Hate against min-maxing in gw2
Is it a b2p though?
Yup! It went B2P a while back. It doesn’t force you to buy crowns (gems) either, the currency just lets you get stuff easier (like mounts, etc).
Did they fix the terrible combat?
Did they fix the terrible combat?
No and thou never shall…verily.
“Only the finest of potatoes in my zerkburgers.”
Did they fix the terrible combat?
I enjoy the combat, and certainly wouldn’t call it terrible in its current state. They have done a lot of revamps since launch.
It’s actiony — closer to GW2 than any other MMO I’ve tried, but still different from what we have here. I suppose it depends on what you’re looking at getting out of it. There are a lot of skill lines available (any class can use any weapon, plus there are three class-specific skill lines and several guild related ones), and the combat requires you to dodge, block, and interrupt attacks in real-time, so the active defense component is there.
I’ll say that coming from GW2 (which trained me to use active defenses as a primary survival method), I feel pretty OP in combat in that game, but that could also be because I’m only level 25 doing open world stuff.
If you bought it around launch, you can jump in and start playing it for free now. It’s worth checking out, especially if you’ve already paid for the box.
I’ll say that the only thing I’m really missing from GW2 is the materials bank and salvage kits >.< But it wouldn’t be a TES game if you weren’t running to the bank to empty your inventory constantly :P
Did they fix the terrible combat?
I enjoy the combat, and certainly wouldn’t call it terrible in its current state. They have done a lot of revamps since launch.
It’s actiony — closer to GW2 than any other MMO I’ve tried, but still different from what we have here. I suppose it depends on what you’re looking at getting out of it. There are a lot of skill lines available (any class can use any weapon, plus there are three class-specific skill lines and several guild related ones), and the combat requires you to dodge, block, and interrupt attacks in real-time, so the active defense component is there.
I’ll say that coming from GW2 (which trained me to use active defenses as a primary survival method), I feel pretty OP in combat in that game, but that could also be because I’m only level 25 doing open world stuff.
If you bought it around launch, you can jump in and start playing it for free now. It’s worth checking out, especially if you’ve already paid for the box.
I’ll say that the only thing I’m really missing from GW2 is the materials bank and salvage kits >.< But it wouldn’t be a TES game if you weren’t running to the bank to empty your inventory constantly :P
Tried it, it didn’t do anything for me. It would have to have some major improvements before I would think about going back to it. The only thing it did was make me want to play Skyrim again.
There are a lot of skill lines available (any class can use any weapon, plus there are three class-specific skill lines and several guild related ones),
Would you say that there is more depth to the skill trees than in GW2? (I have never played ESO myself)
The only thing it did was make me want to play Skyrim again.
That’s never a bad thing
Though IMO, Oblivion > Skyrim, (but that might just be nostalgia
There are a lot of skill lines available (any class can use any weapon, plus there are three class-specific skill lines and several guild related ones),
Would you say that there is more depth to the skill trees than in GW2? (I have never played ESO myself)
Tons, see for yourself: Build Calculator
That’s configured for a Khajiit Knightblade. The Class and Racial skill lines will be different for other classes/races, but the rest are shared between all. Plus each skill gets a “morph” option as it levels up, where it can be modified in one of two ways to further customize the abilities.
Then, once you get to level 50, you start acquiring “Veteran Ranks” that add more specialized abilities using trees similar to the Skyrim constellation system.
(edited by dlonie.6547)
I love people who genuine believe full pvt guardian camping with shield/scepter is better than metabattle pve builds used to solo arah. “dead dps no dps haha” …ok
I love people who genuine believe full pvt guardian camping with shield/scepter is better than metabattle pve builds used to solo arah. “dead dps no dps haha” …ok
Those people just lack the understanding and/or ability to run zerk in content. They let themselves be hit too often and for them, it’s PVT or their dead, so I can understand their thinking for their own play. It’s when they refuse to accept that some people can handle zerker and that it is objectively better assuming you can survive. That’s when I shake my head and laugh at their ignorance.
Asking for better AI coding isn’t asking to be similar to other games, it’s asking to raise the standard in order to match those games.
I haven’t posted here that any player must play a certain way. What I’ve been asking for is that Anet redo their AI and level design coding in minor ways to give more depth and complexity to their game. You’ve got a fourth gen MMO with second gen AI.
Of course if the dungeons are changed, a lot of how people play the dungeons will also change. Instead if being able to rely on their gear to allow then to solo run from Point A to Point B kill one monster and grab a chest, groups will have to be more cohesive and move strategically.
For players with maxed gear who have memorized the dungeon and know all the tricks to avoid any gameplay or monster fighting I am sure that could be a pain. However for many people who want to play in a fun cohesive group where players have to work together the whole time to complete a mission it would be pretty awesome. Most of the trolls here I know have run these dungeons dozens if not hundreds of times.
Don’t you guys get tired of “pull the lever, out comes cheese… pull the lever, out comes cheese… Repeat… Etc…” You don’t want something new and challenging?
No – I want more cheese.
I’ve typed very specific and comprehensive suggestions over the last few days bro. It is probably 50 pages worth through the forums. And inline many others, I am offering to actually do some behavioral AI coding for Anet if they will let me see the code.
