FoTM Ranger Hate...

FoTM Ranger Hate...

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Roguefire.8174


My main, and pretty much only character I play fractals on is Ranger… I have run FoTM Scale 50 with my ranger and paired up my buddy who has also has a ranger literally dozens of times. I have even played a few times Scale 50 with 5 rangers in the group and literally had no issues and was clean runs.

There have been so many times where I have been kicked from groups 2 seconds after joining them, and even times where me and my friend who started the group have had our group hijacked simply because we are rangers. This is complete bullcrap!

Today was the worst day yet. Was kicked from a group for being a ranger. About 30 minutes later I started my own fractal, was then kicked from that. Then after that I joined a fractal on the 2nd part and once we got to final fractal and was at 10% on final boss I got booted from that group for absolutely no reason.

This is absolutely absurd and its unwelcoming behavior. Is there any rules against kicking players because of their class or at the very least hijacking groups or kicking players at the last second to prevent them from getting rewards??? I doubt anything is done about this…

FoTM Ranger Hate...

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Purple Miku.7032

Purple Miku.7032

I know it sucks for you but you must understand why people do it, yeah?

Sometimes people just kick because they’re conditioned to believe that rangers/necros are always terrible. At the same time there are morons out there who think warriors have the best DPS still, so it’s misinformation across the board.

But… it’s undeniable that ranger seems to attract the most retar___ people on the planet. It’s just.. the way it is. They should consider renaming the class from ranger to something else, so that people who pick the class don’t immediately assume you’re supposed to roleplay as robin hood when doing dungeons/fractals. It would do the class justice.

As for your personal issue… it’s just something you’ll need to put up with unfortunately.

FoTM Ranger Hate...

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Linken.6345


No he shouldent have to put up with it if he was fine for them untill last boss hp was down to 10% why shouldent he be fine to get rewards aswell?

Kicking at the start no biggy you dont want to play with those biggots anyway

FoTM Ranger Hate...

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Purple Miku.7032

Purple Miku.7032

I didn’t say it was fine to do, I’m just explaining to him that as long as he plays that class it’s gonna keep happening… at least in pugs.

There’s nothing he can do about it as long as he’s on a ranger.

It’s called stigma. I blame the robin hood roleplayers.

FoTM Ranger Hate...

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: spoj.9672


If they kicked you late the chances are they kicked you for another reason. Such as conflicting playstyles. For example if you were ranging all the time with a bearbow or spamming longbow knockback you are bound to kitten people off and get yourself kicked. Not saying thats what you did. But it seems like some of the times you got kicked were because of reasons other than just being a ranger. Either way its a lame move to kick someone at the very end. But i severely doubt they kicked you for no reason. You probably did something which annoyed them so they decided to be kittenbags and kick you at the end just to be spiteful.

Theres nothing you can do when this sort of thing happens. Its unfortunate but thats how it is. Just report them and move on. Being kicked before you start is fair enough though. Some people just dont want to run with rangers or necros. I do sympathise with you when they join a group with a ranger already in and then kick you though. If they dont want rangers they should make their own LFG.

(edited by spoj.9672)

FoTM Ranger Hate...

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Conaywea.5062


who wants to play with someone who only spam 2 and 4 ?

FoTM Ranger Hate...

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: DeathPanel.8362


I find the OP’s story hard to believe. I had the game since release and I’ve never been kicked from any FOTM group ever and I’ve ran FOTM with every class of characters in the past. The only time I’ve seen others get kicked or voted to kick someone was due to them being generally abusive and rude or refusing to listen after messing things up for everyone else.

FoTM Ranger Hate...

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Typhus.3502


We usually get a pug or two for 50’s, and while we don’t kick people generally, I definitely groan when I see a ranger. 90% of the people that play your class come in without spotter or frost spirit, and most of them camp longbow. People are just used to playing with bad rangers.

[TW] Pumped

FoTM Ranger Hate...

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Mister Stygian.2135

Mister Stygian.2135

Personally, I don’t like playing my ranger past fotm 40 because of all the one shot kills from enemies, you get planted in your third autoattack with sword and it gets me killed way too often.

If you’re going to play ranger though, surprise people pleasantly, favor your sword/axe melee set over your longbow, keep your pet on a proper leash and keep frostspirit up with spotter. People won’t kick you if you play well in my experience, and you can actually speed up groups if you do these things because of your team damage boosts and vulnerability stacking.

