Incentives for experienced players to help

Incentives for experienced players to help

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Nokaru.7831


In other games, a player’s experience in a dungeon is tracked. If you party with someone who is new, the entire group received extra loot and sometimes damage bonuses for playing with them.

In GW2, someone who is new is simply a burden and the only reason to play with them is out of the goodness of your heart. The point of rewards is to encourage behavior that is favorable; such as, rewarding players for being skillful or rewarding players for being nice.

Incentives for experienced players to help

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: TheMaskedParadigm.3629



Also, in respons. to the support comment, that’s BS. 1) support helps keep group alive and hitting . rder/faster.


I’m sick of people playing badly, and I’m sick of them not wanting to improve

This is exactly why I hate teaching PUGs. You support just as well in zerker, and AH builds are trash.

CoE Path 2 and 3. Aplha. It varies but sometimes, its too much too often with the AE he does Support helps there. Just one example.

Unless I’m a noob, AH don’t actually heal you ally. Nothing in that tree even support your ally. All it does is make you survive better, but nothing about your ally.

I have symbols, dodge roll (which on avg heals about 10% per roll, AND I can roll 3-4 in a row before no endurance. I have the F2 forgot the name. And that combined with the elite that resets F1-F3, I heal a lot. That in addition to the fact that I prioritize empowering over my own damage which is low. I also can take a hit. Often times, I can stand and take damage then others can’t. But this is all besides my point which people don’t seem to care about being selfish so I give up. Be selfish. I’ll learn via YouTube and join the no noob groups.

I didn’t say guardian is bad at support. I just say that tree actually didn’t support your group at all.

And I like your attitude. Other people are selfish to care about their time when you can’t stand to take your time to do the dungeon yourself.

My sarcasm detector is broken. But I wasn’t even talking about any tree for my spec. I’m an altruistic on my guardian by definition of the word altruistic. My heals focus on group healing. Contrary to what someone else said, it is useful. And again, I reiterate (in response to whoever said support guard or altruistic guard is pointless in Arah) that if people were willing to be a little more helpful, I would have known.

But I give up. I’ll follow someone else’s advice and just join a group after I watch the vids. Then I’ll start open groups when I know what I’m doing in there.

Stop making a case for your AH build helping things. It doesn’t. It draws fights out and gives you a false sense of being helpful. It’s also very lazy because people use it so they don’t have to dodge.

I invite you to run CoE with me. I’ve run it too with all zerk warriors and we’ve ripped through all paths, but with other groups of same composition, it has failed because people ran out of energy, couldn’t dodge and died. It varies. Alpha sometimes spams AE, sometimes he doesnt. I’m all for throwing max damage at everything but in my experience, not all encounters work that way making support necessary. And I’d argue for the last time my preference is zerk. Four of my six 80’s are full zerk. If damage is better for Arah, then that is what I’ll run.

I invite you to duo Lupicus with me and we will see who runs out of dodges.

Youtube Channel –

Incentives for experienced players to help

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: swiftpaw.6397



Also, in respons. to the support comment, that’s BS. 1) support helps keep group alive and hitting . rder/faster.


I’m sick of people playing badly, and I’m sick of them not wanting to improve

This is exactly why I hate teaching PUGs. You support just as well in zerker, and AH builds are trash.

CoE Path 2 and 3. Aplha. It varies but sometimes, its too much too often with the AE he does Support helps there. Just one example.

Unless I’m a noob, AH don’t actually heal you ally. Nothing in that tree even support your ally. All it does is make you survive better, but nothing about your ally.

I have symbols, dodge roll (which on avg heals about 10% per roll, AND I can roll 3-4 in a row before no endurance. I have the F2 forgot the name. And that combined with the elite that resets F1-F3, I heal a lot. That in addition to the fact that I prioritize empowering over my own damage which is low. I also can take a hit. Often times, I can stand and take damage then others can’t. But this is all besides my point which people don’t seem to care about being selfish so I give up. Be selfish. I’ll learn via YouTube and join the no noob groups.

I didn’t say guardian is bad at support. I just say that tree actually didn’t support your group at all.

And I like your attitude. Other people are selfish to care about their time when you can’t stand to take your time to do the dungeon yourself.

My sarcasm detector is broken. But I wasn’t even talking about any tree for my spec. I’m an altruistic on my guardian by definition of the word altruistic. My heals focus on group healing. Contrary to what someone else said, it is useful. And again, I reiterate (in response to whoever said support guard or altruistic guard is pointless in Arah) that if people were willing to be a little more helpful, I would have known.

But I give up. I’ll follow someone else’s advice and just join a group after I watch the vids. Then I’ll start open groups when I know what I’m doing in there.

Stop making a case for your AH build helping things. It doesn’t. It draws fights out and gives you a false sense of being helpful. It’s also very lazy because people use it so they don’t have to dodge.

