Mastery gates for raids?
If you don’t play, why does it matter to you?
Restore that which was lost. And all shall be as one.”
If you don’t play, why does it matter to you?
Because I plan on coming back to the game to play raids
I would suggest getting tier 1 or 2 in every mastery in Heart of Thorns, which in reality doesnt take to long if u have 2 3 hrs spare. Pop all boosters and look for “spider farm” in lfg, that will take u to a spot in verdant brink where spiders are farmed for fast exp. In the long run u want to max out gliding, and def have mushroom jumping. If Anet are creative i can see them implementing other current masteries, such as poison immunity, being able to use adrenal and speed mushrooms.
I used to be a power ranger, now not sure anymore
I would actually like to see a definitive response from anet because I have heard feedback from testers that ley line gliding is required which has never been mooted.
Miranda Zero – Ele / Twitch Zero – Mes / Chargrin Soulboom – Engi
Aliera Zero – Guardian / Reaver Zero – Necro
a while ago they talked in interviews about the masteries that you need. the information is out there.
for example:
(edited by NoTrigger.8396)
I don’t play the game any more (due to the story being gated by masteries and the huge decline in WvW population due to WvW players playing PvE) but I would like to know what masteries I will need to have to do the raids so I can decide if its worth farming for them before the raids are released.
Just wait until raids are released so that you actually know which masteries are required. It looks like Anet wants to keep the requirements as secret as possible in a desperate attempt to keep people grinding out masteries (in order to retain player population numbers).
Do you really want to grind out masteries that turn out to be unnecessary?
From the videos they released, levels 1 and 2 of gliding are necessary (and those are very easy to acquire, just spend an hour with an xp booster doing event trains in verdant brink) and I would wager that having level 1 itzel mastery for the shroom jump will be useful.
They announced that a new line of masteries (Rift Traveler I think it’s called) will become available with the launch of the 1st raid and I believe that will be extremely useful but not necessary. Their original statements were that you could do fine in raids without masteries as long as at least a few members had certain ones and that looks to be the case. Additionally, the bosses will drop items that give a large amount of experience (>10% of your current mastery bar) that will have doubled amounts of experience for whatever raid wing is the most current, so leveling masteries will become even faster.
Even so, grinding for masteries is really easy and people think about it the wrong way. Just do events like you normally would with exp boosters and a birthday gift booster on and they’ll level very quickly on their own.
“Beware he who would deny you access to information,
for in his heart he dreams himself your master.”
I wonder if this will go down a lot like Elites did, couple days before raids Colin will appear and tell us “Oh btw you need to have masteries 100% complete to progress in raids”.
a while ago they talked in interviews about the masteries that you need. the information is out there.
for example:
You’re from DnT don’t you know what masteries are required? The info in those links is vague.
Miranda Zero – Ele / Twitch Zero – Mes / Chargrin Soulboom – Engi
Aliera Zero – Guardian / Reaver Zero – Necro
You’re from DnT don’t you know what masteries are required? The info in those links is vague.
We don’t have the devs stop by our voice comms server and tell us about upcoming releases.
It was stated that you would need to jump off a boss platform and use gliding to avoid a one shot mechanic(2nd or 3rd boss, maybe not even this wing). We know there are mushrooms in the vale guardian area for movement speed boosts/attack speed boosts.
You’re from DnT don’t you know what masteries are required? The info in those links is vague.
We don’t have the devs stop by our voice comms server and tell us about upcoming releases.
It was stated that you would need to jump off a boss platform and use gliding to avoid a one shot mechanic(2nd or 3rd boss, maybe not even this wing). We know there are mushrooms in the vale guardian area for movement speed boosts/attack speed boosts.
Yes, that boss is in a video they released (I believe they said it was the last boss of the first wing). For it you will need gliding level 1 and 2 since you need updrafts in order to get back on the platform.
I don’t know about the mushrooms but it wouldn’t surprise me.
“Beware he who would deny you access to information,
for in his heart he dreams himself your master.”
I would actually like to see a definitive response from anet because I have heard feedback from testers that ley line gliding is required which has never been mooted.
Where did you hear that?
I am a bit worried about the number of masteries required for raid.
Really don’t want to go back playing hours of adventure to get the gold mastery.
The only masteries that are required for the raid release are Glider Basics and Updraft Use. They don’t come in to play until the third encounter.
The only masteries that are required for the raid release are Glider Basics and Updraft Use. They don’t come in to play until the third encounter.
Does having fancy glider skins help with Gorseval?
[SALT]Natchniony – Necromancer, EU.
The only masteries that are required for the raid release are Glider Basics and Updraft Use. They don’t come in to play until the third encounter.
Thank you Crystal, much appreciated.
Miranda Zero – Ele / Twitch Zero – Mes / Chargrin Soulboom – Engi
Aliera Zero – Guardian / Reaver Zero – Necro
The only masteries that are required for the raid release are Glider Basics and Updraft Use. They don’t come in to play until the third encounter.