If you are camping longbow away from stacks, you are going to kitten everyone off because you are preventing trash from cornering in a timely fashion. If you have your longbow out in stacks, everyone is going to know you are doing reduced damage. Once barrage is used, you need to swap to sword. If spotter doesn’t show up on peoples bars during the first fight, you are going to annoy your team. If you are running two signets, you might get kicked on join. Being bad at ranger just stands out and being stubborn about how you play if it is heavily ranged will annoy a lot of players.

(edited by Mister Stygian.2135)

FoTM Ranger Hate...

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Csele.1647


Some of the reasons you might been kick most likely -

-Camping LB
-Aggro trash with pet (not using stow)
-Signet of Hunt , Signet of Stone or Renewal (camp)
-Using pets that are not DPS focus (bear)
-MF food – or condition etc
-Pet messing up with pulls etc (classic).

Most rangers camp Signet of Hunt and Signet of Stone + GS thats why nobody wants them , specially since fractals can take forever in pugs….

(edited by Csele.1647)

FoTM Ranger Hate...

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: loseridoit.2756


Some of the reasons you might been kick most likely -

-Camping with LB
-Aggro trash with pet (not using stow)
-Signet of Hunt , Signet of Stone or Renewal (camp)
-Using pets that are not DPS focus (bear)
-MF food – or condition etc
-Pet messing up with pulls etc (classic).

Most rangers camp Signet of Hunt and Signet of Stone + GS thats why nobody wants them , specially since fractals can take forever in pugs….

well, the op post is severely lacking in information. We just cannot assume anything until there is more information. I always hate the fact that user reports are terrible. It is normal for people to twist information in their minds when there is probably a secondary explanation what is happen

(edited by loseridoit.2756)

FoTM Ranger Hate...

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Roguefire.8174


The facts are simple… I have run hundreds of fractals as ranger… I have done speed runs and I have taught many people how to run fractals. You can assume that I am not making simple mistakes.

FoTM Ranger Hate...

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: loseridoit.2756


The facts are simple… I have run hundreds of fractals as ranger… I have done speed runs and I have taught many people how to run fractals. You can assume that I am not making simple mistakes.

hmmm, ok. I guess that kinda sucks.

FoTM Ranger Hate...

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Sublimatio.6981


I find the OP’s story hard to believe. I had the game since release and I’ve never been kicked from any FOTM group ever

Now THAT is a story hard to believe

FoTM Ranger Hate...

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: laokoko.7403


I dont’ get kick often unless I join a group which says no necro and ranger but I tried to join as necro or ranger.

Usually people let you know before hand.

Your run is probably not very smooth that’s why you get kick in the end.

FoTM Ranger Hate...

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: IllegalChocolate.6938


who wants to play with someone who only spam 2 and 4 ?

This is not exclusive to rangers, I’ve had scepter guards and rifle warriors that AA max range on mossman, cultist leader, and harpy destroyer.

FoTM Ranger Hate...

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: xDudisx.5914


There is some sort of ranger hate in all the game modes. Some people hate them in eotm and wvw because they are always knocking the boss back. Some people hate rangers in pve because the huge majority of the bear/bow campers. And some people hate rangers in spvp because zerker bow looks and spirit builds both look simple and have a low skill floor.

Ouroboro Knight’s [OK]

FoTM Ranger Hate...

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Lunar Sunset.8742

Lunar Sunset.8742

Rangers are the go to profession for lazy people, of course the majority of rangers are bad because it’s the truth. People want to pew pew from afar and give 0 kittens about their team mates.

I have never been kicked for being a ranger in fractals and I do them quite often at the higher levels but then again I don’t join zerk only if you die you get kicked groups. Maybe that’s the problem….

I have been kicked for being a necro though.

50/50 GWAMM x3
I quit how I want

FoTM Ranger Hate...

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Azrael.4960


Played my ranger in a 30+ FOTM run with another ranger, necro, guard and thief. One of the more excellent runs I’ve had in a long time. Running a LB + S/F while the other ran LB/GS. I’d like to think of myself as being a decent ranger. The other guy definitely knew what to do. Both of us led with Rapid fire, then bam we broke out the swords and went for it. It feels so good sometimes to do fractals without the usual composition of guards, warrs, eles, thieves, just for a breath of fresh air

I’ll admit to being wary of other dungeon runs featuring necros and rangers and it’s a bit of a lottery. But higher lvl fractals are usually a safer bet

(edited by Azrael.4960)

FoTM Ranger Hate...

