Guild Wars 2 Threat Mechanics

Guild Wars 2 Threat Mechanics

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: endless.1376


In GW1, there was no ‘tank’ but all the AI did was hit the first person closest, and if it was a mob, some of that mob would move past and attack other players. people might call this strategy, i call it kindergarten AI. to deepen this experience it would always attack the ‘lowest’ armoured person in the group, so in the case of ritualists or necromancers, minions and spirits were first port of call. so, no, ‘tanking’ didnt exist, like it doesnt exist in GW2, what it does do is make it so the enemy just simply attacks the weakest. (

This seems to be the single best description I can find regarding threat mechanics in this game. Soooo many people seem confused about how to handle threat in the game, and here we have some information which could very likely help to deal with encounters from now on.

So first: Yes it does work on proximity, damage, and apparently also the weakest target which apparently are the squishy professions.

Second: Resurrecting appears to cause aggravation as well with hostile enemies. A shield or some kind of damage mitigation to buy time will be needed if a couple players are downed or dead.

What this tells me is that tanking based only on proximity isn’t reliable. Which most people already knew anyway (as it is only one variable, and will only result in temporary aggro). The best tank in this game is likely to be the weakest member of the group. So, perhaps the ranged and weaker professions need more toughness and vitality as a result. The melee however will need less toughness and vitality due to their better armor. How much this difference is I am not sure.

What we are left with is actually a complete reversal of how we think about tank and spanking. The ranged and/or squishy weaker professions are actually the tanks or aggro managers, or better suited for the task. The melee actually make better healers, support, and damage dealers. This seems to make more sense as the weaker professions are also the one’s that are more likely to be glass cannon types that ‘also’ deal out the most damage.

The threat table will consider these ranged classes the highest priority as a result. I wanted to come here and share this and see what others thought. Perhaps also to get a discussion going on your experiences and to see what works or doesn’t.

Guild Wars 2 Threat Mechanics

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Squishei.5810


I am a toughness/vit guardian and I can keep mobs on me with no problem. Dungeon mobs, mobs out in the world, supply camp masters, no problem. There are some boss abilities that appear to target the squishies such as the “middle” boss in arah EM when he does his shadow step.

Guild Wars 2 Threat Mechanics

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: endless.1376


I am a toughness/vit guardian and I can keep mobs on me with no problem. Dungeon mobs, mobs out in the world, supply camp masters, no problem. There are some boss abilities that appear to target the squishies such as the “middle” boss in arah EM when he does his shadow step.

In addition to those traits, what abilities do you use that help you manage and/or generate threat?

Guild Wars 2 Threat Mechanics

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: poot.5487


I went melee DPS for a story dungeon as a warrior, but bear in mind that I was wearing two pieces of tough/vit exotic 80 gear and an additional piece with vitality on it, and was specced 15 deep into Defense for some additional toughness. Not exactly a full-on glass cannon spec, though not a mace/shield tank either.

I had to perform kiting and LoS gymnastics to make any mob stop targeting me for any length of time. Sometimes I didn’t even have to do any damage to them.

Swapped to rifle, stayed at range, attacked with complete and utter impunity and was basically never targeted, ever.

It’s a laughable system, whatever it is. Proximity must be weighted like nobody’s business.