I invite you to run CoE with me. I’ve run it too with all zerk warriors and we’ve ripped through all paths, but with other groups of same composition, it has failed because people ran out of energy, couldn’t dodge and died. It varies. Alpha sometimes spams AE, sometimes he doesnt. I’m all for throwing max damage at everything but in my experience, not all encounters work that way making support necessary. And I’d argue for the last time my preference is zerk. Four of my six 80’s are full zerk. If damage is better for Arah, then that is what I’ll run.

I invite you to duo Lupicus with me and we will see who runs out of dodges.

Let’s make this happen.

inb4 ’that’s just something you elitist scumbags do!’

Grandmaster Forum Mind Brain
|-Swiftpaw Sharpclaw [DnT]-|

Incentives for experienced players to help

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: FrankGrimey.7032



Also, in respons. to the support comment, that’s BS. 1) support helps keep group alive and hitting . rder/faster.


I’m sick of people playing badly, and I’m sick of them not wanting to improve

This is exactly why I hate teaching PUGs. You support just as well in zerker, and AH builds are trash.

CoE Path 2 and 3. Aplha. It varies but sometimes, its too much too often with the AE he does Support helps there. Just one example.

Unless I’m a noob, AH don’t actually heal you ally. Nothing in that tree even support your ally. All it does is make you survive better, but nothing about your ally.

I have symbols, dodge roll (which on avg heals about 10% per roll, AND I can roll 3-4 in a row before no endurance. I have the F2 forgot the name. And that combined with the elite that resets F1-F3, I heal a lot. That in addition to the fact that I prioritize empowering over my own damage which is low. I also can take a hit. Often times, I can stand and take damage then others can’t. But this is all besides my point which people don’t seem to care about being selfish so I give up. Be selfish. I’ll learn via YouTube and join the no noob groups.

I didn’t say guardian is bad at support. I just say that tree actually didn’t support your group at all.

And I like your attitude. Other people are selfish to care about their time when you can’t stand to take your time to do the dungeon yourself.

My sarcasm detector is broken. But I wasn’t even talking about any tree for my spec. I’m an altruistic on my guardian by definition of the word altruistic. My heals focus on group healing. Contrary to what someone else said, it is useful. And again, I reiterate (in response to whoever said support guard or altruistic guard is pointless in Arah) that if people were willing to be a little more helpful, I would have known.

But I give up. I’ll follow someone else’s advice and just join a group after I watch the vids. Then I’ll start open groups when I know what I’m doing in there.

Stop making a case for your AH build helping things. It doesn’t. It draws fights out and gives you a false sense of being helpful. It’s also very lazy because people use it so they don’t have to dodge.

I invite you to run CoE with me. I’ve run it too with all zerk warriors and we’ve ripped through all paths, but with other groups of same composition, it has failed because people ran out of energy, couldn’t dodge and died. It varies. Alpha sometimes spams AE, sometimes he doesnt. I’m all for throwing max damage at everything but in my experience, not all encounters work that way making support necessary. And I’d argue for the last time my preference is zerk. Four of my six 80’s are full zerk. If damage is better for Arah, then that is what I’ll run.

I invite you to duo Lupicus with me and we will see who runs out of dodges.

I’ll be happy to. Once I clear all the paths and get familiar with the dungeon.

Incentives for experienced players to help

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: colesy.8490


So basically you’ll never do it and hope Brazil forgets about it.

Sanctum of Rall (NA) – [LOD] – PvE/Dungeon Phantasm Mesmer build
Morrï (Mesmer) | Serah Mahariel (Guardian) | Morrï Mahariel (Warrior)
“colesy’s on rampage today. Slaying casuals left, right and centre” – spoj

Incentives for experienced players to help

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: swiftpaw.6397


So basically you’ll never do it and hope Brazil forgets about it.

I am sad now

Grandmaster Forum Mind Brain
|-Swiftpaw Sharpclaw [DnT]-|

Incentives for experienced players to help

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Vosintereo.3982


Long time reader, first time poster.

This is just my view so I’ll try to keep this short.

The truly Experienced/Efficient players wouldn’t mind helping Inexperienced/New players as long as they could do the following.

Have a good understanding on the dodge mechanics
Have a good understanding on their profession
Willing to listen and learn new tactics
Willing to change their builds

They are not willing to help you if you have the following mentality.
“I play how I want” – leave that mentality for open PvE.

I am trying to avoid using the word “Elitist” here as the word itself has been tarnished by players who think they are experienced and efficient yet have done nothing for community except alienate the new players.

The real Elitist’s have post guides and videos for dungeons, posted the most efficient builds for quick and efficient runs. They have helped the community and are under no obligation to continue to do so if players continue to have the _"play how I want" mentality when it comes to clearing dungeons.

