I really dont care about Raids...

I really dont care about Raids...

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Dinosaurs.8674


I am completely tired of hearing about raids. Create some content that the majority of people want to play.

In other words, create some mindless boring casual fluff that is only worth doing once and takes 15 minutes.

This is an MMO. If you don’t like actual good content, don’t play this genre.

A stellar example of the raiding “community”. I realize that not all Raiders respond in this manner, but this sort of attitude, which I see far more often than not, lends largely to why I haven’t gotten involved in raiding. Exclusivity is lonely.

Raid folks reply to your accusations with hostility because you’re directly accusing raids of being the reason for the content drought in the rest of the game, when the reality is that the raids are being made by ~5 people. Taking those 5 people off of raids would contribute jack to pumping out faster content in the rest of the game, but it would definitely prevent them from doing what they’re obviously extremely talented at doing: making good raids.

Please do point out where I made that accusation. Furthermore, I was talking about the attitude that some of the more vocal Raiders have. It would seem you replied to the wrong post.

He’s referring to the stream of people calling for content to be released “instead of” raids, or something along those lines, which obviously implies that the raid team should be either dissolved or put on hiatus.

At this point like 80+% of my time in the game is spent raiding, and I’m assuming others are similar. So basically he was saying that people in my position may react with hostility to the suggestion that the raid team should be working on other content instead. If anet made the announcement that wing 3 is the end of raids, I would probably just quit the game, or at least severely reduce my time spent playing, so yeah I’m not too thrilled when I see a sizeable chunk of people saying raids should be scrapped.

I really dont care about Raids...

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: assassin.7895


i think many of us can agree that they really dont care about you really not caring about raids

if you dont care about someone, why do you think someone cares about you? if you dont have an answer for this: what is the purpose of the thread then?

I really dont care about Raids...

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: thewaterguy.4796


I absolutely agree with the sentiment that maybe the raid team should be moved to work on fractals, as those can be enjoyed by a much much broader chunk of the audience while raiding can take a sort of background thing, like it or not, Raiding, by design, is built to exclude the vast majority of the playerbase, and when that vast majority has been absolutely starved for content as of late, yeah people aren’t going to be too happy nor stick around (which btw they aren’t sticking around)

I really dont care about Raids...

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: thewaterguy.4796


Many non-raiders attitudes on the forums:

A bakery has my favourite cake in stock today. I buy it, eat it and am happy.

The bakery does not have your favourite cake in stock today. They will be in stock tomorrow. You are unhappy.

You tell the baker that they should stop making my favourite cakes and ONLY make your favourite cakes in an attempt to never make it go out of stock again. I disagree with you.

Is it not worse to nullify some people’s enjoyment to ensure that other people don’t have to wait a little while for their enjoyment? I think so, and am disgusted by the people advocating it, I’m glad Anet ignore them and are already working on a new raid.

Uh-huh, yeah except its not a “day” its like, 6 months, and ignoring that fact, nobody that is sane is saying that “arena-net should abandon raiding completely” what people are, justifiably, asking is, "wait a minute, so this “tiny” raid team can crank out this complex well designed content at a consistent rate, but the “bigger” Living World and general PvE team is having its segments abandoned and cancelled (Hello Dungeons and Legendary Weapons) and we still have no news regarding LS3" Yeah seeing the problem yet?

I really dont care about Raids...

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: eldrin.6471


Many non-raiders attitudes on the forums:

A bakery has my favourite cake in stock today. I buy it, eat it and am happy.

The bakery does not have your favourite cake in stock today. They will be in stock tomorrow. You are unhappy.

You tell the baker that they should stop making my favourite cakes and ONLY make your favourite cakes in an attempt to never make it go out of stock again. I disagree with you.

Is it not worse to nullify some people’s enjoyment to ensure that other people don’t have to wait a little while for their enjoyment? I think so, and am disgusted by the people advocating it, I’m glad Anet ignore them and are already working on a new raid.

the problem is for the last 8 months the only frigin cakes anet made are raider cakes and thats not why we came to this frigin cake shop.

I really dont care about Raids...

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Oldirtbeard.9834


Many non-raiders attitudes on the forums:

A bakery has my favourite cake in stock today. I buy it, eat it and am happy.

The bakery does not have your favourite cake in stock today. They will be in stock tomorrow. You are unhappy.

You tell the baker that they should stop making my favourite cakes and ONLY make your favourite cakes in an attempt to never make it go out of stock again. I disagree with you.

Is it not worse to nullify some people’s enjoyment to ensure that other people don’t have to wait a little while for their enjoyment? I think so, and am disgusted by the people advocating it, I’m glad Anet ignore them and are already working on a new raid.

Well good for you most of us haven’t had any new PVE content since October just to satisfy a minority, if they were smart they would release a Story Mode version since now unless you’re in a set group or with a guild open minded enough to take novices and you have a stable enough schedule to accommodate then you’re SOL and GW2 is no longer your game.

All this to do as my guidlie Vayne put it to make GW2 look Legitimate in the eyes of the general MMO community.

Let me repeat, there needs to be a Storymode Version of the Raid period.

I really dont care about Raids...

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Vinceman.4572


Many of you who accuse raids to be a problem of the whole thing forget how it was and will probably still be in GW2. Before and after LS2 all people were claiming that this game was lacking content. It is one of the biggest problems of this particular game and its company. The droughts were so long and the playerbase got shrinked enormously due to this problem. I remember myself quitting several times and being disappointed about not having any interesting thing to do.
So, the content drought has 0.0% connection to raids – in other mmo’s we would have had 2 full raids after 8 months and not 2/3 wings. It’s the small company team that cannot deliver appropriately.

Took me 3 runs of the dungeon to get the bug.

I really dont care about Raids...

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Sykper.6583


tl;dr ANet’s raid team is more efficient than the people on my content, so ANet must be lying

When they gave the 5 people number they said in addition to the audio, modelers etc. that help them not full time, just like how those developers help all the other groups.

So basically they are taking shared resources from other teams, because raids was Anet priority.

until you can provide real data showing that the amount of resources “taken” from other teams is very disproportional or that the other teams dedicated to a different piece of content are being bottlenecked by art, audio, loot tables, etc (whatever else you listed) as a result of the raid team. you cant legitimately assert anything like this.

Of course he can, if they are asking the Sound Team to make stuff just for the raid, then whatever the sound team was working on needs to be put on hold, for them to work on the raid, so obviously they are pulling resources away from other projects.

Should we complain when the Sound Team gets pulled away from Living Story to work on a few new WvW sounds for a few days? What about the Environmental Design team taken away from new PvE maps to work on revamping SPvP? (We saw reworks already of this)

Again, you aren’t proving that Raids are the priority here, they are a branch of content that gets attention like any other when something is needed from another team. There’s zero chance anyone can know the exact amount of time is invested by other teams on a particular piece of content is leaning towards favoring a certain kind of content. Only Arenanet knows that.

Suicidal Warrior.
Putting Perspective on Zerg Sizes since 2012. Common Suffixes for 40+ include ~Zilla and ~Train
“Seriously, just dodge.”

I really dont care about Raids...

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: The Zealous Templar.3861

The Zealous Templar.3861

Don’t forget that a lot of what we’re currently seeing in these raid releases was developed by the raid team well before HoT was released. It’s not entirely truthful to assume that they’re churning out everything back-to-back with no prior work involved. They were staggered very intentionally to ensure that a constant stream of raid content was being released periodically.

I expect we’ll see a ton more content in other areas of the game come the July/August summer seasonal update. We know for a fact that at least 1 new Fractal is coming out this year, for instance. Just hold it together until then.

