(edited by Obrimus.5701)
Dungeon Patch Discussion 9/25
Twilight Arbor- Up Path- Clear time: ~35 minutes
Member 1- Has not done path for at least 4 days.
Reward: 60 Tokens, 26 Silver
Member 2- Has not done path for at least 4 days.
Reward: 60 Tokens, 26 Silver
Member 3- Has not done path for at least 4 days.
Reward: 60 Tokens, 26 Silver
Member 4- Has never done Twilight Arbor.
Reward: 30 Tokens, 26 Silver
Member 5- Has never done Twilight Arbor.
Reward: 60 Tokens, 26 Silver
5 minutes between clear and start.
Twilight Arbor- Forward-up path- Clear time: ~30 minutes (most likely over)
Member 1- Has not done path for at least 4 days.
Reward: 60 Tokens, 26 Silver
Member 2- Has not done path for at least 4 days.
Reward: 60 Tokens, 26 Silver
Member 3- Has not done path for at least 4 days.
Reward: 60 Tokens, 26 Silver
Member 4- Has never done path.
Reward: 30 Tokens, 26 Silver
Member 5- Has never done path.
Reward: 45 Tokens, 19.5 Silver
10 minutes between clear and start
Catacomb- Howling King- Clear time: well under 30 minutes
Member 1- Cleared path about 24 hours prior.
Reward: 60 Tokens, 26 Silver
Member 2- Cleared path about 24 hours prior.
Reward: 60 Tokens, 26 Silver
Member 3- Cleared path about 24 hours prior. Cleared Collosus Rumbus about 4 hours prior.
Reward: 60 Tokens, 26 Silver
Member 4- Unsure about last clear of path. Cleared Collosus Rumbus about 4 hours prior.
Reward: 15 Tokens, 6.5 Silver
Member 6 (replaced 5)- Cleared path about 24 hours prior.
Reward: 60 Tokens, 26 Silver
5 minutes between clear and start
Catacomb- Ghost Eater- Clear time: well under 30 minutes
Member 1- Cleared path about 24 hours prior.
Reward: 45 Tokens, 19.5 Silver
Member 2- Cleared path about 24 hours prior.
Reward: 45 Tokens, 19.5 Silver
Member 3- Cleared path about 24 hours prior.
Reward: 45 Tokens, 19.5 Silver
Member 6- Cleared path about 24 hours prior.
Reward: 45 Tokens, 19.5 Silver
Member 7 (replaced 4)- Unsure about last clear.
Reward: Forgot to check
Thank you,
just got 5 tokens for a second run, where’s others got 30-20.. is this funny? cause I aint laughing.
Catacombs – Ghost Eater – Around 35 minutes
Member 1 – 24 hours ago
Reward – Did not receive a reward, disconnected at final boss.
Member 2 – 24 hours ago
Reward – 60 / 19.5
Member 3 – 24 hours ago
Reward – 45 / xx
Member 4 – First Time
Reward – 30 / 19.5
Member 5 – First Time
Reward – 15 / 6.5
Catacombs – Ghost Eater – Around 25 minutes
Member 1 – 24 hours ago
Reward – 60/19.5
Member 2 – 24 hours ago
Reward – 60 / 19.5
Member 3 – 24 hours ago
Reward – 60 / 19.5
Member 4 – 24 hours ago
Reward – 60 / 19.5
Member 5 – 24 hours ago
Reward – 15 / 6.5
5 Minute Break
Catacombs – Path 1, Forgot the name – Around 35 Minutes
Member 1 – 24 hours ago
Reward – 60/19.5
Member 2 – 24 hours ago
Reward – 60 / 19.5
Member 3 – 24 hours ago
Reward – 60 / 19.5
Member 4 – 24 hours ago
Reward – 60 / 19.5
Member 5 – First Time On Path
Reward – 15 / 6.5
I believe the AC Explorable Dungeon was too hard to complete. Don’t know which path we choose. But the mobs kept on spawning and it was really impossible to destroy the holes in the ground in time. I can imagine that many people just break off this dungeon. After several hours of retrying people need sleep you know.
