Fractal kicking is the norm now.
Report the people who do this. Hopefully anet will take action on those who display a pattern of such behavior. Other than that though there isn’t a whole lot they can do besides requiring a three person vote to kick (which they absolutely should do). You can’t just not allow the group to kick someone while inside the maw level or whatever.
Go in first. If you cant go in first, leave group.
Report the people who do this. Hopefully anet will take action on those who display a pattern of such behavior. Other than that though there isn’t a whole lot they can do besides requiring a three person vote to kick (which they absolutely should do). You can’t just not allow the group to kick someone while inside the maw level or whatever.
I just filed a ticket, justice is nice but will not give me those hours back.
I do little PvE mostly a WvW type, if PvE has these risks I’d rather keep doing WvW.
Something permanent needs to be done to prevent this.
I’m a pretty patient person but I can see people ragequitting over something like this.
Go in first. If you cant go in first, leave group.
i would say ^ that. that and write their names down at the start and inform them you will report them if u get kicked.
Sadly Fotm was introduced to cater to those elitist 24/7 Tyria dwellers (infraction dodged) that went thru game in 10 days and then started flooding forums with complaints. Now their hands are untied and its starting to show results same second.
Go in first. If you cant go in first, leave group.
Heck yeah, counter-troll those trolls.
Though, generally, people should be more willing to put groups together themselves, and stop clamoring for auto-formation LFG tools. I know that’s slightly off-topic from this discussion, but you would have more control over the group, and could avoid situations like this, if you formed it yourself.
What are you going to report them for they are following the rules set forth by AN by using the voting mechanism how about you set up a petition to make the vote mechanism a super majority instead of wasting their time with frivolous reports.
Interesting how I was considered crazy a week or so ago for declaring that the game had too many open avenues for griefing still available….but all of a sudden, other people are starting to notice that it’s actually true and the game does have serious issues with griefers right now.
So now that we’re finally all caught up, can we have a serious discussion about this problem and how to solve all of these griefing and scamming options? I do hope so. It’s one aspect of the game that simply can’t be ignored much longer.
How’d that work out for us so far?
Now let’s try some ideas that will really work.
Griefing people by kicking them at the end of a run (at maw in this case) so you can bring in a guildy is not following the rules. Go ask Hrouda how he feels about this.
So now that we’re finally all caught up, can we have a serious discussion about this problem and how to solve all of these griefing and scamming options?
I don’t think you’ll be seeing a P2P trade UI any time soon.
What are you going to report them for they are following the rules set forth by AN by using the voting mechanism how about you set up a petition to make the vote mechanism a super majority instead of wasting their time with frivolous reports.
Robert Hourda(cant spell sorry), i believe said on dungeon sub section to report players that do that so. besides your argument is flawed. if i went ingame and just went spamming chat and being racist, would it be ok since by your logic i have a keyboard, and there is a chat system ingame?
Increase the number of members of the party required to accept a kick of a party member.
Currently it’s only 2, should be 4. I don’t know what ArenaNet thought when they only let two members of the party kick anyone they like to kick, this is easily abused.
4 is too many because then if someone has a friend you can’t kick them. 3 is the number.
I feared this would happen. I had hoped anet had been aware of this issue and had some counter for it (i.e kicking kicks everyone or no one else can join a fractal, it must be the same 5 people) but I guess not
4 is too many because then if someone has a friend you can’t kick them. 3 is the number.
Not really, just make it so all people except you have to say yes to the kick. So in a 5man group 4 people have to agree, 4 people group, 3 have to agree…
Another reason to not touch Fotm, seriously.
just join a big guild that runs these dungeon, 0 risk there
lol I knew this would happen. People will start selling frac dailies. I always take kitten of my team before starting a dungeon. Good thing I have all my rings and don’t need FotM anymore :/
What are you going to report them for they are following the rules set forth by AN by using the voting mechanism how about you set up a petition to make the vote mechanism a super majority instead of wasting their time with frivolous reports.
The fact that is can be abused isn’t justification for actually abusing the system. ANet is not to blame for the lack of decency and respect displayed by many online gamers (or internet users in general).
What are you going to report them for they are following the rules set forth by AN by using the voting mechanism how about you set up a petition to make the vote mechanism a super majority instead of wasting their time with frivolous reports.
The fact that is can be abused isn’t justification for actually abusing the system. ANet is not to blame for the lack of decency and respect displayed by many online gamers (or internet users in general).
