“Memories are nice, but that’s all they are.”
General Dungeon Discussion Thread - Part 1
“Memories are nice, but that’s all they are.”
Just got a fractal shortbow from level 14
Mooore anecdotal evidence that droprates are broken ^^ hehe
And all who stood by and did nothing, who are they to criticize the sacrifices of others?
Our blood has bought their lives.
This is all kinds of wrong, you are responsible for your survivability, even as a thief, if you keep dying get off the full zerker gear.
Personally when I do dungeons with pugs I bring my sentinel warrior because I just know I’m gonna be picking everyone from the floor with a spatula, is that what you mean by “needing a tank”? Because honestly I can’t (and I shouldn’t have to) take a hit for you, YOU are responsible to keep yourself alive.
As far as end game goes, no, what you have in WoW is a gear treadmill and an expansion on the kings birthday.
While I agree with most of his sentiment, why would anyone admit to the bolded?
And all who stood by and did nothing, who are they to criticize the sacrifices of others?
Our blood has bought their lives.
/sarcasm on
You might simply not have enough encounter knowledge to judge about what fractals need and what not.
Go play the game and learn mechanics before suggesting in a CDI thread!/sarcasm off.
Edit: Come on me, Delay. Beat this. http://youtu.be/hNiIionxgTo
Finally got youtube to work, due to the recent government restrictions over the past 2 weeks ive gotten some pretty good lag, each spike like this can last up to 2 hours and always seems to happen at lupi making me look like a nub. Doubt you can beat this one dub
. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tWGDXMtXJYE
Not even two minutes, can only laugh about that. Thats like what I get on daily basis.
Ill believe it when i see it
Yours didn’t even beat my previously posted one.
It’s still your turn.
I just did a fractal with my ele, a guard, a necro, a ranger, and an engi. The trifecta!
It went okay, but the ranger was running, like, 3 spirits the whole time and the engi was a flamethrower engi. I just… I’m lost. I don’t understand things.
Anyway…. I got a crappy uninfused ring and the engi got a fractal scepter. sad
And all who stood by and did nothing, who are they to criticize the sacrifices of others?
Our blood has bought their lives.
O your right, i could only load 1 minute of the video since.. censorship so i just assumed your WW stopped eariler, looks like i need more footage :P
Good news, #2012 meta still exists.
Anyway, praise the zerg meta.
(edited by Dub.1273)
And all who stood by and did nothing, who are they to criticize the sacrifices of others?
Our blood has bought their lives.
Good news, #2012 meta still exists.
Hey, don’t joke like that, I had people in an NA pug letting Kholer and the Troll fight eachother. Oh and they also stacked on some weird spot after the spider queen where they could hit only half of the mobs.
Having fun with my minion master necro in fractals lvl 30+… its just lovely how easy the imbued shaman becomes with this many pet poking at his shield. Non meta run in fractals are so enjoyable i realy dont know how anyone can even have some form of fun constantly running metas but again i guess they just here for the business and dont care about fun in itself. Money becomes so useless once you got everything you want. Im just running fractals for the ascended rings and weapon now in case i can gear all my alts from it
NA isnt bad theres actualy very good player there.
BM: I want to present you my lovely jingle bear mia
If pet had voices: Mommy, I did it! :3
I want to transfer off SoR, but because all T1 servers are full… sigh
“Memories are nice, but that’s all they are.”
Having fun with my minion master necro in fractals lvl 30+… its just lovely how easy the imbued shaman becomes with this many pet poking at his shield. Non meta run in fractals are so enjoyable i realy dont know how anyone can even have some form of fun constantly running metas but again i guess they just here for the business and dont care about fun in itself. Money becomes so useless once you got everything you want. Im just running fractals for the ascended rings and weapon now in case i can gear all my alts from it
NA isnt bad theres actualy very good player there.
Stop assuming you know what is fun for other people.