You really just have to learn the best way to do that part, mainly through trial and error.
Not all teams are suited for explorable, come at it again another time with a new comp.
(edited by Mr Prismatic.9578)
Did AC twice (two different paths, Detha and Hodgins) about 24hours ago, got 45 tokens for the first run and 30 for the second run.
Edit: One person apparently had fraps running when we finished the last boss, it was finished at 5:48pm GMT
(edited by Delias.2816)
Attempted to run Sorrow’s Embrace last night, my group kept getting split into different instances and we couldn’t complete (or even begin) the dungeon.
Found a new group for Honor of the Waves Explorable (I have never done Explorable or Story, and once per day for the 2 previous days I had attempted to do Story, however both times my group kept getting split into different instances).
We completed the wings in order (1 then 2 then 3) changing out one player each wing I believe.
Myself and one other player both received 45-30-15, while the other 4 or 5 players all received 60 for each wing they completed.
Yesterday (about 24 hours ago) I did HotW for the first time in about week and my first time ever doing two of the other paths. Our group took about 2 hours (maybe 2.5) to finish all three paths. Me and another guy got 45, 25, and then 15 tokens (a total of 85) while others got the full amount.
I was a little upset but with the 100 tokens I already had (which do not stack with new tokens for some reason), I still got my first piece of armor so I was able to move on pretty quickly and assume a fix was in the works.
I just did another TA run, my last run was at 2 o clock at night [so 15 hours ago!!] and I received 15 tokens!
I have to averagely do 3X the amount of runs as someone else to receive the same amount of tokens. This is truly horrible.
I don’t even dare entering other dungeons as it’ll only reduce the tokens I receive for the set I want in the end.
I just wanted to update everyone on where we stand with this. So far we have found a single bug with the system that is causing certain players to get stuck in a state of reduced rewards without actually exploiting. A fix for this has already been made and is being tested locally now. We are going to do more significant testing on this new version but we also believe it is more bulletproof to begin with. Please keep posting data as these cases are somewhat rare and are hard for us to find with internal testing but seem to be exposed quickly when thousands of people are playing the dungeons.
All rewards are susceptible to our code that is dealing with people who are speed clearing dungeons. This means that if you are speed clearing and then play some new chain for the first time it may not reward the full 60 tokens. If you find yourself getting less rewards consider whether or not your rate of dungeon completion is extremely high.
If you think you are running at a fairly reasonable pace post all of the chains you have run and the time of day they were completed and we will file it to try and figure out if it is a bug. Please post accurate times, otherwise we cannot determine if there are in fact bugs in the system. Please continue to use this thread as a place to post this data so that we have it all in one location.
Haven’t done a dungeon in 5 days
AC 1 – 15 tokens, finished around 2AM server time
AC 2 – 15 tokens, finished around 2:45 AM server time
Then I switched to an alt for the third path.
AC 3- 60 tokens, finished around 3:15 AM server time.
Other people in my party have done this dungeon before today and yesterday and got a full 60 token reward for every path.
(edited by Cerise.9045)
Done now HotW after 2 days without logging cause of this system, I got 15tokens and 2,6s, we did this in 15min, everyone else got between 60 and 45, and was their own run too.
I’m tired of this, once you put a system that does not punish EVERYONE I will be glad to play, for now I will enjoy myself doing something else, cause in the end I am not going to recover all those tokens anyway.
45min and first run of everyone*, posting in rage mode is not good
It’s sad to see how they have turned a discussion regarding dungeon mechanics/difficulty/community feedback into a “X tokens in Y amount of time” discussion.
Worst part is that it’s the admins that have derailed this so called “discussion”.
I did 2 runs with the same party, however from the 1st run people were getting different amount of tokens. For all of us those were first runs this day
CoF path 3 (Tribune) – for sure over an hour, 60 tokens/26 silver for me, someone got 30 tokens and half the silver
Around 5-7 minutes break between those runs
CoF path 2 (Gaheron) – 45-55 minutes, 45 tokens/75% silver for me, the others got 60 tokens and full silver reward
First off, my group has only ever run CoE. We have never finished a run fast than 45 minutes. With that said:
We ran CoE Monday night before the patch at 9:30pm CST. We finished the run around 10:20pm CST. We then ran CoE Sub path Tuesday night at 7:15pm CST and finished around 8:15pm CST.
