i get a lvl 80 character.. why? because there was no need for me…. there was full of content for me out of dungeon (its what i think), but in the last month i really enjoyed doin dungeon, runs, paths, and stuff.

I do guild runs and pugs runs and its true that if you fall downed in the spike traps of AC you have 70% chance that all your partners run over your damaged body and no one of the 4 remaining ppl stop to rez you or help you rally. THATS RIDICULOUS!! thats not a party, thats a lot of robots running pre defined actions and if you go downed… die fast! and run from the last WP!!!

This change is one of the most “Guild Wars like” mechanic i see. In Guild Wars 1 all your party have to go death so you can rez.. or im wrong??? and im not talking of dungeon… that was just wandering arround in a map!!!

So to all of you yelling “ANET!! be true to your fans!!” “ANET GW waas bettter than this!” “this things never happen in guildwars 1!!”… think before you post.

(edited by kioga.2439)

Dungeon Patch Discussion 1/28

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Elliott.2714


Hello Arena net
i think you should place a dungeon finder which is found outside the dungeon. This is because over server you could play with but won’t be able to here from them. also i think at the end of a dungeon it should have a stats page with stats from the dungeon and shows who got the most kills in the party for example.
And finally i think that Sorrow’s Embrace need’s looking at exp mode because the boss are over powered. (sorry for English)

Dungeon Patch Discussion 1/28

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: zevins.5178


Hi I love playing Guild Wars 2 and very much enjoyed running dungeons with friends and randoms…. That was before the new update. Now i feel like the dungeon just got 10x harder. I have to select my group carfully or we wont be able to do some of the paths in cof. I can see what they did by making wp not accessable in combat but honestly, the only way you can do dungeons is if you have a hardcore team who is in the know about everything. I loved just picking up a random team of players and doing a path or two but now thats over. I was thinking instead of having no spawn in combat to wp, maybe have a respawn timer or somthing. Like if your down for 20secs you can respawn, or maybe it puts at the dungeons start and you have to walk all the way back. These would be better because atleast your not hopeless if you are running with new people to a dungeon.

I hate kicking people from a dungeon becuase they keep deing and we have to keep restarting. But now i have been forced to make some diffiucult chocies becuase i now this person is just not at the skill lvl we need or is not the right class. I played 4 rounds of cof yesterday with some randoms and friends, you want to know how many a finished……. 1 the other 3 times we could beat the boss because we didnt have enough dps in our team or aoe. I am stopping dungeons for now until it is fixed for more of a casual players.

(edited by zevins.5178)

Dungeon Patch Discussion 1/28

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Mordikaiin.5496


My inputs on the WP mechanic change. I don’t mind the WP change but i think other stuff should have been changed 1st. For example rework the bosses 1st and the loot received from dungeons. Because now you just made it harder for people who are not in guilds to do dungeons and for guilds who do run dungeons to help teach players who aren’t as experienced.

Boss Targeting Mechanics, needs to be revamped completely if your going to remove the use of WP’s during a fight. Bosses should not target ressing or being ressed players while they are already dead. When I first looked at this game in August, 1 of the things that caught my eye was downed state being able to get back up on your own. I loved the idea but the way it was advertised and the way it actually is are like oil and water. I understand if u get downed during an aoe flame storm your going to basically be dead because the mob is not going to say “oh he is down now let me stop that already happening storm magically and move it over here”, but why is it that more times than any you go down and immediately all the mobs around are like “FRESH MEAT” and run right for you?

Ressing happens in dungeons, but why does the boss always seem to target the person ressing, when they are doing no damage at all to the boss. If they are going to do this to the game I say OK I can live with it, but only if u change the bosses targeting mechanics so that way your group CAN res you without getting killed themselves.

Need an example…

Flame Boss in Fractals with the lava and stuff… I go down, my team then rotates the boss to be facing away from me and slows dps to just enough to keep its attention so it don’t go into its barrier and eat a human then heal. Everything doing god then BAM Flame Barrage on my dead body as I am being ressed, not once, not twice but 3 times. Now we’re down to 3 on 1, it’s a wipe!