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Purple Miku.7032

Purple Miku.7032

I’ll admit to being wary of other dungeon runs featuring necros and rangers and it’s a bit of a lottery. But higher lvl fractals are usually a safer bet

I wish this were true for me too.

Pugging fotm is ebola compared to dungeons because unlike dungeons, it actually kinda matters whether or not you have people with clownshoes equipment/traits to get the stuff done without it being really annoying.

I’m never wary of necros/rangers in my runs as much as I am with eles/warrs/mesmers/guards. So many s/d signet of restoration camping eles, GS+rifle warriors, staff guards, and GS mesmers trolling runs. It happened so frequently that as a result I’ve completely given up the notion of pugging higher level fractals ever being a good idea and haven’t done it in maybe 2+ months at least, maybe more.

Really am baffled at the number of people who post on here saying higher level fractals are safe with pugs. Either I’m extremely unlucky or maybe it’s just a matter of us having different standards. xD

(edited by Purple Miku.7032)

FoTM Ranger Hate...

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Azrael.4960


I’ll admit to being wary of other dungeon runs featuring necros and rangers and it’s a bit of a lottery. But higher lvl fractals are usually a safer bet

I wish this were true for me too.

Pugging fotm is ebola compared to dungeons because unlike dungeons, it actually kinda matters whether or not you have people with clownshoes equipment/traits to get the stuff done without it being really annoying.

I’m never wary of necros/rangers in my runs as much as I am with eles/warrs/mesmers/guards. So many s/d signet of restoration camping eles, GS+rifle warriors, staff guards, and GS mesmers trolling runs. It happened so frequently that as a result I’ve completely given up the notion of pugging higher level fractals ever being a good idea and haven’t done it in maybe 2+ months at least, maybe more.

Really am baffled at the number of people who post on here saying higher level fractals are safe with pugs. Either I’m extremely unlucky or maybe it’s just a matter of us having different standards. xD

^_^ I pugged a lvl 50 the other night. Had the thought “this may not end well”. But yet another successfully smooth run.

Part of my luck may be to do with the times I play or maybe the EU players I’ve played with tend to be quite a lot more tolerant. It’s a very, very thing for a player in any party I’ve been in to be booted. IIRC I’ve been booted once because i was playing drunk. DON’T DRINK AND GW2 KIDDOS

FoTM Ranger Hate...

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Rising Dusk.2408

Rising Dusk.2408

I pub L50 with my Necromancer because it’s fun. It’s a pub, so I’m not pressed about it, and if anyone complains about my class I quietly leave and let them figure the rest out with their suboptimal builds. I only swap to my other classes if the group lacks reflects and we get Grawl, or they’re just really bad at Mai Trin.

Just play what you want, find pubs who are okay with it, and have fun. It’s really easy to do, and results in a lot of good times.

[VZ] Valor Zeal – Stormbluff Isle – Looking for steady, casual-friendly NA raiders!

FoTM Ranger Hate...

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: laokoko.7403


who wants to play with someone who only spam 2 and 4 ?

This is not exclusive to rangers, I’ve had scepter guards and rifle warriors that AA max range on mossman, cultist leader, and harpy destroyer.

I don’t know where all this great pug fractal player you been seeing that should melee in fractal.

Because quite honestly 95% of the player are better of ranging. Because most of them spend more time laying on the ground than a ranger bear tanking the boss.

FoTM Ranger Hate...

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: serenke.4806


I’ll admit to being wary of other dungeon runs featuring necros and rangers and it’s a bit of a lottery. But higher lvl fractals are usually a safer bet

I wish this were true for me too.

Pugging fotm is ebola compared to dungeons because unlike dungeons, it actually kinda matters whether or not you have people with clownshoes equipment/traits to get the stuff done without it being really annoying.

I’m never wary of necros/rangers in my runs as much as I am with eles/warrs/mesmers/guards. So many s/d signet of restoration camping eles, GS+rifle warriors, staff guards, and GS mesmers trolling runs. It happened so frequently that as a result I’ve completely given up the notion of pugging higher level fractals ever being a good idea and haven’t done it in maybe 2+ months at least, maybe more.

