Dungeons - a GRIND and a tiny solution for fixing that.

Dungeons - a GRIND and a tiny solution for fixing that.

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: eMKay.4028



I wanted to adress developer’s statement about no grind in the endgame. Unfortunately there is grind and sometimes a lot. In this therad I wanted, however, to talk about dungeons only.

As we all know dungeons are supposed to be the highlight of endgame and provide us with lots of fun and teamwork. While it sounds good on paper it doesn’t work so well and I know that developers are aware of that (I also know the work hard to imporve it).

Lets talk about rewards. For completing one patch a day you get 30 tokens each – after that only 20 tokens. Imagine a situation when one likes a whole set sonnected with a specific dungeon along with weapons. So what that person has to do? Force oneself to grind the tokens as fast as possible. That leads to skipping a lot of content just to get to the boss and kill it. Rince and repeat. After a while there is no fun to it. It’s a chore. However, how to fix it? I kknow the devs are constantly working on that but here would be my small solution:

Add tokens as drops (in stacks of 1 or 2).

What that would do? Not only the dungeons would be rewarding as one would be able to obtain more tokens it would also stop people from skipping content and avoiding normal enemies. At the current state what matters are bosses – the rest is being skipped whenever it can be. But should you give the players a possibility of being rewarded for killing all enemies along the way they would and the dungeon would not be something like: run to the boss, kill it, skip the next part, kill another boss and so on. I know there are other threads about solutions to that but please take this one into consideration. Thanks!

Dungeons - a GRIND and a tiny solution for fixing that.

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Wolfheart.1938


Not a bad idea actually, supporting that. Or make mobs non-skippable somehow.

“We have no first-person view because stupid people would lock into it”
“You can’t have more than 10 HS decks because that would confuse people”
“30 fps is more cinematic”

Dungeons - a GRIND and a tiny solution for fixing that.

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Tetsuo.2593


I agree.

1) Instance mobs don’t need, and shouldn’t have, a leash. That’s only meaningful for world mobs, not the ones found on dungeons. I undertand it’s useful against some of the tough groups, where you need to rely on ‘mob reset’ to kill them individually. That should be revised and fixed and the leash removed.
2) Make them drop tokens, even if not at a 100% rate. Make it impossible to skip them and give it a better reason to do so.