Dungeon Patch Discussion 9/25

Dungeon Patch Discussion 9/25

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Sera.6539


Still disliking the rewards at the end of the dungeon only. Too risky. DC’d due to the ongoing error 7 issue at the end of a AC run once. Luckily my party saw it and stalled the boss till I got back. A few of my guildies have gotten DC’d at the end of a run and got nothing cause of it.

Gelda Nebilim – Nagare [NGE] – Crystal Desert

Dungeon Patch Discussion 9/25

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Jasher.6580


I did AC explorable this morning with my friend, and we were like, “Hey let’s knock out all three paths back to back…” note we do not exploit during our runs
So we did path one first… I got 60 tokens.
Then we cleared path 2 and…


Dungeon Patch Discussion 9/25

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: quoyie.4057


Yesterday, I did Twilight Arbor 3 times in a row (each path). It was the first time of the day for me and my partner.

I got 60 for each run, he received 60, 45, and then 60. We were able to open every chest in the dungeon, and we both had minor DC problems during the dungeon (dced once at separate times, and we are on the same internet connection). So I don’t think he received less because he DCed or because we missed a chest.

The runs were in the following order:

Forward/Forward, Forward/Up, and Up.

(edited by quoyie.4057)

Dungeon Patch Discussion 9/25

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Bigbeef.7354


Ya there is no excuse for getting less than 60 on first time running a path for the day. At the moment the rewards seem almost completely random.

Can do 1 run in 45-50 minutes, first path of the day, first time in dungeon in 2 or 3 days and get 30 or less tokens. While running another dungeon in 25-30 minutes and get 60 tokens while other party mates doing same dungeons akittenet 15.

I have no idea how this is messed up, but it is.

Can’t we just keep this simple and have first time in a path give 60 tokens, 2nd time 45, 3rd time 30, 4th time 15 …. etc etc.

The mobs in the dungeon, especially the bosses, have huge HP pools and take a decent amount of time for even the most coordinated teams to complete. There is no need to complicate the system and have strange global / non-global time restrictions.

Keep it simple, Per path, per day. Everyone will be happy.

If people are clearing “too fast”, make the dungeon harder, or find out what exploit they are using. And also define what is “too fast”. Is 25 minutes too fast? Is 30 minutes too fast? Should we just start the dungeon then take a 5-10 minute afk break before continuing through dungeon so we can get fully rewarded?

Come on now. Keep the system simple and track/punish cheaters. Shesh.

Dungeon Patch Discussion 9/25

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Mr Prismatic.9578

Mr Prismatic.9578

Catacombs – Path 3, Tzark – around 1 Hour
Member 1 – First Time
Reward – 60
Member 2 – First Time
Reward – 60
Member 3 – First Time
Reward – 30
Member 4 – First Time
Reward – 60
Member 5 – First Time
Reward – 6


Dungeon Patch Discussion 9/25

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: quoyie.4057


Ok, I did it again today. And my group did Twilight Arbor Up and then Forward/Up.

The four people that were there all the way received the following.

P1 – 60
P2 – 60
P3 – 60
P4 – 60
This one was finished at 3:53 PM EST.

P1 – 60
P2 – 60
P3 – 45
P4 – 45
This one was finished at 5:48 PM EST.

I am counting the finished game time by when the deadly blooms were collected.

The person from my previous post received 45 again, and I know that the other person with us has also spoken about receiving 45 tokens on other dungeons they’ve done.

The person from my previous post and I also have not done any other dungeons today, except (at the time when this was posted) these two paths. If (when) we do another dungeon, I can try to post more info.

I do like the idea of what’s going on, though makes people want to branch out and do more dungeons.

(edited by quoyie.4057)

Dungeon Patch Discussion 9/25

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Account.9832


Fix is simple: after 1 boss, if the team kick out a member, the dungeon reset kicking out the entire party.

So if one player gets disconnected or goes AFK, the others can’t kick him or they lose all the progress? Thanks for showing us that some people have even worse ideas than Arena Net…

If you killed boss X you should get the reward for killing it, period.

By all means add an extra reward at the end, scaling with the number of bosses you killed, but withholding the rewards until the final boss would be completely stupid even in a game without all the dungeon-breaking bugs that GW2 currently has.

Doing it with GW2 in its current state and MoP coming out tomorrow is simply suicidal.

