Golden weapons and AdInfinitum Collections
Yes, please.
Seems odd there is a normal fractal weapons collection, but not one for the much rarer gold weapons.
Tyr Sylvison – Warrior
Illyiah – Revenant
You realise how long that would take? That is arguably harder to achieve than a legendary atm due to it being purely RNG not to mention you can get repeat drops of the same item. And if you try hunting gold fractal relics to get the ones you want, good luck.
You realise how long that would take? That is arguably harder to achieve than a legendary atm due to it being purely RNG not to mention you can get repeat drops of the same item. And if you try hunting gold fractal relics to get the ones you want, good luck.
So…because the collection takes a while to get means that it shouldn’t exist?
Even of they didn’t add a new gold skin as a reward (which they should), it should still exist as as a collection.
Tyr Sylvison – Warrior
Illyiah – Revenant
You realise how long that would take? That is arguably harder to achieve than a legendary atm due to it being purely RNG not to mention you can get repeat drops of the same item. And if you try hunting gold fractal relics to get the ones you want, good luck.
It is a good thing if there are things you cannot finish right now on demand. Game desperately needs long term goals.
I only have 1 out of 19 gold fractal skins (and a chest to choose a skin), but this finally would give a reason to play as much fractals as I used before HoT again.
(edited by Malediktus.9250)
You realise how long that would take? That is arguably harder to achieve than a legendary atm due to it being purely RNG not to mention you can get repeat drops of the same item. And if you try hunting gold fractal relics to get the ones you want, good luck.
So…because the collection takes a while to get means that it shouldn’t exist?
Even of they didn’t add a new gold skin as a reward (which they should), it should still exist as as a collection.
Not saying it shouldn’t exist. My point was that people complained daily about how hard it was to get legendaries especially for casual players. Imagine the complaints around this, which is even harder. Sure it be a fun and great thing to do for long term active players and the reward would make you look great in fashion wars 2 but I can guarantee there will be a lot of crying which will eventually get Anet to make it easier to get golden fractal weapons thus diminishing their prestigious value.
You realise how long that would take? That is arguably harder to achieve than a legendary atm due to it being purely RNG not to mention you can get repeat drops of the same item. And if you try hunting gold fractal relics to get the ones you want, good luck.
So…because the collection takes a while to get means that it shouldn’t exist?
Even of they didn’t add a new gold skin as a reward (which they should), it should still exist as as a collection.
Not saying it shouldn’t exist. My point was that people complained daily about how hard it was to get legendaries especially for casual players. Imagine the complaints around this, which is even harder. Sure it be a fun and great thing to do for long term active players and the reward would make you look great in fashion wars 2 but I can guarantee there will be a lot of crying which will eventually get Anet to make it easier to get golden fractal weapons thus diminishing their prestigious value.
Its a devious circle.
People complain that something is too hard/takes too long —> Anet acts —> People finish it in lightning speed and complain there is nothing to do
Maybe Anet should for once stick with their plan and not adjust everything while killing their game’s longevity while doing that
That would be awesome. Being RNG and taking a long, very long time would be fitting to the nature of fractals. It was supposed to be this long stretch of content we’d supposedly want to play endlessly, effectively for as long as the game is available, and right now we have nothing to strive for in this regard (the legendary, if not time gated, would be able to be acquired within a day). I for one would certainly play GW2 until it either went down for good or I got that shiny piece of extra rare equip. It’s already fashion wars anyway, so we might as well have our own Armani here.
The collection is not a pure RNG, at least not like the old normal fractal skins before fractal revamp.
There is the random recipe for a random Golden weapon when you have 4 relics (you can get golden relics from salvage golden weapons too), there are recipes for craft exactly one golden weapon with 10 relics and there are achievements for golden relic and golden weapon box.
Ofc it’s a collection based a lot on RNG, maybe Anet could add some other way to get golden fractal relics or maybe just improve a little the drop rate.
But it remains a collection less RNG based than the old normal fractal skins.
And in general I agree that long term goals are not bad at all.
Personally I know people who have the entire collection already completed so it’s not really super hard to get if you run constantly daily t4 fractals
(edited by Phil.8901)
I have about half of the collection, and I agree, while I’d appreciate a non RNG way to at least get gold relics, It would push me more to do fractals if there’s was something to get out of the collection. I love the idea of a gold ad infinitum, as there aren’t many gold backpacks.
Yes, please! We NEED this!!!!
I would love to have this.
I would also like to be able to buy 1 golden relic for something like 200-500 pristine fractal relics.