Summed it up very well, the raid team released their content over intervals rather than in one go at the start, the open world stuff was released in one massive chunk at the start. Pretty sure people wouldn’t have been as salty now if they staggered the new maps but then it wouldn’t have been much of an expansion so they probably would have complained then instead!

If they had released the entire raid in one go with the release of HoT I certainly wouldn’t have expected another until nearly a year after, clearly that’s the time it takes for the company to get stuff done as seen over the years, I don’t know why the open world PvE’rs can’t grasp this.

I really dont care about Raids...

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Neox.3497


Many non-raiders attitudes on the forums:

A bakery has my favourite cake in stock today. I buy it, eat it and am happy.

The bakery does not have your favourite cake in stock today. They will be in stock tomorrow. You are unhappy.

You tell the baker that they should stop making my favourite cakes and ONLY make your favourite cakes in an attempt to never make it go out of stock again. I disagree with you.

Is it not worse to nullify some people’s enjoyment to ensure that other people don’t have to wait a little while for their enjoyment? I think so, and am disgusted by the people advocating it, I’m glad Anet ignore them and are already working on a new raid.

Uh-huh, yeah except its not a “day” its like, 6 months, and ignoring that fact, nobody that is sane is saying that “arena-net should abandon raiding completely” what people are, justifiably, asking is, "wait a minute, so this “tiny” raid team can crank out this complex well designed content at a consistent rate, but the “bigger” Living World and general PvE team is having its segments abandoned and cancelled (Hello Dungeons and Legendary Weapons) and we still have no news regarding LS3" Yeah seeing the problem yet?

Well they worked on raids prior to the HoT release. So the “bigger” PvE team made 4 huge PvE maps + what is done of LS3 (currently unknown, could be multiple maps) in the time the small raid team finished the 3 wings.

Like it or not but you got quite a lot of PvE (open world) content with HoT. But making those huge maps with all these events and meta events probably takes more time than 3 “little” raid wings. Heck the second wing has no events between the bosses, it’s just clean the path to the boss (which I actually like).

Also I think the reason why raids seem to be “more content” is probably because you can’t just kill them by pressing 1 in a short time. Imagine the bosses had 30% of the HP they have, deal only 30% of their damage and have no one hit skills. Player would probably rush through the content and be bored by it after a few times. But because of the more challenging nature of the content you will need more time and even after doing the boss several times you still can fail/improve.

Just think about it, we only had “6 bosses” so far in raids. How many bosses are on VB alone?

(edited by Neox.3497)

I really dont care about Raids...

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: IndigoSundown.5419


Uh-huh, yeah except its not a “day” its like, 6 months, and ignoring that fact, nobody that is sane is saying that “arena-net should abandon raiding completely” what people are, justifiably, asking is, "wait a minute, so this “tiny” raid team can crank out this complex well designed content at a consistent rate, but the “bigger” Living World and general PvE team is having its segments abandoned and cancelled (Hello Dungeons and Legendary Weapons) and we still have no news regarding LS3" Yeah seeing the problem yet?

Fun with numbers:

120 devs on the live team. 6 of those work on raids full-time. 30 devs on a support team, so maybe some of them help with raids some of the time. Maybe not. Presumably those people have been working on raids since the raid announcement in January, 2015, which is almost 17 months ago. In that time, they’ve produced 9 boss encounters and some trash. So, that “consistent rate” turns out to be about 5.5 months per three boss encounters.

So, if the other 114 devs cannot produce anything other than the Shatterer, a (minor from player perspective ) rework of the HoT maps, and the events that have been featured lately in the 8 months since HoT dropped, just what do you think 6 more whose production rate is 3 bosses in just under a half year are going to do?

I really dont care about Raids...

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: STIHL.2489


tl;dr ANet’s raid team is more efficient than the people on my content, so ANet must be lying

When they gave the 5 people number they said in addition to the audio, modelers etc. that help them not full time, just like how those developers help all the other groups.

So basically they are taking shared resources from other teams, because raids was Anet priority.

until you can provide real data showing that the amount of resources “taken” from other teams is very disproportional or that the other teams dedicated to a different piece of content are being bottlenecked by art, audio, loot tables, etc (whatever else you listed) as a result of the raid team. you cant legitimately assert anything like this.

Of course he can, if they are asking the Sound Team to make stuff just for the raid, then whatever the sound team was working on needs to be put on hold, for them to work on the raid, so obviously they are pulling resources away from other projects.

Should we complain when the Sound Team gets pulled away from Living Story to work on a few new WvW sounds for a few days? What about the Environmental Design team taken away from new PvE maps to work on revamping SPvP? (We saw reworks already of this)

Well of course not.. PvP is more important then PvE stuff anyway.

There are two kinds of gamers, salty, and extra salty

I really dont care about Raids...

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Mitch.4781


I thought Anet had a staff of around 300?

I really dont care about Raids...

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: DreamyAbaddon.3265


I seriously don’t care about Raids…
I’m not interested in Raids… WvW or PvP…
I’m a PvEr and I want more PvE content with better story telling implemented during open world exploration and instances. I want to do it with a small group of 5 friends or solo.

Raids require a 10+ organized group and I don’t want to spend the time gathering people together to play the game, I want to spend time PLAYING the game on my own terms.

All I want is:
More Story Missions to progress my character’s storyline.
More Cooler and emotional Cutscenes
More new zones to explore.
More dynamic event chains.
More creative Jumping Puzzles.
More Adventures
More Story Dungeons
More Dungeons
More Fractal
More World Boss Events
Restore the Glorious Combat Effects to it’s original
More Masteries
More Skills
More weapon types
More Traits
More Armor skins
More Ridable objects/pets like the flying Broom or magic carpet.
Making the Flying Broom and Magic carpet gliders

Give me more of that….

I don’t want any of that, every single thing that you’ve listed, i don’t want any of it
I want more raids, should dev team go for things that i want as well?

The intention of this thread is to express what I want not what you want.
Yes it is bias and it was written that way on purpose. This post has nothing to do with what the community of GW2 wants, keep in mind, this is about me not you or a group of people. Anyone who shares how I feel and shares my perspective is free to express their feelings and for those like you who don’t, congratulations, I honestly don’t care. Posting your opposition won’t change my mind.

I really dont care about Raids...

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: IndigoSundown.5419


I thought Anet had a staff of around 300?

Last time I saw an estimate anywhere it was closer to 350. Back in March we heard…

“120 devs working on live game, 70 devs on expansion 2, 30 devs on core teams that support both.”



That adds up to 220. The rest are going to be clerical, CS, forum mods, other support staff, etc.

I really dont care about Raids...

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: STIHL.2489


I thought Anet had a staff of around 300?

Last time I saw an estimate anywhere it was closer to 350. Back in March we heard…

“120 devs working on live game, 70 devs on expansion 2, 30 devs on core teams that support both.”



That adds up to 220. The rest are going to be clerical, CS, forum mods, other support staff, etc.

You are forgetting QA, which can make up a sizable portion of a Game’s staff.

There are two kinds of gamers, salty, and extra salty

I really dont care about Raids...

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: IndigoSundown.5419


I thought Anet had a staff of around 300?

Last time I saw an estimate anywhere it was closer to 350. Back in March we heard…

“120 devs working on live game, 70 devs on expansion 2, 30 devs on core teams that support both.”



That adds up to 220. The rest are going to be clerical, CS, forum mods, other support staff, etc.

You are forgetting QA, which can make up a sizable portion of a Game’s staff.

I did not forget them. Perhaps you should look up what “etc.” means.

I really dont care about Raids...

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Sykper.6583


tl;dr ANet’s raid team is more efficient than the people on my content, so ANet must be lying

When they gave the 5 people number they said in addition to the audio, modelers etc. that help them not full time, just like how those developers help all the other groups.