- Al Zheimer

(edited by Account.9832)

Dungeon Patch Discussion 9/25

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Nymeria.6038


ok.. now about freakin dungeon!! i went to the dungeons today and for the first path i got 15 tokens!! 3 paths 45 tokens!! ive tried 2nd time and i got 5 tokens!! thats the changes youve put so ppl dont exploit dungeons?! cos for me ruined all fun!! i dont even know when its gonna be fixed! will i get 15 tokens after 1h in a dungeon tomorrow too?!
im kitten ofc!! cos some ppl do get 60 for 1st time..

ok.. now about freakin dungeon!! i went to the dungeons today and for the first path i got 15 tokens!! 3 paths 45 tokens!! ive tried 2nd time and i got 5 tokens!! thats the changes youve put so ppl dont exploit dungeons?! cos for me ruined all fun!! i dont even know when its gonna be fixed! will i get 15 tokens after 1h in a dungeon tomorrow too?!
im kitten ofc!! cos some ppl do get 60 for 1st time..now my question is will i get tokens back when you unbugg this issue?!?!

Dungeon Patch Discussion 9/25

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: werefrog.7250


so last night was my first time in hotw, i run the first route and get 45, next on 30, i come back again today and get 45 again, why am i not geting rewarded for my effort put into this? i spend more time looking for the group to do the dungeon then the actual dungeon

Dungeon Patch Discussion 9/25

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: matmoncoo.3450


Okay here is what I got.
In Ascalonian Catacombs 1st run of the day.
45, 30, 30, 15 not necessarily in that order, can’t remember what paths gave what.

I also got 15 from doing a path two times before the daily reset.

Dungeon Patch Discussion 9/25

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: urbansponge.6153


Just ran Ta for the second time this night. 1st time took about 40 mins got 30 tokens for it im ok with that although some 1 got 60 highly unfair in my opinion as did the same amount of work as he did, 2nd run about 2-3 hours later ( hardly farming it quickly) took about 40-50 mins and only got 5 tokens. whats up with this stupid new system. I dont know what ur doing but its not amusing very displeasing and at Lvl 80 all i want to do is dungeon and ur taking the fun experience out of it but giving us crap rewards for working to hard.

Sort it out and quickly!

kind regards.

Dungeon Patch Discussion 9/25

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Gray Gardner.5937

Gray Gardner.5937

Character name: Athos Findlay
first dungeon i do in days, AC Ghost eater finished around 19:47(UTC-03:00), and received only 45 tokens.

hope everything is fixed, and the bugs end soon ^^

ps. finished the flaming scepter path and only received 45 token also.

ps2. finished the ghost eater again at 12:45(UTC -03:00) and received only 30 tokens, and the same guild mates that did it again with me received 60.

ps3. finished the flaming scepter at 14:29(UTC -03:00) and received only 5 tokens now.

(edited by Gray Gardner.5937)

Dungeon Patch Discussion 9/25

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Gazooki.4632


As for posting ‘accurate times’, I submitted bug reports in-game after each run. Will this also be taken into account or do I need to dig up when I filed those reports? If so, where can we find our own filed bug reports in the game? I cannot find past reports in the menu.

Dungeon Patch Discussion 9/25

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: JaydenWindsong.4659


1) You mentioned that “They also act as a deterrent to prolong the life of the game” which might be the most wrong statement in the history of statements. It is, in fact, the exact opposite.

Complaining isn’t a bad thing in itself. How else would a developer know about our feelings on the game unless everyone only ever had positive things to say? Nothing can be fixed if nobody ever complains.

These dungeons aren’t challenging, they are hard. They are hard because the only element in them that isn’t easy is that every enemy and their grandmothers have a lot of hp and can 1-hit kill you. I never feel like a proper strategy will help because the only strategy for any of these fights is to throw everything I have at them and try and not get hit too much.

On another note: I don’t appreciate having content in a game that I might not be able to complete due to straight up skill. If this was the real life and I hadn’t paid for this game, I’d just say “Oh well… guess I’m just not good enough to do that” but as I have paid for this product, it is a giant slap in the face when the developer says “l2p nub”. There is no content in this game that can prepare you for their absurd dungeon runs and even the first dungeon you do is stupid hard with no learning aspect except beating your head against the enemies until they die.

I really have to say that I agree with a lot of what’s being said here. Too often, I feel as if there’s very little I can do in way of strategy to deal with the crazy mobs that are sometimes put in place. Take the one room of Silvers and Normals in Cakitten’s Manor, for example, where they’re all placed staring at each other in a circle — I hate that part. I feel as if it’s designed poorly; I want to be able to pull one at a time without pulling the entire death group of kitten and running for my life.

