General Dungeon Discussion Thread - Part 1
Btw Lilith, I heard you’re the gw2 fashion expert, is that true?
She once redressed Agent Spire with the push of a button. Or maybe it was a flip of a lever.
She was voted “Most Fashionable Asura,” even while running the Ascalon Fractal.
Detha’s never called her Fashion stupid.
Her fashion’s made Koptev shout, “Yesyesyes!”
Lilith is The Most Fashionable Expert in the dungeon forums.
If Koptev shouts yes instead of no, it really means something.
//edit: Nope, we’re talking light, female.
Hmm. What sort of look are you aiming for? Boobilicious, refined, sexy, etc?
And all who stood by and did nothing, who are they to criticize the sacrifices of others?
Our blood has bought their lives.
Found something that bothered me yesterday. I had a student, or what I thought was a student, ask me to come help in p4 with Lyssa. I asked if he was stuck in a pug, but he told me he was trying to “get good” and solo it. I thought to myself that why not, I haven’t been playing for a little over a week, why not jump back in and help someone get better. Took a couple tries, but I finally pulled my head out of my rear and finished her off. He then said something to the effect of “if we finish, we might as well sell.”
I don’t know why, but this really rubbed me the wrong way. The guy can’t solo lupi (at least that I’ve seen) and he wants to duo p4 to sell. I gave him some tips on Lupi, but after a while I left.
Was I wrong to do this? I don’t like duoing to sell w/ people I don’t know well, and it made me feel like I was being used for my ability to profit. Some advice from my dungeon friends would be appreciated. I like being a teacher. Carrying someone through a dungeon run just so they can profit (especially someone I don’t know well) doesn’t feel right to me.
Remind me of something similar happen to laharl awhile ago. One of his students was quite pushy and insisted on selling the path after our Lupi practice. I think laharl was feeling bad because he used the JP for the practice.
- doranduck, 2016 on Lore in Raids
Btw Lilith, I heard you’re the gw2 fashion expert, is that true?
She once redressed Agent Spire with the push of a button. Or maybe it was a flip of a lever.
She was voted “Most Fashionable Asura,” even while running the Ascalon Fractal.
Detha’s never called her Fashion stupid.
Her fashion’s made Koptev shout, “Yesyesyes!”
Lilith is The Most Fashionable Expert in the dungeon forums.
If Koptev shouts yes instead of no, it really means something.
//edit: Nope, we’re talking light, female.
Hmm. What sort of look are you aiming for? Boobilicious, refined, sexy, etc?
Boobilicous wouldn’t go well with a rather flat-chest Sylvari and that’s not the style I want to go for anyway.
Refined on the other hand sounds good. I had the thought about combining the heritage coat with the aetherblade pants, but I didn’t make up my mind about that yet.
Btw Lilith, I heard you’re the gw2 fashion expert, is that true?
She once redressed Agent Spire with the push of a button. Or maybe it was a flip of a lever.
She was voted “Most Fashionable Asura,” even while running the Ascalon Fractal.
Detha’s never called her Fashion stupid.
Her fashion’s made Koptev shout, “Yesyesyes!”
Lilith is The Most Fashionable Expert in the dungeon forums.
If Koptev shouts yes instead of no, it really means something.
//edit: Nope, we’re talking light, female.
Hmm. What sort of look are you aiming for? Boobilicious, refined, sexy, etc?
Boobilicous wouldn’t go well with a rather flat-chest Sylvari and that’s not the style I want to go for anyway.
Refined on the other hand sounds good. I had the thought about combining the heritage coat with the aetherblade pants, but I didn’t make up my mind about that yet.
I’m not in game but maybe cabalist?
And all who stood by and did nothing, who are they to criticize the sacrifices of others?
Our blood has bought their lives.
Btw Lilith, I heard you’re the gw2 fashion expert, is that true?
She once redressed Agent Spire with the push of a button. Or maybe it was a flip of a lever.
She was voted “Most Fashionable Asura,” even while running the Ascalon Fractal.
Detha’s never called her Fashion stupid.
Her fashion’s made Koptev shout, “Yesyesyes!”
Lilith is The Most Fashionable Expert in the dungeon forums.
If Koptev shouts yes instead of no, it really means something.
//edit: Nope, we’re talking light, female.
Hmm. What sort of look are you aiming for? Boobilicious, refined, sexy, etc?
Boobilicous wouldn’t go well with a rather flat-chest Sylvari and that’s not the style I want to go for anyway.
Refined on the other hand sounds good. I had the thought about combining the heritage coat with the aetherblade pants, but I didn’t make up my mind about that yet.
I’m not in game but maybe cabalist?
I’ll give it a look once I’m done with fracs.
I could also show you the provisory combination I have right now (mainly because I wanted to unlock a few skins), but I’m not really satisfied with it.