Party member 1: 60 tokens
Party member 2: 60 tokens
Party member 3: 60 tokens
Party member 4: 60 tokens
Me: 45 tokens
We figured it might be a glitch, so we reentered CoE for the front door path at 8:20pm CST with 1 new party member. We finished it around 9:10pm CST.
Party member 1 (that had cleared Sub): 60 tokens
Party member 2 (that had cleared Sub): 60 tokens
Party member 3 (that had cleared Sub): 60 tokens
New party member that hadn’t run a dungeon since Monday: 45 tokens
Me: 30 tokens
I just wanted to update everyone on where we stand with this. So far we have found a single bug with the system that is causing certain players to get stuck in a state of reduced rewards without actually exploiting. A fix for this has already been made and is being tested locally now. We are going to do more significant testing on this new version but we also believe it is more bulletproof to begin with. Please keep posting data as these cases are somewhat rare and are hard for us to find with internal testing but seem to be exposed quickly when thousands of people are playing the dungeons.
All rewards are susceptible to our code that is dealing with people who are speed clearing dungeons. This means that if you are speed clearing and then play some new chain for the first time it may not reward the full 60 tokens. If you find yourself getting less rewards consider whether or not your rate of dungeon completion is extremely high.
If you think you are running at a fairly reasonable pace post all of the chains you have run and the time of day they were completed and we will file it to try and figure out if it is a bug. Please post accurate times, otherwise we cannot determine if there are in fact bugs in the system. Please continue to use this thread as a place to post this data so that we have it all in one location.
Please define how fast is fast for a speed clearing ? we do the dungeon normally and we are killing things fast due to gears and spec or techniques how is it suppose that we kill all mobs and then sit for 20mins infront of main boss before killing him is that considered not speed clearing?
I just wanted to update everyone on where we stand with this. So far we have found a single bug with the system that is causing certain players to get stuck in a state of reduced rewards without actually exploiting. A fix for this has already been made and is being tested locally now. We are going to do more significant testing on this new version but we also believe it is more bulletproof to begin with. Please keep posting data as these cases are somewhat rare and are hard for us to find with internal testing but seem to be exposed quickly when thousands of people are playing the dungeons.
All rewards are susceptible to our code that is dealing with people who are speed clearing dungeons. This means that if you are speed clearing and then play some new chain for the first time it may not reward the full 60 tokens. If you find yourself getting less rewards consider whether or not your rate of dungeon completion is extremely high.
If you think you are running at a fairly reasonable pace post all of the chains you have run and the time of day they were completed and we will file it to try and figure out if it is a bug. Please post accurate times, otherwise we cannot determine if there are in fact bugs in the system. Please continue to use this thread as a place to post this data so that we have it all in one location.
Please define how fast is fast for a speed clearing ? we do the dungeon normally and we are killing things fast due to gears and spec or techniques how is it suppose that we kill all mobs and then sit for 20mins infront of main boss before killing him is that considered not speed clearing?
if you’re too fast you’re exploiting. that’s their stance obviously: causing certain players to get stuck in a state of reduced rewards without actually exploiting
So…basically….we’re….beta…testers now?
(edited by Evil.9061)
If you’re too good at this game, we’ll punish you.
So you say you don’t want us speed clearing, then you only give us rewards on completion. Do you not see the contradiction there? You honestly think people are going to fight bosses they don’t have to for the 3 blues they’re likely to get from a chest?
Same group as yesterday. Same bug. First run of the day for everyone at about 17:30 (we didn’t even do any after midnight).
3 people got 60 tokens
2 people got 45 tokens
I think. At least 1 didn’t get full reward.
If you’re too good at this game, we’ll punish you.
Lol, somewhat.