So basically they are taking shared resources from other teams, because raids was Anet priority.

until you can provide real data showing that the amount of resources “taken” from other teams is very disproportional or that the other teams dedicated to a different piece of content are being bottlenecked by art, audio, loot tables, etc (whatever else you listed) as a result of the raid team. you cant legitimately assert anything like this.

Of course he can, if they are asking the Sound Team to make stuff just for the raid, then whatever the sound team was working on needs to be put on hold, for them to work on the raid, so obviously they are pulling resources away from other projects.

Should we complain when the Sound Team gets pulled away from Living Story to work on a few new WvW sounds for a few days? What about the Environmental Design team taken away from new PvE maps to work on revamping SPvP? (We saw reworks already of this)

Well of course not.. PvP is more important then PvE stuff anyway.

It’s nice of you to give your opinion, but that really doesn’t answer the question.

Furthermore, I have a different suggestion for those still upset, how about complaining about the other teams in charge of content you want instead of the Raid team? You might get further along if you start asking questions directed at the devs in charge of a particular piece of content, we saw this on the SPvP forums when a dev confirmed the PvP balance and Profession Balance teams were separate. Why not address that controversy instead of barking up this tree?

Suicidal Warrior.
Putting Perspective on Zerg Sizes since 2012. Common Suffixes for 40+ include ~Zilla and ~Train
“Seriously, just dodge.”

I really dont care about Raids...

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: STIHL.2489


I thought Anet had a staff of around 300?

Last time I saw an estimate anywhere it was closer to 350. Back in March we heard…

“120 devs working on live game, 70 devs on expansion 2, 30 devs on core teams that support both.”



That adds up to 220. The rest are going to be clerical, CS, forum mods, other support staff, etc.

You are forgetting QA, which can make up a sizable portion of a Game’s staff.

I did not forget them. Perhaps you should look up what “etc.” means.

Wow, if gave them that little a head nod, you may as well have.

There are two kinds of gamers, salty, and extra salty

I really dont care about Raids...

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Izithel.6853


The treatment by some people here as if development is some kind of zero sum game were any kind of work on content you don’t like directly takes away from content they do like is silly and betrays an ignorance on how development for video games work.

I really dont care about Raids...

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Sykper.6583


The treatment by some people here as if development is some kind of zero sum game were any kind of work on content you don’t like directly takes away from content they do like is silly and betrays an ignorance on how development for video games work.

It’s more or less venting I presume from people. I don’t really blame them, a lot of things with HoT went wrong with all the good it brought, I would even say the Magumma Legendary debacle was the worst for a lot of people.

But for a practicality sense, if this were flipped around in that say…Adventures were a glorious success (not saying they didn’t do a good job) done by maybe 3-4 people, people would still complain about the few people who aren’t doing something else.

If we assume Arenanet is staffed with I believe 350ish people as mentioned before, only 1.5% of the company is purely dedicated to Raids and can request assistance from other sections like everyone else. What was the percent of players at least doing the Raid content again or trying it once? Pretty sure that even if 5% of the population were ecstatic about how Raiding was and are sticking around just for more GW2 raids, that 1.5% of the company is sustaining a much higher percentage of investment into the game in a section.

And we can probably assume the raid content is being done or attempted or enjoyed by more than 5%, that was a low bar I set.

Suicidal Warrior.
Putting Perspective on Zerg Sizes since 2012. Common Suffixes for 40+ include ~Zilla and ~Train
“Seriously, just dodge.”

I really dont care about Raids...

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: MauChann.3081


Guys, i thought it was really well clear said that raids were not going to be an “important endgame thing” Well, I can congratulate you, you made it exactly that.
Now let me sum up what has been happening in my game over the past few days around the announcement of raidwing 3.
Insane amounts of ping, lag, and i’ve updated all my drivers, run all the pingplotters, and the problem is not on my server
The “Known issue tracker” would have been such a huge thing to keep bugs well fixed.
Citated from the known issue tracker post: A few times every week!
It hasn’t been updated for almost a month now.
How about you guys go fix what you already have going on instead of bringing out huge things only 1% of the players is interested in.

No worries about me complaining about “not enough pve content” I am happy with that. I just cant play it if there are no bugfixes happening.

I really dont care about Raids...

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Chasind.3128


More dungeons and improved old dungeons
I could care less about raids as well, Infact I’ve never done a raid in gw2 because it’s not appealing to me like dungeons were

I really dont care about Raids...

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Sykper.6583


Guys, i thought it was really well clear said that raids were not going to be an “important endgame thing” Well, I can congratulate you, you made it exactly that.
Now let me sum up what has been happening in my game over the past few days around the announcement of raidwing 3.
Insane amounts of ping, lag, and i’ve updated all my drivers, run all the pingplotters, and the problem is not on my server
The “Known issue tracker” would have been such a huge thing to keep bugs well fixed.
Citated from the known issue tracker post: A few times every week!
It hasn’t been updated for almost a month now.
How about you guys go fix what you already have going on instead of bringing out huge things only 1% of the players is interested in.

No worries about me complaining about “not enough pve content” I am happy with that. I just cant play it if there are no bugfixes happening.

Exactly the kind of irrelevant complaint I mentioned. How is the Raid Content team responsible for your ISP issues?

I literally don’t even. This has to be a troll.

Suicidal Warrior.
Putting Perspective on Zerg Sizes since 2012. Common Suffixes for 40+ include ~Zilla and ~Train
“Seriously, just dodge.”

I really dont care about Raids...

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Arnath.2319


All of ArenaNets problems would disappear if they just made a Dungeon Mode of each raid.

Exactly the same as Raids except it is 5man, lower difficulty, and lesser/slower/gated rewards.

Bam, Raiders are happy, Dungeoners are happy, no more complaints, peace on earth.

I really dont care about Raids...

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Astralporing.1957


So, the content drought has 0.0% connection to raids – in other mmo’s we would have had 2 full raids after 8 months and not 2/3 wings. It’s the small company team that cannot deliver appropriately.

Yes, the content drought is not caused by raids. But having the raids take the front stage during that drought makes the matter worse. As i said before, if you’re smart, you don’t organize feasts for small minority, when everyone else is starving. All you would accomplish is causing a riot.

You are forgetting QA, which can make up a sizable portion of a Game’s staff.

Didn’t they outsource their QA? I seem to have heard such rumours coming from a certain site with glassy openings.

All of ArenaNets problems would disappear if they just made a Dungeon Mode of each raid.

Exactly the same as Raids except it is 5man, lower difficulty, and lesser/slower/gated rewards.

Bam, Raiders are happy, Dungeoners are happy, no more complaints, peace on earth.

Raiders would not be happy, because they want to be at that table alone. Apparently having the same food accessible to the masses would make the taste worse.

Actions, not words.
Remember, remember, 15th of November

I really dont care about Raids...

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: fishball.7204


It only seems to make it worse because of the way you’re thinking.

In actuality there is no difference in raiders getting new raids and raiders getting nothing. To you, you will still get nothing if you don’t raid.

What other people get should not affect your enjoyment or lack thereof since it is just irrational to think this way.


I really dont care about Raids...

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: cranos.5913


All of ArenaNets problems would disappear if they just made a Dungeon Mode of each raid.

Exactly the same as Raids except it is 5man, lower difficulty, and lesser/slower/gated rewards.

Bam, Raiders are happy, Dungeoners are happy, no more complaints, peace on earth.

So not true and you know it. The easiest thing to point out, since this is where all “easy mode” raid threads end up anyway is the acquisition of legendary armor. Don’t include it in the casual mode and the ppl crying for this mode are still unhappy (in fact at least half if not more of the ppl that ask for an easy mode don’t give a kitten about playing it for the experience they just want the shiny). Include it and many of the current raiders will be unhappy because it negates all the effort that went into learning the encounters.