Btw Lilith, I heard you’re the gw2 fashion expert, is that true?
She once redressed Agent Spire with the push of a button. Or maybe it was a flip of a lever.
She was voted “Most Fashionable Asura,” even while running the Ascalon Fractal.
Detha’s never called her Fashion stupid.
Her fashion’s made Koptev shout, “Yesyesyes!”
Lilith is The Most Fashionable Expert in the dungeon forums.
If Koptev shouts yes instead of no, it really means something.
//edit: Nope, we’re talking light, female.
Hmm. What sort of look are you aiming for? Boobilicious, refined, sexy, etc?
Boobilicous wouldn’t go well with a rather flat-chest Sylvari and that’s not the style I want to go for anyway.
Refined on the other hand sounds good. I had the thought about combining the heritage coat with the aetherblade pants, but I didn’t make up my mind about that yet.
I’m not in game but maybe cabalist?
I’ll give it a look once I’m done with fracs.
I could also show you the provisory combination I have right now (mainly because I wanted to unlock a few skins), but I’m not really satisfied with it.
Sure thing. Let’s move this over to the fashion thread when you do ^^
And all who stood by and did nothing, who are they to criticize the sacrifices of others?
Our blood has bought their lives.
One of his students was quite pushy and insisted on selling the path after our Lupi practice.
Killed instance faster than my own shadow.
Propably some carefully chosen words too.
Btw Lilith, I heard you’re the gw2 fashion expert, is that true?
She once redressed Agent Spire with the push of a button. Or maybe it was a flip of a lever.
She was voted “Most Fashionable Asura,” even while running the Ascalon Fractal.
Detha’s never called her Fashion stupid.
Her fashion’s made Koptev shout, “Yesyesyes!”
Lilith is The Most Fashionable Expert in the dungeon forums.
If Koptev shouts yes instead of no, it really means something.
//edit: Nope, we’re talking light, female.
Hmm. What sort of look are you aiming for? Boobilicious, refined, sexy, etc?
Boobilicous wouldn’t go well with a rather flat-chest Sylvari and that’s not the style I want to go for anyway.
Refined on the other hand sounds good. I had the thought about combining the heritage coat with the aetherblade pants, but I didn’t make up my mind about that yet.
I’m not in game but maybe cabalist?
I’ll give it a look once I’m done with fracs.
I could also show you the provisory combination I have right now (mainly because I wanted to unlock a few skins), but I’m not really satisfied with it.Sure thing. Let’s move this over to the fashion thread when you do ^^
Will do.
So, we were doing Arah pt2 with guildies and 1 random today. At the beginning, we were all very lost since no one of us was really experienced in Arah and I’ve did it only once but the other way around
Somehow we managed to get to the point where I’m familiar with the dungeon and we proceed forward as I try to recall what exactly the party did in the previous run and repeat it. Got to Lupi and even though we all felt unprepared to melee him, I insisted on doing it that way. Halfway through phase 3 (pretty much right after we started) I tried to focus on Lupi and his mechanics and see when to dodge and all that but I also noticed that party chat was getting pretty active.
I stopped paying attention to Lupi and started reading chat, seeing that the random guy was saying that he just noticed we’re a guild and threaten us saying that he will put us on some kitten black list if we kick him at the end. To be honest, I was quite shocked by that at first and even got a bit kittened off that someone thought that we might do such a kitten thing and kick him at the end.
As every not very experienced party, we wiped a few time throughout the dungeon but once I got to the point that I’m familiar with, it was easier since we actually knew what to do. Not to mention the help from a friend in rT that was answering all my questions when in doubt via whispers.
Got to the last boss, finished him off, the fella apologized and thanked us for the run and then left the party.
TL;DR: I was reading a post yesterday about a few guild members kicking out pugz from fractals run so I assume it’s not THAT rare to happen and it might actually be worth it to keep an eye on the guild name and tag.
threaten us saying that he will put us on some kitten black list if we kick him at the end
most definitely kick him next time. would have been hilarious.
reinvite of course unless he goes full twatmode with angry whispers.
Though I’ve been on the receiving end of that practice as well more than once, so far I’ve had more good experiences with almost-guild-groups than bad ones. The bad ones however tend to stick out in recollection.
It can sometimes get a little confusing if they are used to do something a certain way you’re not familiar with and sometimes that can lead to misunderstandings, but there are sadly a few outright black sheep that actually kick you at the end just to give the spot to one of their guildmates.
you may keep them to rear new and interesting variants in your basement.
So I guess we can once again search for hidden changes made in dungeons?
‘twas so nice running into Iris and Jerem in Arah yesterday!!! That’s the only reason I pug anymore; always hoping to run into one of you cool kids
The cool kids who made the most epic fail at Jotun boss ever ;P
- doranduck, 2016 on Lore in Raids
i never bump in to anyone
I bumped into Swifty in the open world yesterday!
