How do you handle elitists in dungeons?
block and forget that they ever existed.
Ignore them, kicking them before last boss would be amusing though.
You can report them for harassment if they get too bad. Likely not going to get banned on the first offense, but we must all do our part to make sure these situations don’t go unnoticed.
FYI, I’m a min/maxing zerker player and I still do kick people who are being elitist in the wrong situation, and I rarely advertise for “experience.” It’s often that the people who are super offensive/defensive in chat are half the reason things are going poorly.
You’re going to get people who say rude things over the internet, because it’s easy. They can’t see you and they can get away with saying something that in real life would cause a fight.
All you can do is put it away from you. It’s not like they are someone you like or respect and if you knew them in real life, they still wouldn’t be anyone whose opinion you cared about.
I didn’t kick them before the last boss, because that would make us no better than them, but there’s no need to be an kitten or drag people down.
^^ Very much this.
People are kittens, lowering yourself makes you no better. IMO if they expose themselves as kittens at the beginning, kick them to the curb, but late into it… that’s just a kitten move whatever the reason.
Overall, just don’t let people like that get to you. they aren’t worth it.
That sounded like a pretty crappy group you got landed with. I’ve had that issue before where myself and guildies would be running something like CoE and need a random to fill the last spot.
The random thinks they’re smarter then the rest of the group and decides to stack somewhere different. They don’t come and join us and then they die. So it’s our fault.
Or we have our own method for fighting Alpha that works better than just the “stack on him” method (P3 works best if everyone encircles him but whatev) and so he runs around like a headless chicken and yells at the group when again, he dies.
In the end they try to vote kick someone for saying that he should listen to the majority (being that our whole group has been doing this for a while) and of course we kick him in return.
Then said person decides it would be nice to say that they’ll report us for kicking them (even though we had beaten a path already) even after their own attempt… and yeah, good times.
You don’t find those that often though, I guarantee you.
I handle them by not getting anywhere near them. I only do dungeons/fractals with guild groups, and constantly mention I don’t do dungeons enough to have everything memorized about what to do.
. . . with the only exception of Twilight Arbor, which I know “kinda well”.
That isn’t elitism, that’s just plain rude and obnoxious.
Please stop using “elitism” as to go to buzz word for insults in dungeons.
Advocate of learning and being a useful party member.
I wonder how people will feel if I use “casuals” as a insult to people.
I wonder how people will feel if I use “casuals” as a insult to people.
I’ll own that insult, like I own a couple others thrown at me daily.
I’d like to hear the other side’s story :-) I never ever had such encounters. I already told that and will tell again: most (not all) people who complain in forums are not better themselves. Otherwise I wonder how I with my ca. 1000 dungeon runs never had any of those incidents I read about every now and then.
‘would of been’ —> wrong
Grow a tougher skin. It’s nor real life, they can’t hurt you. Ignore and block. Report if it’s proper action to do. Just because some of you played bad it’s not a harassment from the other side to tell you that you were bad.
If you can’t handle other people don’t play mmos
“how do you handle elitists in dungeons”
i kick them on sight
The example you gave was not one of elitism.
I keep my head down and hope they don’t notice me, whilst trying to learn something.
If they get unpleasant, I leave.
If I can’t do what they want because they really are that much better than me, I apologise and wish them luck then leave.
I don’t bother reporting anyone other than gold sellers. If anyone, regardless of skill level, is annoying the party during a dungeon run they get a nicely worded ‘please stop being a kitten.’ warning. They ignore it, or I don’t like their response? → Kick. I’m a very patient and reasonable fellow, so by the time I’m ready to give someone the boot at least one other party member supports my decision.
It they’re kittens, kick them from your party. It’s as simple as that. If you’re outnumbered by kittens, leave the group.
I’d like to hear the other side’s story :-) I never ever had such encounters. I already told that and will tell again: most (not all) people who complain in forums are not better themselves. Otherwise I wonder how I with my ca. 1000 dungeon runs never had any of those incidents I read about every now and then.
No offense but that’s flawed logic is it not? Because it didn’t happen to you it hasn’t happened to others? Plenty of people have posted proof and other things, and many others who are at least seemingly innocent have reported the same thing.
Stating 1 incident, and i quote from my post (90% of the time everything is fine)
Also, i am not complaining as much as I was looking for advice. Thank’s for being a Debbie Downer though. I’ll let you know if i need some more useless information.
Grow a tougher skin. It’s nor real life, they can’t hurt you. Ignore and block. Report if it’s proper action to do. Just because some of you played bad it’s not a harassment from the other side to tell you that you were bad.