I understand what people are saying about this being kitten purpose, and that can be fun and all, but I don’t feel like that’s been achieved here; in a game that’s designed to have no true tanks or healers, the line from “fun and challenging” is often crossed to “annoyingly frustrating and rage-inducing.” I want to flip tables half the time.

I also feel that artificially forcing dungeons to be 45-60 minutes long and making people grind tokens is a cheap way to add in endgame content. To me, it feels like an insincere, dirty way, and an easy out. Not sure if that makes sense.

tl;dr — I don’t want face-melt hard, but I also don’t want a walk in the park, either. I want a challenge, but I also want things to be fun. I simply don’t feel as if continually making dungeons more frustrating is the right direction to go.

Dungeon Patch Discussion 9/25

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: sash.1832


I’ve done story mode of Ascalonian catacombs and after finishing each boss, no chest spawned. They all spawned on map, but I couldn’t see them in dungeon. Does it have to do anything with bug?

Dungeon Patch Discussion 9/25

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: GrannyPwnage.3465


Two days ago I completed my first Twilight’s Arbor explorable run, I got 15 tokens and 6 silver.

Today I also did two runs to see if this was fixed:
First path: 15 tokens and 6 silver
Second path: 6 tokens and 2 silver

The others in my party usually got rewarded with 40 or 60 tokens for their first run.

(edited by GrannyPwnage.3465)

Dungeon Patch Discussion 9/25

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Lucas Ashrock.8675

Lucas Ashrock.8675

Fix is simple: after 1 boss, if the team kick out a member, the dungeon reset kicking out the entire party.

So if one player gets disconnected or goes AFK, the others can’t kick him or they lose all the progress? Thanks for showing us that some people have even worse ideas than Arena Net…

If you killed boss X you should get the reward for killing it, period.

By all means add an extra reward at the end, scaling with the number of bosses you killed, but withholding the rewards until the final boss would be completely stupid even in a game without all the dungeon-breaking bugs that GW2 currently has.

Doing it with GW2 in its current state and MoP coming out tomorrow is simply suicidal.

If you read what i wrote carefully, you will see “if the team kick out”.
Kick out command (and confirmation) of a player not offline can easily trigger a dungeon reset kicking out the entire party.
About afk, can be easily improved an afk timer, after 4-5 minutes not using any command, so if the player is on afk, the team has the right to kick him out and stay.

I guess it’s just a dream hehe. Did you see what happens when the group leader leave the group half way of a dungeon? All kicked out haha
The entire system is idiot and must be changed.

Dungeon Master http://i.imgur.com/Hoqw3.jpg ME http://i.imgur.com/R41MGzB.jpg Fractal Guild Promoter

Dungeon Patch Discussion 9/25

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Beepharoni.4203


My main gripe is that this fix pretty much stopped me from being able to run the instance normally. The issue being, that we are unable to get our group into the instance together. I feel like this patch was hastily created and applied, with little to no testing at all… And all of the alleged fixes that allow us to get the group in the same instance, are a 1/100 chance… you guys should revert the dungeon system back to what it WAS, and then test this update, so that we can actually play the 5 mans, instead of play the log in / log out, log to alts, laeave group, reform group game.

Dungeon Patch Discussion 9/25

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Rylain.2379


Fix is simple: after 1 boss, if the team kick out a member, the dungeon reset kicking out the entire party.

So if one player gets disconnected or goes AFK, the others can’t kick him or they lose all the progress? Thanks for showing us that some people have even worse ideas than Arena Net…

If you killed boss X you should get the reward for killing it, period.

By all means add an extra reward at the end, scaling with the number of bosses you killed, but withholding the rewards until the final boss would be completely stupid even in a game without all the dungeon-breaking bugs that GW2 currently has.

Doing it with GW2 in its current state and MoP coming out tomorrow is simply suicidal.

Dungeons should actually flag end-rewards based on number of bosses you defeated, so that if they replace you with another person at the last phase, he’ll get 0 tokens for it.

(edited by Rylain.2379)

Dungeon Patch Discussion 9/25

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Bella.3502


CoE explorable, yesterday. Second path, first run of the day, lasted more than an hour. Got 20 tokens. After that, we had a break for about half an hour and then went again, this time to do the first path. A guildie disconnected in the middle of the run and wasn’t able to reconnect, the rest of us couldn’t find the fifth member so we tried to do it with only four of us. In the end, the run lasted more than two hours and this time I got 60 tokens.

The day before that, CoE, second path, lasted more than an hour. At the end of the dungeon, a guildie and I got kicked out from the instance after completing it and thus got only 1 token. The rest of the party got 60, 45 and 6 tokens.