Really am baffled at the number of people who post on here saying higher level fractals are safe with pugs. Either I’m extremely unlucky or maybe it’s just a matter of us having different standards. xD

Maybe so. As long as the run does not take long and we aren’t wiping i consider that smooth and couldn’t care less how others play (let them do their thing).

Our guild runs are still better of course but that happens when you play a lot together.

FoTM Ranger Hate...

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: IllegalChocolate.6938


who wants to play with someone who only spam 2 and 4 ?

This is not exclusive to rangers, I’ve had scepter guards and rifle warriors that AA max range on mossman, cultist leader, and harpy destroyer.

I don’t know where all this great pug fractal player you been seeing that should melee in fractal.

Because quite honestly 95% of the player are better of ranging. Because most of them spend more time laying on the ground than a ranger bear tanking the boss.

I think almost every pug I’ve been in so far has preferred melee, then again my luck tends to be on my side. I’ve also have been having some really good experience with necromancer players so I guess I’m in happy candy land or something.

FoTM Ranger Hate...

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: laokoko.7403


who wants to play with someone who only spam 2 and 4 ?

This is not exclusive to rangers, I’ve had scepter guards and rifle warriors that AA max range on mossman, cultist leader, and harpy destroyer.

I don’t know where all this great pug fractal player you been seeing that should melee in fractal.

Because quite honestly 95% of the player are better of ranging. Because most of them spend more time laying on the ground than a ranger bear tanking the boss.

I think almost every pug I’ve been in so far has preferred melee, then again my luck tends to be on my side. I’ve also have been having some really good experience with necromancer players so I guess I’m in happy candy land or something.

I’m not sure which level you are doing.

For boss like Mossman or Archdiviner I see people melee at 50. And most of them die more than twice. I hope people come to their senses they are hurting the team more if they melee and keep dieing.

Some of my pug Archidiviner fight is terrible because I rezed people like 10 times in 1 fight. I hope people come to their senses, they should stay at max range for that unless they are good. And most of them don’t look good to me.

I mean if you are meleeing, dont’ die more than twice in a fight. And apparently a huge percentage of them do.

(edited by laokoko.7403)

FoTM Ranger Hate...

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: laokoko.7403


who wants to play with someone who only spam 2 and 4 ?

This is not exclusive to rangers, I’ve had scepter guards and rifle warriors that AA max range on mossman, cultist leader, and harpy destroyer.

I’m not sure if scepter is even bad dps. If you seen the new updated dnt builds. They actaully talk about using scepter/focus scepter/torch on large boss such as boomerlang or molten duo. Since it is easier that all smite to connect. And if you can keep your aegis up all the time you going to get 20% damage boost from unscatched contender.

I actaully prefer GS for boomerlang myself just because it is easier to use. And for molten duo, I prefer hammer. Since the extra protection and writ or mercy helps the party survive a bit more for meleeing.

here’s the dps chart. But I think the big problem with scepter is you need to make sure your smite connect as much as possible. And you keep aegis up as much as possible.

FoTM Ranger Hate...

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: IllegalChocolate.6938


laokoko do you know what AA stands for by chance?

EDIT: I don’t care about anything that you link me, if all you are doing is auto attacking your not contributing as much as you can be, plain and simple I am right here, plain and simple.

EDIT 2: And to be quite honest, if I were to choose between grouping with 4 other zerkers who AA range in the back or 3 manning with 2 people in full nomads who stay in the front and anchor, I would rather just go with the nomads people atleast they can play anchor or res me if I make mistakes on mai trin.

(edited by IllegalChocolate.6938)

FoTM Ranger Hate...

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Purple Miku.7032

Purple Miku.7032

What. What the hell is boomerlang?

FoTM Ranger Hate...

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: laokoko.7403


What. What the hell is boomerlang?

i dont’ know how to spell that boss name. the last boss on swamp which is not mossman.

FoTM Ranger Hate...

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: IllegalChocolate.6938


What. What the hell is boomerlang?

i dont’ know how to spell that boss name. the last boss on swamp which is not mossman.


FoTM Ranger Hate...

