Dungeon Patch Discussion 9/25

Dungeon Patch Discussion 9/25

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Awren.4967


I have done Ta about 5,6 times since the patch, max I got was 30, then it went to 15 and one run I even got 1!
I have never done speed runs, never exploited anything in any game I have every played. Heck I am always very careful not to do things that are even a bit suspicious to me. And missed on more then 200 tokens. I wasnt able to log in to forums until today. I tried to contact your support and answers I got are unbelievable, from quoting patch few times to the point where a guy answered me talking about how to get HOM rewards(!?). The only answer I got that was somewhat useful to me was that ANET Is not able to restore any of the missing tokens. So dont hope for that.
Honestly if you want people to go on with playing this game get better support, hire more people, do whatever you need to do, but it has to be better. For me support is half of the game and yours is nonexistent at this point.

Dungeon Patch Discussion 9/25

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Kitten.8051


I have done Ta about 5,6 times since the patch, max I got was 30, then it went to 15 and one run I even got 1!
I have never done speed runs, never exploited anything in any game I have every played. Heck I am always very careful not to do things that are even a bit suspicious to me. And missed on more then 200 tokens. I wasnt able to log in to forums until today. I tried to contact your support and answers I got are unbelievable, from quoting patch few times to the point where a guy answered me talking about how to get HOM rewards(!?). The only answer I got that was somewhat useful to me was that ANET Is not able to restore any of the missing tokens. So dont hope for that.
Honestly if you want people to go on with playing this game get better support, hire more people, do whatever you need to do, but it has to be better. For me support is half of the game and yours is nonexistent at this point.

Yep Awren, the responses I’ve had from support have been an absolute joke. I had the same deal as you, I was gobsmacked that each reply I got clearly indicated they hadn’t even read my question.

Copy and pasting a load of completely irrelevant rubbish does not pass as support

Dungeon Patch Discussion 9/25

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Gray Gardner.5937

Gray Gardner.5937

“The only answer I got that was somewhat useful to me was that ANET Is not able to restore any of the missing tokens. So dont hope for that.”

they are not restoring my tokens, silver and xp?!

Dungeon Patch Discussion 9/25

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: dilandau.6048


I’ve been getting 15 tokens each time I run CM and I only run it once a day (time consuming each run) on my necro. I decided to run CM on my warrior and actually received the correct reward, 60 tokens! I was very surprised that I didn’t receive 15..

gonna ride the world like a merry-go-round

Dungeon Patch Discussion 9/25

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Lenny.9301


A player in our group who was bugged for 4 days getting 30 or less tokens per run has now finally become “unbugged” and got 60 and 45 in our dungeons tonight, while another player’s character seems to have gotten bugged mid-way through the week and doesn’t get over 30.

Dungeon Patch Discussion 9/25

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Tiss.4693


Score: Bad

There should be a bonus for completing a path in the dungeon as well as tokens from each boss. The goal should have been to make players want to finish the dungeon as it would result in the fastest tokens per hour. On the other hand you could keep the tokens drop per boss to help players who have lives and families outside the game. I cannot be glued to the computer for a half hour or more so therefore it is really hard to get any progress. The whole reason I chose to play GW2 is that I can play, stop if i need to and then continue right where I left off. With pve and pvp this works with dungeons it is not impossible. Instead of taking away from the community why not add in a bonus upon completion.

It seems you have penalized the player base especially the casual players with this update. If you would make mobs and bosses reasonable both time wise and difficulty wise maybe people would stay exploiting the dungeons to pass the 30 mobs you need to kill that take a long time to kill for each boss. Pve and pvp is a light, enjoyable experience but then come dungeons and the zerg fest that insues. Devs please change your negative attitude when it comes to dungeons.

Dungeon Patch Discussion 9/25

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Maif.7594


CoE Teleporter Path.. Both Myself and Veq.1206 received 1 token each for finishing it.

Dungeon Patch Discussion 9/25

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Hellkaiser.6025


Score: Bad

There should be a bonus for completing a path in the dungeon as well as tokens from each boss. The goal should have been to make players want to finish the dungeon as it would result in the fastest tokens per hour. On the other hand you could keep the tokens drop per boss to help players who have lives and families outside the game. I cannot be glued to the computer for a half hour or more so therefore it is really hard to get any progress. The whole reason I chose to play GW2 is that I can play, stop if i need to and then continue right where I left off. With pve and pvp this works with dungeons it is not impossible. Instead of taking away from the community why not add in a bonus upon completion.