Today was even worse (yeah, it’s possible, believe it or not). CoE again, first path. The four of us guildies decided to PUG since no one from the guild was interested in running something as bugged as dungeons at this point. The PUG went offline in the middle of the run so we waited for half an hour for a friend to come online and help us with the dungeon. Everything was great until Bjarl. After his health dropped down to about 50%, him charging into a pillar had no effect – he didn’t lose his Jormag shield. Tried to bypass this bug by leaving the instance, relogging and not attacking him while he had his buff on. Nothing worked. Ended up wasting more than two hours for nothing (and I was hoping I’ll get my 1 token again…).

All in all, a great dungeon fix! Solved all of the problems which those of us who hadn’t been exploiting were experiencing! Looking forward to seeing your next ingenious patches and am eager to be a guinea pig once again for all those magnificent fixes you have in store for us. It’s really great you’ve been so consistent and really published the game when it finally was ready, like you promised. All of us who were supporting you for all those years are really impressed!

Dungeon Patch Discussion 9/25

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: tsthy.7945


Day 3 of CoE

This time, every party member was the same as yesterday except for one. We started the Sub path at 7:15pm EST and finished at 8:00pm EST.

Party member 1: 60 tokens
Party member 2: 60 tokens
Party member 3: 60 tokens
(New pug)Party member 4: 60 tokens
Me: 45 tokens (again)

Next we did the front door path. We started around 8:20pm EST and finished at 9:35pm EST. This is the same group as the sub run:

Party member 1: 60 tokens
Party member 2: 60 tokens
Party member 3: 60 tokens
(Same pug as before)Party member 4: 60 tokens
Me: 30 tokens (yet again).

Are we going to get an ETA for the fix? At this rate, my buddies will be running me through an extra 10 or so runs just so I can catch up.

Dungeon Patch Discussion 9/25

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Odinson.9315


Just did AC for the first time in nearly a week (id say at least 5 days). Got 45 tokens. I guess we did it quick. I didnt time it but we didnt die or anything. We didnt use any sort of exploit. We were just all level 80 and knew how to not die here. This dungeon has all the weapon skin rewards that I want, so I plan to spend a bit of time here. It would be nice to know exactly what Im going to get for my time there.

Dungeon Patch Discussion 9/25

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Itali.7513


CM EXP – Butler – 15 tokens

TA – upper up path – 6 tokens

CoE EXP – Sub – Got to Bjarl and boss got bugged so we restarted
CoE EXP take two – Sub – Completed and I only got 45 tokens, everyone else included from my previous group got 60

now I did do Arah speed runs before the 09/25/2012 patch so i’m not sure if thats the reason why

Dungeon Patch Discussion 9/25

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Kiel.7038


25 Sep’12
- doing PUG CoF rage quit in magg bomb room
- after afk like 20 mins doing AC Explorer Ghost Eater Path with guild got 45 Token <- First time ever finish dungeon explorable run since release !

next day 26 Sep’12
- Guild run AC Explorer Ghost Eater path got 45 Token, Again ?!

next day 27 Sep’12
-PUG CoF Explorer Magg Path got 45 Token, Whatt?!

Hope this information helps !

Dungeon Patch Discussion 9/25

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Xetelian.9278


Can we just REMOVE the diminishing return system that wasn’t needed?

Dungeon Patch Discussion 9/25

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: miya.5160


But how will we stop the exploiters?

I mean… besides fixing the exploits. I know the argument is that there will always be exploits, but wouldn’t fixing exploits as they arise be much better than adding a system that has had a negative impact on most players for the past two weeks?

The game has been out three weeks, and the diminishing returns system has been broken two of them. :x

Dungeon Patch Discussion 9/25

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: BrunoBRS.5178


the first run described was was two hours ago, with the second run taking place about 5-10 minutes after we finished the first one. pasted from my thread on the game bugs section:

so i decided to do caudecus manor explorable for the first time. two of my party members were in the same situation. we hadn’t run a dungeon in half a week. we completed the seraph path in what i assume is a normal completion time, since it was our first time there and we weren’t exactly rushing.

and despite that, my reward was 45 tokens, instead of 60 (as the patch notes said they would be).

so the three of us moved to another party, and tried a different path (the missing butler path). completed once again without rushing, got 30 tokens.

that’s 45 tokens, an entire run’s worth of tokens, that i was denied from due to the bug. since i’m already here reporting, is there any way to get those missing tokens? or will i have to just deal with it and run the dungeon even more times than i was originally planning?

