Hard Mode in Dungeons
He is saying that people who complain that stacking removes game mechanics should learn how the game/stacking works, not people who don’t know boss tells or are new to the game in general.
Indeed. Guess I should have written “anti-stacking/…-whiners”, but it was in the morning before work …
There is no loyalty without betrayal. -Ann Smiley
How about giving us the option of playing the dungeon with gambits (like the ones we had in queen’s gauntlet) and reward us accordingly? It sounds challenging enough to me
- Enemies hit harder (making skipping difficult/impossible)
Or mandatory.
- I hate that stacking kills the designed dungeon mechanics
The game is designed so that melee gives more dam than range AND boons/condition removals have limited aoe AND rush skills are optimal if mob is in a corner AND it’s faster to revive someone that is at the same spot as yourself AND mobs try to get line of sight so they ball and we can cleave more mobs if they stack too.
So I would argue that the game mechanics is designed for stacking.
Oh good, so the stacking hate has leaked from the dungeon subforum into general as if it is an illegitimate strategy. Muppets.
It’s a legit strategy, just bad design to allow it to be so. The fact that stacking is often coupled with clear exploits (FGS etc) just makes the case clearer.
Then again, ANet doesn’t really care about dungeons. Or exploits.
Oh good, so the stacking hate has leaked from the dungeon subforum into general as if it is an illegitimate strategy. Muppets.
It’s a legit strategy, just bad design to allow it to be so. The fact that stacking is often coupled with clear exploits (FGS etc) just makes the case clearer.
Then again, ANet doesn’t really care about dungeons. Or exploits.
Is casting a skill facing a wall an exploit?!? good to know.
Oh good, so the stacking hate has leaked from the dungeon subforum into general as if it is an illegitimate strategy. Muppets.
It’s a legit strategy, just bad design to allow it to be so. The fact that stacking is often coupled with clear exploits (FGS etc) just makes the case clearer.
Then again, ANet doesn’t really care about dungeons. Or exploits.
Stacking is to imitate the role of tanks who can gather mobs together and keep them in place while dps characters burn them down. If you enjoy to running around and killing mobs one by one even if your weapon can hit 3-5 targets, do it … Oh, sorry, if you are melee range that’s already cause you stack together with your team mates. Never mind then, happy range afk everything from safe spots.
Ah, to H with it! I’m dying to play some content that provides a really good challenge on the spot with some guildies =)
I want to wipe, get better, learn the mobs and bosses tells and keep at it until we all manage to execute our attacks and synergies good enough to deserve to proceed.
I hope we’ll get some content like this in the future… Something that caters to those longing for a challenge in Gw2. I don’t want the game to become “hardcore”, I just want this bit of content in addition to all the casual content in the game.
Cred to Latinkuro
Gw2 is a masterpiece at it’s foundation. Content-wise however…