It seems you have penalized the player base especially the casual players with this update. If you would make mobs and bosses reasonable both time wise and difficulty wise maybe people would stay exploiting the dungeons to pass the 30 mobs you need to kill that take a long time to kill for each boss. Pve and pvp is a light, enjoyable experience but then come dungeons and the zerg fest that insues. Devs please change your negative attitude when it comes to dungeons.

I do hope that they take into account your time constraints, I do truly.
But the problem with the suggestion of offfering bonuses to doing alternating paths, is that some paths are horribly tuned, bugged or generally longer/more annoying etc etc etc the list goes on, the reason some paths are preferred is because we don’t like some aspects in one in general, like trap puzzles with no explanation, or clues or whatnot that can annihilate us til we jump on the cushions, and rugs?


Irony…. xD

Dungeon Patch Discussion 9/25

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Delwar.4201


I have been getting 45 tokens for AC, CM, and TA while my guildies got 60 in the same run. Just putting it out there.

Commander of Sentinels of Melandru

Dungeon Patch Discussion 9/25

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: saw.7162


Ok so yesterday 30.09.12 about 20.00 my 1st runs: AC 1st path and 3rd – 45 badges instead 60 ;/ then HotW all 3 paths i got 45 instead 60 (2paths yesterday and other one 2-3 days ago), and feeeew days ago AC 2path 45 instead 60…. So i see my char is bugged cuz everyone from guild got 60… And i got lower amount of gold and EXP too..

Thx for help if u can

Dungeon Patch Discussion 9/25

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Awren.4967


“The only answer I got that was somewhat useful to me was that ANET Is not able to restore any of the missing tokens. So dont hope for that.”

they are not restoring my tokens, silver and xp?!

I am afraid not, this is taken from one of the many answers I got ( most of them are just quoting the patch):

Additionally, the support team if not able to add any dungeon rewards to your characters, as our tools are not equipped with the ability to modify a character’s inventory.

I dont want to know what happens if you get hacked.
I am not going to do any more dungeon runs until they fix this, since its just giving me headache. So far I missed on more then 200 tokens.

Dungeon Patch Discussion 9/25

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Coredusk.3156


No patch today?

(edited by Coredusk.3156)

Dungeon Patch Discussion 9/25

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Sina.9208


No patch today?

Be patient, Anet is an american company and they are asleep at the moment xd

Dungeon Patch Discussion 9/25

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: miya.5160


I would rather they take their time and release a bug-free patch. Don’t rush them.

The past two Monday patches were busts. If we can’t have quality and speed, I am going to go with quality.

Take your time, Arena Net. I’m almost 90!

Dungeon Patch Discussion 9/25

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Lucas Ashrock.8675

Lucas Ashrock.8675

I have done Ta about 5,6 times since the patch, max I got was 30, then it went to 15 and one run I even got 1!
I have never done speed runs, never exploited anything in any game I have every played. Heck I am always very careful not to do things that are even a bit suspicious to me. And missed on more then 200 tokens. I wasnt able to log in to forums until today. I tried to contact your support and answers I got are unbelievable, from quoting patch few times to the point where a guy answered me talking about how to get HOM rewards(!?). The only answer I got that was somewhat useful to me was that ANET Is not able to restore any of the missing tokens. So dont hope for that.
Honestly if you want people to go on with playing this game get better support, hire more people, do whatever you need to do, but it has to be better. For me support is half of the game and yours is nonexistent at this point.

That’s a bot autoanswering randomly based on some key words lol.
And ye, forget any form of refund

Dungeon Master http://i.imgur.com/Hoqw3.jpg ME http://i.imgur.com/R41MGzB.jpg Fractal Guild Promoter

Dungeon Patch Discussion 9/25

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Macey.9182


That’s a bot autoanswering randomly based on some key words lol.
And ye, forget any form of refund

I cant see how you can say forget about a refund….. they have not confirmed if they will or will not reimburse people for the tokens they have missed out on. For me I continued to farm the instance I needed because it is the only one I want the tokens from. Farming even with the bug I have still gotten closer to my gear, I just hope they can reimburse people and it should be an easy fix for them to mail the tokens to us considering they can see by the logs when you entered the instance and if you completed it. It not someone’s fault if they kept farming as you suggested in another thread, it still gets you closer to your goal but Arena Net should be able to see what people done and how many tokens they missed out on. It will take time ofc for them to sort out but they should honour the system and reimburse people for what they deserve.