In Closing…
Worry more about balancing out the kitten classes then the dungeon ressing for now. I love being 2 shotted by warriors, bombed to the point of no return by engineers and cloned to death by mesmers in pvp. I had to go and make a guardian with 50 lives just to have some fun. Oh and can u add “Offline For x Days” to the guild members list, so we can kick those players you have lost from our guilds without accidently kicking someone who didn’t leave. TY

NSi Gaming
US – Anvil Rock

Dungeon Patch Discussion 1/28

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: ExiaStar.3792


Are we ever going to get a real party finder or dungeon queue so we don’t have to just sit and wait to find people.

Dungeon Patch Discussion 1/28

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Grimfang.8263


Yep,I think the instances were fine with the wavepoint rez’s.This new only rez only out of combat will just cause more problems.I thought the whole point in guild wars2 was a free and open world not forcing the player to play a certain way.

Dungeon Patch Discussion 1/28

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Himei.5379


I got a question and I’ll explain it. Before patch, when you died on a boss and the boss goes down, you will not get the loot drop from that boss. The reason to wp back and run back asap was to get the drop loot, especially if said boss was close to dying.

With this new no WP while in combat rule, this sucks if the boss still does not drop loot. IT takes forever to revive a dead player, and worse if boss is attacking said person ressing or AoEs everywhere (like Alpha) so wouldn’t this promote selfish play? Why risk downing yourself trying to res or revive someone if you end up dying and won’t get loot?

Dungeon Patch Discussion 1/28

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Silidus.7985


Hello Arena net
i think you should place a dungeon finder which is found outside the dungeon. This is because over server you could play with but won’t be able to here from them. also i think at the end of a dungeon it should have a stats page with stats from the dungeon and shows who got the most kills in the party for example.
And finally i think that Sorrow’s Embrace need’s looking at exp mode because the boss are over powered. (sorry for English)

Wow, I actually really like the idea of posting dungeon stats at the end of the dungeon, maybe little badges for “most damage taken”, “least deaths”, “most damage done”, “longest time spent with aggro”, “most healing”, “most CC applied” etc.

One of the biggest problems I have with the destruction of the Trinity (which is a good thing), is that its hard to find out what actually happened… sometimes groups do well, sometimes they don’t, sometimes it’s your fault but you just don’t know why.

Dungeon Patch Discussion 1/28

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Lyana Evrilow.8102

Lyana Evrilow.8102

Dear gods, this is a lot to read. I feel for you, Devs!!

Just a side note. My guild made a run on CoF (ALL paths) and they were all VERY doable. Granted, we’re pretty good at working together already. There was, however, one problem which took an hour or so (and was utterly boring in the process).

Path 3, CoF, end boss (I forget his name, it was my first time). When he does his go invulnerable (annoying) in order to fling everyone across the room once every 5-10 seconds (also.annoying.) several players, if they don’t dodge at the right time, are flung into the LAVA and cannot be rezzed. It wasn’t so bad for elementalists, who had the ability to mist form themselves out of the lava in downed state (if they were quick enough, and didn’t die off the bat), but our warrior? Our poor warrior got to sit in the lava for an hour, then our engineer, then the two eles, until only our guardian was left.

I believe you did say that when thrown into unrezzable situations, they would be teleported to rezz spots. Lava is a very much unrezzable situation. Can you please adjust it? Our guys can’t waypoint out anymore, and if we can’t rezz them, the fight will take hours upon hours – if it works at all!

Thank you!

(upon review, the rezz thing was only done in storymode – Baelfire. I suggest looking into explorable paths, too, thanks!)

Dungeon Patch Discussion 1/28

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: iced cooly.5794

iced cooly.5794

The waypoint change is good except that Anet should now also remove the res orbs from sale.

Before this change the res orbs were a convenience nice to have thing but after the change they are now a pay to win tactic.. Not very cool in the slightest.