I really dont care about Raids...

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: cranos.5913


Raiders would not be happy, because they want to be at that table alone. Apparently having the same food accessible to the masses would make the taste worse.

Raiders wouldn’t give a crap if you didn’t keep asking for full rewards for no effort.

I really dont care about Raids...

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Wildfang.3271


All of ArenaNets problems would disappear if they just made a Dungeon Mode of each raid.

Exactly the same as Raids except it is 5man, lower difficulty, and lesser/slower/gated rewards.

Bam, Raiders are happy, Dungeoners are happy, no more complaints, peace on earth.

So not true and you know it. The easiest thing to point out, since this is where all “easy mode” raid threads end up anyway is the acquisition of legendary armor. Don’t include it in the casual mode and the ppl crying for this mode are still unhappy (in fact at least half if not more of the ppl that ask for an easy mode don’t give a kitten about playing it for the experience they just want the shiny). Include it and many of the current raiders will be unhappy because it negates all the effort that went into learning the encounters.

And there in lies the hypocrisy of raiders.

Raiders demand difficult content, say that is what this game has been missing for so long, say that the devs must cater to their needs….

….then they change there minds.

Suddenly it is no longer about difficult content, it’s about the rewards, suddenly the challenge means nothing to them, raiding becomes all about having exclusive shiny loot that no one else is allowed to have.

Then we say “well how about we get those same rewards but at a much slower pace, some very rare rewards may even be locked out, may we have our Easier mode now?”

….then raiders change there minds again…

….suddenly it is not about the difficult content, or the shiny loot, it is about having a personal experience, and epic encounter that only a small group of people should ever be allowed to experience.

And so on. Raiders will find any excuse to lock other people out of content.

You asked for difficult content, you got, allowing a easier mode option will not ruin that experience, your difficult content will remain for you to enjoy.

Actually, what he is saying is the hypocrisy of non raiders . What non raiders want are not really the ability to play raids itself but the ability to get the newest shiny which is legendary armour. Sure, I am fine with ANET making an easy mode raid with totally no rewards for legendary armour. I just want to see how many will be complaining about their inability to get legendary armour despite the content being available for them then and whether if the few complainers will be the same few people arguing about this in the first place.

And I totally love the argument about raiders locking people from content. Didn’t know that we have developer rights in the game. Way I see it, everyone is able to play the content. Only depends if people are willing to learn, put in the time and set up a group for it. Nothing will happen if you just sit around, doing nothing other than wasting time on forums to whine or cry and beat a dead horse to a bloody pulp with the same arguments over and over again. If you guys put that much effort in game instead of on forums, I think you all would have beaten both the raid wings by now.

(edited by Wildfang.3271)

I really dont care about Raids...

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Astralporing.1957


Raiders would not be happy, because they want to be at that table alone. Apparently having the same food accessible to the masses would make the taste worse.

Raiders wouldn’t give a crap if you didn’t keep asking for full rewards for no effort.

I haven’t done that. I was perfectly fine if they were obtainable with effort. Just different kind of effort.

As i said, you want to be at that table alone.

Actually, what he is saying is the hypocrisy of non raiders . What non raiders want are not really the ability to play raids itself but the ability to get the newest shiny which is legendary armour.

Sure. Where is the hypocrisy? I have been always relatively clear about that. The only reason why i support the easy raid initiative is because at this moment implementing any more different acquisition method seems far less likely to happen.

I also do not like the fact, that Anet locked the story involving White Mantle, Mursaat and Bloodstone (something that I and many other GW1 veterans waited for a long time already) behind content designed for a small minority and meant to be inaccessible/unplayable to most players.

The current format of raids? I couldn’t care less about them… as long as they won’t prevent me from having the things i want in the game modes i play. Which, unfortunately, at the moment, they do.

Sure, I am fine with ANET making an easy mode raid with totally no rewards for legendary armour.

So, for raiders it is all about shinies too. You simply don’t want to share them with others. Because apparently you think they will make you special, or something.

Actions, not words.
Remember, remember, 15th of November

(edited by Astralporing.1957)

I really dont care about Raids...

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Bysvyken.6235


I really don’t understand all this talk of minorities.
Being capable of raiding isn’t some minority you’re born into like race/ethnicity, it’s simply researching and participating in something. The only ones stopping you from becoming part of this “minority” are yourselves.

How far do we stretch this logic?
I’m no good at PvP, you have to let me get the PvP legendary backpiece by participating in hot-join.
I’m no good at high level fractals, you have to let me get the legendary backpiece by participating in fractals 1-10.

I really dont care about Raids...

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Vinceman.4572


So, for raiders it is all about shinies too. You simply don’t want to share them with others. Because apparently you think they will make you special, or something.

For some it is, not for all. But the logic behind is that you shouldn’t get things on the fly because you don’t get them anywhere like this in the game. For higher fractal rewards you need to play higher fracs. Getting the PvP achievements is only achievable by playing PvP, same with WvW.
Just saying, there is also a little bit skepticism about shutting content down or to dumb it down like we had in the past with dungeons or fractals. We don’t want the same mistakes to be done again.
And at last, raids are easy enough. The complaining and “not-trying” fraction should step aside and have a proper look onto this content and they realized that they are able to play and succeed in this content if they want to. We have people coming here that never set a foot into raids and they complain as hell although even in this forum we have offers of players to help ppl out besides the looking-for-forum.

Took me 3 runs of the dungeon to get the bug.

(edited by Vinceman.4572)

I really dont care about Raids...

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: IndigoSundown.5419


I really don’t understand all this talk of minorities.
Being capable of raiding isn’t some minority you’re born into like race/ethnicity, it’s simply researching and participating in something. The only ones stopping you from becoming part of this “minority” are yourselves.

Demographics in gaming communities — at least the ones being talked about in discussions like this one — are based around preferences. For instance, I’m in a demographic that prefers not to raid but doesn’t worry about exclusive rewards being in that content. Yes, that group exists. It might well be the real “majority” regarding this issue. My reason to not raid is that I promised myself back during WoW I would not get sucked into the raiding time sink again. While it looks like the time commitment for GW2 raids is lower, it’s still higher than I care to commit to.

How far do we stretch this logic?
I’m no good at PvP, you have to let me get the PvP legendary backpiece by participating in hot-join.
I’m no good at high level fractals, you have to let me get the legendary backpiece by participating in fractals 1-10.

Back when the game launched, there was some thought that most rewards would be obtained via Karma as a sort of universal currency. Even then, though, making L. weapons required doing at least one dungeon and real WvW (pre EotM or achievement chests with Badges). Also, dungeon skins were only available for use in PvE by doing that dungeon. So, there were unique rewards tied to specific content even then.

A funny thing’s happened since. ANet learned that: (a) a lot of players would not repeat content without reward; and (b) that players would seek the path of least resistance to obtain the universal currency, ignoring any other content. This led to the idea that players could be enticed to do specific content by including rewards they can’t get elsewhere — whether this is a matter of degree (rares via world bosses) or exclusivity (Glorious Armor). Karma was incorporated as a component into a few collection rewards, but was otherwise largely abandoned.

Now, virtually every new thing the devs throw out for players to do has an exclusive reward attached to it. What we’re seeing in threads like this one is the reaction from players who still have attachments to the idea behind that universal currency and what it meant to them — even though ANet pretty much abandoned universal access regardless of preference long ago.

I really dont care about Raids...

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: STIHL.2489


You are forgetting QA, which can make up a sizable portion of a Game’s staff.

Didn’t they outsource their QA? I seem to have heard such rumours coming from a certain site with glassy openings.

Well I am not gonna say they aren’t outsourcing their QA, but Given that Anet has advertised Job openings for QA within their company, they have to have some In house at least.