LegendaryMythril/Zihark Darshell

Dungeon Patch Discussion 9/25

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Lucas Ashrock.8675

Lucas Ashrock.8675

Just give up waiting a fix is surely driving mad some players, right?

Is it so hard to wait, instead of waste time with a bugged system?

Dungeon Master http://i.imgur.com/Hoqw3.jpg ME http://i.imgur.com/R41MGzB.jpg Fractal Guild Promoter

Dungeon Patch Discussion 9/25

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Blackredorangefire.7549


Just give up waiting a fix is surely driving mad some players, right?

Is it so hard to wait, instead of waste time with a bugged system?

Yeah. If you put it that way. Yep. Its very hard to wait. This is not our fault man. ArenaNet needs to pick up their paste and be able to have more efficient dev’s to handle these things faster. People don’t necessarily have to wait in this world. Especially when people that do not have a choice and they really want to spend whatever time they have on the game. Basically ruining other people’s plans. This is not a two – three day thing. This is a week that they’re taking to fix when it really only takes maybe max like I’ll say 5 – 6 hrs? Probably way less. This is really unfair, really. There are players working just AS hard as the other 20% out there that aren’t suffering from this bug. We deserve equal rewards. I mean if its a bug and it has to be dealt with, theres no choice. I’m just pointing out the lack of work ArenaNet puts. I mean the part where they consume WAY too much time to be able to fix it. You’re talking about one week bro. One week is a major interval. A week letting 20% of the people speed through it playing normally while we have to work extra hard to obtain the rewards they receive in one round? If they were not 100% this was not going to a cause 80% of the problem, then don’t put it out?

Dungeon Patch Discussion 9/25

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Lucas Ashrock.8675

Lucas Ashrock.8675

I truly understand, don’t worry. But seriously, is it the only thing to do?
There is map completition, jumpin puzzles, crafting, farm money+ mats in Orr, WvW, sPvP, dragon spawns, etc.

I mean, think about it. One day, sooner or later, you will get all is available from a dungeon you like. The armor, weapons, the gift. What you’re planning to do, then?
There are a lot of things to do to entertain yourself waiting a fix. Waste time for an unbalanced DR getting 6/2/0 tokens is a bit… pointless

You think posting here on this forum will help your cause? You think a whine will wake up some devs? They perfectly know from day1 when patch was online the system is bugged.
They are even enjoying it, waiting if someone find an exploit to make it work as it’s supposed to be, which obiouvsly will lead to a 60 token per run, an exploit.
Then you will be banned obiouvsly.
So as you see, you risk (because deperate and so fond about dungeons) to fall in the temptation to use an exploit who finally allow you to get (irregularly) 60 tokens per run. Risk a ban for what, a few dungeon tokens?
Think about it

p.s. i suggest you to read my post, quoting Hrouda

Dungeon Master http://i.imgur.com/Hoqw3.jpg ME http://i.imgur.com/R41MGzB.jpg Fractal Guild Promoter

(edited by Lucas Ashrock.8675)

Dungeon Patch Discussion 9/25

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Yarin.7982


I truly understand, don’t worry. But seriously, is it the only thing to do?
There is map completition, jumpin puzzles, crafting, farm money+ mats in Orr, WvW, sPvP, dragon spawns, etc.

I mean, thinks about it. One day, sooner or later, you will get all is available from a dungeon you like. The armor, weapons, the gift. Then what you’re planning to do, then?
There are a lot of things to do to entertain yourself waiting a fix. Waste time for an unbalanced DR getting 6/2/0 tokens is a bit… pointless

Yes crafting is ’’alot’’ of fun that brings ’’alot’’ of income aka 1 silver coin per piece of food. And im not even talking about tailor. Once you craft yourself some gear it is useless to have. Map completelion? Yes sure im working on it. WvW believe me or not i found it a littlebit boring same as sPvP. They really need to add arenas of some sort.
Waiting for dragons is even more pointless. Crafting mats in orr, sure with this long respawn you get what you need in less than hour.

So dungeons are pretty much only thing you can do in game right now, but you can’t since they are broken. What will most of players do after they farm what they need? Wel i can’t talk for them but most of them (including me) will quit and wait for another contentent patch. Why do you fight for company that literarily doesn’t care about us?

Dungeon Patch Discussion 9/25

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: RaDiOaCtIvE.3697


Well I just got the glitch in Arah today. 45 Tokens when everyone else got 60. I haven’t completed Arah Explorer ever before. -sigh- First arena net makes Arah extremely hard, just when I’m finally able to complete it I don’t get the full reward. /sadface =(

Dungeon Patch Discussion 9/25

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: DAISY.4519


Hi, I posted this (in part) in the bugs section somewhere. But I guess it’s important to be posted here to address specific dungeon issue.