I want to transfer off SoR, but because all T1 servers are full… sigh
Sorry baby, we’re too good for you.
Jokes! ILY!
I’m actually somewhat surprised we are still full. I thought people would transfer off because of the free transfers…. but I guess not?
And all who stood by and did nothing, who are they to criticize the sacrifices of others?
Our blood has bought their lives.
If your definition of fun is making money fast and getting quick instance fine by me i dont care for either of this. I got over 800 gold waiting in my bank with nothing interesting to do with it so im just running fractals on my favorite builds. I dont think most people run meta because they like it but because its the most effective build around. I run meta rarely but i do from time to time altrought ill still majoritarily run even arah with my custom builds. Most people care only about getting the stuff done so why should i bother breaking my head running something i dont like when i can run something i like to the same results in a pugged party. As many people said everyone is free to run what they want to run.
BM: I want to present you my lovely jingle bear mia
If pet had voices: Mommy, I did it! :3
(edited by kyubi.3620)
Having fun with my minion master necro in fractals lvl 30+… its just lovely how easy the imbued shaman becomes with this many pet poking at his shield. Non meta run in fractals are so enjoyable i realy dont know how anyone can even have some form of fun constantly running metas but again i guess they just here for the business and dont care about fun in itself. Money becomes so useless once you got everything you want. Im just running fractals for the ascended rings and weapon now in case i can gear all my alts from it
NA isnt bad theres actualy very good player there.
First kuybi post I’ve seen in about a month and I already feel like kicking kittens and puppies.
First kuybi post I’ve seen in about a month and I already feel like kicking kittens and puppies.
I want to transfer off SoR, but because all T1 servers are full… sigh
Sorry baby, we’re too good for you.
Jokes! ILY!
I’m actually somewhat surprised we are still full. I thought people would transfer off because of the free transfers…. but I guess not?
The free transfer servers aren’t particularly fun. Devona’s Rest or Kaineg? Yuck.
Well, I personally have fun when I’m not dying because the boss is lasting 5 minutes more than it ought to.
I run dungeons to socialize. I run dungeons and RP there. I have fun Roleplaying while in a meta build. If i wasn’t using a meta build, it would not affect my fun in any way.
Why does having a build dictate how fun something is? It’s the people you’re running with that matters. If I have more fun in my speed run groups than I do in a non meta group, the type of group doesn’t even matter. A speed runner might giggle with me when i get downed, and a non meta might call me names for going downed. And vice versa.
Anyway, dungeon running with friends is all thats important to me. What do builds have to do with it?
And all who stood by and did nothing, who are they to criticize the sacrifices of others?
Our blood has bought their lives.
First kuybi post I’ve seen in about a month and I already feel like kicking kittens and puppies.
Rage as much as you want im back for a while and ill continue to haunt the forum. Anyone else is running a casual build around of late? I have little caring for if the team is a speedrun or not i just enjoy a good fight with some people i dont know socialise say hello to lupicus, ressurect people who dies when it happens. I dont feel any responsability toward people who runs meta in pugs, One has to calculate the risk of running his build in an unorganised team and if it just wont work must adapt in consequance. Just because one person in the pug (not the leader) runs a meta build doesnt mean everyone is at fault for running something else and making the fight longuer, some people enjoy it the way it is. As many elitist says you run a build depending on the damage you think you will take and if you think you will take next to no damage go ahead why not. You are in no way responsible for what happens to others in a pug as there is no actual way to coordinate an organised team most of the time, long as you play to the best of your ability why have any regrets? If you aint happy about the team composition there is specific LFG around for that too.
Some cares little about builds others makes it a way of play. I feel one skill isnt limited to maximised effectiveness but how well he can run his favored build. It is only a personnal opinion but i can actualy see arts in build designing. One should be judged on how well he plays and not on his actual choice of build, I wont judge a bearbow ranger until i see how well he plays in a dungeon.
Expect nothing from others and enjoy the run to the fullest thats my moto for pugging.