There are two kinds of gamers, salty, and extra salty

I really dont care about Raids...

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Torolan.5816


So, for raiders it is all about shinies too. You simply don’t want to share them with others. Because apparently you think they will make you special, or something.

For some it is, not for all. But the logic behind is that you shouldn’t get things on the fly because you don’t get them anywhere like this in the game. For higher fractal rewards you need to play higher fracs. Getting the PvP achievements is only achievable by playing PvP, same with WvW.
Just saying, there is also a little bit skepticism about shutting content down or to dumb it down like we had in the past with dungeons or fractals. We don’t want the same mistakes to be done again.
And at last, raids are easy enough. The complaining and “not-trying” fraction should step aside and have a proper look onto this content and they realized that they are able to play and succeed in this content if they want to. We have people coming here that never set a foot into raids and they complain as hell although even in this forum we have offers of players to help ppl out besides the looking-for-forum.

Lets assume that I force myself through raids for hours and hours until I have practiced enough to beat every single boss available, have I not just qualified myself for a grind then because I have to do them over and over again for the armor, making it basically a glorified dungeon? I mean it is actually quite funny that people really support their right to grind on a much higher level than before and for an item most raiders deem useless anyway.

I really dont care about Raids...

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: STIHL.2489


I really don’t understand all this talk of minorities.
Being capable of raiding isn’t some minority you’re born into like race/ethnicity, it’s simply researching and participating in something. The only ones stopping you from becoming part of this “minority” are yourselves.

Demographics in gaming communities — at least the ones being talked about in discussions like this one — are based around preferences. For instance, I’m in a demographic that prefers not to raid but doesn’t worry about exclusive rewards being in that content. Yes, that group exists. It might well be the real “majority” regarding this issue. My reason to not raid is that I promised myself back during WoW I would not get sucked into the raiding time sink again. While it looks like the time commitment for GW2 raids is lower, it’s still higher than I care to commit to.

How far do we stretch this logic?
I’m no good at PvP, you have to let me get the PvP legendary backpiece by participating in hot-join.
I’m no good at high level fractals, you have to let me get the legendary backpiece by participating in fractals 1-10.

Back when the game launched, there was some thought that most rewards would be obtained via Karma as a sort of universal currency. Even then, though, making L. weapons required doing at least one dungeon and real WvW (pre EotM or achievement chests with Badges). Also, dungeon skins were only available for use in PvE by doing that dungeon. So, there were unique rewards tied to specific content even then.

A funny thing’s happened since. ANet learned that: (a) a lot of players would not repeat content without reward; and (b) that players would seek the path of least resistance to obtain the universal currency, ignoring any other content. This led to the idea that players could be enticed to do specific content by including rewards they can’t get elsewhere — whether this is a matter of degree (rares via world bosses) or exclusivity (Glorious Armor). Karma was incorporated as a component into a few collection rewards, but was otherwise largely abandoned.

Now, virtually every new thing the devs throw out for players to do has an exclusive reward attached to it. What we’re seeing in threads like this one is the reaction from players who still have attachments to the idea behind that universal currency and what it meant to them — even though ANet pretty much abandoned universal access regardless of preference long ago.

Not really, all the “exclusive” stuff was purely cosmetic skins, right up to LS2, with Luminescent being rare for pity’s sake, but exclusive cosmetics, have been in the game since day one.

The real problem here, is that shoehorned the entire game into Raids being the “end game”, as they give the best access to the higher rewards then any other game mode.

Prior to that, players could pick what they wanted their end game to be and still get around same overall loot value, now, Anet set it as ‘raids’ as their game. And while it’s their game, they can do whatever they want, for the people that don’t want to bother with doing raids, to be stuck forever playing the ‘Bert Bell Benefit Bowl’ if you will.

It’s pretty clear that’s going over as well as a fart in a church.

Now, what is done can’t really be undone, so now they are faced with the issue of making other content that offers an equal abundance of ‘end game’ rewards as well as a feeling of pride, that players can do in alternative to raids.

LS3, will not fit the bill.

There are two kinds of gamers, salty, and extra salty

I really dont care about Raids...

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: flog.3485


I really don’t understand all this talk of minorities.
Being capable of raiding isn’t some minority you’re born into like race/ethnicity, it’s simply researching and participating in something. The only ones stopping you from becoming part of this “minority” are yourselves.

Demographics in gaming communities — at least the ones being talked about in discussions like this one — are based around preferences. For instance, I’m in a demographic that prefers not to raid but doesn’t worry about exclusive rewards being in that content. Yes, that group exists. It might well be the real “majority” regarding this issue. My reason to not raid is that I promised myself back during WoW I would not get sucked into the raiding time sink again. While it looks like the time commitment for GW2 raids is lower, it’s still higher than I care to commit to.

How far do we stretch this logic?
I’m no good at PvP, you have to let me get the PvP legendary backpiece by participating in hot-join.
I’m no good at high level fractals, you have to let me get the legendary backpiece by participating in fractals 1-10.

Back when the game launched, there was some thought that most rewards would be obtained via Karma as a sort of universal currency. Even then, though, making L. weapons required doing at least one dungeon and real WvW (pre EotM or achievement chests with Badges). Also, dungeon skins were only available for use in PvE by doing that dungeon. So, there were unique rewards tied to specific content even then.

A funny thing’s happened since. ANet learned that: (a) a lot of players would not repeat content without reward; and (b) that players would seek the path of least resistance to obtain the universal currency, ignoring any other content. This led to the idea that players could be enticed to do specific content by including rewards they can’t get elsewhere — whether this is a matter of degree (rares via world bosses) or exclusivity (Glorious Armor). Karma was incorporated as a component into a few collection rewards, but was otherwise largely abandoned.

Now, virtually every new thing the devs throw out for players to do has an exclusive reward attached to it. What we’re seeing in threads like this one is the reaction from players who still have attachments to the idea behind that universal currency and what it meant to them — even though ANet pretty much abandoned universal access regardless of preference long ago.

Not really, all the “exclusive” stuff was purely cosmetic skins, right up to LS2, with Luminescent being rare for pity’s sake, but exclusive cosmetics, have been in the game since day one.

The real problem here, is that shoehorned the entire game into Raids being the “end game”, as they give the best access to the higher rewards then any other game mode.

Prior to that, players could pick what they wanted their end game to be and still get around same overall loot value, now, Anet set it as ‘raids’ as their game. And while it’s their game, they can do whatever they want, for the people that don’t want to bother with doing raids, to be stuck forever playing the ‘Bert Bell Benefit Bowl’ if you will.

It’s pretty clear that’s going over as well as a fart in a church.

Now, what is done can’t really be undone, so now they are faced with the issue of making other content that offers an equal abundance of ‘end game’ rewards as well as a feeling of pride, that players can do in alternative to raids.

LS3, will not fit the bill.

Seriously, dude I think you got it all wrong….Nobody is forced into raiding here and my endgame content will most likely never include raiding. I really don’t see why I should feel like raiding is the endgame content and I don’t understand what “higher rewards” the game is providing with raids. When in the future I would come across a character wearing a legendary armor, the only thing I would say is: “wow he is wearing a leggie armor, he must have farmed raids a lot”, just like in the original GW I would think to myself “Wow this character is wearing the armor of fow” I would then take a look at my only set of ascended transmutabled with the best skin possible according to me and be like: “Whatever, I am doing the same damages and whatever part of tyria or maguma I travel to, I will still be relevant and able to get things done in the game no matter what”

I really dont care about Raids...

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Neox.3497


I really don’t understand all this talk of minorities.
Being capable of raiding isn’t some minority you’re born into like race/ethnicity, it’s simply researching and participating in something. The only ones stopping you from becoming part of this “minority” are yourselves.