It’s like running into a celebrity.
i never bump in to anyone
Bro, I’ve been specifically hoping to run into you lol! I did my trial for Ren and you were there, and I didn’t do so well, so I’ve been hoping to show you that I don’t suck lol!
Anyway, yeah, that was a pretty spectacular Jotun fail lol
So I guess we can once again search for hidden changes made in dungeons?
Golem in CoE starts off hostile.
i never bump in to anyone
Bro, I’ve been specifically hoping to run into you lol! I did my trial for Ren and you were there, and I didn’t do so well, so I’ve been hoping to show you that I don’t suck lol!
Anyway, yeah, that was a pretty spectacular Jotun fail lol
…it was arah p1 right? i remember rayleigh taking me along for a trial one time quite a while ago but i have no recollection of how it actually went at all
i never bump in to anyone
Bro, I’ve been specifically hoping to run into you lol! I did my trial for Ren and you were there, and I didn’t do so well, so I’ve been hoping to show you that I don’t suck lol!
Anyway, yeah, that was a pretty spectacular Jotun fail lol
…it was arah p1 right? i remember rayleigh taking me along for a trial one time quite a while ago but i have no recollection of how it actually went at all
Yep That was it!
i’ve bumped in to quite a few Ren when pugging arah actually – literally every single one of them was pretty solid (maybe one exception …. though again, poor recollection), i’m surprised you dont all just get together and do guild runs ;p
nobody has yet to say anything to me when I take my sw/sw + lb condi warrior with condi oil and food either, which surprises me considering all of the “I was kicked for not wearing berserker” posts on the forum
Lol, yeah, we’re pretty solid. We do do guild runs all the times. I’m just addicted to pugging right now lol. That, and sometimes no one wants to run arah the second I do and I get impatient lol.
Lol, yeah, we’re pretty solid. We do do guild runs all the times. I’m just addicted to pugging right now lol. That, and sometimes no one wants to run arah the second I do and I get impatient lol.
Feel free to join me in WvW after your burnout
The Order of Calamity [OOC] is recruiting!
5/8 Champion titles
We did it !
#TeamBible #Gabe’sbirthday2K14 #Duskforpresent.
Those who took part in this, send a pm if you want Gabe’s reaction
We did it !
#TeamBible #Gabe’sbirthday2K14 #Duskforpresent.
Those who took part in this, send a pm if you want Gabe’s reaction
You know I do!
And all who stood by and did nothing, who are they to criticize the sacrifices of others?
Our blood has bought their lives.
How did it go?
blah chars
Lol, yeah, we’re pretty solid. We do do guild runs all the times. I’m just addicted to pugging right now lol. That, and sometimes no one wants to run arah the second I do and I get impatient lol.
Feel free to join me in WvW after your burnout
Does that mean I’ll have to buy PVT gear?
Lol, yeah, we’re pretty solid. We do do guild runs all the times. I’m just addicted to pugging right now lol. That, and sometimes no one wants to run arah the second I do and I get impatient lol.
Feel free to join me in WvW after your burnout
Does that mean I’ll have to buy PVT gear?
Nah, just get dire and rabid. It’s really strong atm (or go berserker’s with hoelbrak runes).
Roaming is actually quite fun with some friends.
The Order of Calamity [OOC] is recruiting!
5/8 Champion titles
(edited by No Pulse.2967)
We did it !
#TeamBible #Gabe’sbirthday2K14 #Duskforpresent.
Those who took part in this, send a pm if you want Gabe’s reaction
You know I do!
Giff meee
people advocating traveller’s runes and lyssa runes for pve (including dungeons)
now i’ve seen it all
We did it !
#TeamBible #Gabe’sbirthday2K14 #Duskforpresent.
Those who took part in this, send a pm if you want Gabe’s reaction
Gibe plox hue
I really….
need to just play the game. The general forums and the amount of… stuff.. Is making me physicaly ill…
Sorry… thanks for being awesome gang.
Haha, I was just reading through the general forums and I had to hold back on making a few nasty replies. Some of the arguments there are just … uh.
I am a Chef,
there is a certain level of Obsession or passion you have to have to be able to be “successfull” in my line of work. That being said. you can apply that to ANY line of work. or any hobby, or well anything.
Who is to say that a mechanic, or an Engineer, or even a retailer is not capable of enjoying what they do and be able to Get just as into it as anyone else.
I am not a computer person. I have many friends that do that for me. I pic up my laptop and bring it to them and say “make it go”, " I will fix dinner while you are at it"
I have never been a “gamer” or at least i never thought of myself as one.
till now.
hmmm. I think i need to take Lupi up on that date….
maybe even with My Necromancer.
I pic up my laptop and bring it to them and say “make it go”, " I will fix dinner while you are at it"
I definitely need friends like you! I can fix computers, but I totally don’t like to cook .