In Crucible of Eternity, Bjarl the Rampager (I think that’s his name) has Jormag Scale buff so he takes nearly no damage. We have to have him charge into a column so we have short time to DPS him.

OK, this was pretty easy task, but at about 1/4 life he became bugged, often times not moving at all, or running in place, and also no longer affected by running into column (many instances where we were able to have him run directly into a column but still not get knocked down).

What happened? We had to DPS his last 1/4 life through the buff. Dungeon took a total of ~three hours.

(FYI: This was submarine path).

Edit: Also I get only 15 tokens, when other party member get 60.


Dungeon Patch Discussion 9/25

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: oSeraphic.2508


My Experience : Ascalonian Catacombs Dungeon runs.
First run of the day : 15 tokens 40 mins to complete – Path #1
Second run : 10 tokens 1 hour to complete – Path #2
3rd run : 30 tokens 1 hour and 15 minutes to complete – Path #2

I was unable to receive the promised 60 tokens for the first dungeon run of the day and instead of having a gradual decay, I experienced a random growth in the amount of tokens I recieved on my second run.

Osyphyrous – 80 Guardian – Crystal Desert

Dungeon Patch Discussion 9/25

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Blackredorangefire.7549


I truly understand, don’t worry. But seriously, is it the only thing to do?
There is map completition, jumpin puzzles, crafting, farm money+ mats in Orr, WvW, sPvP, dragon spawns, etc.

I mean, think about it. One day, sooner or later, you will get all is available from a dungeon you like. The armor, weapons, the gift. What you’re planning to do, then?
There are a lot of things to do to entertain yourself waiting a fix. Waste time for an unbalanced DR getting 6/2/0 tokens is a bit… pointless

You think posting here on this forum will help your cause? You think a whine will wake up some devs? They perfectly know from day1 when patch was online the system is bugged.
They are even enjoying it, waiting if someone find an exploit to make it work as it’s supposed to be, which obiouvsly will lead to a 60 token per run, an exploit.
Then you will be banned obiouvsly.
So as you see, you risk (because deperate and so fond about dungeons) to fall in the temptation to use an exploit who finally allow you to get (irregularly) 60 tokens per run. Risk a ban for what, a few dungeon tokens?
Think about it

p.s. i suggest you to read my post, quoting Hrouda

Anyways, I understand your point of view and I very much respect that and I know that there’s a lot of other stuff to do in GW2 and with such a big map. I understand. What you’re not getting is there are people out there, including me, that thinks skins are the major points of the game. The second thing is because I want this bug to be fixed rather fast is Dungeons are playing a big part in the game and + I’m half way through the set and planned out when exactly I should have the set by, and knowing that its restraining you from accomplishing it really tears me down. I definitely know that they won’t care even if theres 60 pages of posts on this topic. I wasn’t going to exploit either. I just wanted things to be straighten out like they were before so I can be able to play happily again. As simple as that!

(edited by Blackredorangefire.7549)

Dungeon Patch Discussion 9/25

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Blackredorangefire.7549


Not to mention the other bugs related to losing things in your inventory bag. Also, emailing the support group and having to wait nearly one week to be able to get a reply and then the reply is rather useless because they refer you back to their “simple support” guide where many others might have your problem. Most of the time those don’t help me out. That’s sorta the reason why we have to give them a special email about our specific problem. So after reading a useless paragraph they replied you and then replying back, you’ll then have to wait for another day or two to receive a legit response.

(edited by Blackredorangefire.7549)

Dungeon Patch Discussion 9/25

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Rigaldo.7396


I am recieving the same problem as some others players that are getting few tokens at the first run in a dungeon, here is my runs:
Dungeon: Citadel of Flame
First run: 15 tokens.
Second run: 2 tokens.
Third run: 2 tokens

Dungeon: Citadel of Flame
First Run: 20 tokens.
Second Run: 15 tokens.

Please if you can fix this soon, because this is ridiculous, my brother already have 150 tokens, and i only have 54.

Dungeon Patch Discussion 9/25

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Thorvid.9860


I too thought I should post the issues we are seeing with this new system. Personally the reasoning behind it seems OK, (apart from the potential of not getting any tokens for not finishing a run, for what ever reason).

A group of us regularly spend all day running various dungeons, we tend only to do a path once and then move to the next path/dungeon, most paths take between 40 – 50 minutes minimum.