BM: I want to present you my lovely jingle bear mia
If pet had voices: Mommy, I did it! :3
(edited by kyubi.3620)
First kuybi post I’ve seen in about a month and I already feel like kicking kittens and puppies.
Rage as much as you want im back for a while and ill continue to haunt the forum. Anyone else is running a casual build around of late?
Currently running 0/0/0/0/10 for blasting staff while running scepter dagger.
Also, Level 0 healing armor.
Also also, full signet build.
Also also also, …. that’s it.
And all who stood by and did nothing, who are they to criticize the sacrifices of others?
Our blood has bought their lives.
If things get extreme enough I might transfer to EU for a week… it’s free to go to Gandara, so I can harass Spoj.
“Memories are nice, but that’s all they are.”
If things get extreme enough I might transfer to EU for a week… it’s free to go to Gandara, so I can harass Spoj.
I think its not free to transfer NA→EU. It’s like … 2400 gems or something.
And all who stood by and did nothing, who are they to criticize the sacrifices of others?
Our blood has bought their lives.
Nah, it said 0 gems when I checked.
“Memories are nice, but that’s all they are.”
Nah, it said 0 gems when I checked.
Interesting! Good to know.
And all who stood by and did nothing, who are they to criticize the sacrifices of others?
Our blood has bought their lives.
First kuybi post I’ve seen in about a month and I already feel like kicking kittens and puppies.
Rage as much as you want im back for a while and ill continue to haunt the forum. Anyone else is running a casual build around of late?
Currently running 0/0/0/0/10 for blasting staff while running scepter dagger.
Also, Level 0 healing armor.
Also also, full signet build.
Also also also, …. that’s it.
long as it works why not
BM: I want to present you my lovely jingle bear mia
If pet had voices: Mommy, I did it! :3
First kuybi post I’ve seen in about a month and I already feel like kicking kittens and puppies.
Rage as much as you want im back for a while and ill continue to haunt the forum. Anyone else is running a casual build around of late?
Currently running 0/0/0/0/10 for blasting staff while running scepter dagger.
Also, Level 0 healing armor.
Also also, full signet build.
Also also also, …. that’s it.
long as it works why not
Works famously.
And all who stood by and did nothing, who are they to criticize the sacrifices of others?
Our blood has bought their lives.
tbh if you can run a build wich doesnt have traits in the dungeon all good. People run dungeons naked so why not traitless too.
BM: I want to present you my lovely jingle bear mia
If pet had voices: Mommy, I did it! :3
Oh, guys: those of you on EU who are good with letting me leech: i have a goal I’ll need help with.
I would like to get Dungeon Master before level 30. Any takers?
And all who stood by and did nothing, who are they to criticize the sacrifices of others?
Our blood has bought their lives.
lol xD
List what you need and we may be able to help with a few if we have spaces.
totaly doable the same as i carry lvl 2 from guilds in fractals just make sure you got a party whos agreeing with your goals.
Didnt a guy from Rt Solo lupicus at lvl 30ish or lower?
Anyway you should post pics of that in some topic like so we can fellow your journey
Lilith pre lvl 30 dungeon master challange
BM: I want to present you my lovely jingle bear mia
If pet had voices: Mommy, I did it! :3
(edited by kyubi.3620)
lol xD
List what you need and we may be able to help with a few if we have spaces.
A exorbitant amount of paths, I know. But so far Dub and I have only gotten to a couple ACs and Arahs. Ha! (I’m level 6 atm hahaha)
And all who stood by and did nothing, who are they to criticize the sacrifices of others?
Our blood has bought their lives.
Having fun with my minion master necro in fractals lvl 30+… its just lovely how easy the imbued shaman becomes with this many pet poking at his shield.
One, only one player poking at his shield with some autoattack is enough to destroy the shield. On the other hand, your minions will almost insta die after a couple AoE and you have no utilities to actually bring while you slot things like minion in. Good job! Minion OP.