You’re also missing the part where … “if you’re trying to experience/learn the dungeon content but any hiccups happen that prevent 100% completion, you get zero rewards … we don’t care if you killed 90% of the bosses”
Killing 90% of the bosses in Arah in a 2 hour run and then the group not finishing … something outside my control … should not leave me aggravated and thinking, “wow, I just wasted 2 hours in Arah exploration mode that I could have spent farming in Cursed Shore”.
Try your best to not make mistakes, but, when you do make mistakes, learn from them.
Better yourself.
If you’re too good at this game, we’ll punish you.
Lol, somewhat.
You’re also missing the part where … “if you’re trying to experience/learn the dungeon content but any hiccups happen that prevent 100% completion, you get zero rewards … we don’t care if you killed 90% of the bosses”
Killing 90% of the bosses in Arah in a 2 hour run and then the group not finishing … something outside my control … should not leave me aggravated and thinking, “wow, I just wasted 2 hours in Arah exploration mode that I could have spent farming in Cursed Shore”.
Anything works at this point, I just hate the fact that people who completed the story mode and got bad rewards are getting “compensated” while I can almost guarantee all of us players finishing their “tough” content won’t see any of the lost tokens.
right now, I could be running TA, like I usually would in hopes to one day get the full set. Yet I don’t feel in any way compelled to even try seeing as I only got 21/120 tokens I was supposed to get. If the stacking bug wasn’t in effect I could probably get 2 pieces ( the cheaper parts ) so this is in no way me abusing the system and of farming the dungeon. It’s hard enough to get a group for that dungeon let alone farm it with that same group.
Same group as yesterday. Same bug. First run of the day for everyone at about 17:30 (we didn’t even do any after midnight).
3 people got 60 tokens
2 people got 45 tokensI think. At least 1 didn’t get full reward.
We did all the TA paths in 35-50min. Still this bug applied.
Did anyone lose tokens? Because my old stack of 90 Symbols of Koda is gone from my inventory.
If you’re too good at this game, we’ll punish you.
Lol, somewhat.
You’re also missing the part where … “if you’re trying to experience/learn the dungeon content but any hiccups happen that prevent 100% completion, you get zero rewards … we don’t care if you killed 90% of the bosses”
Killing 90% of the bosses in Arah in a 2 hour run and then the group not finishing … something outside my control … should not leave me aggravated and thinking, “wow, I just wasted 2 hours in Arah exploration mode that I could have spent farming in Cursed Shore”.
Ehh you wouldn’t have missed much. CS has one mob type: the Risen. Anti Botting code kicks in when you kill the same mob type remotely close to the same area between 10-30 min (haven’t nailed it down as to exactly when but items just stop dropping) Anet hasn’t been forthcoming with this info as it may lead to…um.. exploiting somehow.
Anything works at this point, I just hate the fact that people who completed the story mode and got bad rewards are getting “compensated” while I can almost guarantee all of us players finishing their “tough” content won’t see any of the lost tokens.
When did people get compensated for this? I finished my personal story line all the way through Arah storymode a while back and received a bunch of 40-ish to 50-ish level garbage for my efforts and haven’t seen any “compensation” since.
If we people are getting compensated for this shaft … I apparently got shafted again because I didn’t.
Try your best to not make mistakes, but, when you do make mistakes, learn from them.
Better yourself.
CoF path 2, run took approximately 35 minutes. First dungeon run in a week.
Reward: 15 marks, 26 silver, 46k~ XP. Ridiculous.
So wait a minute, you only get tokens at the end of the dungeon? So what if you have to leave, or if you get kicked or replaced for whatever reason. You don’t get rewarded any tokens at all? What type of kitten is that?
That has to be, the worst dungeon reward design I have ever seen in any video game. I think I’ll be buying MoP and wait until this game gets everything sorted out before playing again. Too many flaws for me, I feel like I’m still testing this game. It’s a shame because I fell in love while leveling.
I just did another TA run, my last run was at 2 o clock at night [so 15 hours ago!!] and I received 15 tokens!
