Increase party vote kicking system.

Increase party vote kicking system.

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Wicked Rin.1972

Wicked Rin.1972

Just thought I’ll give another good reason to make it so it takes more than 2 players to boot people from a party. This probably would not be the majority of the people but these very few makes it worst for other players.

On a normal evening, I joined a semi guild groups for AC path 1 and 3. I say semi because there were only 2 people in that guild and the other two were random pugs, like myself that joined. We were doing the run normally in path 1 to the boss and I said wait for the it to come to the corner before pulling. Since I thought they were going to aggro by accident, I rather say something then to be silent. I also typed it in capital letters by mistake, but whatever it happens. They thought I was rude and said something rude back to defend their honor or some such. It didn’t bother me, oh well.

We went on to do path 3. What happen was the person that went out to pull the spiderlings got downed and his guildie decided to run out and try to save him but also got downed. Lucky for him, he was an ele and mist form back to us resulting in a wipe, but before the wipe I said “stack”, since I saw people moving out of position. After this they said a bunch of “we know what we’re doing comments”. I decided not to bother arguing with these morons. Probably one reason why most pug players don’t speak in chat. I figured they’ll kick me from the party there, because they were sounding like little kittens. I should’ve left, but I didn’t… my mistake. We moved on to reaching the last boss and right before the boss died, I got booted. I was wrong, they were more of a kitten then I thought. I had my time lost because some idiots decided to kick me, for saying, “WAIT, DON’T AGGRO UNTIL THE CORNER” and “stack”.

p.s. I saw them both with ice bows and their ice storm didn’t destory a burrow… I just thought it was funny.

(edited by Wicked Rin.1972)

Increase party vote kicking system.

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Dual.8953


While I’m not opposed to this, I can see how it could potentially flip the problem to the other side. Trolls can exist on both.
Their abrasiveness makes me wonder if all the dungeon meta buzz that’s been going around lately has finally made it to the pugs.
The Pug scene being overrun by aggressive play how you wanters. Wonder what discussion that’d spark here.

Registered Altaholic
Part-time Kittenposter

Increase party vote kicking system.

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: MassDelusion.9130


It should be majority, and it should have an option to refuse to kick someone.

I’ve seen a votekick go up on someone, that no one but that one players wants to kick, yet I can’t do anything about it.
The small window just stays up there until that one players decides to take it down.

Increase party vote kicking system.

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Lord Kuru.3685

Lord Kuru.3685

On a normal evening, I joined a semi guild groups for AC path 1 and 3. I say semi because there were only 2 people in that guild and the other two were random pugs, like myself that joined.

Stopped reading here because that’s where you screwed up.

PSA: Never join a pug group that has two people from the same guild.

The exception is if you started the instance. True, most of the time, nothing bad will happen, but that one time where it does will make you rage. It’s not worth it.

Increase party vote kicking system.

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Wicked Rin.1972

Wicked Rin.1972

I didn’t notice they were in the same guild until they started sounding so aggressive in the party chat. Most of the time it’s fine to pug in normal dungeons, except for probably fractals and arah, where most of the people kick just for one mistake.

Increase party vote kicking system.

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Purple Miku.7032

Purple Miku.7032

I can’t say that I haven’t had anything like this happen to me before, but wow that blows.

I was kicked from FotM cliffside on the last boss the other day because I used hammer when there was 1 chanter still left with 20% hp.

Increase party vote kicking system.

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: thomasgjkgwdn.4760


people shouldn’t be kicked out at all. they should be ferried into their own instance, with progress preserved. add a token to all, so people originating from the same instance can’t complete their own, and then go complete the other ones too.

and people should be able to click on a “spawn new instance” button, instead of dropping it on exit.

too much is lost just because some people are behaving badly.

Increase party vote kicking system.

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Lord Kuru.3685

Lord Kuru.3685

people shouldn’t be kicked out at all. they should be ferried into their own instance, with progress preserved. add a token to all, so people originating from the same instance can’t complete their own, and then go complete the other ones too.

and people should be able to click on a “spawn new instance” button, instead of dropping it on exit.

too much is lost just because some people are behaving badly.

Get to the end boss of an Arah path. Split your party into 5 instances. Sell 20 slots. Or, if you really want to have fun, fill each of the 5 instances with guildmates, split those into 25 instances and sell 100 slots.

Increase party vote kicking system.

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: thomasgjkgwdn.4760


people shouldn’t be kicked out at all. they should be ferried into their own instance, with progress preserved. add a token to all, so people originating from the same instance can’t complete their own, and then go complete the other ones too.

and people should be able to click on a “spawn new instance” button, instead of dropping it on exit.

too much is lost just because some people are behaving badly.

Get to the end boss of an Arah path. Split your party into 5 instances. Sell 20 slots. Or, if you really want to have fun, fill each of the 5 instances with guildmates, split those into 25 instances and sell 100 slots.

yeah something like that. i’m thinking no token inheritance, though. newcomers will not get a progressed instance for free (on kick/split), but they can choose to follow the tokened players through.

so yeah, 20 slots max, for organized dungeon sellers. beats the current griefing system. probably takes away the incentive to scam, because it’s just easier to profit off of the 20 slots.

and wouldn’t it be neat if there was an actual dungeon selling system in place, so buyers could deposit the money, and the seller would receive it upon dungeon completion…