Demographics in gaming communities — at least the ones being talked about in discussions like this one — are based around preferences. For instance, I’m in a demographic that prefers not to raid but doesn’t worry about exclusive rewards being in that content. Yes, that group exists. It might well be the real “majority” regarding this issue. My reason to not raid is that I promised myself back during WoW I would not get sucked into the raiding time sink again. While it looks like the time commitment for GW2 raids is lower, it’s still higher than I care to commit to.

How far do we stretch this logic?
I’m no good at PvP, you have to let me get the PvP legendary backpiece by participating in hot-join.
I’m no good at high level fractals, you have to let me get the legendary backpiece by participating in fractals 1-10.

Back when the game launched, there was some thought that most rewards would be obtained via Karma as a sort of universal currency. Even then, though, making L. weapons required doing at least one dungeon and real WvW (pre EotM or achievement chests with Badges). Also, dungeon skins were only available for use in PvE by doing that dungeon. So, there were unique rewards tied to specific content even then.

A funny thing’s happened since. ANet learned that: (a) a lot of players would not repeat content without reward; and (b) that players would seek the path of least resistance to obtain the universal currency, ignoring any other content. This led to the idea that players could be enticed to do specific content by including rewards they can’t get elsewhere — whether this is a matter of degree (rares via world bosses) or exclusivity (Glorious Armor). Karma was incorporated as a component into a few collection rewards, but was otherwise largely abandoned.

Now, virtually every new thing the devs throw out for players to do has an exclusive reward attached to it. What we’re seeing in threads like this one is the reaction from players who still have attachments to the idea behind that universal currency and what it meant to them — even though ANet pretty much abandoned universal access regardless of preference long ago.

Not really, all the “exclusive” stuff was purely cosmetic skins, right up to LS2, with Luminescent being rare for pity’s sake, but exclusive cosmetics, have been in the game since day one.

The real problem here, is that shoehorned the entire game into Raids being the “end game”, as they give the best access to the higher rewards then any other game mode.

Prior to that, players could pick what they wanted their end game to be and still get around same overall loot value, now, Anet set it as ‘raids’ as their game. And while it’s their game, they can do whatever they want, for the people that don’t want to bother with doing raids, to be stuck forever playing the ‘Bert Bell Benefit Bowl’ if you will.

It’s pretty clear that’s going over as well as a fart in a church.

Now, what is done can’t really be undone, so now they are faced with the issue of making other content that offers an equal abundance of ‘end game’ rewards as well as a feeling of pride, that players can do in alternative to raids.

LS3, will not fit the bill.

How are legendary weapons and legendary backpieces any different? You have to do open world completion, you have to do a certain dungeon, you have to do PvP, you have to do high level fractals.

You can’t get legendary weapons nor a legendary backpiece with raiding. Why is armor suddenly different?

I really dont care about Raids...

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: STIHL.2489


I really don’t understand all this talk of minorities.
Being capable of raiding isn’t some minority you’re born into like race/ethnicity, it’s simply researching and participating in something. The only ones stopping you from becoming part of this “minority” are yourselves.

Demographics in gaming communities — at least the ones being talked about in discussions like this one — are based around preferences. For instance, I’m in a demographic that prefers not to raid but doesn’t worry about exclusive rewards being in that content. Yes, that group exists. It might well be the real “majority” regarding this issue. My reason to not raid is that I promised myself back during WoW I would not get sucked into the raiding time sink again. While it looks like the time commitment for GW2 raids is lower, it’s still higher than I care to commit to.

How far do we stretch this logic?
I’m no good at PvP, you have to let me get the PvP legendary backpiece by participating in hot-join.
I’m no good at high level fractals, you have to let me get the legendary backpiece by participating in fractals 1-10.

Back when the game launched, there was some thought that most rewards would be obtained via Karma as a sort of universal currency. Even then, though, making L. weapons required doing at least one dungeon and real WvW (pre EotM or achievement chests with Badges). Also, dungeon skins were only available for use in PvE by doing that dungeon. So, there were unique rewards tied to specific content even then.

A funny thing’s happened since. ANet learned that: (a) a lot of players would not repeat content without reward; and (b) that players would seek the path of least resistance to obtain the universal currency, ignoring any other content. This led to the idea that players could be enticed to do specific content by including rewards they can’t get elsewhere — whether this is a matter of degree (rares via world bosses) or exclusivity (Glorious Armor). Karma was incorporated as a component into a few collection rewards, but was otherwise largely abandoned.

Now, virtually every new thing the devs throw out for players to do has an exclusive reward attached to it. What we’re seeing in threads like this one is the reaction from players who still have attachments to the idea behind that universal currency and what it meant to them — even though ANet pretty much abandoned universal access regardless of preference long ago.

Not really, all the “exclusive” stuff was purely cosmetic skins, right up to LS2, with Luminescent being rare for pity’s sake, but exclusive cosmetics, have been in the game since day one.

The real problem here, is that shoehorned the entire game into Raids being the “end game”, as they give the best access to the higher rewards then any other game mode.

Prior to that, players could pick what they wanted their end game to be and still get around same overall loot value, now, Anet set it as ‘raids’ as their game. And while it’s their game, they can do whatever they want, for the people that don’t want to bother with doing raids, to be stuck forever playing the ‘Bert Bell Benefit Bowl’ if you will.

It’s pretty clear that’s going over as well as a fart in a church.

Now, what is done can’t really be undone, so now they are faced with the issue of making other content that offers an equal abundance of ‘end game’ rewards as well as a feeling of pride, that players can do in alternative to raids.

LS3, will not fit the bill.

How are legendary weapons and legendary backpieces any different? You have to do open world completion, you have to do a certain dungeon, you have to do PvP, you have to do high level fractals.

You can’t get legendary weapons nor a legendary backpiece with raiding. Why is armor suddenly different?

You’re thinking too much about the Legendary Armor. While that will be an issue, no doubt, that will only affect the people what enjoy Legendary Journeys, and don’t enjoy the Raid. Yes, that group will become alienated, and is it’s own subset, and there is a good chance that they also will be driven from the game. An Unfortunate loss, perhaps, they are not the group I am talking about.

My main issue it’s the ability to Buy Ascended Weapons/Armor with Raid Tokens, (AKA: Magnetite Shard), thus bypassing all RNG and Crafting Grind.

That is what makes Raids the ‘End Game’ content, because you can’t buy Ascended Weapons/Armor with any other currency.

Now if they put in a vendor where players could buy Ascended Armor/Weapons from Fractals (Which would make sense) and change it so that The Glorious and Triumphant Armor from the WvW/sPvP Reward Tracks was Ascended as opposed to Exotic, that would equalize the game quite a bit.

But right now, Raids give players the ability to simply buy Ascended Armor/Weapon, for less gold then it costs to make an Insignia.

There are two kinds of gamers, salty, and extra salty

I really dont care about Raids...

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Rednik.3809


My main issue it’s the ability to Buy Ascended Weapons/Armor with Raid Tokens, (AKA: Magnetite Shard), thus bypassing all RNG and Crafting Grind.

That is what makes Raids the ‘End Game’ content, because you can’t buy Ascended Weapons/Armor with any other currency.

Now if they put in a vendor where players could buy Ascended Armor/Weapons from Fractals (Which would make sense) and change it so that The Glorious and Triumphant Armor from the WvW/sPvP Reward Tracks was Ascended as opposed to Exotic, that would equalize the game quite a bit.

But right now, Raids give players the ability to simply buy Ascended Armor/Weapon, for less gold then it costs to make an Insignia.

You nailed it. Bravo.