I on the whole have been getting 60 tokens and 26 silver, (I count myself lucky).

However one of the group has never got 60 tokens, he was on the same runs, with the same timings and has got
30, 15, 6 and in one case 2 tokens, (and reduced silver).

How can this be a system that is working as designed? To be told that it’s our fault is insulting and not good customer management!

Dungeon Patch Discussion 9/25

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Lucas Ashrock.8675

Lucas Ashrock.8675

Blackredorangefire, i understand your hope, posting here, to receive a fix. It’s useless.
And if you’re getting less tokens, at best you will receive even less until 0.
I don’t want to imagine your anger when after 2 hours wasting time on a dungeon you look the screen with 0 tokens.
Only devs know if and when a fix will be released . I guess when they will be tired to enjoy us whining and noone found a working stable exploit to get 60 tokens on every run ( as much seems spreading, looking how many people is posting “other people of my group took 60 every run”) or opposite, when someone will finally decide to make public the exploit of those curious players getting 60 tokens per run, even repeating it without a break. Wondering if those players abusing of the system will be banned.

I strongly suggest everyone to stay far from dungeons until fixed, and invite your friends to do the same. If you’re not getting 60 tokens, insist and whine here will not help. Stop to post here your roulette, stop to attempt, there is nothing to figure out, at best someone will whisp you the exploit who can put your account at risk of a ban

p.s. yes, i can confirm an incompetent customer management, i sent a report asking a removal of an unfair bug. I receive a bot invite to post on this forum the issue.

Dungeon Master http://i.imgur.com/Hoqw3.jpg ME http://i.imgur.com/R41MGzB.jpg Fractal Guild Promoter

(edited by Lucas Ashrock.8675)

Dungeon Patch Discussion 9/25

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Aero.8160


Ascalon Catacombs Tzark Path. Sept 28th, 2012 Approximately 2:20 A.M. received 45 tokens instead of 60. Hadn’t done a single dungeon in a few days. Took about an hour for my party complete.

Dungeon Patch Discussion 9/25

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Demonsunder.8415


Just Ran TA, Path 2 and 3

Time taken 22min path 2 – Tokens 30
Time taken 27min Path 3 – Token 15

Have not run any other dungeons today or yesterday – still no 60 on path first and hit diminishing after 1 run.

Dungeon Patch Discussion 9/25

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: sebz.1524


Did CoE yesterday (Teleporter way) and got 30 tokens.

It was my first of the day dungeon and I never did that path before. Run took about 1:20h. All of my teammates got the full 60 tokens. Aside from getting only the half tokens I got only 6silver and less XP for completing it, whereas my friends got 26. The error with silver started before DR system patch and I’m currently getting this amount for every dungeon.

Dungeon Patch Discussion 9/25

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: csquirrelrun.3108


1) Dungeon tokens are now rewarded at the end of an explorable chain.
So what about all the work that goes into reaching the end? What happens if someone has to leave, or your group falls apart? You get nothing? Did you even think of things like this? I have to believe no thought at all goes into these design decisions.

Just spent 3 hours in Crucible of Eternity taking the Front Door path in a balanced and very experienced group of Guildies (Mes, Thief, Eng, War, Gua). Got through all encounters without too much difficulty until the Champion Destroyer Crab. I won’t go into the details of what is currently wrong with this encounter but suffice to say after a good hour one of our party called it quits, and the rest followed.

I understand that farming routes are an issue but on this path it was a good 30 minutes before the first chest and the first chance at tokens under the old system.

I feel like, while rewarding the tokens in bulk upon completion prevents farmers (to a degree) and ensures you don’t accidentally miss any tokens on the way, it unduly punishes the vast majority of players who aren’t farming dungeons but haven’t quite got them down-pat yet.

The alternative reward of course is loot, I received one Green and one Gold (which I salvaged, striking out with 1 piece of mithril ore and no ectos). Not worth it. Had I not used Instant Repair Cannisters I would have done a full repair job twice ~ 22 silver in cost, and I died less frequently than others in my party. We even stripped to do the lasers, avoiding unnecessary damage there.

The other reward is that of self-satisfaction at achieving something, which was all fine and dandy until we got stuck and then realised that all our previous efforts were wasted if we couldn’t get past this encounter and progress onwards.

Dungeon Patch Discussion 9/25

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Wizardauz.3761


Just tried to do a Crucible of Eternity.

Game kicked me out and back to the client at the second fight with alpha, Submarine Path, (internet issue i think) but then after i logged back in and found myself outside of the dungeon, every time i would try to re-instance back into my parties dungeon it would take me to a completely fresh dungeon.