(edited by Macey.9182)

Dungeon Patch Discussion 9/25

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Lucas Ashrock.8675

Lucas Ashrock.8675

Actually they did, remembering us they are not able to access account’s bags changing anything externally. Logs? lol.
And they warned us to just wait a fix instead of waste time. Now you would have your gear completed yet from hours, maybe.

Dungeon Master http://i.imgur.com/Hoqw3.jpg ME http://i.imgur.com/R41MGzB.jpg Fractal Guild Promoter

Dungeon Patch Discussion 9/25

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: ShinAnimus.7940


I have been running the HotW dungeon, and the most that I have received is 30 (should have been 60) tokens, this have happened only twice. There four times before this that I only recieved 15 tokens ( This was also suppose to be 60 tokens each run). And one time I ran the same path twice and got only 5 tokens (this should have been 20 tokens). Please hurry and patch this because as of right now Anet owes me about 255 tokens.

This is really sad because prior to the patch i have never ran dungeons in explorer mode and now it just seems like its alot of work for a little reward. I get that you are trying to stop exploits and I am all for that but don’t ruin the game for you community in your efforts.

Dungeon Patch Discussion 9/25

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Macey.9182


can you give a link to the source saying they wont be able to give lost tokens back? not saying you are wrong but I just have not seen it.

surely they must have some sort of system to see what people loot and what boss they enter combat with, after all they could see who bought all those karma items when they banned people.

I still have not got my gear, just bought the gloves and now I just need the chest, the lost tokens would go along way towards that unless I have to start again.

Dungeon Patch Discussion 9/25

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: EndlessNoodles.3456


First run today, received 15 token. Fix your game or TEST your patches out before putting out idiotic untested rush “fixes”

Dungeon Patch Discussion 9/25

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Lucas Ashrock.8675

Lucas Ashrock.8675

Apologizes, Macey, i’m not able to find it, it’s on dev tracker if you have time. It talks about not be technically able to restore or remove something on a player’s bag.
Awren quoted it, read this page.

Dungeon Master http://i.imgur.com/Hoqw3.jpg ME http://i.imgur.com/R41MGzB.jpg Fractal Guild Promoter

Dungeon Patch Discussion 9/25

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Bigbeef.7354


First run today, received 15 token. Fix your game or TEST your patches out before putting out idiotic untested rush “fixes”

In case you didn’t notice, they said the fix would be patched in today.

The patch hasn’t been released yet, but if I had to guess, will be going love within a few hours.

You should try to keep up with current events, pal.

Dungeon Patch Discussion 9/25

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: ShunsuiKouKyoraku.9106


Yall got nothing on me. I got 45 my first run ever in CoF, then 10, and then 2. Yea 2. And then any dungeon I did after that HoTW I got…. 2.

~De Oppresso Libre~
Shunsui Kou Kyoraku~Thief |Afro Claptrap~Warrior|Korra Jorradóttir~Elementalist
Zaraki Bladebreaker~Guardian|Mikasa Ackkermann~Mesmer

Dungeon Patch Discussion 9/25

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Oreoz.2573


Just get rid of the DR system, please. I’m almost begging you.
It’s such a hassle and such a difficult system for you guys to implement and for us to wrap our heads around.

Just put a 24 hour block on any dungeon path you complete in a day. Just like WoW’s heroic Cata dungeons. Maybe add a bonus for doing all three paths in a day. See how that simple that is? How could you not?

I may get hated for mentioning that game but as the saying goes, if it ain’t broke…….

Dungeon Patch Discussion 9/25

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Adrathan.2048


Running Citadel of flame 10 min ago path 3 and i receive 45 medals

Dungeon Patch Discussion 9/25

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Joycey.7205


Dear Anet.
I love guild wars 2, but after this “updated dungeon system” of 9/25, I have been getting screwed over with rewards.
I have yet to get 60 seals from ANY run EVER.