Correct me if I’m wrong but wasn’t it mentioned in on the recent Guild Chat that there was going to be a new mastery track and it was linked to rewards that can be bought using the currency one got for killing each boss?
The only masteries that are required for the raid release are Glider Basics and Updraft Use. They don’t come in to play until the third encounter.
“Required” is a high bar . Are there any other masteries that have any effect at all inside raid-spaces? Will there be speed ’shrooms on the map for example?
I wonder what your basis for comparison is…”
- Jareth, King of Goblins.
Does having fancy glider skins help with Gorseval?
They make us feel pretty. Which give us the buff: “We can’t die. And you know why? Because we are so… very… pretty. We are just too pretty for God to let us die.”
I wonder what your basis for comparison is…”
- Jareth, King of Goblins.
The only masteries that are required for the raid release are Glider Basics and Updraft Use. They don’t come in to play until the third encounter.
“Required” is a high bar
. Are there any other masteries that have any effect at all inside raid-spaces? Will there be speed ’shrooms on the map for example?
During BW3 there were blazing speed mushrooms at the vale guardian, didn’t spot any adrenal ones but might’ve just missed them.
I would recommend having speed boost and adrenal mushrooms as well.
Speed boost mushrooms are a 10% dps boost
Adrenal mushrooms are a 50-90% dps boost. If there are any adrenal mushrooms in a boss encounter then the difference between having it and not having it is the same as going into the raid in blues instead of ascended.
The only masteries that are required for the raid release are Glider Basics and Updraft Use. They don’t come in to play until the third encounter.
Does having fancy glider skins help with Gorseval?
No, but at least you can fall with style.
The only masteries that are required for the raid release are Glider Basics and Updraft Use. They don’t come in to play until the third encounter.
“Required” is a high bar
. Are there any other masteries that have any effect at all inside raid-spaces? Will there be speed ’shrooms on the map for example?
There were speed mushrooms in the Vale Guardian encounter area, but we saw kills from groups that weekend without the mastery. They are there to help you if you are struggling, but it’s possible to defeat him without!
The only masteries that are required for the raid release are Glider Basics and Updraft Use. They don’t come in to play until the third encounter.
“Required” is a high bar
. Are there any other masteries that have any effect at all inside raid-spaces? Will there be speed ’shrooms on the map for example?
There were speed mushrooms in the Vale Guardian encounter area, but we saw kills from groups that weekend without the mastery. They are there to help you if you are struggling, but it’s possible to defeat him without!
Any other masteries are gonna to be useful in the raids? as far as you said, Gliding level 2, Itzel Lore level 6, anything about Exalted Lore or Nuhoch Lore?
It’s all gonna be about that Exalted Gathering \o/
Any other masteries are gonna to be useful in the raids? as far as you said, Gliding level 2, Itzel Lore level 6, anything about Exalted Lore or Nuhoch Lore?
‘Speed Mushrooms’ are Itzel Lore 3, not 6.
So OP cant spend 2 hours to get the three masteries required for the story but thinks hell have the patience to raid; funniest thing i ever heard.
Any other masteries are gonna to be useful in the raids? as far as you said, Gliding level 2, Itzel Lore level 6, anything about Exalted Lore or Nuhoch Lore?
‘Speed Mushrooms’ are Itzel Lore 3, not 6.
Adrenal mushrooms
The only masteries that are required for the raid release are Glider Basics and Updraft Use. They don’t come in to play until the third encounter.
Does having fancy glider skins help with Gorseval?
No, but at least you can fall with style.
Read that as fail with style.
I really hope you guys plan on using existing masteries to their fullest extent. Would love to see some of the raids “gated” behind having specific masteries. Itzel Poison Lore, Exalted Markings/Assistance, Nuhoch Alchemy/Stealth Detection, Stealth Gliding and even Ley Line Gliding.
All of these would make for some pretty interesting fights, and it’d be a shame to not include them because some people would rather sit on the forum and complain than get in-game, and hit up the LFG.
“Required” is a high bar
. Are there any other masteries that have any effect at all inside raid-spaces? Will there be speed ’shrooms on the map for example?
There were speed mushrooms in the Vale Guardian encounter area, but we saw kills from groups that weekend without the mastery. They are there to help you if you are struggling, but it’s possible to defeat him without!
Thank you for the information. That’s the exact kind of difference I was looking at: “it helps” vs. “mandatory”. Knowing what the “it helps” things are is useful for raid leaders trying to set their group up for maximum odds of success. I like to know what homework to assign the troops. Mostly an issue while learning an encounter before everyone has both experience and full confidence they can win it .
Any others masteries you can mention? Does the Tyrian ‘faster rez’ mastery work in the raid-space?
I wonder what your basis for comparison is…”
- Jareth, King of Goblins.