I have to averagely do 3X the amount of runs as someone else to receive the same amount of tokens. This is truly horrible.
I don’t even dare entering other dungeons as it’ll only reduce the tokens I receive for the set I want in the end.
Next run, same path (just for the test) I received 5 tokens! FIVE!
That’s merely a boss kill worth pre-patch.
I preferred old patch.. I got more tokens..
I just wanted to update everyone on where we stand with this. So far we have found a single bug with the system that is causing certain players to get stuck in a state of reduced rewards without actually exploiting. A fix for this has already been made and is being tested locally now. We are going to do more significant testing on this new version but we also believe it is more bulletproof to begin with. Please keep posting data as these cases are somewhat rare and are hard for us to find with internal testing but seem to be exposed quickly when thousands of people are playing the dungeons.
All rewards are susceptible to our code that is dealing with people who are speed clearing dungeons. This means that if you are speed clearing and then play some new chain for the first time it may not reward the full 60 tokens. If you find yourself getting less rewards consider whether or not your rate of dungeon completion is extremely high.
If you think you are running at a fairly reasonable pace post all of the chains you have run and the time of day they were completed and we will file it to try and figure out if it is a bug. Please post accurate times, otherwise we cannot determine if there are in fact bugs in the system. Please continue to use this thread as a place to post this data so that we have it all in one location.
Please define how fast is fast for a speed clearing ? we do the dungeon normally and we are killing things fast due to gears and spec or techniques how is it suppose that we kill all mobs and then sit for 20mins infront of main boss before killing him is that considered not speed clearing?
if you’re too fast you’re exploiting. that’s their stance obviously: causing certain players to get stuck in a state of reduced rewards without actually exploiting
well i dont think i m exploiting it tho by clearing a dungeon within 30mins its reasonable.
certain places like cof path 1 its pretty fast just ned the dps and able to coodinate
so i dont see thats exploiting ?
u penalise players for clearing the dungeon fast ? lol i agree if u want to prevent farming by putting a dungeon timer
but u expect us to finish a dungeon we can finish 20-30mins to do it in 1hour ? just to make it same lvl than those who cant do it ?
gotta be kidding right ? this is not north korea game.
Twilight Arbor Explore- Path 1 – Note: Haven’t run dungeons for several days (due to this bug) Time of day was approx 9/26/12 @ 8:00 PM EST.
Reward: 15 Tokens, 6.5 silver.
Others in party report 60 tokens, 26 silver, which means I am still getting 25% of the expected reward. Clear time was roughly 30 minutes, though I wasn’t watching for time.
I’ve submitted a support ticket for this as well. I seems I am just stuck in a diminishing returns state, despite pretty much not running dungeons at all.
From a player perspective, it’s frustrating that I haven’t been able to run dungeons for over a week now because there’s just no substantial reward for doing so.
(edited by LFk.1408)
ya please post the times for each dungeon path that you guys want so we can sit and wait until the timer expires so that we can get the rewards we deserve and have earned w/e the antiexploit. 3 dungeons in 4 hrs i guess is too fast. mail my tokens to me that i earned that the supposed reward system was supposed to give me. i will post every dungeon i do on here so that you can mail them to me when you “fix” the dungeons reward system again. if that isnt going to be possible send each player some gems or gold to compensate for this ongoing mess that have missing tokens. fix the rewards system before any other maintenance or issue and also chests need to reward tokens again because obviously this is just wasting players time and effort. if i get dc’d or kicked you will just have to mail me the full rewards everytime since you guys just keep making everything worse and worse everyday. speedclearing—-pah its week clearing now just to get tokens.
(edited by Quickener.8597)
@ Jon Peters
Thanks for the reply. But, i sincerely hope that this arbitrary speed clear time is set at about 10 minutes. Multiple paths(Maggs for one) are easily doable with a coordinated guild group in 15 to 20 minutes without exploiting.
Obviously this system is in place because you can not monitor every dungeon run to see who is exploiting. But what it comes across as is, “Wow you’re great at this game…a little too good, here’s less stuff.”
