Dungeon Sellers Guild created
UPDATE: Nerevaarr has merged his up and coming guild with our more established SELLERS guild in the eu and would like to inform all in this thread. We have 60+ members after only 5 days and still growing! We have many cool ideas on how to help make selling and buying easier then before and with your help, we can make it better! We also take guild contracts, our first contracted guild is a primary WvW guild that obtains discounts (along with fellow buyer members of our guild) from our sellers. No representing is required and you may come and go as you please! More info can be discussed when you decide to join. Join our SELLERS guild, where the buyer doesn’t go to the Seller, the Seller comes to YOU!
To enjoy our services please contact the following members via whisper/mail/or this very forum:
Agent Of Jyggalag.8375
(edited by Agent Of Jyggalag.8375)
I’d like to join to the EU guild, I usually duo aetherpath (willing to teach too), but i’m not interested in duoing any other dungeon.
When i’m not in dungeons you can inv me to “fill” your party, and i also have a small list of griefers to share.
- can’t represent, but i’d add my name to the members list.
Awesome! Welcome aboard sMihaly!
While I’m at it, I’ll take the time to place our guild’s mission statment here to further explain our intentions.
Main purpose: To make selling paths easier/safer for both parties.
Buyers: No longer will Buyers go to Sellers. The Sellers come to YOU. Sellers also will grant “discounts” to our loyal customers as well, compared to the lfg (to be determined on Seller to Seller biases).
Sellers: Here in this guild you have a trusted list of both Buyers AND potential Fillers. After the last patch we need friends more than ever.
More info can be discussed at our weekly guild meetings. Bring your ideas and thoughts to the table.
I’d like to join you, guys. I currently am unable to play, but I will help you whenever I can if you will take me.
Of course FenrirSlakt! Welcome aboard!
New to sellin dungeons, mainly just AC path 3 and TA upper with a friend. Would it be ok if we joined? On EU by the way.
Sure thing TheLastNobody! Invite sent. Please inform in officer later if you are a buyer/seller so we can add you to that rank. See you out there!
Anybody heard from the leader of the NA guild? He’s either not on during my times or just not on at all…
Anybody heard from the leader of the NA guild? He’s either not on during my times or just not on at all…
I’ve tried to contact him, and havent got a reply aswell.
I’d like to join to have a reliable pool of sellers at my disposal. I’m also leaning towards the idea of selling paths myself,though not quite yet :P Send me an inv!
Bumpty bump
IGN: Sparkly Darkness/Sinh Verdandi/Got D Boons
Guild: Anime And Manga Club [AMC]
I would love to join if it isnt to late! Send me an invite
Seafarer’s Rest
I would love to join if it isnt to late! Send me an invite
lol Been a while since I’ve seen this thread, sure thing man. Added!
Bumpidy Bump Bump
I’m selling arah on a daily basis, would love to join you guys
I’m selling arah on a daily basis, would love to join you guys
added! Please make sure to read our guild tab for more info and whisper in game anytime! See you out there!
Quick question: I used to sell arah but stopped because of kickers and the long wait time to fill the party slots(even at 3g for arah p2).
In the past month, what is the shortest and longest time it took you guys to fill the party?
Wynd Cloud | Fierce N Licious
Hard to give you an accurate estimate. I have had runs that sold almost immediately after I put up the lfg and others that took between 10 and 25 minutes. A big part of it is knowing when to sell and beating the majority of sellers to the lfg. And also not getting kicked by trolls is another concern hence the guild which helps in that regard tremendously. Here’s a helpful tip: Once I’ve completed my run and before I ask for fillers from the guild I check the lfg and depending on the competition I will either go ahead and place my advertisement or will just go grab a cuppa coffee and just chill in the forums or the like while I wait for my turn at the watering hole. I know for most that’s pretty much a given but still. Better then dropping your price range into the dirt.