I tried everything. Created new character to refresh, waypointed in and out of the fresh dungeon. waypointed to Lions Arch and back. Still nothing. Leave party and get reinvited, still no. I must have tried entering into our dungeon more then 20 times and it would only give me the new one.

Group end up having to kick me, i’ve wasted close to 50s in trying to waypoint combined with repair costs, and end up wasting 2 hours to a bug…

- Tzenjin

Ehmry Bay – Good Fights Guild Leader
Lvl 80 Sylvari Guardian – Tzenjin [GF]
Lvl 80 Human Elementalist – Tzenkai [GF]

Dungeon Patch Discussion 9/25

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Lucas Ashrock.8675

Lucas Ashrock.8675

YE, what’s fun of this bug is the specter of lose the connection. Next to the final boss, after 2 hours or more, is not fun

Dungeon Master http://i.imgur.com/Hoqw3.jpg ME http://i.imgur.com/R41MGzB.jpg Fractal Guild Promoter

Dungeon Patch Discussion 9/25

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: ItalianOak.2509


7:45 UTC
Finished CM path with Frost(boss) in about 40 mins.
My 1st Dungeon run in 36+hrs.
I got 45 tokens along with 2 others, 2 getting 60.

Dungeon Patch Discussion 9/25

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Thorvid.9860


I guess when they will be tired to enjoy us whining and noone found a working stable exploit to get 60 tokens on every run ( as much seems spreading, looking how many people is posting “other people of my group took 60 every run”) or opposite, when someone will finally decide to make public the exploit of those curious players getting 60 tokens per run, even repeating it without a break. Wondering if those players abusing of the system will be banned.

It’s not an exploite to get 60 tokens for the 1st run of a path each day, (from the release notes):-

“2) Dungeons reward 20 tokens for completion and now reward an additional 40 tokens for the first time they are completed each day. This means that if players can complete all 3 chains of a dungeon in a day, they’ll receive a total of 180 tokens, which is enough to purchase some of the smaller rewards.”

Dungeon Patch Discussion 9/25

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Kuishen.6140


More data from tonights runs. Some dungeons were done before I joined and started taking data but this set was started well after 30 mins from their last one. Data reflects 4 of us in our group, one was a random that I did not take data for. This was all our first time doing HoW explorable.

Run 1 HoW Path 1
Start: 9:27 pm End: 10:34 pm
2 got Full rewards (60 Tokens), 2 got 45 Tokens.

Run 2 HoW Path 2
Start: 10:40 pm End: 11:30 pm
3 got Full rewards (60 Tokens), 1 got 30 Tokens.

Run 3 HoW Path 3
Start: 11:34 pm End: 12:31 am
3 got Full rewards (60 Tokens), 1 got 45 Tokens.

Dungeon Patch Discussion 9/25

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Lucas Ashrock.8675

Lucas Ashrock.8675

I guess when they will be tired to enjoy us whining and noone found a working stable exploit to get 60 tokens on every run ( as much seems spreading, looking how many people is posting “other people of my group took 60 every run”) or opposite, when someone will finally decide to make public the exploit of those curious players getting 60 tokens per run, even repeating it without a break. Wondering if those players abusing of the system will be banned.

It’s not an exploite to get 60 tokens for the 1st run of a path each day, (from the release notes):-

“2) Dungeons reward 20 tokens for completion and now reward an additional 40 tokens for the first time they are completed each day. This means that if players can complete all 3 chains of a dungeon in a day, they’ll receive a total of 180 tokens, which is enough to purchase some of the smaller rewards.”

I know perfectly the content of the patch note. It doesn’t talk of 60 tokens per run of the same dungeon and path, consecutively. 60 60 60 60 60 60 path 1 is not exactly what the dev meant This is an exploit, or just an other anomaly of this bugged reward system, for lucky players who are cashing out a full armor+weapons+gift in a couple days.
Did you read what is harrassing this forum, or you just logged now?
Look how many people reported multiple runs with his team getting 60 tokens per run and him 45 20 8 2 0 tokens randomly, even doing the same path, resetting.

Dungeon Master http://i.imgur.com/Hoqw3.jpg ME http://i.imgur.com/R41MGzB.jpg Fractal Guild Promoter

(edited by Lucas Ashrock.8675)

Dungeon Patch Discussion 9/25

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Coredusk.3156


PLEASE UPDATE US on the current information!

More than 30 hours have passed with no news at all. This is killing my mood!