I ran CoE explorable FOR THE FIRST TIME EVER, the run took over an hour, and I only got 15 seals!

Great if they fix the dungeons and people who have been getting the wrong amount of rewards get theirs fixed, but what about all the seals we DIDN’T GET that we SHOULD have got? Will we get reimbersed?? I’m extremely ticked off that I only got 15 seals for my first explorable run in Crucible, EVER.


Co-Lead of [HARD]

Dungeon Patch Discussion 9/25

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: KazNaka.4718



I just did all 3 paths of AC. The first 2 paths I got 20 tokens (understandable since I did them last night and it hasn’t reset) but for the 3rd path, I’ve never done before and got 45 tokens.

Here’s the kicker: I decided to do another AC run after those 3, and I got a whole FIVE tokens…I finished this run at roughly 6:00+ pm central.

My ign is Chirijiraden btw.

Dungeon Patch Discussion 9/25

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Coredusk.3156


It’s been tuesday for so long already xD

Dungeon Patch Discussion 9/25

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: KazNaka.4718



I tried an SE path I haven’t done for the day. I should have gotten 60 but instead got 45 (I just finished at 7:46 pm central).

So it’s weird, I have been able to successfully get 60 tokens on my 1st two runs of any new path dungeons, but it seems like anything past the 2 runs it’s deducting 15 tokens (i.e. 60 – 15 = 45 and 20 – 15 = 5).

Dungeon Patch Discussion 9/25

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: TwistyMB.9172


Just attempted CM story for the first time a little while ago.
Like the balance of the boss fights, but have to say a couple of the mobs appear to have party wipe mechanics.
The Separatist Bombers would routinely wipe out the casters.
No chance to dodge or escape if you’re hit. Same for the hounds at the end of the tunnels.
No chance to run, fight, or anything.
Not sure if I’m missing some kind of mechanic I’m supposed to be using to help me survive long enough to do anything.
Would be nice if there was a longer cooldown on normal mobs disruption abilities like fear, knockdown, etc. to give players a chance to recover.
Would prefer that it be possible to 1v1 standard mobs with any of the classes.
Perhaps a casual mode that makes the dungeons closer to the overworld in difficulty but offers no tokens or dungeon pieces?

Dungeon Patch Discussion 9/25

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Lucas Ashrock.8675

Lucas Ashrock.8675

What the minipatch we got few minutes ago was for?

Dungeon Master http://i.imgur.com/Hoqw3.jpg ME http://i.imgur.com/R41MGzB.jpg Fractal Guild Promoter

Dungeon Patch Discussion 9/25

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Coredusk.3156


What the minipatch we got few minutes ago was for?

To prevent the next zillion tokens from disappearing undeserved?

Dungeon Patch Discussion 9/25

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Issac.1703


Hope we get the tokens we lost to the bug … over 300 for me -.-
Else it would be really unfair , since we did the same dungeons but got less reward.

Dungeon Patch Discussion 9/25

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: ryokoalways.3450


Post 10/01 Patch data, start-time 8:00PM CST:

Twilight Arbor- Up path- Clear time: ~30 minutes (slightly under)
Member 1- Cleared path within 24 hours
Reward: 60 Tokens, 21.XX Silver (character 2, lvl 70)
Member 2- Cleared path within 24 hours
Reward: 60 Tokens, 26 Silver
Member 3- Cleared path within 24 hours
Reward: 60 Tokens, 26 Silver
Member 4- Cleared path within 24 hours
Reward: 60 Tokens, 26 Silver
Member 5- Cleared path within 48 hours
Reward: 60 Tokens, 26 Silver

1 minutes between clear and start

Twilgiht Arbor- Forward-up path- Clear time: ~30 minutes (slightly over)

Member 1- Cleared path within 24 hours
Reward: 60 Tokens, 21.XX Silver (character 2, lv70)
Member 2- Cleared path within 24 hours
Reward: 60 Tokens, 26 Silver
Member 3- Cleared path within 24 hours
Reward: 60 Tokens, 26 Silver
Member 4- Cleared path within 24 hours
Reward: 60 Tokens, 26 Silver
Member 5- Cleared path within 48 hours
Reward: 60 Tokens, 26 Silver

Patch announcement came half-way into dungeon. All runs from now are post-patch.