Dungeon Patch Discussion 1/28

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: parochy.6241


I think this is a step in the right direction. Currently I’m on pause from dungeons since I really grew to dislike them (or having to group up with random people just to be able to do them). I found them quite difficult in GW2 compared to other MMORPGs. I’ve seen more deaths in dungeons than anywhere else, so I’m a bit worried about the change where we can’t rush back and help our friends from a WP; although the idea of regrouping does sound more appealing than running around frantically.

Maybe if the story mode was much less difficult to allow people to learn the ropes of that dungeon, like a training session, or a guided play (where the movies play out and don’t get stuck on the background and then I have no idea what’s going on). I think most deaths occur due to players not knowing what to do, setting off traps, getting swarmed, not knowing a good strategy to take down a boss, running off, etc, which isn’t very inviting for first timers in dungeons.

So on that note, I’m glad that dungeon difficulty was reduced somewhat (I don’t know how much yet, but I’m tempted to find out).

Perhaps in the future, dungeon difficulty could be scaled to the number of people in the party and especially to the strength of the party as a whole (meaning stats and gear) – not talking about dynamic leveling here; or be able to select the difficulty level.

It would also be nice if people were not allowed to kick a member from the party while in a dungeon, unless that member disconnects, to prevent losing your position while fighting the end boss, since some people got in their minds that they get better rewards if they are less in the party.

Dungeon Patch Discussion 1/28

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: jubskie.3152


putting this here as feedback:


tl;dr: no way to be rezzed when you die in lava in final boss fight in CoF p3

Extraordinary Gentlemen [EXG] Desolation
Doing It With Style

Dungeon Patch Discussion 1/28

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Dan.8709


CoF path 2 now is one of my favorite dungeons of the game, by far, was pretty fun failing at the first time (letting mag get killed on 89 percent), then try a different tactic and make it work.

The feeling the new event gives is really awesome, really really cool, thanks a lot!

Daniel Cousland – Darkhaven

Dungeon Patch Discussion 1/28

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: piombinoj.2159


" I am going through the dungeon for the reward, not for the teamwork gaming aspect."

They stated from the very start that explore mode dungeons were intended to be difficult and for more organised and experienced groups. There is no actual ‘reward’ for these dungeons, other than bragging rights by sporting a full set of unique looking gear.. if you just in it for the reward, you need to remember its just a game.

I know it’s supposed to be team oriented. My only concern is that they remove any room for mistakes. An utterly perfect team effort is less enjoyable because it is more rigid. That’s my opinion anyways. And I understand it’s just a game (casual player primarily implies this); I am just voicing my thoughts and suggestions.

Dungeon Patch Discussion 1/28

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Turial.1293


I have not read the last few pages so I can only hope this idea has not been mentioned; I like the wp change, I do. I understand that res-rushing for certain bosses was a cheap and unworthy tactic but also at times this really helped if things go sour in the last 5% hp of a boss that took 15 mins to DPS and it resets, that is very frustrating. So in some ways it was good, but look at the lupi fight, if you went down there it was about 2 mins before you had run all the way back and rejoined the fight. My suggestion would be for the ressing to have a timer (~20) to sort this, I mean it is frustrating when not in a boss fight and someone in the party aggroed a small mob at the other side of the dungeon, I cant res until they either flee/kill the mob. A timer would do just as well as and sort out the problem of res-rushing. Sometimes people need that small bit of luck where you make it back into battle at the last second to res them but now if someone makes even one mistake at any point in these battles it causes a lot of pain, a lot. I sure do not look forward to fighting lupi any time soon I tell you.

I like the change, I just think it might be a little overkill. I mean your party should be able to hold out for 30-60 seconds without you plus whatever time it takes to run back, if they can’t then they need to look at tactics. As of right now though, with dungeon difficulty and boss health, a small mistake can cost you perhaps 15 mins if the boss resets.