No? When you make a system when players can’t govern themselves then the developers have to, so yes it is their fault.
Oh? We have these griefers blacklisted by the server? Well kitten they just jumped servers.
Robert Hourda(cant spell sorry), i believe said on dungeon sub section to report players that do that so.
That’s great; I wonder if that memo was passed around to the GMs in charge of handling the reports.
lol I knew this would happen. People will start selling frac dailies.
if that happens, i’m gonna report every single person i see offering something like that.
I mostly run with people I know these days in all my dungeon runs… a mixture of guildies and other players that I have run with numerous times to profitable and copacetic end. But before I had formed my little network, I had a very simple method for ensuring I didn’t get griefers. I would enter the dungeon alone and the begin looking for new members, first through a guildie to do the advertising… and then later through
It worked fabulously… they had no choice but to join my already created instance if they wanted to run with me.
Now that fractals work the same way (and until some solution to the problem is implemented, if a solution is implemented) I would highly recommend other legit players do the same whenever they PUG with strangers.
But… even more than that, I highly recommend you network a bit and find players you enjoy playing with… then run with them.
I only do dungeons with guildies/friends, so this has not been an issue…so could someone enlighten me as to what going in first/creating the instance yourself changes?
I’m rarely the leader of a party, but I can always initate a kickvote. And I’ve been the last person in a dungeon many times. Usually after completion, but a few times when we abandoned the run due to someone having to leave.
Seer Of The Divine | Sarina Starlight | Tireasa | Caedyra
I only do dungeons with guildies/friends, so this has not been an issue…so could someone enlighten me as to what going in first/creating the instance yourself changes?
I’m rarely the leader of a party, but I can always initate a kickvote. And I’ve been the last person in a dungeon many times. Usually after completion, but a few times when we abandoned the run due to someone having to leave.
If you start the instance and they kick you it should kick them all to LA as well. It should work that way at least.
What are you going to report them for they are following the rules set forth by AN by using the voting mechanism how about you set up a petition to make the vote mechanism a super majority instead of wasting their time with frivolous reports.
Thats as foolish as saying profinity is okay if use it in a manner that it is not filtered.
The behavior the OP mentioned is a violation of the Rules of Conduct you and every players agrees to.
Specifically a violation of RoC Article 1.
Totally expected.
Report them! I hope they will be banned forever!
I don’t understand why Anet still do not change the party kick vote yet.
It’s very easy and has only benefits to the game…
What is the problem to do 3-4/5 to kick….
Anet should prevent new people from joining the party once you reach a checkpoint half way through.
GUILD wars, try out the GUILD part. It’s kinda fun.
I don’t get these posts.
I have a guild with 400 people, how has that anything to do with this?
Guilds aren’t playing fractals 24/7, this game is not guild only it’s a MMO.
This is griefing you can’t blame it on me. I played perfectly with no death.
When I joined they were in the middle of the first fractal, crying because they couldn’t beat the Elemental after 2 tries.
I said “the Elemental is very easy come see”. We beat it in 5 mins with me in the team.
Colossus? They couldn’t use the kitten hammer, had to do it for them. Never said a word, I just played.
Asura fract, they couldn’t beat the harpies, had to stealth and get them myself.
I could say I carried them over, GW1 Alesia would have been a better teammate.
And then I get kicked at last moment so they can get other guild noobs to rob my reward?
Sorry but this is abuse, exploiting and griefing, and it must be prevented.
It most definitely should require 3/5 for a kick vote. I really can’t fathom why it was ever decided to allow 2/5 to kick, or why this hasn’t been fixed after so many complaints against those who are exploiting the system.
There should also be a penalty for kicking someone past the half way mark, with a warning if a kick vote is initiated stating what ever that penalty might be. Stiff enough to greatly reduce the trivial use of kicks, but still allowing the group to kick someone who is being a real problem. (obviously, a big enough problem for it being worth kicking someone).
I was surprised they allowed replacing members.; it wasn’t necessary. All they had to do is allow people to re-enter after DC who were already in group. Maybe they couldn’t figure out how to do that or something.
How about try to make the best out of it, how about actively looking for solution on your side? Nothing is perfect. How you yourself start a group, gather the lonely pugs, you are secure yourself, you also shielded your team from possible scamming.
Reporting people who kick you at the last boss doesn’t do kitten. Anet only tell you to do it to give you the illusion that something will be done about it. Ever reported and blocked someone who did it before? You can still see them play online for the next week.