Please, Anet, keep this guy away from your code. No good can come from it.
Yup, I’d make many of the forum members very angry. Monsters would actively avoid getting trapped in tiny corners. They’d use their skills, try and break groups up into smaller easier to manage and attack sections….All the sorts of things I was told were “annoying” to gamers lol
And you would succeed at annoying the casuals to the point where they wouldn’t spend money on a game that doesn’t provide them with their empowerment fantasy where they are the hero ant win at everything forever.
There’s a reason GW2 is easy. It’s easy so a LOT of people can pick it up, become invested and spend money on cute skins.
You can’t fix what’s not broken – and as much as the small percentage of players here on the forums like to rile each other up about how the game is or is not broken and how it should be changed the vast majority of the player base is nicely spamming 1 in the open world or the dungeons and spending their money on the trading post.
To those thinking the game should be different – sadly it doesn’t matter what you ( or me) think – what matters is what brings home the money. And in the case of the game’s difficulty that is making the game easy. So easy you can’t really go wrong.
The only thing it did was make me want to play Skyrim again.
That’s never a bad thing
Though IMO, Oblivion > Skyrim, (but that might just be nostalgia
I liked them all. Enough to re-buy them all on steam when they were on sale. There is just something about the Wayward Nord returning home (at least for me, in skyrim) that I liked. Added in a few mods, so I could go longsword in one hand spell in the other and still block when I needed to. I was a very very happy camper…or spellsword
I hear ya, the entire series is very, very well done.
TBH, one of the reasons I’m enjoying ESO so much is all of the lore. The NPC acting, the books, the stories…while the single player TES titles were indisputably better, they managed to do a really good job of putting immersive storytelling into ESO. From what I’ve seen in GW2 and other games I’ve tried, that’s tough to get right in an MMO. Just leveling in that game is a lot of fun for me. The combat isn’t as good as GW2, but the world, the cultural histories and interactions, the adorable Khajiit…ermagerd.
Uh oh…did I just come out as a closet RPer on the dungeon forum?
I hear ya, the entire series is very, very well done.
TBH, one of the reasons I’m enjoying ESO so much is all of the lore. The NPC acting, the books, the stories…while the single player TES titles were indisputably better, they managed to do a really good job of putting immersive storytelling into ESO. From what I’ve seen in GW2 and other games I’ve tried, that’s tough to get right in an MMO. Just leveling in that game is a lot of fun for me. The combat isn’t as good as GW2, but the world, the cultural histories and interactions, the adorable Khajiit…ermagerd.
Uh oh…did I just come out as a closet RPer on the dungeon forum?
It’s ok, I’m the same way about the original EQ lore, loved it so much, then they went all weird and it became a bit /meh but was still interested in how the new stuff tied to the old stuff. I’m a sucker for good theological stories.
I hear ya, the entire series is very, very well done.
TBH, one of the reasons I’m enjoying ESO so much is all of the lore. The NPC acting, the books, the stories…while the single player TES titles were indisputably better, they managed to do a really good job of putting immersive storytelling into ESO. From what I’ve seen in GW2 and other games I’ve tried, that’s tough to get right in an MMO. Just leveling in that game is a lot of fun for me. The combat isn’t as good as GW2, but the world, the cultural histories and interactions, the adorable Khajiit…ermagerd.
Uh oh…did I just come out as a closet RPer on the dungeon forum?
<.<It’s ok, I’m the same way about the original EQ lore, loved it so much, then they went all weird and it became a bit /meh but was still interested in how the new stuff tied to the old stuff. I’m a sucker for good theological stories.
I do love the Lore from Elder Scrolls. If they ever put it on sale on steam again, I might consider getting it and replaying ESO.
I remember reading though EQ lore way back in the day. Mostly dealing with the historys and the gods. It was really good stuff. I am a sucker for a good story, which is kinda lacking in GW2. Of course the combat here keeps me interested.
Aye if the combat in EQ was what GW2 is (or what DCUO was) I’d still be there I honestly haven’t played a game that has sucked me in with it’s lore the way EQ did.
I hear EQ Next is supposed to have actiony combat. Let’s hope the SOE fiasco didn’t stunt development too much. I never played EQ, but my wife loves it, and I’d like to see what the EQ world is like. I had trouble getting into EQ/EQ2 because GW2’s combat has spoiled me, but it’s tempting since the EQ titles get more regular large content updates than GW2…and they’re 10-15 year old MMOs jealous
If EQ goes action I might look into it. Always wanted to explore that world.
The shere scope of what they’re attempting in EQNext scares me more than the SOE/Daybreak thing. What they’re trying to make is amazing, can they pull it off and make a fun game at the same time? (For those that don’t know, they’re making a world that will be molded by the players, where not only will your decisions lead to cities and towns being created that are specific to your server but even land formations are going to break away and be shaped by the players. NPCs are coded specifically to either be in more populated areas or not, IE orcs will spawn where people have been the least, not in a specific spot for people to camp and kill. Pretty huge undertaking). Knowing some of the people working on it though, if it’s possible, they’ll do it.