Also, great work on the update, I really look forward to the future changes

“Some of my best friends are heterosexual”

(edited by Turial.1293)

Dungeon Patch Discussion 1/28

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Indica.1380


ok ac was abit harder with some newbie party. but if you have a full exp group,the dungeons are actually easier. i was sceptical when the patch was released. but i actually like. although i can imagine it would be a pain for some new players…

(edited by Indica.1380)

Dungeon Patch Discussion 1/28

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Arkanaloth.3059


ending “Rez-Rushing” is a good idea, I agree with that… however thought really needs to be given to eliminating “One-hit-kill” boss attacks.

for example in AC, the Skelk boss with the MASSIVE cone AOE, if you’re on the other side of the combat field you MIGHT actually survive, maybe, but any closer and you’re down for sure and that’s if you’re running full toughness gear. There’s a reason why full Rampager’s is called “Glass Cannon” gear.

if he pulls that little move off at an unlucky moment for the group as they try to re-spread out due to his movement you could have nearly everyone down in a single attack… and one person playing dodge-ball with a champion or worse level boss isn’t going to be rezzing anybody.

there are MANY boss enemies throughout the game in dungeons and out capable of doing tremendous amounts of damage in a single hit. Rez rushing was the most immediate solution to one-hit-kill attacks.

Dungeon Patch Discussion 1/28

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: cesmode.4257


My gosh,
The amount of filthy posts in this thread is astounding. Guys, this was necessary. In no other serious MMO can you waypoint-zerg a boss…can you release, run back in and continue on. With the exception of a handful in wow, most times those fights have gates that close when the encounter starts.

Ive done nothing but PUG nearly every dungeon ive been in, with the exception of the last few weeks, and Ive never had a problem. Ive never had to waypoint constantly to beat a boss, with the exception of CoF mag(which they are REDOING. Or they already have.)

It isnt needed. Stop being hand held, stop trying to glitch a fight, stop trying to find a work around for a fight and get better at the game.

Enough is enough. This is rediculous.

edit: To combat the need of rez rushing, they are evaluating boss mechanics, such as one shots. Be patient. This is for the better of the game.

Karma is as abundant as air, and as useless as the Kardashians.

(edited by cesmode.4257)

Dungeon Patch Discussion 1/28

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: toowster.9604


oh just gr8, now the grouping time will pass 2h and 1 person will leave after 3 whipes. why bother try making a run so you can get tokens for 1/5 of armor/weps. adding a dungeon finder or a GLOBAL channel for grouping wont make the game to “solo”

Dungeon Patch Discussion 1/28

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Kimyrielle.3826



Ive never had to waypoint constantly to beat a boss, with the exception of CoF mag(which they are REDOING. Or they already have.)

Personally, I didn’t either. I don’t die all THAT much in dungeons, at least not in the ones I have been doing regularly. But the times WHEN I die, I appreciated not being a literal deadweight for the rest of the fight. Because…it’s rather boring, you know? Yes, other MMOs do it in the same way, and it was boring there, too. It’s one of the things I loved about GW2 – doing away with things other MMOs did WRONG.

Now, don’t get me wrong, I am really NOT opposed to that change in general, but it needs to be accompanied by other measures, e.g. making ressing dead allies more viable (right now, ressing is more likely to get you killed on top of the already fallen because you’re a sitting duck in a danger zone for an entenity). Or stopping the ridiculous amount of situations where people can get one-shotted by making the tiniest of mistakes. Anything but making players miss out 95% of the fight because they died right at the start (and don’t give me the “L2P noob” line, please – we all know sometimes it just happens in this game).

Fractals NEVER had res-zerging and nobody really complained about that. But in contrast to dungeons, Fractals seem to be much better designed to take that into accord.

Tarnished Coast

Dungeon Patch Discussion 1/28

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Voltaire.5824


Hmm. I don’t have much dungeon experience, but in most dungeons, we wouldn’t have made it past the last few bosses without the res-run.
I’m talking about a random group here. And yes, we did discuss strategy in hard fights.