Honestly i feel like i’d rather see massive clearwalls or doors in the dungeons before each boss and if you get there too fast you get to dance around a camp fire til Anet decides you’ve been in that section long enough.
We are gamers, we are just like everyone else, practicing the same thing over and over will make us very efficient at it.
Thanks for your continued effort.
crickits 80 ranger
crickets 80 warrior – current main
(edited by rickets.1386)
I’m not quite sure what to think of Anet anymore. I don’t understand why people good at clearing dungeons get punished, or as to why you took tokens out of the chest.
I was in a run for 5 hours in Arah, and at the last boss, I was kicked so that a guild mate of the people I was with could take my place, kill the last boss and receive 60 tokens. I understand you have no control if they kick me or not, but what you DO have control of is the 5 hours I spent are shown by whites, blues, and one yellow drop. I received no tokens whatsoever, and someone who jumped in for maybe 15 minutes got all 60 tokens. I wouldn’t even be posting this if I received my tokens for the bosses leading up to this because that is a simple misunderstanding, but the system you have in place is absurd, and I know how many players you have lost because of it.
I’m not quite sure what to think of Anet anymore. I don’t understand why people good at clearing dungeons get punished, or as to why you took tokens out of the chest.
I was in a run for 5 hours in Arah, and at the last boss, I was kicked so that a guild mate of the people I was with could take my place, kill the last boss and receive 60 tokens. I understand you have no control if they kick me or not, but what you DO have control of is the 5 hours I spent are shown by whites, blues, and one yellow drop. I received no tokens whatsoever, and someone who jumped in for maybe 15 minutes got all 60 tokens. I wouldn’t even be posting this if I received my tokens for the bosses leading up to this because that is a simple misunderstanding, but the system you have in place is absurd, and I know how many players you have lost because of it.
People actually do that? Faith in humanity – 1
id like to be able to post how many tokens i got since the patch , but at the end of the death path on the last cannon we had a disconect , adding a new player , they got a new instance , when i zoned out and back in to give them our pop up , i also got a new instance . unable to complete it because of it .
all players 0 tokens 0 silver .
I’m not quite sure what to think of Anet anymore. I don’t understand why people good at clearing dungeons get punished, or as to why you took tokens out of the chest.
I was in a run for 5 hours in Arah, and at the last boss, I was kicked so that a guild mate of the people I was with could take my place, kill the last boss and receive 60 tokens. I understand you have no control if they kick me or not, but what you DO have control of is the 5 hours I spent are shown by whites, blues, and one yellow drop. I received no tokens whatsoever, and someone who jumped in for maybe 15 minutes got all 60 tokens. I wouldn’t even be posting this if I received my tokens for the bosses leading up to this because that is a simple misunderstanding, but the system you have in place is absurd, and I know how many players you have lost because of it.
People actually do that? Faith in humanity – 1
Unfortunately, yes. And Anet is is supporting the ones who are doing it by granting the bonus that high and taking the work ethic away. It should be how it used to be with 5 tokens per chest and the 40 bonus for the end boss, not limited to the end. But they seem to not care what the players want anymore, it’s all about them.
I’m not quite sure what to think of Anet anymore. I don’t understand why people good at clearing dungeons get punished, or as to why you took tokens out of the chest.
I was in a run for 5 hours in Arah, and at the last boss, I was kicked so that a guild mate of the people I was with could take my place, kill the last boss and receive 60 tokens. I understand you have no control if they kick me or not, but what you DO have control of is the 5 hours I spent are shown by whites, blues, and one yellow drop. I received no tokens whatsoever, and someone who jumped in for maybe 15 minutes got all 60 tokens. I wouldn’t even be posting this if I received my tokens for the bosses leading up to this because that is a simple misunderstanding, but the system you have in place is absurd, and I know how many players you have lost because of it.
People actually do that? Faith in humanity – 1
Unfortunately, yes. And Anet is is supporting the ones who are doing it by granting the bonus that high and taking the work ethic away. It should be how it used to be with 5 tokens per chest and the 40 bonus for the end boss, not limited to the end. But they seem to not care what the players want anymore, it’s all about them.
