[Fractal Changes] Suggestion

[Fractal Changes] Suggestion

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Shpongle.6025



The BUY-4373 has a new advanced relic tab containing skins and tonics in exchange for pristine fractal relics.

  • Fractal Skins for 50 Pristine relics.
  • Endless Fractal Tonic for 250 Pristine relics.



The daily reward chests have been reworked to give higher rewards equal to that of the fractal’s difficulty and duration. No longer need to run lower level fractals to get additional daily chests.

  • Rewarded on unique boss kill of the day.
  • Removed Rings from the daily fractal reward.
  • Rewarded 10s per fractal level from daily reward.
  • Fractal skins are now chosen from a fractal weapon box that drops instead of each skin separately.
  • Ascended Weapon and armour boxes remain unchanged.
  • New Mistlocked Chest containing Fractal armour skins.
  • Each boss has its own daily reward instead of every multiple of 10 having its own daily reward.


The random rolling of fractals often hugely swayed the length and difficulty of any given run. Now you are given the option to choose your next fractal and how challenging it is.

  • Fractal Event: Complete fractals to open the boss portals.
  • Select your first fractal from the fractal lobby. (Vote process like dungeons with 11 choices.)
  • If the vote is tied randomly select from the tied fractals.
  • On fractal completion there is another vote for the next fractal.
  • Each Fractal raises the fractal event bar. (By how much depends on difficulty fractal and how may fractals you have done before it.)
  • When the Fractal event reaches the top you can vote for random boss fractal.
  • The Fractal Event has 3 tiers, as each tier fills you can go to multiple bosses. (Each fractal or boss fractal can only be done once per instance.)
  • Completing all 11 fractals fills the fractal event bar to tier 3 and you can do all 3 daily bosses in one go, or do them as you tier up each time.


  • Fractal level cap raised to 80.
  • Agony continues to scale higher.
  • Fixed level mistlock instabilities removed.
  • Killing a boss will raise your fractal personal level by 1 and up the instances fractal level by 1 (unless they are capped at 80.)
  • Each instability added gives an extra 10s in the daily reward chests and higher likelihood of an endless fractal tonic, fractal weapon, ascended armour or weapon boxes.
  • Also new Mistlocked Chest unique drop when instability gambits are active. (More gambits raises the chances.)

I think these are some very nice ideas.

Are you Shpongled?

[Fractal Changes] Suggestion

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Valento.9852


Please, don’t sell skins for God’s sake. This is one of the genuine “OK” RNG stuff. I only have three but I like the idea of beating a hard content for a chance of getting a skin.

Attempts at ele specs:

[Fractal Changes] Suggestion

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Miku Lawrence.6329

Miku Lawrence.6329

Please, don’t sell skins for God’s sake. This is one of the genuine “OK” RNG stuff. I only have three but I like the idea of beating a hard content for a chance of less than 3% of getting one out of 13 skins that might not be usable by any of my characters or one i already have.


Snow Crows [SC]

[Fractal Changes] Suggestion

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Trollhammer.7439


Please, don’t sell skins for God’s sake. This is one of the genuine “OK” RNG stuff. I only have three but I like the idea of beating a hard content for a chance of getting a skin.

You realize every new skin you get decreases your chance of getting something useful, right? If the only skin you want is greatsword, you can get 5 hammers in a row no matter what fractal level you do.
Look at it from perspective of someone who been doing it for ages. The only skins I am missing are mace and harpoon. There is almost zero chance to get the ones I want, because the change to get a skin is about 3% and that will be a random skin, not just the one I am missing.

[Fractal Changes] Suggestion

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Valento.9852


Well, in that case they could change a skin for a selectable skin box (much like various ascended weapon boxes) instead of solely selling them. And, well, chill out folks.

Attempts at ele specs:

[Fractal Changes] Suggestion

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Purple Miku.7032

Purple Miku.7032

Please, don’t sell skins for God’s sake. This is one of the genuine “OK” RNG stuff. I only have three but I like the idea of beating a hard content for a chance of getting a skin.

