Dear Anet,
this is an attempt to communicate with you(Anet) and i hope to get some helpfull answers or to start a “initiative”.
It won’t hurt to get other opinions from the community too!
first off i want to introduce myself:
I am a dungeon-player, which means i run a lot of dungeons in organised groups but also with random people from the lfg-tool.
This means i will mostly talk about PvE or Dungeons (mostly) and i will state MY opinion and frustration about some things that are going on.
Some will now think: “Shut up! How is it frustrating to get fast money?”
well – i have to admit…it isnt bad to get fast money but it’s frustrating to see only 50-70% of the original dungeon-path/bosses used/killed
English is not my native language so please excuse my typings and bad/wrong wordings.
I want to address a problem i have with the handling of bug-reports (in dungeons).
Because i play since launch dungeons can be quite boring, thats why i often do duo’s or solo runs where i try to explore the map and find new technics to kill/avoid certain bosses.
That resulted in out-of-map glitches, bugged dungeons (no progress possible) skipped bosses, and so on.
I find it important to note that i do these not to speed things up but to have some fun trying things out! (It is a lot of fun to jump all around arah (on the ceiling and swimming under it,…)!
Mostly those adventures take longer than it would take if i did the dungeon the normal way…but they show me things that are exploitable and recently these things get exploited even by randoms with 1k AP (i know AP is not all there is)!
After 1 Year i startet to report them with the ingame “/bug” function (mainly because i got soo bored and hope for fixes).
A screenshot, which showed how/where this bug/exploit/skip starts was always added in this report.
Sadly none of these bugs were fixed! NONE!
As you can imagine it was frustrating to see that bugs that could easily be fixed (in my opinion) weren’t fixed but instead we got regular (exagerated) new bugs into existing dungeons.
After i realized this i made a forum post containing all exploits and bugs (in dungeons) that i knew off, without explaining how they worked.
This post got deleted and i got a warning because i were spreading ways to exploit.
The Dev/Moderator who told me so, also said i should report exploits to the following address “”
and 2 weeks later i did send my bug/exploit-collection to this email.
Sadly again…nothing was fixed after 4 weeks (bi-weekly updates) even though i included a video that demonstrated every bug and how it worked.
I said to myself that i was too impatient and waited 4 more weeks while still reporting bugs.
Nothing changed!
Aside from the fact that most of these bugs were now used many random-groups! (Because it shortens the time needed)
Thats why i messaged my community manager and he/she said i should still send those reports to “” but he/she would also forward them to the devs.
I guess a community manager is not the right person to direct such a list to but it was the only person i knew who speaks my language so i figured it would be easier to explain the exploits/bugs.
After repeating this 2-3 times i finaly saw first changes (after ~6 month after talking to the community manager):
Arah path 1 – The coral was fixed (in my opionion very badly and it wasnt a solution – its still exploitable)
Arah path 2 – the ship-skip (but it was not fixed good enough!)
My question is: WHY?
Why does it take so long to fix some bugs/exploits in dungeons?
Answers like
- it is not our top priority
- we will look into this
won’t help because nothing will change