The shere scope of what they’re attempting in EQNext scares me more than the SOE/Daybreak thing. What they’re trying to make is amazing, can they pull it off and make a fun game at the same time? (For those that don’t know, they’re making a world that will be molded by the players, where not only will your decisions lead to cities and towns being created that are specific to your server but even land formations are going to break away and be shaped by the players. NPCs are coded specifically to either be in more populated areas or not, IE orcs will spawn where people have been the least, not in a specific spot for people to camp and kill. Pretty huge undertaking). Knowing some of the people working on it though, if it’s possible, they’ll do it.
I know someone who had alpha testing or whatever, he seemed very happy with it for a time and then he stopped talking about it. I don’t know what that means.
Well I imagine the SOE/Daybreak thing caused a bit of a problem that needed to be recovered from. TBH I havne’t kept up with all their stuff the way I intended after stopping playing their games (15 years of EQ with 3 years of DCUO still have my subscription though)
A real living breathing world. That would be hard to pull off. I have been skeptical of those since Fable failed to make the hype
Exactly, been a dream of games for a long time, and it’s never quite come through like they hype it up to be. But seeing some of the mechanics, it looks like they’ll at least be able to get close, my concern moreover is whether it’ll actually be fun or not.
They had the game “done” at one point, but threw it away because it wasn’t good, my best guess is they got everything implemented, played through it and it sucked to play. Lots of issues their idea will create, for example lacking focus, there is such thing as being too big of a sandbox. How do you get players to actually want to work together? Will having NPCs purposefully avoiding you become more of a hassle than something to enjoy? I don’t know, but again, I played EQ for 15 years and in that time had the pleasure of chatting with many of the devs, many of which were put on the EQNext project, and with them at the controls, again if it can be done, they will (some brilliant minds over there).
(edited by Jerus.4350)
I just wanna play Witcher3
The shere scope of what they’re attempting in EQNext scares me more than the SOE/Daybreak thing. What they’re trying to make is amazing, can they pull it off and make a fun game at the same time? (For those that don’t know, they’re making a world that will be molded by the players, where not only will your decisions lead to cities and towns being created that are specific to your server but even land formations are going to break away and be shaped by the players. NPCs are coded specifically to either be in more populated areas or not, IE orcs will spawn where people have been the least, not in a specific spot for people to camp and kill. Pretty huge undertaking). Knowing some of the people working on it though, if it’s possible, they’ll do it.
I know someone who had alpha testing or whatever, he seemed very happy with it for a time and then he stopped talking about it. I don’t know what that means.
never forget
The shere scope of what they’re attempting in EQNext scares me more than the SOE/Daybreak thing. What they’re trying to make is amazing, can they pull it off and make a fun game at the same time? (For those that don’t know, they’re making a world that will be molded by the players, where not only will your decisions lead to cities and towns being created that are specific to your server but even land formations are going to break away and be shaped by the players. NPCs are coded specifically to either be in more populated areas or not, IE orcs will spawn where people have been the least, not in a specific spot for people to camp and kill. Pretty huge undertaking). Knowing some of the people working on it though, if it’s possible, they’ll do it.
I know someone who had alpha testing or whatever, he seemed very happy with it for a time and then he stopped talking about it. I don’t know what that means.
never forget
Dat bait and switch with the pay to play beta lol.
I knew it would happen. I come from a land called Aion.
Exactly, been a dream of games for a long time, and it’s never quite come through like they hype it up to be. But seeing some of the mechanics, it looks like they’ll at least be able to get close, my concern moreover is whether it’ll actually be fun or not.
They had the game “done” at one point, but threw it away because it wasn’t good, my best guess is they got everything implemented, played through it and it sucked to play
. Lots of issues their idea will create, for example lacking focus, there is such thing as being too big of a sandbox. How do you get players to actually want to work together? Will having NPCs purposefully avoiding you become more of a hassle than something to enjoy? I don’t know, but again, I played EQ for 15 years and in that time had the pleasure of chatting with many of the devs, many of which were put on the EQNext project, and with them at the controls, again if it can be done, they will (some brilliant minds over there).
I will keep an open mind. I really want to see something like this done right. Lord knows there have been enough of them done wrong.
The shere scope of what they’re attempting in EQNext scares me more than the SOE/Daybreak thing. What they’re trying to make is amazing, can they pull it off and make a fun game at the same time? (For those that don’t know, they’re making a world that will be molded by the players, where not only will your decisions lead to cities and towns being created that are specific to your server but even land formations are going to break away and be shaped by the players. NPCs are coded specifically to either be in more populated areas or not, IE orcs will spawn where people have been the least, not in a specific spot for people to camp and kill. Pretty huge undertaking). Knowing some of the people working on it though, if it’s possible, they’ll do it.
I hadn’t really heard that much about it, that sounds pretty cool. Wonder how it will work out for them. I’ve heard a lot of good about their dev team — active, engaged, friendly, and quite capable. Plus all of that prior experience…I’m definitely interested in seeing how that turns out. It’s a tricky thing…I know of another game who’s approach to creating a Living World hasn’t panned out so well :-/