Incentives for experienced players to help

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: swiftpaw.6397


So basically most of the people who are called ‘elitists and scumbags’ on a regular basis on these forums, are actually not the horrible evil kittenholes that the casuals make them out to be. Now if only they took off their care bear goggles and realized this.. Ah here’s to hoping.

Grandmaster Forum Mind Brain
|-Swiftpaw Sharpclaw [DnT]-|

Incentives for experienced players to help

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: FrankGrimey.7032


So basically you’ll never do it and hope Brazil forgets about it.

We can have a dodge competition anywhere if it matters that much. I’d rather spend the next times I play learning to clear Arah. Feel free to add me to remind me. It clearly matters much to you.

Incentives for experienced players to help

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: FrankGrimey.7032


Long time reader, first time poster.

This is just my view so I’ll try to keep this short.

The truly Experienced/Efficient players wouldn’t mind helping Inexperienced/New players as long as they could do the following.

Have a good understanding on the dodge mechanics
Have a good understanding on their profession
Willing to listen and learn new tactics
Willing to change their builds

They are not willing to help you if you have the following mentality.
“I play how I want” – leave that mentality for open PvE.

I am trying to avoid using the word “Elitist” here as the word itself has been tarnished by players who think they are experienced and efficient yet have done nothing for community except alienate the new players.

The real Elitist’s have post guides and videos for dungeons, posted the most efficient builds for quick and efficient runs. They have helped the community and are under no obligation to continue to do so if players continue to have the _"play how I want" mentality when it comes to clearing dungeons.

That’s understandable and completely fine. But back to my initial point, based on LFG, many groups shutdown noobs before they even can join a group.

Incentives for experienced players to help

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Delay.6908


So basically most of the people who are called ‘elitists and scumbags’ on a regular basis on these forums, are actually not the horrible evil kittenholes that the casuals make them out to be. Now if only they took off their care bear goggles and realized this.. Ah here’s to hoping.

You need a lot of hope for that to happen… the care bear goggles are hard to take off :/

Dr Winston | [DnT]

Incentives for experienced players to help

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Vosintereo.3982


That’s understandable and completely fine. But back to my initial point, based on LFG, many groups shutdown noobs before they even can join a group.

While annoying/inconvenient/sad that this is the case, I am unsure if adding an incentive for Eltist’s to help players ingame is going to drive them to come out help more. The fear of noobs playing how they want is going to put them off.

If the incentive is too small, whats the point?
If the incentive is too big, they might just carry anybody just to get the reward while the noob hasn’t learnt a thing.

It’s a possibility that groups shutting down noobs before they can join are farmers not wanting to waste time? While inconsiderate, we have to also think of it from their point of view. _"why has this newbie joined when I only have an hr of playing time and I want my rewards quick"

I am no where near being an Elite player, it is extremely unlikely i will ever see someone from D’n’T join my group to help me learn more paths. If LFG is covered with “no noobs/experience players only”, I will just post my own group with specific details on what I want and what they could expect.

e.g. LFM – first time run – (dunegon) path x – wanting to learn.

Some (not all) new players need to have patience and expect to put in some hardwork to learn it. Don’t expect it handed to you on a silver platter.

Incentives for experienced players to help

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: swiftpaw.6397


I am no where near being an Elite player, it is extremely unlikely i will ever see someone from D’n’T join my group to help me learn more paths. If LFG is covered with “no noobs/experience players only”, I will just post my own group with specific details on what I want and what they could expect.

Well, now that you mention it.. We do pug from time to time. Sometimes for fun, other times we’re just short a person. Here’s a recent experience.

Today we did a fotm 38. We needed a pug to fill last slot. After gearchecking and kicked 5 or so people who were in various awful gear sets claiming to be ‘zerker’ which they were not, we finally got someone in the correct gear. I will not mention the name of this person but I can tell you that he claimed to be a top pvper. He was a thief, and the entire run he camped his shortbow. We asked him to please melee, because the dps was awful, it felt like a 4 man team. His response was to stand in melee range with the shortbow, autoattacking. We really strained to be nice to him, but he blew up and started throwing out insults left right and centre at us. He claimed that his shortbow was good dps, that he needed it to survive, that he was a top pvper and far exceeded our skill in every way, and that we were bad.. etc etc. In the end we kicked him.

This is why we avoid pugs. They are a lost cause. If they want to learn, if they truly want to learn, they can go out of their way and look at our various videos and build guides. It should not be up to us to educate the people who refuse to be educated. It should not be up to us, to take responsibility for people who wont take responsibility for themselves. You are absolutely correct in stating that people should not expect things to be handed to them on a silver platter, the sad reality of it is that most of them do expect this.