Kiijna, Xast, Satis Ironwail, Sekhaina, Shira Forgesparkle, Sfeno, Nasibi, Tegeira, Rhonwe…
25 charracters

I really dont care about Raids...

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: cranos.5913


Raiders would not be happy, because they want to be at that table alone. Apparently having the same food accessible to the masses would make the taste worse.

Raiders wouldn’t give a crap if you didn’t keep asking for full rewards for no effort.

I haven’t done that. I was perfectly fine if they were obtainable with effort. Just different kind of effort.

As i said, you want to be at that table alone.

Yes, yes I do. If I want to get the pvp back I have to play pvp, if I want the fractal back I have to play fractals, if I want a legendary weapon I need to play open world. It’s only natural that you should have to raid to get raid rewards. It’s how this game works.

I really dont care about Raids...

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: cranos.5913


My main issue it’s the ability to Buy Ascended Weapons/Armor with Raid Tokens, (AKA: Magnetite Shard), thus bypassing all RNG and Crafting Grind.

That is what makes Raids the ‘End Game’ content, because you can’t buy Ascended Weapons/Armor with any other currency.

Now if they put in a vendor where players could buy Ascended Armor/Weapons from Fractals (Which would make sense) and change it so that The Glorious and Triumphant Armor from the WvW/sPvP Reward Tracks was Ascended as opposed to Exotic, that would equalize the game quite a bit.

But right now, Raids give players the ability to simply buy Ascended Armor/Weapon, for less gold then it costs to make an Insignia.

Have you ever calculated how long it takes to get a full set through shards? An armor set alone is 1300 shards, that’s 13 weeks. Now tell me how you can’t get the money for an ascended armor set in 13 weeks through crafting… then ofc we have the weapons. For a full set of weapons it’s either 500 for ele/engi and 1000 for other classes. That’s 23 weeks in total to gear a character (and then we haven’t looked at trinkets yet).

Such reward.

I really dont care about Raids...

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Astralporing.1957


How are legendary weapons and legendary backpieces any different? You have to do open world completion, you have to do a certain dungeon, you have to do PvP, you have to do high level fractals.

You can’t get legendary weapons nor a legendary backpiece with raiding. Why is armor suddenly different?

“Murder, arson and jaywalking”. One of those really sticks out, you know. Unless you’ll start claiming that getting raid armor is equivalent in difficulty to open world map completion.

Yes, backpacks are slightly different (though i’d say that while their time commitment is quite high, the difficulty, while higher than for weapons, is still not even close to the one from raids). But then, there are two of them. And Anet, by introducing both of them at the same time, gave a clear message that they won’t be locked to a single game mode. They will be able now to introduce more of them in other modes, if they’ll ever feel the need, and nobody will bat an eye. And even if they won’t, there’s still choice how to get one. Armor however is locked behind a single game mode, and one, that by design (and by dev statements) is meant for only a small subset of players.

Can’t you really see any difference?

(by the way, you don’t have to do any “certain dungeon” anymore, and haven’t needed to do it for a long time. And you don’t, because sPvP players complained about it, and so got the dungeon rewards tracks)

Actions, not words.
Remember, remember, 15th of November

I really dont care about Raids...

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: cranos.5913


How are legendary weapons and legendary backpieces any different? You have to do open world completion, you have to do a certain dungeon, you have to do PvP, you have to do high level fractals.

You can’t get legendary weapons nor a legendary backpiece with raiding. Why is armor suddenly different?

“Murder, arson and jaywalking”. One of those really sticks out, you know. Unless you’ll start claiming that getting raid armor is equivalent in difficulty to open world map completion.

Yes, backpacks are slightly different (though i’d say that while their time commitment is quite high, the difficulty, while higher than for weapons, is still not even close to the one from raids). But then, there are two of them. And Anet, by introducing both of them at the same time, gave a clear message that they won’t be locked to a single game mode. They will be able now to introduce more of them in other modes, if they’ll ever feel the need, and nobody will bat an eye. And even if they won’t, there’s still choice how to get one. Armor however is locked behind a single game mode, and one, that by design (and by dev statements) is meant for only a small subset of players.

Can’t you really see any difference?

(by the way, you don’t have to do any “certain dungeon” anymore, and haven’t needed to do it for a long time. And you don’t, because sPvP players complained about it, and so got the dungeon rewards tracks)

Can’t you see the difference either? The skins are different. That’s the important distinction to make here. No one minds other ppl getting legendary armor, what matters is that ppl are asking for the exact same reward.

I really dont care about Raids...

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Aceofsppades.6873


I really don’t understand all this talk of minorities.
Being capable of raiding isn’t some minority you’re born into like race/ethnicity, it’s simply researching and participating in something. The only ones stopping you from becoming part of this “minority” are yourselves.

Demographics in gaming communities — at least the ones being talked about in discussions like this one — are based around preferences. For instance, I’m in a demographic that prefers not to raid but doesn’t worry about exclusive rewards being in that content. Yes, that group exists. It might well be the real “majority” regarding this issue. My reason to not raid is that I promised myself back during WoW I would not get sucked into the raiding time sink again. While it looks like the time commitment for GW2 raids is lower, it’s still higher than I care to commit to.

How far do we stretch this logic?
I’m no good at PvP, you have to let me get the PvP legendary backpiece by participating in hot-join.
I’m no good at high level fractals, you have to let me get the legendary backpiece by participating in fractals 1-10.

Back when the game launched, there was some thought that most rewards would be obtained via Karma as a sort of universal currency. Even then, though, making L. weapons required doing at least one dungeon and real WvW (pre EotM or achievement chests with Badges). Also, dungeon skins were only available for use in PvE by doing that dungeon. So, there were unique rewards tied to specific content even then.

A funny thing’s happened since. ANet learned that: (a) a lot of players would not repeat content without reward; and (b) that players would seek the path of least resistance to obtain the universal currency, ignoring any other content. This led to the idea that players could be enticed to do specific content by including rewards they can’t get elsewhere — whether this is a matter of degree (rares via world bosses) or exclusivity (Glorious Armor). Karma was incorporated as a component into a few collection rewards, but was otherwise largely abandoned.

Now, virtually every new thing the devs throw out for players to do has an exclusive reward attached to it. What we’re seeing in threads like this one is the reaction from players who still have attachments to the idea behind that universal currency and what it meant to them — even though ANet pretty much abandoned universal access regardless of preference long ago.

Not really, all the “exclusive” stuff was purely cosmetic skins, right up to LS2, with Luminescent being rare for pity’s sake, but exclusive cosmetics, have been in the game since day one.

The real problem here, is that shoehorned the entire game into Raids being the “end game”, as they give the best access to the higher rewards then any other game mode.

Prior to that, players could pick what they wanted their end game to be and still get around same overall loot value, now, Anet set it as ‘raids’ as their game. And while it’s their game, they can do whatever they want, for the people that don’t want to bother with doing raids, to be stuck forever playing the ‘Bert Bell Benefit Bowl’ if you will.

It’s pretty clear that’s going over as well as a fart in a church.

Now, what is done can’t really be undone, so now they are faced with the issue of making other content that offers an equal abundance of ‘end game’ rewards as well as a feeling of pride, that players can do in alternative to raids.

LS3, will not fit the bill.

How are legendary weapons and legendary backpieces any different? You have to do open world completion, you have to do a certain dungeon, you have to do PvP, you have to do high level fractals.

You can’t get legendary weapons nor a legendary backpiece with raiding. Why is armor suddenly different?

You’re thinking too much about the Legendary Armor. While that will be an issue, no doubt, that will only affect the people what enjoy Legendary Journeys, and don’t enjoy the Raid. Yes, that group will become alienated, and is it’s own subset, and there is a good chance that they also will be driven from the game. An Unfortunate loss, perhaps, they are not the group I am talking about.