If you can’t handle other people don’t play mmos
You offer nothing but negativity in all your posts, you are one i would see getinng reported often in games.
I gave the whole situation, and even then we did not play “bad”. The other guy also by your terms “played bad” for someone acting with such egoism, but i didn’t call him out on it inside the dungeon. why? Because there’s no need, just like there’s no need for harassment, and no need for negativity.
FYI I played WoW for six years, play many mobas, and other mmo’s.
Growing tough skin doesn’t give you the right to be an kitten , especially if you’re not that good to begin with.
That isn’t elitism, that’s just plain rude and obnoxious.
Please stop using “elitism” as to go to buzz word for insults in dungeons.
It’s elitism because he was acting as if he was better than all of us, and putting our guild members down elitism isn’t tied to just “lol 20k ap zerk 15kdps” groups, as an FYI.
“the attitude or behavior of a person or group who regard themselves as belonging to an elite.”
Going on about how he’s such a great warrior and putting others down would fit that category, maybe not to the fullest extent of an extreme, but still nonetheless.
I didn’t kick them before the last boss, because that would make us no better than them, but there’s no need to be an kitten or drag people down.
^^ Very much this.
People are kittens, lowering yourself makes you no better. IMO if they expose themselves as kittens at the beginning, kick them to the curb, but late into it… that’s just a kitten move whatever the reason.
Overall, just don’t let people like that get to you. they aren’t worth it.
Part of me really just wanted to finish the dungeons so i could get my CoF badges since i like the look of the CoF set. I think that’s what i’ll stick to is just blocking, and if it gets bad enough kicking and reporting. Good to know other people feel the same though
You forgot to screenshot the conversation for your personal collection
- doranduck, 2016 on Lore in Raids
You forgot to screenshot the conversation for your personal collection
I remember doing that for Diablo 2 when i would beat people in PvP but i haven’t done that in years is that something people still do? lol
Yes! Totally! We even have a thread to share them. #puglyfe
- doranduck, 2016 on Lore in Raids
From the sounds of it, those guys weren’t elitist, they were just blaming you for their failures.
Some people are just dongs. Block if you want, and move on
Crap like this is why I prefer to low-man with guildies rather than pug if we’re short handed.
how does someone disliking you make them elitist?
like, this legitimately has to be a troll, no way can someone hurting your feelings mean that they’re an elitist
how does someone disliking you make them elitist?
like, this legitimately has to be a troll, no way can someone hurting your feelings mean that they’re an elitist
Elitism comes in many forms, and not all forms have to be the “extremes” that people are accustomed to. Simply putting others down in the dungeons and calling others bad and acting like he was better than everyone else is a form of elitism, again. Not to mention the fact his “great warrior” skills that was also mentioned in the post.
Same logic as jaywalking is technically breaking the law in most states, but when people hear breaking the law, much graver things come to mid.
Severity does not change what it is.
The fact that your only point was “disliking” shows obviously you didn’t read the post.
going with your logic, telling other people they’re behaving wrong is an example of your elitism, because you downgrade their point of view and they can feel abused
going with your logic, telling other people they’re behaving wrong is an example of your elitism, because you downgrade their point of view and they can feel abused
This would be true if i actually called him bad,but I never said anything to him as the OP states. So there was no elitism “by your logic”.
However if you’re going to be a kitten to my guild, and act like you’re a pro warrior, don’t die to one of the easiest bosses in the game where all you have to to is not get hit by the STUPIDLY OBVIOUS circles on the ground. Especially on a warrior with multiple movement abilities and blocking abilities.
how does someone disliking you make them elitist?
like, this legitimately has to be a troll, no way can someone hurting your feelings mean that they’re an elitist
Elitism comes in many forms, and not all forms have to be the “extremes” that people are accustomed to. Simply putting others down in the dungeons and calling others bad and acting like he was better than everyone else is a form of elitism, again. Not to mention the fact his “great warrior” skills that was also mentioned in the post.
Same logic as jaywalking is technically breaking the law in most states, but when people hear breaking the law, much graver things come to mid.
Severity does not change what it is.
The fact that your only point was “disliking” shows obviously you didn’t read the post.
When “elitist” is defined as broadly as anyone who is rude, hypocritical, or has expectations you don’t agree with, it makes it hard to take you seriously when you complain about them. This is because many of us will have different definitions (usually just people with higher expectations than “normal”).
Keep this in mind when creating topics with clickbait titles.
to be faceroll at the high levels, because it
needs to be accessible to the casuals and bads.
usually i just block them, flame then and then kick them.