Grandmaster Forum Mind Brain
|-Swiftpaw Sharpclaw [DnT]-|

(edited by swiftpaw.6397)

Incentives for experienced players to help

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Nike Porphyrogenita.8137

Nike Porphyrogenita.8137

I’ll teach you how to do the commonly farmed paths of every dungeon, since the video guides Strife made aren’t good enough I guess. It will cost you the path gold reward x8 per path you want. I’d wager this is a fair bargain since you will recoup the cost of each path in no time once you are ready.

Death and Taxes [DnT]
DnT is Recruiting –

Incentives for experienced players to help

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Vosintereo.3982


I’ll teach you how to do the commonly farmed paths of every dungeon, since the video guides Strife made aren’t good enough I guess. It will cost you the path gold reward x8 per path you want. I’d wager this is a fair bargain since you will recoup the cost of each path in no time once you are ready.

And there it is.
That is the incentive Experience players may look at to help new players.
But of course great teachers can’t always help ill disciplined students.

Incentives for experienced players to help

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Nike Porphyrogenita.8137

Nike Porphyrogenita.8137

I can teach, but I can’t make someone learn. Anyways, if you’re serious about learning message me in game.

Death and Taxes [DnT]
DnT is Recruiting –

Incentives for experienced players to help

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Dempsey.8760


Long time reader, first time poster.

This is just my view so I’ll try to keep this short.

The truly Experienced/Efficient players wouldn’t mind helping Inexperienced/New players as long as they could do the following.

Have a good understanding on the dodge mechanics
Have a good understanding on their profession
Willing to listen and learn new tactics
Willing to change their builds

They are not willing to help you if you have the following mentality.
“I play how I want” – leave that mentality for open PvE.

I am trying to avoid using the word “Elitist” here as the word itself has been tarnished by players who think they are experienced and efficient yet have done nothing for community except alienate the new players.

The real Elitist’s have post guides and videos for dungeons, posted the most efficient builds for quick and efficient runs. They have helped the community and are under no obligation to continue to do so if players continue to have the _"play how I want" mentality when it comes to clearing dungeons.

In no way do I expect anyone to change their build, true I am one of these elitists but every time i join a pug it is the same thing.

Facetank basic telegraphed attacks – no understanding of dodging. ( I have endurance, better dodge to look cool.)

Will not listen to tactics or strategies because “thats not right” or “It’s too dangerous”- Really just unwilling to learn all together.

Then they believe it isn’t right because they know nothing about how their class contributes to a particular fight and just want to keep using the skills they think are cool or look cool.

Honestly it isn’t about builds at all everyone is so concerned about builds A"What gear should I run" B"full zerk" A"That’s not tanky enough" B"why’d you ask" This is just about how every kitten conversation goes when someone asks. A"What traits should I run" B"XYZ" A"that’s not supporty enough" B"Why’d you ask"
Screw the builds, go out on a lvl 40 and fight a lvl 50 veteran. Or go out on a lvl 80 even and solo the champs no one farms. This is what I did to learn how to dodge, granted i’ve dumbed down recently but still. Go out put in the effort to learn this stuff after you realize you don’t need to be so supporty or tanky and you start to grasp what you profession is good at and has limits too, then you will naturally lean towards our builds and gear set ups.

(edited by Dempsey.8760)

Incentives for experienced players to help

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Vosintereo.3982


it is extremely unlikely i will ever see someone from D’n’T join my group to help me learn more paths.

I just want to make sure this is clear – this statement has was not mean’t to call out DnT in anyway. Mad respect for the Guild – it was an example, i wouldn’t (nobody should) expect any of the top class guild to come and help. If they do it’s a bonus.

Incentives for experienced players to help

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Vosintereo.3982


I can teach, but I can’t make someone learn. Anyways, if you’re serious about learning message me in game.

I had no idea your first comment was directed to me. I appreciate the offer for your services, I am a sucker for punishment and will tend to learn the hardway and use guides as a point of reference.

Incentives for experienced players to help

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Guanglai Kangyi.4318

Guanglai Kangyi.4318

Unlike the “elitists” from DnT, I pug all the time. And whenever I pug and tell people how to do something, I get called an elitist and kicked. Usually when I am dungeon host, which is just another indication of how little people know about the way the game works yet how resistant they are to actually learning anything. This has actually happened after people have ASKED me to show them how to do the dungeon. So now I usually just run ahead and just let people die if they don’t know what I’m doing, and everything goes super smooth.

Which is all the incentive anyone needs NOT to help noobs.

Incentives for experienced players to help

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: HELLruler.4820


The specific problem is player skill. Being good at doing Arah is easy, you can study it and watch videos, understand what to do and go for it.
On the other hand, dodging, utility skills and traits are game changing things. I personally don’t care if you have never done arah before, but if you keep dying during lupicus fight, you should go do easier stuff and l2p

Incentives for experienced players to help

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: NoTrigger.8396


thats not good advice. you dont learn from easier stuff. you only learn when you fail.