Now, disabling the wp during combat is a good idea to encourage teamwork, but there must be a system to help teammates get up in a fight. Otherwise dungeons become to hard. Perhaps ressing will go faster when more teammates are down? A (personal?) bar that fills as you deal and recieve damage and will res someone for (a part of) the stored energy? Some object (a little totem?) which can be picked up and used to res someone? (it could give a skillbar with a healing, condition remove and res skills?)

I know the bosses will be changed, but a little help in dungeons would be nice.

(edited by Voltaire.5824)

Dungeon Patch Discussion 1/28

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Erebus.3897


ok remove, wp-rush, it makes for a more aggressive and tactical run, given… but then buff up loot, cuz teh repair bill goes into insane amounts, and let downed or dead players loot from bosses after they’ve been rezzed, cuz belive me if boss it at 5% health, no one will rez u… so ull be just dirtnapping and getting no loot…. or make rezzing a little faster… dunno but this needs to be addressed, cuz dungeons as of today are too hard, unless you have lvl 80, full crit, and a 75+ party drenched in exotics, and know the ins and outs of a dungeon build for ur profession… for the casual gamer dungeons just became unappealing, and oh no im not gonna be buyin revive orbs, not unless they are 20 silver or less…. after 2 months of solid gw2 gaming, today i found myself turning to other games, cuz i was like… meh i dont feel like dirtnapping in CoF… and in my guild chat ive heard nothing but complains… so yeah this update was awesome except for this which need to be looked into… changes liek this are the ones who end up making a game elitist, boring, and end up in the great graveyard of MMO’s… and this is (was?) a really fun game to play.

if they want this new mechanic to work, there has to be a way that works for EVERYONE, not just hardcore gamers, who have time to be 3 hours in a dungeon run

Commander Gladius Deum [ART]
Gate of Madness

Dungeon Patch Discussion 1/28

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Dramen Maidria.1034

Dramen Maidria.1034

While you guys are looking at dungeon rewards here are a few things I know a lot of people would like to see.
There really should be some sort of increased reward for the higher end dungeons to make it feel more worth the time aside from the tiny chance of a core drop. Maybe there’s increased silver drops from bosses or at the end, or a greatly increased chance for core or lodestone drops from the end chest that suffers from diminishing returns from multiple runs. I love doing dungeons, but for the time it takes to do a path of CoE a lot of people would like it if the up front rewards were better than doing a path of AC.
I have also heard a lot of people think it would be a good idea to allow for core or lodestone purchases with dungeon tokens, although if this was implemented they should be soulbound so it doesn’t affect the actual market for them.
Having short and long dungeon paths are great. Just like many of you at Anet I have a family and not a lot of playing time every day so on days I only get an hour or two several short paths are a great option for me as a good use of my time, but it can be discouraging to get nothing more from the time to do the dungeon paths that are intended to take closer to an hour to do and get the same reward I can get from doing a path that takes half an hour or less. I do them from time to time just to get the enjoyment of doing something different, but some sort of increased reward according to dungeon difficulty would be a welcome change.

Dramen Maidria
Knights of ARES, Dragonbrand
Good times, good memories

Dungeon Patch Discussion 1/28

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Erebus.3897


look ill stop ranting, cuz the solution is plain and simple, dont nerf the bosses, or the mobs… for this new mechanic to be playble for newcomers and enthusiasts alike just allow for a larger party for dungeons, that way no one gets left behind…

this simple change would allow for better dynamics, awesomer strategy, and while remaing harder the dungeons, in line with ANet Principles, it would still encourage a community sence, and no elitism for lower lvl players.

i mean i speack for the casual gamer who after 2 motns has a lvl 40 mesmer… im fine i have a lvl 80 tank guardian… but as part of the little comminity that is the guild im in i see a lot of lower level guildies having a hard time since the update, and rage quitting mid dungeon… and that sucks…

Commander Gladius Deum [ART]
Gate of Madness