Back on topic … I didn’t get more than a couple of quick runs of CoF p1 done last night (one per mesmer/account). You know you are pug’ing when your melee mesmer is the only one getting through that path without being downed (the other four were all warriors ).
I did manage to get a second character on this account to 80 last night, a thief (that I don’t know the first thing about playing properly, like most other classes ). I guess it’s time to more seriously learn to run the other CoF paths, CoE, and maybe even Arah, so I can get some proper equipment for the poor thief. Currently my dungeon tokens are barely enough to get her a shirt and maybe half a skirt to go with it
Recent story.
Posted an LFG with the usual line (thanks for whoever brought it up):
“solve it before enter: 2+3x2,lvl80,path X”
Dude comes in, say “hahh its easy, 10” and gets the kick ofc. Thats what happened after.
ps: Now i know how djinns can feel. Man these bans are getting longer and longer …
go back to school, idiot
Recent story.
Posted an LFG with the usual line (thanks for whoever brought it up):
“solve it before enter: 2+3x2,lvl80,path X”
Dude comes in, say “hahh its easy, 10” and gets the kick ofc. Thats what happened Now i know how djinns can feel. Man these bans are getting longer and longer …
weeps for humanity
And all who stood by and did nothing, who are they to criticize the sacrifices of others?
Our blood has bought their lives.
How dare you argue with the greatest guardian??
Recent story.
Posted an LFG with the usual line (thanks for whoever brought it up):
“solve it before enter: 2+3x2,lvl80,path X”
Dude comes in, say “hahh its easy, 10” and gets the kick ofc. Thats what happened Now i know how djinns can feel. Man these bans are getting longer and longer …
Order of operations OP, plz nerf.
Elitist mathematicians ! Nerf calculator exploit gear!
And all who stood by and did nothing, who are they to criticize the sacrifices of others?
Our blood has bought their lives.
The 3×2 was stacked in a corner. He maths how he wants.
Recent story.
Posted an LFG with the usual line (thanks for whoever brought it up):
“solve it before enter: 2+3x2,lvl80,path X”
Dude comes in, say “hahh its easy, 10” and gets the kick ofc. Thats what happened Now i know how djinns can feel. Man these bans are getting longer and longer …
But he’s the greatest Guardian, he’s always right! lawl.
The 3×2 was stacked in a corner. He maths how he wants.
this line had me cracking up for minutes. Maths how he wants…
It sure blows that with the college finals I’m kinda sorta out of time and energy to remember how to play something other than warrior somewhere outside Arah and form a group for the tourney. Oh well.
What are the EU dungeon guilds that are accepting new people? Now that I’m seemingly back in shape with the Arah soloing it’d be cool to team up with someone. At least after I’m done with studies.
At least you didn’t have some clown running to the traps in P3.
That was the worst.
I am a Chef,
there is a certain level of Obsession or passion you have to have to be able to be “successfull” in my line of work. That being said. you can apply that to ANY line of work. or any hobby, or well anything.
Who is to say that a mechanic, or an Engineer, or even a retailer is not capable of enjoying what they do and be able to Get just as into it as anyone else.
I am not a computer person. I have many friends that do that for me. I pic up my laptop and bring it to them and say “make it go”, " I will fix dinner while you are at it"
I have never been a “gamer” or at least i never thought of myself as one.
till now.
hmmm. I think i need to take Lupi up on that date….
maybe even with My Necromancer.
You fix me a sous vide dry aged rib eye – rare of course, with Himalayan rock salt, white truffle oil and shavings of black truffle, over a bed of arugula paired with pancetta wrapped, gorgonzola stuffed grilled jumbo shrimp over a bed of sauteed spinach and parmesan polenta with a glass of Brunello di Montalcino (Biondi Santi) and I’ll fix your computer for you. :-D
I am a Chef,
there is a certain level of Obsession or passion you have to have to be able to be “successfull” in my line of work. That being said. you can apply that to ANY line of work. or any hobby, or well anything.
Who is to say that a mechanic, or an Engineer, or even a retailer is not capable of enjoying what they do and be able to Get just as into it as anyone else.
I am not a computer person. I have many friends that do that for me. I pic up my laptop and bring it to them and say “make it go”, " I will fix dinner while you are at it"
I have never been a “gamer” or at least i never thought of myself as one.
till now.
hmmm. I think i need to take Lupi up on that date….
maybe even with My Necromancer.You fix me a sous vide dry aged rib eye – rare of course, with Himalayan rock salt, white truffle oil and shavings of black truffle, over a bed of arugula paired with pancetta wrapped, gorgonzola stuffed grilled jumbo shrimp over a bed of sauteed spinach and parmesan polenta with a glass of Brunello di Montalcino (Biondi Santi) and I’ll fix your computer for you. :-D
… for that…
you are making me a new one
kitten that sounds good though