Actually, condi necros are more useful than you are. That’s pretty sad.
Well I can help with CoE story whenever you want (when I’m at home ofc). For the other paths, it’ll depend if we got a spot
Minions who are constantly healed with life transfer/ regeneration and have the +50% health bonus dont die this easily… generaly i can even take the time to blow up my bone minions before they even reach 25%. This fight is also full of fodder for reanimator, did you try minion master yet?
I lose one minion every once in a while but very rarely do i loose them all at the same time. Condi necromancer dont heal the party but from a point of view they indeed bring good damage, dont dismiss my damage as weak however i still got dagger/focus and deal at least 2k+ periodic damage from minion alone unbuffed. add to this my own damage im still doing a fair 5k+ DPS wich for a support/control hybrid build is quite good not to mention the partywide regeneration condition removal and vulnerability stacks. I respect condimancer as dps but beside off theyre damage i dont see any much use for them in a party. Dagger power builds actualy are likely better then both. Minion master isnt a build that deals that much dps and wouldnt be much of help in a meta party but does have the best sustain the necro class got as well as excellent crowd control, I dont run minion master in a meta party but in general i wont run a meta party unless i feel like playing my warrior or my guardian.
Minions are utility in themselves because they take hits for the party. Beside theyr bleed stacking (other class in the party might also bring in bleed its just sad the maximum is 25) i dont see what condi necro brings.
BM: I want to present you my lovely jingle bear mia
If pet had voices: Mommy, I did it! :3
(edited by kyubi.3620)
Didnt a guy from Rt Solo lupicus at lvl 30ish or lower?
That was me but I didnt really solo it because i do like 10 dmg per hit at lvl 30. I was able to avoid being hit indefinately, allowing my group mates to take a screenshot which made it look as though i solo’d him to 10% hp.
I am pretty certain that there is a profession that can summon up to 3 minions without dropping all your utilities.
And what poor class gets no minions even when literally dropping utilities?
“Memories are nice, but that’s all they are.”
Depends on the race. Human warrior can summon hounds of balth! And if you have deluxe everyone can summon a minion!
Enough of roleplaying Spoj!
lol xD
List what you need and we may be able to help with a few if we have spaces.
p4A exorbitant amount of paths, I know. But so far Dub and I have only gotten to a couple ACs and Arahs. Ha! (I’m level 6 atm hahaha)
You’ll probably get to 31 by the time you finish your DM
Yeah, so I guess if you say it’s a level per path it’s 27 levels. But since it’s .75 of a level…. It’s… 20.5. So it would work I believe if I got zero exp from else where.
And all who stood by and did nothing, who are they to criticize the sacrifices of others?
Our blood has bought their lives.
You’ll get exp from running to wp :p
The Risen in Arah seem to be annoyed about exploits, so they do it themselves.
That Safe-Spot
This seems like a good place to ask a question for you dungeony DPS experts. I don’t play my Engineer all the time but I do use him occassionally. 30/30/0/0/10 Bomb/Grenades etc. my last skill I can never decide on, between Thumper Turret for 3 blast finishers, or Elixir B, or something else. Was wondering if it was worth it damage wise to have Flamethrower on the bar just to use Flameblast
The Risen in Arah seem to be annoyed about exploits, so they do it themselves.
That Safe-Spot
We had that too on a recent run. Couldn’t even report him
edit: and a villager even dared to go outside map. they have no shame.
(edited by RemiRome.8495)
One of these days, my goal in life is to lay my eyes upon an eternity ranger. Because I’ve never seen one. Have any of you?
Now I don’t know if greatsword is good on ranger or not, but i don’t care. If I see an eternity ranger, I know for a fact that they know what they’re doing have no better class to put it on.
Now sleep time. I’ll dungeon in my dreams.
And all who stood by and did nothing, who are they to criticize the sacrifices of others?
Our blood has bought their lives.