No, they probably just forgot to think about it, or thought that people wouldn’t be that insert word-ish.
But really, the people here should give it some time. There is no subscription fee, there’s plenty of time to wait until rewards are fixed. I really do not even care about rewards, I’m in AC at the moment despite having loads of tokens already and not wanting anything from it.
The old way made so much more sense, you get tokens along the way to promote progression. However people were abusing it and just reseting after 2 bosses. Why not put in DR’s that make it so you don’t get tokens from the first bosses more then once UNLESS you kill the last boss or wait 12 hours. Problem solved, promotes and rewards progression and stops abuse.
crickits 80 ranger
crickets 80 warrior – current main
The old way made so much more sense, you get tokens along the way to promote progression. However people were abusing it and just reseting after 2 bosses. Why not put in DR’s that make it so you don’t get tokens from the first bosses more then once UNLESS you kill the last boss or wait 12 hours. Problem solved, promotes and rewards progression and stops abuse.
That’s a great idea.
Well they are also going to add tokens to random drops, so that should alleviate this issue.
My experience with the new reward system so far:
- Honor of the Waves.
—> Ran story to unlock (so could not have run exp ever before) and then path 1 and 2. For both runs, I received only 6(!) tokens, which is very discouraging.
-ascelonian catacombs
—> one run of path 1, received only 30 tears, not 60
Well they are also going to add tokens to random drops, so that should alleviate this issue.
a few “chances” to get a drop of a token is not incentive to spend 5 hours in Arah again.
I just wanted to update everyone on where we stand with this. So far we have found a single bug with the system that is causing certain players to get stuck in a state of reduced rewards without actually exploiting. A fix for this has already been made and is being tested locally now. We are going to do more significant testing on this new version but we also believe it is more bulletproof to begin with. Please keep posting data as these cases are somewhat rare and are hard for us to find with internal testing but seem to be exposed quickly when thousands of people are playing the dungeons.
All rewards are susceptible to our code that is dealing with people who are speed clearing dungeons. This means that if you are speed clearing and then play some new chain for the first time it may not reward the full 60 tokens. If you find yourself getting less rewards consider whether or not your rate of dungeon completion is extremely high.
If you think you are running at a fairly reasonable pace post all of the chains you have run and the time of day they were completed and we will file it to try and figure out if it is a bug. Please post accurate times, otherwise we cannot determine if there are in fact bugs in the system. Please continue to use this thread as a place to post this data so that we have it all in one location.
Please define how fast is fast for a speed clearing ? we do the dungeon normally and we are killing things fast due to gears and spec or techniques how is it suppose that we kill all mobs and then sit for 20mins infront of main boss before killing him is that considered not speed clearing?
if you’re too fast you’re exploiting. that’s their stance obviously: causing certain players to get stuck in a state of reduced rewards without actually exploiting
well i dont think i m exploiting it tho by clearing a dungeon within 30mins its reasonable.
certain places like cof path 1 its pretty fast just ned the dps and able to coodinate
so i dont see thats exploiting ?
u penalise players for clearing the dungeon fast ? lol i agree if u want to prevent farming by putting a dungeon timer
but u expect us to finish a dungeon we can finish 20-30mins to do it in 1hour ? just to make it same lvl than those who cant do it ?
gotta be kidding right ? this is not north korea game.
chill, I was meant as sarcasm (although I’m bothered by the use of the term “exploiting”).
the only reason to have said system in place is in case people found a glitch again thus completing a dungeon in a shorter time than intended, but it also affects people that are able to clear it fast legitimately. which also answer why there is an abysmal amount of high-hp trash – they don’t want people to clear them fast. I don’t know, but how about nerfing the trash (or remove it alltogether) and reduce the rewards? wouldn’t that make more sense? you can still have the same reward/time ratio with all that annoyance.
dungeons in gw2 are not supposed to be run in pugs, but “skill organized groups”. don’t shoot the messenger, that’s what a.net said.
hence no need/greed etc (I love getting soulbound runes I don’t need on my char, which I can’t even use on another OR give to someone else) or a reward system that makes more sense for pugs.
