Mesmering Mai Trin
dont play much mesmer, but your 2 skill on MH sword makes you avoid all damage, so you could save that for the electric attack
You mean her Pistol Spin? You gotta dodge that then, no way around it as it’s unblockable. Either with a normal dodge or Blurred Frenzy. If you’re ranged you can try to run between the shots.
When I play Mesmer, blink helps me quite a bit, as does Mantra of Resolve in case I get hit by her autochain.
Sword/Sword is a must because of the block on skill 4 which allows you to block all her teleporting shots (which are undodgeable, so only use your block for when she does this attack) and I usually pick Sword/Focus as second weapon set, mainly for the barrage phase to get some swiftness.
I’m not sure if untraited wardens can absorb her Pistol Spin, but I somewhat doubt it.
Is there an early tell for the Pistol Spin?
I can see her duck but I’m usually too late to react.
Gotta watch her animation. She stops chasing whoever she’s after and then spins.
Thanks for the suggestions. I’ll try them the next time I go against her.
Gotta watch her animation. She stops chasing whoever she’s after and then spins.
yep, I have to add that she basically follows a boring chain
teleport pistol -> aoe bolts -> teleport pistol.
The auto attack chasing chain between transitions is one boring waiting game. The pistol teleport you have some time to activate block. The aoe spin right after she launches the pistol, you have to dodge right when she stops chasing whoever.
(edited by loseridoit.2756)
Thanks everyone! I wasn’t looking at the big picture and wasn’t considering that her stopping is somehow a tell itself.
(edited by Miaire.5468)
Thanks everyone! I wasn’t looking at the big picture and wasn’t considering that her stopping is somehow a tell itself.
if you know the encounter, you kinda realize she is really boring.
There are 3 sources of rng that really annoys me and prolong the fight.
Her auto and chase phase
cannon phases
common, when will the blue aoe be out already.
So much waiting in this fight, please anet remove it. Add the moa in dry top for fun. I rather fight that moa than mai trin
I know something that helped me a lot when getting used to Mai Trin at first was putting my graphics on absolute minimum settings. You wouldn’t believe it to make that much of a difference but try it and see for yourself.
You’ll mutter “holy sh__” outloud in surprise at how much easier it is to react on time when in groups, especially with those guardian animations blooming the hell out of the place.
I know something that helped me a lot when getting used to Mai Trin at first was putting my graphics on absolute minimum settings. You wouldn’t believe it to make that much of a difference but try it and see for yourself.
You’ll mutter “holy sh__” outloud in surprise at how much easier it is to react on time when in groups, especially with those guardian animations blooming the hell out of the place.
Crap! Does that work on Archdiviner too? What a GREAT idea!!! Can’t wait to try it out! Having massive problems dodging said bosses on my full height and size norn guardian This would be a gift from the gods.
I know something that helped me a lot when getting used to Mai Trin at first was putting my graphics on absolute minimum settings. You wouldn’t believe it to make that much of a difference but try it and see for yourself.
You’ll mutter “holy sh__” outloud in surprise at how much easier it is to react on time when in groups, especially with those guardian animations blooming the hell out of the place.
Crap! Does that work on Archdiviner too? What a GREAT idea!!! Can’t wait to try it out! Having massive problems dodging said bosses on my full height and size norn guardian
This would be a gift from the gods.
Well it doesn’t change anything about his hammer cleaving from a mile away, but yeah it should make it easier to notice his animations.
I know something that helped me a lot when getting used to Mai Trin at first was putting my graphics on absolute minimum settings. You wouldn’t believe it to make that much of a difference but try it and see for yourself.
You’ll mutter “holy sh__” outloud in surprise at how much easier it is to react on time when in groups, especially with those guardian animations blooming the hell out of the place.
Crap! Does that work on Archdiviner too? What a GREAT idea!!! Can’t wait to try it out! Having massive problems dodging said bosses on my full height and size norn guardian
This would be a gift from the gods.
Well it doesn’t change anything about his hammer cleaving from a mile away, but yeah it should make it easier to notice his animations.
His cleave feels like it has a radius of 600. But then again, so feels Mossman’s cleave…
The tip is pretty useful though, thanks.
“I know something that helped me a lot when getting used to Mai Trin at first was putting my graphics on absolute minimum settings. "
For many players the graphics flare over everything even on lowest settings.
You know what guy’s, a bit off topici know...
it’s all them super novaish kitten storm pyrotechnics displays really grind on me at times. Especially the brown kitten storm’s pvp skirmishes resemble cause of them. I know it has a lot to do with my general inexperience but still feels to me like chaotic cluster kittens to me. Sure would be nice to click that ’limit partial effects’ box and have it actually do something discernible.
Just last night was running a cm path and for the first time came across someone useing that guardian skill that casts the most annoying wide radius sheilds that Heal every second skill. Woosh woosh woosh!
Is that even necessary ?
Bad enough even if the field of view were widened up a few degrees or so.
Lol way too spammy for my tastes. .
not his body only,is affected by my act.” A.Crowley
You know what guy’s, a bit off topici know…
it’s all them super novaish kitten storm pyrotechnics displays really grind on me at times. Especially the brown kitten storm’s pvp skirmishes resemble cause of them. I know it has a lot to do with my general inexperience but still feels to me like chaotic cluster kittens to me. Sure would be nice to click that ‘limit partial effects’ box and have it actually do something discernible.
Just last night was running a cm path and for the first time came across someone useing that guardian skill that casts the most annoying wide radius sheilds that Heal every second skill. Woosh woosh woosh!
Is that even necessary ?
Bad enough even if the field of view were widened up a few degrees or so.
Lol way too spammy for my tastes. .
1. Create game where reading animations is key.
2. Greatly obscure animations with excessive and often needless special effects.
3. ???
4. Profit
Or at least #1 and #2.