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Sublimatio.6981


No, it’s Boomerlang now

FoTM Ranger Hate...

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: laokoko.7403


laokoko do you know what AA stands for by chance?

EDIT: I don’t care about anything that you link me, if all you are doing is auto attacking your not contributing as much as you can be, plain and simple I am right here, plain and simple.

EDIT 2: And to be quite honest, if I were to choose between grouping with 4 other zerkers who AA range in the back or 3 manning with 2 people in full nomads who stay in the front and anchor, I would rather just go with the nomads people atleast they can play anchor or res me if I make mistakes on mai trin.

Sorry, I’m not as pro as you guys. Like you actaully watch what button other teamates press when they ranging.

I just presumed you are one of those guys who have a hatred on people ranging. If I’m mistaken sorry.

My experience is fotm50. Very few pug are actually able to spend all their time meleeing the boss like mossman or last boss of cliffside without dieing or minimum downtime because they spend too much time avoiding dmg.

FoTM Ranger Hate...

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: IllegalChocolate.6938


No, it’s Boomerlang now


the shatterer is now officially named the shatner.


FoTM Ranger Hate...

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: yos.1846


who wants to play with someone who only spam 2 and 4 ?

This is not exclusive to rangers, I’ve had scepter guards and rifle warriors that AA max range on mossman, cultist leader, and harpy destroyer.

I don’t know where all this great pug fractal player you been seeing that should melee in fractal.

Because quite honestly 95% of the player are better of ranging. Because most of them spend more time laying on the ground than a ranger bear tanking the boss.

I think almost every pug I’ve been in so far has preferred melee, then again my luck tends to be on my side. I’ve also have been having some really good experience with necromancer players so I guess I’m in happy candy land or something.

I’m not sure which level you are doing.

For boss like Mossman or Archdiviner I see people melee at 50. And most of them die more than twice. I hope people come to their senses they are hurting the team more if they melee and keep dieing.

Some of my pug Archidiviner fight is terrible because I rezed people like 10 times in 1 fight. I hope people come to their senses, they should stay at max range for that unless they are good. And most of them don’t look good to me.

I mean if you are meleeing, dont’ die more than twice in a fight. And apparently a huge percentage of them do.

While I would agree on that a player should have a slight sense of being able to max melee before attempting melee on a fotm 50, I see much more times people ranging themselves or others to death during Archdiviner/Anomaly reflect phase.
Ranging in some cases is fine, but it is ludicrous to down team members with it.

It still baffles me those mechanics are not followed up or recognized in the higher tiers.

FoTM Ranger Hate...

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: laokoko.7403


While I would agree on that a player should have a slight sense of being able to max melee before attempting melee on a fotm 50, I see much more times people ranging themselves or others to death during Archdiviner/Anomaly reflect phase.
Ranging in some cases is fine, but it is ludicrous to down team members with it.

It still baffles me those mechanics are not followed up or recognized in the higher tiers.

yah. but anyone getting hit by archdiviner isn’t really good. First he does a pull, and he only did his aoe and reflect after it. Even if your teamates is ranging, if you get hit you are partially at fault too.

If you arn’t good enough to dodge that you probably shouldn’t be meleeing.

And the situation is like saying since the light is green you can cross the street even though a car is speeding towards you.

Your in a pug, come to some senses, presume your teamates isn’t very good. And many of them aren’t. Which is what I’m discussing with the other guy. Many of those pug really aren’t very good. I mean I see people fail the wisp in event 3 times in a row, and he’s doing the easy one too at fotm50.

FoTM Ranger Hate...

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Quin Marino.6384

Quin Marino.6384

He’s talking about when someone ranging him sees the reflect buff and keeps attacking. If they’re standing behind a teammate, those attacks will reflect off of archdiviner and hit the teammate. This is 100% the fault of the guy ranging.

(edited by Quin Marino.6384)

FoTM Ranger Hate...

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Sarahfull.4930


Speaking of the achdiviner,

U’know how if you run out of time killing the chanters and they get reinforcements and you stack and LoS them behind those piller things ( sorry! ). We tried doing that strategy with the four chanters that spawn when the hammer drops ( because we didnt have a guardian ) and it worked quite well.

Like, Ill amit it was a level 29 so they werent super tough although it did work and seems like it work work on 50 too..