[qT] Quantify

Incentives for experienced players to help

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Black Box.9312

Black Box.9312

OP, trying to get help from ‘elitists’ is a lost cause. You’d have been better off making a title such as “Incentives for experienced players to help inexperienced players in dungeons”, or something along those lines. While there are many experienced players that could be classified as elitist, the two are wholly separate categories based on two entirely different definitions.

But that aside, even, there are still problems that arise from such a request. It’s quite hypocritical to ask someone for assistance, and then, when provided with it, turn around and tell them that that’s not what you want. There are far too many people that play this game that expect the teacher to cater to the whims of the student, when in reality the student must work according to the guidelines established by the teacher in order to learn and understand. If someone tells you that full zerker is the only way to go and that you have only one proper way to build a class, and you don’t feel like that’s true, then that’s fine. But if that’s the case, then stop asking for that crowd to help you become a better player, because it’s far more ignorant to deny assistance from someone you request it from simply because it isn’t exactly what you wanted or expected.

Incentives for experienced players to help

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: mosspit.8936


I am no where near being an Elite player, it is extremely unlikely i will ever see someone from D’n’T join my group to help me learn more paths. If LFG is covered with “no noobs/experience players only”, I will just post my own group with specific details on what I want and what they could expect.

Well, now that you mention it.. We do pug from time to time. Sometimes for fun, other times we’re just short a person. Here’s a recent experience.

Today we did a fotm 38. We needed a pug to fill last slot. After gearchecking and kicked 5 or so people who were in various awful gear sets claiming to be ‘zerker’ which they were not, we finally got someone in the correct gear. I will not mention the name of this person but I can tell you that he claimed to be a top pvper. He was a thief, and the entire run he camped his shortbow. We asked him to please melee, because the dps was awful, it felt like a 4 man team. His response was to stand in melee range with the shortbow, autoattacking. We really strained to be nice to him, but he blew up and started throwing out insults left right and centre at us. He claimed that his shortbow was good dps, that he needed it to survive, that he was a top pvper and far exceeded our skill in every way, and that we were bad.. etc etc. In the end we kicked him.

This is why we avoid pugs. They are a lost cause. If they want to learn, if they truly want to learn, they can go out of their way and look at our various videos and build guides. It should not be up to us to educate the people who refuse to be educated. It should not be up to us, to take responsibility for people who wont take responsibility for themselves. You are absolutely correct in stating that people should not expect things to be handed to them on a silver platter, the sad reality of it is that most of them do expect this.

I actually did managed to get into an Arah p2 pug with a DnT. I still remembered the handle. It was 1 of the only 2 sub 2mins lupi fights I ever had till date. After that he/she suggested we kill champs and even bothered to explain Orrian Champ Spiders. I read of their Malrona-like mechanism but it was my first time putting that into play. The champs basically all lasted less than 10secs. I do not know if all DnT members are like that but it certainly left me a good impression.

On the other hand. I have also pugged with another player who previously asked for advise on a tafu thread. He/she wanted a speedrun. His/her idea of a speedrun is to run ahead, not to rez anyone who is downed in boss fights. Even though I have rezzed him when he got killed. When the party complained, he told us to look at the post description and read the “speedrun” description. I also remembered his/her name. Probably with more effect since it is now in my block list.

(edited by mosspit.8936)

Incentives for experienced players to help

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: DigitalKirin.9714


I have symbols, dodge roll (which on avg heals about 10% per roll, AND I can roll 3-4 in a row before no endurance. I have the F2 forgot the name. And that combined with the elite that resets F1-F3, I heal a lot. That in addition to the fact that I prioritize empowering over my own damage which is low. I also can take a hit. Often times, I can stand and take damage then others can’t.

Almost all of the support you mention here can be done just as well by a guardian focused on DPS. Aside from symbols healing, there are several DPS builds floating around in this dungeon subforum that include the vigor on crit and heal on dodge roll that you seem to value. Plus, you will always have Virtue of Resolve and Courage just by being a guardian, regardless of your spec. Same with Renewed Focus.

I honestly think you should consider giving a zerk guardian a try. I personally enjoy the Radiance tree for the ability to blind things with virtue of justice as well as renewing virtue of justice when you kill something. Plus, Right Handed Strength is a pretty fantastic trait to cap off that tree.

Genevieve Talbot [NP] – Noble Phantasm on Stormbluff Isle

Incentives for experienced players to help

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Nike Porphyrogenita.8137

Nike Porphyrogenita.8137

After that he/she suggested we kill champs and even bothered to explain Orrian Champ Spiders. I read of their Malrona-like mechanism but it was my first time putting that into play. The champs basically all lasted less than 10secs. I do not know if all DnT members are like that but it certainly left me a good impression.