RNG generally isn’t enjoyable unless you get a favorable outcome.

Having like 1% chance of enjoyment sounds pretty bad to me. It’s one thing to get nothing because you didn’t complete the task at hand but another thing to get nothing over and over and over again because of something completely out of your control.

This is supposed to be the high end PvE content, but instead it’s a kitten lottery.

[Fractal Changes] Suggestion

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Jerus.4350


We’re talking about a 3-5% chance here too (going off memory of the last reports of tests). That’s pretty low. Now that means do about 30 of them and you’ll get one right? Well, that’s in theory, not reality. It’s not uncommon to get streaks in reality. So practically speaking it wouldn’t be uncommon to go 60 or even 100 runs without seeing one. While, at hte same time, someone could potentially get one on their first run.

It’s a completely unfair and bullkitten system as far as I’m concerned, and I have no interest in playing the RNG game anymore. I did that for years in MMOs and I’m just done.

Personally I’m of the opinion that there should be a new “Immaculate Fractal Relic” that is from like 30 or 40+ only that is used the purchase them so you have to do a higher level of difficulty at least.

I’m all for having to put in the effort,what I don’t like is having to roll the dice.

(edited by Jerus.4350)

[Fractal Changes] Suggestion

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Trollhammer.7439


Well, in that case they could change a skin for a selectable skin box (much like various ascended weapon boxes) instead of solely selling them. And, well, chill out folks.

That was one of the suggestions.
Still you’re missing the point. RNG is a really bad way to reward players for completing high end content. They’ve done it right with regular dungeons, why not fractals?

[Fractal Changes] Suggestion

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Zaxares.5419


@Jerus: That could work, but I really don’t need yet another token currency cluttering up my bank. >.> I still think that making a Fractal Weapon Box available for a (large?) amount of Pristine Relics would be the most elegant solution.

[Fractal Changes] Suggestion

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Jerus.4350


@Jerus: That could work, but I really don’t need yet another token currency cluttering up my bank. >.> I still think that making a Fractal Weapon Box available for a (large?) amount of Pristine Relics would be the most elegant solution.

I hear ya, just saying I like the idea of requiring the effort, maybe only open the vendor when you’re at lvl 40+ personal level?

I’m not asking for easy mode, just not gambler mode. I hate gambling. If they’re ok with just pristine and no other requirements, fine, just saying, personally prefer they hide things behind some kind of “must be this tall” type requirement.

[Fractal Changes] Suggestion

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Valento.9852


RNG has always been part of RPGs in general, of course it annoys because of how much it’s widely used, and how MF seems to do no difference, and how harder content (higher scales of FotM) seems to reward the same as lowlevels, but IMO it’s more of an implementation issue rather than the nature of such items acquisition.

I guess legendary crafting is traumatizing people to a degree, especially considering the importance of Mystic Forge and the number of bad outcomes. But again, problem lies deeper into game design, not randomness since it’s been present in RPGs since much much long ago.

Attempts at ele specs:

[Fractal Changes] Suggestion

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: TKiller.6829


Progress tracking is the problem and no backtrack, not the minimal chance.

There are 14 fractals.

Fractal skin crafts from 4 gifts, each gift is crafted via 4 parts. Boss gift is 3 boss fractal parts and an exotic weapon of preferred skin type, rest are 11 leftover fractals and gift of ascension. Each part has a chance to drop at the end of a fractal from the chest, chance depending on level.

Even something as simple would soothe the rage. Also add reason for communicating runs between friends since random fractals.

Chances could be reduced even further or weapon choice could be left rng-dependant with some way to backtrack.

Defeated by packet loss.

(edited by TKiller.6829)

[Fractal Changes] Suggestion

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Snowball.3497


This tickles my meatballs


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[Fractal Changes] Suggestion

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Impale.2503


Lets hope we see this very soon…

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