- Honor of the Waves.
—> Ran story to unlock (so could not have run exp ever before)
Not true, actually. You cannot open an instance you haven’t completed on story mode, true. But a group member can open the instance and you can enter.
Did CM Explore for the first time yesterday. Chose the butler route. Finished and got 60 tokens. After 20-30 minutes of getting a new group, we did the Seraph route. Took over an hour. Only got 45 tokens >.> First time I’ve ever ran that path. According to your patch notes, it should have been 60.
Rather annoying.
Any boss type creature in the dungeon needs to reward tokens, even if it doesn’t come with a chest.
I think when WoW maid Heroics with the daily reset and had the heroic dailies and then tied the token rewards around this fixed rate of gain everything worked fine. Course they also had the same grade loot drop from the final bosses so that you had two ways to gear your character instead of just from badge drops.
I just wanted to update everyone on where we stand with this. So far we have found a single bug with the system that is causing certain players to get stuck in a state of reduced rewards without actually exploiting. A fix for this has already been made and is being tested locally now. We are going to do more significant testing on this new version but we also believe it is more bulletproof to begin with. Please keep posting data as these cases are somewhat rare and are hard for us to find with internal testing but seem to be exposed quickly when thousands of people are playing the dungeons.
All rewards are susceptible to our code that is dealing with people who are speed clearing dungeons. This means that if you are speed clearing and then play some new chain for the first time it may not reward the full 60 tokens. If you find yourself getting less rewards consider whether or not your rate of dungeon completion is extremely high.
If you think you are running at a fairly reasonable pace post all of the chains you have run and the time of day they were completed and we will file it to try and figure out if it is a bug. Please post accurate times, otherwise we cannot determine if there are in fact bugs in the system. Please continue to use this thread as a place to post this data so that we have it all in one location.
Please define how fast is fast for a speed clearing ? we do the dungeon normally and we are killing things fast due to gears and spec or techniques how is it suppose that we kill all mobs and then sit for 20mins infront of main boss before killing him is that considered not speed clearing?
if you’re too fast you’re exploiting. that’s their stance obviously: causing certain players to get stuck in a state of reduced rewards without actually exploiting
well i dont think i m exploiting it tho by clearing a dungeon within 30mins its reasonable.
certain places like cof path 1 its pretty fast just ned the dps and able to coodinate
so i dont see thats exploiting ?
u penalise players for clearing the dungeon fast ? lol i agree if u want to prevent farming by putting a dungeon timer
but u expect us to finish a dungeon we can finish 20-30mins to do it in 1hour ? just to make it same lvl than those who cant do it ?
gotta be kidding right ? this is not north korea game.
chill, I was meant as sarcasm
(although I’m bothered by the use of the term “exploiting”).
the only reason to have said system in place is in case people found a glitch again thus completing a dungeon in a shorter time than intended, but it also affects people that are able to clear it fast legitimately. which also answer why there is an abysmal amount of high-hp trash – they don’t want people to clear them fast. I don’t know, but how about nerfing the trash (or remove it alltogether) and reduce the rewards? wouldn’t that make more sense? you can still have the same reward/time ratio with all that annoyance.
dungeons in gw2 are not supposed to be run in pugs, but “skill organized groups”. don’t shoot the messenger, that’s what a.net said.
hence no need/greed etc (I love getting soulbound runes I don’t need on my char, which I can’t even use on another OR give to someone else) or a reward system that makes more sense for pugs.
“A skill organized group”. I sat in front of the dungeon for 30 minutes prior asking about traits and skills running to make sure we knew what we were doing. Now if by skill organized you mean friends or people I know, that is once again absurd that is required to do a dungeon. Rewards should be given for effort and time, not completion.
Played Ascalonian Catacombs path 1, got 60 tokens. Spend 2 hours doing the Warden path of Arah, only got 45 tokens. I am willing to bet if I do any dungeon or path besides thoses I will get 30.