– Dark Lord of Moshpoipoi
Fix the Twilight Arbor Forward/Up Path
– Dark Lord of Moshpoipoi
I hope you realise you can’t tank in this game.
Morrï (Mesmer) | Serah Mahariel (Guardian) | Morrï Mahariel (Warrior)
“colesy’s on rampage today. Slaying casuals left, right and centre” – spoj
I wish I could downvote forum posts.
Go on, spread the cancer.
What does that even mean?
Youtube Channel – http://www.youtube.com/t3llularman
Logically that means you reflected. Again, reflection OP, guardian OP, mesmer OP. Am I right? Nothing trivializes content like a good reflect! “Oh I’m so good, guardian and mesmer is so hard to play, gee, this is just so hard! I place this wall here and verything is taken care of for me”
“Guardian is well balanced”
Ya right, you all say that because you all roll guardian. I should roll guardian and just have my cat run on the keyboard on win for me. “First cat dungeon completion brought to you by Chopps”
Why do you choose to get so upset over a not-serious post? Childhood trauma related to Guardians?
They stole my pet cat and I’ve held a grudge ever since. I was only 8 years old when it happened. I love you Mr. Meowgi T_T
The Last Hobbit wields a Ragey Greatsword of +1 Rage.
Twilight Arbor Forward/Up kills The Last Hobbit and adds one rage stack.
Nothing I can say has not been said before. Simply: +1
After ~10 failed tries, i did it today with guildies (thanks to them).
This path is seriously broken.
In the end, we did it with 3 rangers (1500 range), 1 guardian, 1 warrior. It was really easy in the end, when everyone had learned how to escape the strange attacks from the tree (when he raises its left arm, on the right of the screen, just before moving his head > double escape), but it was quite hard to understand clearly how and when we have to do the escape (as it’s probably the only attack in the game without AoE on the ground).
It really needs to get fixed, right now there are no hints for the players to learn by themselves, by their mistakes, how to fulfill this path (thus so many topics on this subject).
I’ve heard about people getting kicked at the final boss of dungeons due to the party leader and his friends wanting to sell party slots.
This dungeon path is worst than that because the tree boss doesn’t just prevent 1 or 2 people from getting rewards for 1 or more hours of play time but ruins the path for the whole group.
Saying that dungeons will get revamped in a future patch isn’t good enough, fixing rewards and such isn’t as critical or game-breaking as fixing a boss that requires a party composed of specific professions and builds to beat.
What should happen is that the boss gets a temporary fix in the meantime until the actual dungeon revamp happens.
I was told that the boss wasn’t always this impossible to beat. Why can’t it simply be reverted to how it was before? A patch once broke a player’s ability to do jumping puzzles correctly and a hot-fix was released within hours and reverted it to how it was before. Why can’t the same be done here?
Just did the TAFU tree in a full PVT group in about 1 minute or possibly even less. Mediocre skilled group.
NemesisMMNecro [rT] – Trans-Transsylvanian RPer EU
I think the biggest issue is players that struggle cannot effectively deal with spiders. Lots of people can do it, it’s just more challenging in that it’s not just run up and dps. That’s just my thoughts on the matter. For people that show instuctional videos on how to do it, thanks. Maybe even link one to the wiki? Nice work on the fast kills.
The biggest issue is that they can’t afk and autoattack and they refuse to take any advice on how to be better
Logically that means you reflected. Again, reflection OP, guardian OP, mesmer OP. Am I right? Nothing trivializes content like a good reflect! “Oh I’m so good, guardian and mesmer is so hard to play, gee, this is just so hard! I place this wall here and verything is taken care of for me”
“Guardian is well balanced”
Ya right, you all say that because you all roll guardian. I should roll guardian and just have my cat run on the keyboard on win for me. “First cat dungeon completion brought to you by Chopps”
Why do you choose to get so upset over a not-serious post? Childhood trauma related to Guardians?
They stole my pet cat and I’ve held a grudge ever since. I was only 8 years old when it happened. I love you Mr. Meowgi T_T
I’ve always been partial to Chairman Meow.
only been playing for a month and i’ve been doing this path like 5 times a day for the past 2 weeks that means over 70 attemps with diffrent party’s and i really don’t care if ppl say this boss is easy ect…. but this boss practicly impossible to do and the once who manage to get boss to 1 % ask friggin money for you to join the party talking about game chivalry
I have, on very rare occasions, seen people try to tell me that I have to pay them or they’ll leave. To which I respond with a well-thought out “lol” and replace them within five seconds.