That’s what I liked about GW1 support. They actually TOLD you they suspended/banned the offender. And you can add them as friend and see them gone.
How about try to make the best out of it
Is that what you were told when you were punched in the face as a child? It doesn’t need people to just grin and bare with it, it needs a good fixing.
Ever reported and blocked someone who did it before? You can still see them play online for the next week.
Checked this myself. Reported bots, teleport hackers and griefers. Added them to friends and seen them disappear. Conspiracy theories are unwarranted.
How about try to make the best out of it
Is that what you were told when you were punched in the face as a child? It doesn’t need people to just grin and bare with it, it needs a good fixing.
No, Mister, what I am saying, is pleading for change is fine, not satisfied with the situation is fine. But there are things an individual can do to avoid such things and even make it better for others, and it is not even that hard. Like I said, form your own group, get others in your group instead of others with the possibility of being kicked.
You said things should change, I agree, so how? I am making a suggestion that in the current situation we ourselves can do to make a difference. And how are you contributing buy just putting out pure demands and coming up with totally irrelevant metaphorical scenarios? Please don’t take things out of context and make a fool out of yourself. You are not contributing to anything.
(edited by Jzl.8715)
How about try to make the best out of it
Is that what you were told when you were punched in the face as a child? It doesn’t need people to just grin and bare with it, it needs a good fixing.
Ever reported and blocked someone who did it before? You can still see them play online for the next week.
Checked this myself. Reported bots, teleport hackers and griefers. Added them to friends and seen them disappear. Conspiracy theories are unwarranted.
Dunno how you think bots/teleport hackers are the same as legit players w/o 3rd party software. The highlighted names in the block list doesn’t lie. Try again.
What Anet could do to prevent such behavior is any new player that has joined at Jade Maw does not get any rewards or advancement in fract level. They are just simply there to help the group.
Okay let’s give them 1s for their efforts.
Also the system should recognize if the kicked player was deep into fracts and get rewarded for his efforts… either loot rewards or one level increase.
This goes for the other dungeons too.
Because you really can’t prevent some players from been major A$%&*, but they can keep the unfortunate player that got kicked out of the party after been in there for hours on end somewhat happy.
So this, or something along the lines.
What are you going to report them for they are following the rules set forth by AN by using the voting mechanism how about you set up a petition to make the vote mechanism a super majority instead of wasting their time with frivolous reports.
Wrong. Devs have stated that we should report people under Scamming for doing this. Asking for strong controls on voting is fine, but these reports aren’t frivolous and people do get punished for this.
(edited by Moderator)
You see, the problem was, the guy who pended my kick vote was a total noob.
Not even in exotics from what I could see. Just a really bad noob kitten.
From the support ticket responses I doubt they’re banning fractal kickers btw.
All I got after multiple times of pushing them to hand punishment all I got was “we’re trying to implement some ways to improve dungeons yadda yadda” but no words on the punishments even after I clearly asked about just that.
The fact fractal kicking is common now creates a really bad atmosphere in fractal teams.
Everyone is afraid that they will get kicked and there is always tension.
This issue won’t be solved in any other way than increasing the kick requirement.
If one needs to be kicked I’m pretty sure everyone in the team will press Yes, so just make that requirement 4 people (or # of team members -1).
Slightly OT, but related to the OP…
I just had a situation in a normal dungeon , which we had spent way more than the usual amount of time in, where the party “leader” had to go to work and simply went offline without leaving the party. After pushing on as a 4-man for a while someone decided to kick him (I don’t know if they planned to get someone else or not, but we were fine as just 4) and we all got booted from the instance.
This shouldn’t be happening at all. If a person is offline for more than a reasonable amount of time, a vote should automatically be started and there should be no consequences for it.
Kyxha 80 Ranger, Sokar 80 Necro
Niobe 80 Guardian, Symbaoe 45 Ele
Personally, I would find the kittener and kick the kitten out of him for his behaviour, but there is no option for that.
Go in first. If you cant go in first, leave group.
That’s illogical.
If everyone thought that way then no one will form a group ever.
I write down the names of the people I am with, so I can report, if this happens. Anet should punish this behavior. However, I hope Anet finds a better solution to prevent it from happening soon.
Any mechanic that can be abused in an online game will be. This should be inscribed where all developers can see it every day. So, why exactly do we need a kick mechanic again?
because ppl can be annoying/afk etc. and need to be kicked from party
also to troll them