Who is this person so I can kick them. Killing optional champ spiders? What kind of casual is this wearing our tag?!

Death and Taxes [DnT]
DnT is Recruiting –

Incentives for experienced players to help

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: mosspit.8936


After that he/she suggested we kill champs and even bothered to explain Orrian Champ Spiders. I read of their Malrona-like mechanism but it was my first time putting that into play. The champs basically all lasted less than 10secs. I do not know if all DnT members are like that but it certainly left me a good impression.

Who is this person so I can kick them. Killing optional champ spiders? What kind of casual is this wearing our tag?!

W-What have I done?

Er…. nah I lied to prove my point. Busted!!!

Incentives for experienced players to help

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Crysto.7089


“I’m gonna play how I wanna play!”
-Casual scumbag, makes runs take 16 hours, no friends, probably hates freedom, uses white weapons and armor

“You’re gonna play how I want you to play!”
-Elite alpha pro, runs take less than 10 seconds, gets laid often, bathes in gold and glory, solos dungeons sans weapons and armor through sheer willpower

#1 Commander/Player NA: Promotions

Incentives for experienced players to help

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: guanlongwucaii.3162


“I’m gonna play how I wanna play!”
-Casual scumbag, makes runs take 16 hours, no friends, probably hates freedom, uses white weapons and armor

“You’re gonna play how I want you to play!”
-Elite alpha pro, runs take less than 10 seconds, gets laid often, bathes in gold and glory, solos dungeons sans weapons and armor through sheer willpower

as inaccurate as it gets, except for the part about how some casual scum hate freedom

Incentives for experienced players to help

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: laokoko.7403


That’s understandable and completely fine. But back to my initial point, based on LFG, many groups shutdown noobs before they even can join a group.

Ya they do. But there are groups which don’t shutdown noob too.

If you want to know. When I join those arah group with no requirement it is usually successful. So you shouldn’t have to join “veteran group” to do it. Usually there’s 1 or 2 expereinced player anyway who just tag along.

Even with complete noob group. You should be able to do it. It just take very long. Long enough that many people arn’t able to tolerabe it.

(edited by laokoko.7403)

Incentives for experienced players to help

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Dolan.3071


The specific problem is player skill. Being good at doing Arah is easy, you can study it and watch videos, understand what to do and go for it.
On the other hand, dodging, utility skills and traits are game changing things. I personally don’t care if you have never done arah before, but if you keep dying during lupicus fight, you should go do easier stuff and l2p

Now this here is a prime example of a scumbag elitist. Someone who in all actuality doesn’t want to deal with new players, who would never take the time to teach newcomers. This type of elitist is not to be confused with the ones that dominate this sub-forum.
How you can get better at fighting Lupi without practicing against Lupi himself is beyond me.

I apologise if the original comment was sarcastic in which case it went right over my head.

Uriel Asther ~ Warrior | Kaya Lereau ~ Elementalist | Natalie Fox ~ Thief
Skye Eterna ~ Mesmer | Arya Slade ~ Charrdian | Kiera Thine ~ Ranger
Oceanic ~ [LOD] [Noob]

Incentives for experienced players to help

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Blood Red Arachnid.2493

Blood Red Arachnid.2493

My biggest concern is about exploitation of any “help n00bs” mechanic that gets put in place. Someone else mentioned before that it is a fine line between too little and too much, but the incentives seem like they can be easily gamed by switching to alts, making dummy accounts, players selling their newness as “incentive”, or something else that will arise. I’m not sure it would even work, since this attempts to appeal to elitism instead of discouraging elitism. We’ve already heard what they say: “I quit mowing the grass because they’re always more grass to mow, so now I only go to places where the grass doesn’t grow anymore”.

I’m afraid other than a community shift, there isn’t any way to get elitists to become tolerant again.

I don’t have opinions. I only have facts I can’t adequately prove.

Incentives for experienced players to help

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Clumsy.6257


The specific problem is player skill. Being good at doing Arah is easy, you can study it and watch videos, understand what to do and go for it.
On the other hand, dodging, utility skills and traits are game changing things. I personally don’t care if you have never done arah before, but if you keep dying during lupicus fight, you should go do easier stuff and l2p

Now this here is a prime example of a scumbag elitist. Someone who in all actuality doesn’t want to deal with new players, who would never take the time to teach newcomers. This type of elitist is not to be confused with the ones that dominate this sub-forum.
How you can get better at fighting Lupi without practicing against Lupi himself is beyond me.

I apologise if the original comment was sarcastic in which case it went right over my head.

heres a thought… l2play… my first lupi kill i didnt get downed once because i actually pay attention and know how to dodge

Incentives for experienced players to help

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: swiftpaw.6397


heres a thought… l2play… my first lupi kill i didnt get downed once because i actually pay attention and know how to dodge

Whoah, dude you sound amazing. You need to join my guild right away, I am so impressed.