Edit: I think this belongs in the general discussion

(edited by Sarahfull.4930)

FoTM Ranger Hate...

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: IllegalChocolate.6938


Encouraging them to ranged just because they aren’t good at melee won’t make them better in melee if that is what they want to do.

I’d rather spend a couple hours with those people just as long as there is hope there is growth in that area if that is they’re desire, but then again my priority was never loot or efficiency.

You want to range? There is a lot of benefits with it go right ahead. You wanna learn to melee and your in my group and you’re not very good at it? by all means do everything you can to learn how to do it properly because you’re only gonna learn by doing.

If people wanna learn to do things (as long as its legit) then we should be encouraging that desire. Obviously that’s just my opinion.

FoTM Ranger Hate...

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: laokoko.7403


He’s talking about when someone ranging him sees the reflect buff and keeps attacking. If they’re standing behind a teammate, those attacks will reflect off of archdiviner and hit the teammate. This 100% the fault of the guy ranging.

people keep complaining about it. Why dont’ people just dont’ stand close to the boss. It last 3 second anyway.

Which is what I’m discussing with another guy. This isn’t youtube. If you meant to tell me all those pug you play with mysteriously all doing mad melee dps at fotm50, I ain’t seeing it. At least for a few boss like mossman or archdiviner.

and another point i’m trying to make is range dps actually isn’t that bad. Base on what people research, if I’m not mistaken, sceptor is the meta weapon for boss with large hit box. Even if you can’t do that with medium/small sized opponent, coupled in with +20% dmg when aegis traits, it’s actually not so bad.

(edited by laokoko.7403)

FoTM Ranger Hate...

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Harper.4173


Rangers get kicked because in my personal experienced they can’t control their pets properly and end up doing bad things such as getting aggro when they shouldn’t be aggroing things.

Also out of all the bad players – the ranger profession attracts the worst. This might be biased ( and probably is) but as far as I saw it and wrote it down – my numbers say that at least.

If here they fall they shall live on when ever you cry “For Ascalon!”

FoTM Ranger Hate...

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Azrael.4960


Pretty much every pug group I’ve been in more or less knows what to do in Mossman, Boomerlang (I love this) and Diviner. Ideally, the melee classes should rotate through range and melee if they’re playing sensible.

Personally, I never range Boomerlang, I just go Axe/Mace and smash my way through it. If I happen to be in an inexperienced pug group, I’ll usually be the only standing. Boomer rarely drops AOES right at his feet so being on him is actually the safest place to be. GS isn’t as good a choice because HB root leaves you vulnerable to AOE and interrupting it lowers your DPS.

Mossman has to be a mix of ranged and melee or he’ll murder your party with wolf spam.

Archidiviner same again, has to be melee and ranged.

FoTM Ranger Hate...

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Dave.2536


and another point i’m trying to make is range dps actually isn’t that bad. Base on what people research, if I’m not mistaken, sceptor is the meta weapon for boss with large hit box. Even if you can’t do that with medium/small sized opponent, coupled in with +20% dmg when aegis traits, it’s actually not so bad.

While traited scepter vs large non-moving targets is strong, scepter vs small moving target like Archdiviner or Mossman is terribad.

Additionally a large portion of melee DPS comes from shared buffs as everyone is relatively close to each other. A guardian ranging has little to none of his own offensive buffs and gets very few from the rest of the party.

Content in this game will always seem
to be faceroll at the high levels, because it
needs to be accessible to the casuals and bads.

FoTM Ranger Hate...

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: krixis.9538


engineers used to be hates more then rangers due to the other players being stupid / not understanding how our class works. that and 90% of pve engies decided they would use condi builds + sit in flame thrower all the time :S.

how ever now engies are considers a meta with zerk gear + bombs nades rifle we are welcomed with open arms.

now replace engineer with ranger and you can understand the issue.

Desolation EU
Fractal lvl 80 – 126 AR

FoTM Ranger Hate...

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Oxidia.8103


2 years of fractals here, i think i was lvl 70 something before patch. Those were the times when rangers were highly wanted especially on high lvl fractals. Reason? Because last fractal was allways jade maw, and on higher lvls people would drop dead when they set one step on the last boss platform because we didn’t have proper ar. Therefore “search and rescue” was used to revive dead people (i think now it only works on downed).