15 minutes between clear and start.

Citadel of Flames- Path 1- Clear time: ~30 minutes (cannot recall over or under)

Member 1- First time for this path
Reward: 60 Tokens, 26 Silver (switched to character 1, lvl80)
Member 2- First time for this path
Reward: 60 Tokens, 26 Silver
Member 3- Last clear a long time ago
Reward: 60 Tokens, 26 Silver
Member 4- First time for this path
Reward: 60 Tokens, 26 Silver
Member 5- First time for this path
Reward: 60 Tokens, 26 Silver

10 minutes between clear and start.

Citadel of Flames- Path 2- Clear time: Under 30 minutes

Member 1- Last clear a long time ago
Reward: 60 Tokens, 26 Silver
Member 2- Last clear a long time ago
Reward: 60 Tokens, 26 Silver
Member 3- Last clear a long time ago
Reward: 60 Tokens, 26 Silver
Member 4- Cleared within the past week
Reward: 60 Tokens, 26 Silver
Member 5- First time for this path
Reward: 60 Tokens, 26 Silver

10 minutes between clear and start.

Catacomb- Howling King- Clear time: well under 30 minutes
Member 1- Cleared path within 24 hours
Reward: 60 Tokens, 26 Silver
Member 2- Cleared path within 24 hours
Reward: 60 Tokens, 26 Silver
Member 3- Cleared path within 24 hours
Reward: 60 Tokens, 26 Silver
Member 4- Cleared path within 24 hours
Reward: 60 Tokens, 26 Silver
Member 5- Cleared path within 48 hours
Reward: 60 Tokens, 26 Silver

0 minutes between clear and start

Catacomb- Ghost Eater- Clear time: well under 30 minutes
Member 1- Cleared path within 24 hours
Reward: 60 Tokens, 26 Silver
Member 2- Cleared path within 24 hours
Reward: 60 Tokens, 26 Silver
Member 3- Cleared path within 24 hours
Reward: 60 Tokens, 26 Silver
Member 4- Cleared path within 24 hours
Reward: 60 Tokens, 26 Silver
Member 5- Cleared path within 48 hours
Reward: 60 Tokens, 26 Silver

5 minutes between clear and start

Catacomb- Howling King- Clear time: well under 30 minutes
Member 1- Second clear of day
Reward: 23 Tokens, 12.XX Silver (Switched to character 2, lv71)
Member 2- Second clear of day
Reward: 15 Tokens, 8 Silver
Member 3- Second clear of day
Reward: 15 Tokens, 8 Silver
Member 4- Second clear of day
Reward: 15 Tokens, 8 Silver
Member 5- Second clear of day
Reward: 15 Tokens, 8 Silver

5 minutes between clear and start

Catacomb- Collosus Rumbus- Clear time: well under 30 minutes
Member 1- Cleared path within 48 hours (character 2, lvl71)
Reward: 45 Tokens, 18.XX Silver (character 2, lvl71)
Member 2- Cleared path within 48 hours
Reward: 45 Tokens, 19.5 Silver
Member 3- Cleared path within 48 hours
Reward: 45 Tokens, 19.5 Silver
Member 4- Cleared path within 48 hours
Reward: 45 Tokens, 19.5 Silver
Member 5- Unknown.
Reward: 45 Tokens, 19.5 Silver

Overall, it seems like the system is working correctly. The only odd number out is for player one on repeat of Howling King path. Maybe the code isn’t adjusting correctly for character switching. Additionally, it seems like diminishing return based on “speed” clear kicked in for the last run (or it could have kicked in on the repeat run, which may also have been a cause for the odd/incorrect numbers, assuming the 15 on the repeat is a combination of speed run diminishing return and repeat diminishing return).


(edited by ryokoalways.3450)

Dungeon Patch Discussion 9/25

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Robert Hrouda.1327


Robert Hrouda.1327

Content Designer

Great post Ryokoalways. Very informative.

Just as a note, the DR system is account based, not character based. Also, I am now going to lock this thread to transtion conversation about the patch to the new thread: https://forum-en.gw2archive.eu/forum/game/dungeons/Dungeon-Patch-Discussion-10-1/first#post324068

Thank you all for your information, it is greatly appreciated.