Grandmaster Forum Mind Brain
|-Swiftpaw Sharpclaw [DnT]-|

Incentives for experienced players to help

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Clumsy.6257


heres a thought… l2play… my first lupi kill i didnt get downed once because i actually pay attention and know how to dodge

Whoah, dude you sound amazing. You need to join my guild right away, I am so impressed.

that wasnt bragging, it was frustration that the majority of pugs find him difficult when in reality hes as easy as any other boss

Incentives for experienced players to help

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: swiftpaw.6397


I genuinely am impressed.

Grandmaster Forum Mind Brain
|-Swiftpaw Sharpclaw [DnT]-|

Incentives for experienced players to help

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: colesy.8490


I’ve only melee’d Lupi a few times now and I always freak out in the phase 3 transition and die =[

Sanctum of Rall (NA) – [LOD] – PvE/Dungeon Phantasm Mesmer build
Morrï (Mesmer) | Serah Mahariel (Guardian) | Morrï Mahariel (Warrior)
“colesy’s on rampage today. Slaying casuals left, right and centre” – spoj

Incentives for experienced players to help

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Dolan.3071


The specific problem is player skill. Being good at doing Arah is easy, you can study it and watch videos, understand what to do and go for it.
On the other hand, dodging, utility skills and traits are game changing things. I personally don’t care if you have never done arah before, but if you keep dying during lupicus fight, you should go do easier stuff and l2p

Now this here is a prime example of a scumbag elitist. Someone who in all actuality doesn’t want to deal with new players, who would never take the time to teach newcomers. This type of elitist is not to be confused with the ones that dominate this sub-forum.
How you can get better at fighting Lupi without practicing against Lupi himself is beyond me.

I apologise if the original comment was sarcastic in which case it went right over my head.

heres a thought… l2play… my first lupi kill i didnt get downed once because i actually pay attention and know how to dodge

1) Was this a full melee fight?
2) Was the kill under 2 mins?
3) Were there no Cleric Guardian/s healing you through most attacks?
4) Were you in full Berserker gear?
Optional 5) Did you use your mad skills to solo him on the first go?

Even if you answered yes to just 1-4 above conditions then I am genuinely impressed, on my first ever Lupi even after watching Strife’s video I still got the Aegis proc on his first kick. Go me, and in phase 3 I moved around too much and pretty much got most of my party killed.
Clearly I’m not the best player but I’m not going to get better at fighting Lupi by say, farming Meta Events. You get better at fighting Lupi, by fighting Lupi, I can only be thankful that I had a guild who bothered to teach me as opposed to just telling me “L2P you should be able to get this guy on your first attempt you scrub.”

But to be honest… I think you’re full of kitten.

Uriel Asther ~ Warrior | Kaya Lereau ~ Elementalist | Natalie Fox ~ Thief
Skye Eterna ~ Mesmer | Arya Slade ~ Charrdian | Kiera Thine ~ Ranger
Oceanic ~ [LOD] [Noob]

(edited by Dolan.3071)

Incentives for experienced players to help

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Vox Hollow.2736

Vox Hollow.2736

Just to bring this thread full circle;
I didn’t get downed once my first Lupi kill, because somebody was helping out the newbie by explaining the fight.

Incentives for experienced players to help

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Wethospu.6437


Once I had so good pug team carrying me that none of them took any damage on Lupicus. I think even some of them were first timers.
Well, some of them were afk and they all stood outside while I soloed it but that doesn’t make it less impressive!

Incentives for experienced players to help

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: akamon.2769


OP, have you seen the Arah vets helping others thread? iirc, there should be one each for both EU and NA. so don’t be so quick to judge. and it helps to stop generalizing and labeling people kitten-and-so. it just warrants a lot of bickering. there’s enough of that as is…

it’s good that you’re planning to do this. learn it and go help others. here’s how i learned to do dungeons. i did watch videos to prep (i don’t see how that’s frowned upon?) and then when in actual dungeon, let people know you’re new. but don’t play the victim card when sth goes bad. ask how you can do better next time. if you have a good attitude and willing to learn, more often than not, they’ll help you and teach you.

i’ve been in dungeons where there was only one “vet”, i.e. someone who’s know the path before and what’s the mechanics. explains to the 4 of us who are new. and goes at the end “now you all know how to do it. if you each join a completely new group, that’s 16 more people who’ll learn the dungeon”. keep passing it forward. and it does happen.

sure, there are people who say “no n00bz exppp or gtfo” but there are just as many “i play how i want no elitistssssss i’m not gonna listen and learn” running around. so don’t be either. focus on the positives. no need to pur others down. or so to speak, “stoop to their levels” if you don’t like being called a noob. labels hurt the community more than help.