My main issue it’s the ability to Buy Ascended Weapons/Armor with Raid Tokens, (AKA: Magnetite Shard), thus bypassing all RNG and Crafting Grind.

That is what makes Raids the ‘End Game’ content, because you can’t buy Ascended Weapons/Armor with any other currency.

Now if they put in a vendor where players could buy Ascended Armor/Weapons from Fractals (Which would make sense) and change it so that The Glorious and Triumphant Armor from the WvW/sPvP Reward Tracks was Ascended as opposed to Exotic, that would equalize the game quite a bit.

But right now, Raids give players the ability to simply buy Ascended Armor/Weapon, for less gold then it costs to make an Insignia.

So basically you don’t want people that do content you don’t like to be rewarded with ascended armor?

I really dont care about Raids...

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Aceofsppades.6873


My main issue it’s the ability to Buy Ascended Weapons/Armor with Raid Tokens, (AKA: Magnetite Shard), thus bypassing all RNG and Crafting Grind.

That is what makes Raids the ‘End Game’ content, because you can’t buy Ascended Weapons/Armor with any other currency.

Now if they put in a vendor where players could buy Ascended Armor/Weapons from Fractals (Which would make sense) and change it so that The Glorious and Triumphant Armor from the WvW/sPvP Reward Tracks was Ascended as opposed to Exotic, that would equalize the game quite a bit.

But right now, Raids give players the ability to simply buy Ascended Armor/Weapon, for less gold then it costs to make an Insignia.

You nailed it. Bravo.

Hit the nail but missed the wood entirely.

I really dont care about Raids...

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Aceofsppades.6873


I agree with allot of these anti raiders. NO CONTENT IS BETTER THAN ONLY RAID CONTENT.

I really dont care about Raids...

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Deathly Shadowfain.7213

Deathly Shadowfain.7213

Soooo the people who are complaining want to strip any sense of pride and hard work from those who put in the hours so that THEY can receive the same reward? Im sorry but no, get real here.
If i remember clearly, the gw2 community cried to Anet for harder content, we got it and what did we get? Raids….. But then when people realized that raids “actually required effort and dedication” people started to pipe up. “ohhh we cant have that, we shouldn’t have to work for our loot” Again, get real.
Im sorry but you cant just expect to get the same rewards with less effort. The world doesn’t work like that. But then the excuse of “i cant find a good team, i cant find a guild” arises.
Well let me straighten that out too.
1) You either arent looking harder enough, arent going to multiple sources such as guild websites or links from Youtube to finda group to better yourself.
2) You blame your team for your own mistakes, or dont correct other peoples mistakes, Or dont bother to work as a team.

Raids are designed for a very small “elite as you may say” group of players who Anet KNOW will put in effort, the time, spend money on gear. Not to obtain the good loot (even though some weeks you get crap all loot) but to rather “experience” the harder content in the game. Yet you salty sailors sit here, winge, cry and complain that raids are unfair, it allows others to “bypass the ascended crafting RNG” It restricts other players from experiencing story, when it clearly doesn’t (read what Bobby Stein had to say). And all this other nonsense.

The way I see it, if you dumb down the difficulty of raids, you loose any sense of hard work and sense of pride. Instead of complaining, go out and actually try for once. If you are adamant that you want to raid, you will let nothing stop you from achieving that goal.
Maybe Anet can provide a kinder garden raid area for those that are too scared to put the effort in. After all, all you complainers want is an easy way out. To rid the game of any hard content so that you can achieve exclusive items like Legendary armor, with minimal effort.

I really dont care about Raids...

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: STIHL.2489


I really don’t understand all this talk of minorities.
Being capable of raiding isn’t some minority you’re born into like race/ethnicity, it’s simply researching and participating in something. The only ones stopping you from becoming part of this “minority” are yourselves.

Demographics in gaming communities — at least the ones being talked about in discussions like this one — are based around preferences. For instance, I’m in a demographic that prefers not to raid but doesn’t worry about exclusive rewards being in that content. Yes, that group exists. It might well be the real “majority” regarding this issue. My reason to not raid is that I promised myself back during WoW I would not get sucked into the raiding time sink again. While it looks like the time commitment for GW2 raids is lower, it’s still higher than I care to commit to.

How far do we stretch this logic?
I’m no good at PvP, you have to let me get the PvP legendary backpiece by participating in hot-join.
I’m no good at high level fractals, you have to let me get the legendary backpiece by participating in fractals 1-10.

Back when the game launched, there was some thought that most rewards would be obtained via Karma as a sort of universal currency. Even then, though, making L. weapons required doing at least one dungeon and real WvW (pre EotM or achievement chests with Badges). Also, dungeon skins were only available for use in PvE by doing that dungeon. So, there were unique rewards tied to specific content even then.

A funny thing’s happened since. ANet learned that: (a) a lot of players would not repeat content without reward; and (b) that players would seek the path of least resistance to obtain the universal currency, ignoring any other content. This led to the idea that players could be enticed to do specific content by including rewards they can’t get elsewhere — whether this is a matter of degree (rares via world bosses) or exclusivity (Glorious Armor). Karma was incorporated as a component into a few collection rewards, but was otherwise largely abandoned.

Now, virtually every new thing the devs throw out for players to do has an exclusive reward attached to it. What we’re seeing in threads like this one is the reaction from players who still have attachments to the idea behind that universal currency and what it meant to them — even though ANet pretty much abandoned universal access regardless of preference long ago.

Not really, all the “exclusive” stuff was purely cosmetic skins, right up to LS2, with Luminescent being rare for pity’s sake, but exclusive cosmetics, have been in the game since day one.

The real problem here, is that shoehorned the entire game into Raids being the “end game”, as they give the best access to the higher rewards then any other game mode.

Prior to that, players could pick what they wanted their end game to be and still get around same overall loot value, now, Anet set it as ‘raids’ as their game. And while it’s their game, they can do whatever they want, for the people that don’t want to bother with doing raids, to be stuck forever playing the ‘Bert Bell Benefit Bowl’ if you will.

It’s pretty clear that’s going over as well as a fart in a church.

Now, what is done can’t really be undone, so now they are faced with the issue of making other content that offers an equal abundance of ‘end game’ rewards as well as a feeling of pride, that players can do in alternative to raids.

LS3, will not fit the bill.

How are legendary weapons and legendary backpieces any different? You have to do open world completion, you have to do a certain dungeon, you have to do PvP, you have to do high level fractals.

You can’t get legendary weapons nor a legendary backpiece with raiding. Why is armor suddenly different?

You’re thinking too much about the Legendary Armor. While that will be an issue, no doubt, that will only affect the people what enjoy Legendary Journeys, and don’t enjoy the Raid. Yes, that group will become alienated, and is it’s own subset, and there is a good chance that they also will be driven from the game. An Unfortunate loss, perhaps, they are not the group I am talking about.

My main issue it’s the ability to Buy Ascended Weapons/Armor with Raid Tokens, (AKA: Magnetite Shard), thus bypassing all RNG and Crafting Grind.

That is what makes Raids the ‘End Game’ content, because you can’t buy Ascended Weapons/Armor with any other currency.

Now if they put in a vendor where players could buy Ascended Armor/Weapons from Fractals (Which would make sense) and change it so that The Glorious and Triumphant Armor from the WvW/sPvP Reward Tracks was Ascended as opposed to Exotic, that would equalize the game quite a bit.

But right now, Raids give players the ability to simply buy Ascended Armor/Weapon, for less gold then it costs to make an Insignia.

So basically you don’t want people that do content you don’t like to be rewarded with ascended armor?

No, I want to be rewarded as well for doing other content that I do enjoy, I don’t see why that is so hard to understand.

There are two kinds of gamers, salty, and extra salty