Anyway, now the tables are turned. Doing daily low and high lvl fractals, in sake of my mental health I avoid joining teams with necros and rangers.

Reason? I’m gonna be extremly polite and say they are terrible.
In 2 years of fractals, i have met 2 good rangers that played their class very very good. No good necros. But this is not about necros.

I have dozen of screenshoots that i’m not going to post since i would have to do a lot of blurring and i don’t feel like it.

99.9% of rangers stay longbow on max range no matter what opponent is like.
98% are not aware that they have a weapon switch button.
97% are so occupied with spamming 1 on longbow that can’t manage to track their pet’s health and switch it on time before it dies.
40% of them like to boss other people around especially boon wise and resent if others die in melee while they are spitting arrows from 1200.
59% stay quiet and are scared to say anything so people don’t kick them while they are useless and spit arrows on 1200.
73% are not aware there is passive ability on their pet menu.
And somehow, I have no idea how, 85% of them manage to die while on 1200 and kill at least 2 more people who are dumb anough to ress them.

And many more!!

And if you, god forbid, have a complaint on their game style ooooh naw gulr! How dare you?? What gives you the right to complain? They don’t complain on your melee game style, what gives you the right to say anything to them?

And if you are going to attack me, yes i have a ranger and i love to play it. I use her for farming world bosses or sw or pvp because she is not usefull for anything else and i know it. Being usefull as a ranger is pretty hard because you don’t have much space for errors and it’s hard to learn to play it right and only a hand full of people know how to play it decent. So instead, they go mindless barebow spamming 1 and that’s it. Why?

Because it’s easy. Sometimes it can slide trough, sometimes you get kicked, sometimes you get kicked on sight. Is it fair? No. But lot of people kick on sight because they want to preserve their sanity during that 1-2 hour in fractals.

FoTM Ranger Hate...

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: serenke.4806


99% of statistics on the internet are taken out of thin air and worth about as much.

FoTM Ranger Hate...

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Razor.9872


99% of statistics on the internet are taken out of thin air and worth about as much.

^ lol, I was thinking the same thing.

NSPride <3

FoTM Ranger Hate...

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Oxidia.8103


99% of statistics on the internet are taken out of thin air and worth about as much.

^ lol, I was thinking the same thing.

taken out of my personal experiance lads, and my opinion is subjective, not some excel internet screenshoot chart someone posted on reddit, some may have more positive experiaces with rangers you never know (i hope so).


but i’m sure all of you who have ranger as a main or something (aka know how to play the class doh) can surely persuade me that i just had bad luck with rangers in 2 years (it’s pretty short time span amirite?)

FoTM Ranger Hate...

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: wauwi.9162


but i’m sure all of you who have ranger as a main or something (aka know how to play the class doh) can surely persuade me that i just had bad luck with rangers in 2 years (it’s pretty short time span amirite?)

See, i had the exact opposite experience with rangers in my dungeon/fractal groups.

I only remember 2 bearbows, one of which probably bearbowed on purpose, because it was CoF p1.

Tho, i remember countless dual sword warriors or warriors, placing banner of disciplines during non-crittable bossfights, staff guards, GS mesmers, etc, etc, but i never seen a single player complaining about these during a run.

On the other hand, i don’t do much fractals, i’m more into regular dungeons. Maybe, fractals magically attract bearbows or maybe it looks, like there are more LB faceroll rangers there, because the LB actually comes in handy in fractals…sometimes.

I love my main ranger, but the class has one fatal flaw: Bows are mostly useless in PvE.
I’m mostly stuck with the GS, if i wanna be at any use for my team…if i wanted that, i’d main a warrior.
The next best thing is the 1H Sword, but it’s DPS is only high on a sheet of paper or against weak mobs or very slow bosses.

I was about to come back to GW2 after months, first wanted to lurk at the forums, to see what’s new and thought “why’d i stop in the first place, again?”.

Now i remember.

[EU/GER]Elona’s Reach: Aerrith: Lv80 Ranger / Sephirra: Lv80 Mesmer
“Only the finest of potatoes in my zerkburgers.”

FoTM Ranger Hate...

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Travis the Terrible.4739

Travis the Terrible.4739

A good ranger is a nice addition to a team, a bad ranger will just get kicked.

Follow the darkness into the depths, it’s more fun than the light can provide.