Akaimon | Jolly Good Guardian
Akaigi | Warrior Made of Wood
[CDS] – Sanctum of Rall

Incentives for experienced players to help

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Bismuth.3165


I think you’re full of kitten.


Jeeha (ele) and Jeeha The Warrior
Is currently emotionally unstable because Breaking Bad is over

Incentives for experienced players to help

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Clumsy.6257


The specific problem is player skill. Being good at doing Arah is easy, you can study it and watch videos, understand what to do and go for it.
On the other hand, dodging, utility skills and traits are game changing things. I personally don’t care if you have never done arah before, but if you keep dying during lupicus fight, you should go do easier stuff and l2p

Now this here is a prime example of a scumbag elitist. Someone who in all actuality doesn’t want to deal with new players, who would never take the time to teach newcomers. This type of elitist is not to be confused with the ones that dominate this sub-forum.
How you can get better at fighting Lupi without practicing against Lupi himself is beyond me.

I apologise if the original comment was sarcastic in which case it went right over my head.

heres a thought… l2play… my first lupi kill i didnt get downed once because i actually pay attention and know how to dodge

1) Was this a full melee fight?
2) Was the kill under 2 mins?
3) Were there no Cleric Guardian/s healing you through most attacks?
4) Were you in full Berserker gear?
Optional 5) Did you use your mad skills to solo him on the first go?

Even if you answered yes to just 1-4 above conditions then I am genuinely impressed, on my first ever Lupi even after watching Strife’s video I still got the Aegis proc on his first kick. Go me, and in phase 3 I moved around too much and pretty much got most of my party killed.
Clearly I’m not the best player but I’m not going to get better at fighting Lupi by say, farming Meta Events. You get better at fighting Lupi, by fighting Lupi, I can only be thankful that I had a guild who bothered to teach me as opposed to just telling me “L2P you should be able to get this guy on your first attempt you scrub.”

But to be honest… I think you’re full of kitten.

1. this was last september, we were ranging him, the good old stack at 1200 and have 1 person melee down the grubs
2. refer to 1.
3. no we were in all berserker
4. refer to 3.
5. absolutely

Incentives for experienced players to help

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: swiftpaw.6397


ranging him. cool.

Grandmaster Forum Mind Brain
|-Swiftpaw Sharpclaw [DnT]-|

Incentives for experienced players to help

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Clumsy.6257


ranging him. cool.

unless theres a vid of it, im pretty sure nobody was meleeing him 1 month after the game was out

Incentives for experienced players to help

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: LordByron.8369


We don t need incentives…
Grinding and rewards are what forces people to run “dumbing tactics” to finish every dungeon without any risk and any effort.

with current need for gold nobody can afford to play for fun…..inetad everyobody needs as much gold as he can get…that why “elitism” exist….(elitism imho is a wrong word for what happens in dungeons..).

GW2 balance:
A PvE player is supposed to avoid a 1-2 second 1 shotting aoe.
A WWW player is considered uncapable of avoiding a 5,75 second aoe for half his health.

Incentives for experienced players to help

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Clumsy.6257


We don t need incentives…
Grinding and rewards are what forces people to run “dumbing tactics” to finish every dungeon without any risk and any effort.

with current need for gold nobody can afford to play for fun…..inetad everyobody needs as much gold as he can get…that why “elitism” exist….(elitism imho is a wrong word for what happens in dungeons..).

what are these dumbing tactics you speak of? and who says making gold isnt fun? i dont know about you but i quit worrying about gold for 2 months and poof all the sudden i had way more gold than i needed

Incentives for experienced players to help

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: swiftpaw.6397


ranging him. cool.

unless theres a vid of it, im pretty sure nobody was meleeing him 1 month after the game was out

I said cool. Chillax man.

Grandmaster Forum Mind Brain
|-Swiftpaw Sharpclaw [DnT]-|

Incentives for experienced players to help

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Evilbeavers.3964


lol who joins groups advertising for no knob heads???

i actually like this idea. the first time i did arah was p3 ( i had watched a guide on p3) and i joined a group and told them that i had never done it before but that i thought i would listen to them and that i had a rough idea of what was going on. They said it was fine. Turned out the whole path went quite well with no wipes.

Personally i like to take newbies on runs whenever i have time. The only dungeon i dont advertise for newbies is arah because i dont get more than 1hr and a half to play but the days i do ac or ta or se or something i take newbies along and often times the ones that listen are fun to play with.

“No knob heads” just made my day.

Kiblet – War Nubs – [NUB]
Terribad Ranger
Stormbluff Isle

Incentives for experienced players to help

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: spoj.9672


Pay me and actually listen to my advice and Id gladly teach nubs.