Giant Lupi NEEDS a small change
I know of two different situations were Lupi tends to reset:
1. Someone decides to use stealth while Lupi concentrates on him
2. Someone died and is about to run into the arena again while Lupi stays next to the door and decides to target the player outside of the door with his poison-cloud-charge-thing.
#1 seems to be working as intended while #2 just screams bug.
Occam Pi (Ele), Acaena Elongata (Warrior), Finja Salversdotir (Ranger),
Bytestream (Engineer), Vim Whitespace (Thief)
Still why should stealth be punished soooo hard when it was put into the game to be used strategically? The whole point of stealth is to make it so the enemy won’t know where you are for a short while and for the player to be able to take advantage of that situation. Your situation #1 should not be “working as intended” that should also be considered as a bug. Like I said before, a 10-15 second grace period would allow for more strategical options without severely punishing the player for simply using one of their most important abilities.
Still why should stealth be punished soooo hard when it was put into the game to be used strategically? The whole point of stealth is to make it so the enemy won’t know where you are for a short while and for the player to be able to take advantage of that situation. Your situation #1 should not be “working as intended” that should also be considered as a bug. Like I said before, a 10-15 second grace period would allow for more strategical options without severely punishing the player for simply using one of their most important abilities.
Possibly their reasoning is that this could be exploited somehow. Theif goes into stealth, leaving the boss without a target, boss then doesn’t reset. Someone will find a way to take advantage of that somehow.
|-Swiftpaw Sharpclaw [DnT]-|
Not sure that I agree with the stealth “fix” proposed by nachtnebel for this fight. Lupi is already pretty easy when someone with shadow refuge goes around and returns downed players to combat. Someone needs to be visible for the boss to stay engaged imho. Having a stealthed player able to keep a boss in combat leaves to much room for exploiting the encounters mechanics.
yeah this is just punishing people who want to have a good time (Lupi resetting). I think the wp’s need to be a lot closer to that people can just make it back, while not letting them off the hook by having to repair armor. I wasted several hours last night on Lupi (couldn’t kill). It really soured people. It just seems to be a way to punish people and dissuade them from doing Arah, instead of giving people a way to trudge through it slowly and steadily if they aren’t a super pro team.
Not sure that I agree with the stealth “fix” proposed by nachtnebel for this fight. Lupi is already pretty easy when someone with shadow refuge goes around and returns downed players to combat. Someone needs to be visible for the boss to stay engaged imho. Having a stealthed player able to keep a boss in combat leaves to much room for exploiting the encounters mechanics.
I think you misunderstand what I meant when I talked about Lupi not resetting when someone goes stealth. I don’t mean that if there is a stealth player in the room he shouldn’t be able to reset, no. What I’m saying is that it’s 100% wrong and unfun that after 2 seconds of being stealth from my thief’s heal, Lupi decides to regenerate his hp back to full and continues to attack me the moment I unstealth. That just shouldn’t be possible for any boss in any game.
Lupi, and bosses in general, should just ignore stealth like they do in a lot of other MMOs. That would solve a lot of problems.
Occam Pi (Ele), Acaena Elongata (Warrior), Finja Salversdotir (Ranger),
Bytestream (Engineer), Vim Whitespace (Thief)
I agree that it’s bullcharr how he resets if the target goes stealth even when if everyone else is/has been wailing on him. His aggro SHOULD NOT be lost so easily.
It’s most unfair when the thief has the 5 point minor trait that causes stealth when thief’s health goes under 25% that can’t be turned off. Basically condemns your efforts to readily reset even with just one mistake. Thieves technically could have infinite dodge and endless kiting with infiltrator’s arrow but still, forcing the thief players to play perfectly is pretty unreasonable.
“GW2’s PvE is almost as bad as the PvP.”
(edited by zencow.3651)
Well said zencow
I agree his aggro shouldn’t be lost that easily, but I still think this problem would be solved best if he just completely ignored stealth.
Occam Pi (Ele), Acaena Elongata (Warrior), Finja Salversdotir (Ranger),
Bytestream (Engineer), Vim Whitespace (Thief)
I think someone group stealthed my team while we were Reviving someone and that caused Reset too. … Mobs just reset too easily in this game, you see it all the time in the water just out there in normal PvE areas.
true but those situations aren’t nearly as big a deal as when fighting a horrible monster. Besides, changing the reset time on a single monster would seem an easier job than changing the reset time of every minion in the game (unless they all share the same line of code that affect all their reset timers).
Well since it seems to be instantaneous on all of them… I was thinking that yeah, maybe they all used the same exact Subroutine to determine reset parameter.
Resetting as soon as someone enters stealth seems like a bug to me. There should definitely be some leeway with this.
Especially considering one of the Thieves heals stealths them for a few seconds (even if it’s not the best heal to use in this fight).
What bugs me more about the fight is the erratic and random damage he sometimes throws at seemingly random targets just for lulz, which hits for 12-15k. With the red circles and all the other crap flying around don’t see why we need these random, unpredictable 5-digit hits flying around.
@random Sorry I had know idea that he would reset so easily due to stealth. I can imagine that would be very frustrating having Lupi reset mid fight with a full group do to a stealth bug. I have never seen this bug myself but it is game breaking in a fight like Lupi if it happens the way you say and I apologize for my misunderstanding.
ok just faced him again and he reset from phase 2 with 5 people alive, fighting, and withing range. We were all in the room and he still reset…
ok just faced him again and he reset from phase 2 with 5 people alive, fighting, and withing range. We were all in the room and he still reset…
Sometimes this happens when he agros onto someone who is up against the wall I have noticed. Best thing to do is to avoid the walls all-together anyway, it’s a bad place to be backed up into especially if u get downed.. making it hard for people to res you.
|-Swiftpaw Sharpclaw [DnT]-|
ok just faced him again and he reset from phase 2 with 5 people alive, fighting, and withing range. We were all in the room and he still reset…
Sometimes this happens when he agros onto someone who is up against the wall I have noticed. Best thing to do is to avoid the walls all-together anyway, it’s a bad place to be backed up into especially if u get downed.. making it hard for people to res you.
good point but still unacceptable for such an important boss. If he is aggroing someone in his own little room, there should be a 0% chance that he will randomly reset under any situation.
‘good point but still unacceptable for such an important boss. If he is aggroing someone in his own little room, there should be a 0% chance that he will randomly reset under any situation.’
Oh I absolutely agree with you there, just something I had noticed which may help you in future runs :P
|-Swiftpaw Sharpclaw [DnT]-|
Just bumping, want someone who can fix this to see this post