I’m Jesse and I wanted to talk a little about the current state of the game and some improvements that could be made.
Let me start out by saying that I’ve played dozens of MMOs over the years and there’s never been one I’d wanted~ to want to play more than Guild Wars 2. It has a great base structure and excellent combat system but there are some definite changes that need to take place. Why should you hear me out when there are so many people complaining/asking for things? Because several of these ideas stand to increase the revenue of your company.
—-Why I Play(ed) Guild Wars 2—-
Back when it was released, years ago, it was a new and exciting experience with a combat system unlike those I was used to. A couple of my real life friends and I bought the game and enjoyed roaming the world, completing jumping puzzles we’d never done every night, and going through the dungeons to get our “Dungeon Master” title and other similar activities.
—-Why I’ve Stopped Playing Guild Wars 2—-
There are 2 main reasons I’ve stopped playing Guild Wars 2 for now (and most certainly stopped spending any money in the gem store, which is what metric you really care about). There are many others, but here are the generalized 2 reasons:
1) There are no more challenges for my 2 buddies and I to complete. And, I don’t mean scavenger hunts. I mean challenges.
2) I feel extremely~ excluded from raid content solely based on the build I choose to play. (No, I don’t suck. I’ve actually become incredibly skilled over the 3+ years I’ve played)
—-What I’m Playing Now & Why—-
Right now I’m playing Final Fantasy XIV: ARR because it alleviates the two problems I’d listed above. There are innumerable challenges I have yet to face and more are added every 2 months or so in the form of new dungeons (something GW2 has not done once in 3+ years). Also, I do not feel excluded from any content based on the class I chose to play. I know GW2 uses a different system of “builds” but, nevertheless, I’m not excluded from anything.
Let’s get down to the meat of my post and talk about what needs to be changed.
I play a Druid in full Nomad’s gear. Why? Because that’s what I enjoy. I do crap for damage but I never die and that’s how I like playing every MMO I’ve ever played. No one wants~ a Nomad’s druid in the raid. It seems like a simple solution, right? Just change to a different gear set. That’s the problem. When I go to McDonald’s and order a cheeseburger they don’t refuse me service because I’m wearing a black t-shirt. They don’t only serve people in red t-shirts. The point is even if they did discriminate against my t-shirt color it’s totally within my right to tell them I don’t like wearing the color red. I just hate red. They still aren’t going to serve me though. And that’s wrong. That’s~ what Guild Wars 2 has going for me with the raid.
In essence, I don’t want to play a different build. I want to play the one I’d made myself, experimented with and improved over the years to get it to the point it is now. And that is 105% reasonable.
Can I complete the raid with my build? Of course! On the Vale Guardian (the only one I’ve cared to beat) I simultaneously tanked/healed because I’m in Nomad’s gear which is good for both. As was always the case in GW2 (and I love it this way) my skill overshadows my build 3-5x over. However, the way raids are built they’re timed so a team consisting of 3-4 builds similar to mine would find it literally impossible.
My play style with the build is an incredibly bulky tank/healer very good at keeping the people who do 5-10x more damage than I alive. I just don’t understand why that play style couldn’t have been accounted for when designing the raid.
-Remove the timer completely.
-Make the boss / enemies deal higher damage.
-Increase the organic difficulty (more AOEs, higher damage, etc.)
-Include a raid looking for group tool
-Tool the raid to be doable by 10 Berserker’s as well as by 10 Nomad’s
-Have the bosses drop static loot (such as minis) as well as tabled drops
You may see problems with my suggestions so let me address those:
-Removing the timer would make it so that 10 casuals could just spend an hour fighting a boss and cheese their way to victory.
No. If you remove the timer you dramatically increase the difficulty, ensuring only players of a sufficient skill level (not dps amount) can complete it.
-Making the boss deal higher damage will wipe our Berserker’s groups.
Exactly. It will be extremely hard for a group of all the same type of builds (dps) to complete. Bingo.
-Making the raid doable by 10 tanky builds will make it way too easy.
No. True, they’ll survive much more easily, but they’re turning a sprint event into a marathon. They’re both difficult. Spend 8 minutes fighting a boss at high intensity. Spend an hour fighting a boss at a lower intensity. It’s just different forms of difficult.
That’s my non-exhaustive list of changes I’d make to raids so let’s move on to something else.
Dungeons are dead and it’s so sad to see. I had so much fun running through the dungeons with my buddies, before they all got really old. Dungeons are the go-to content of an MMO game. They’re “content” itself. You have to have monsters to fight; you have to have bosses to beat. We have Fractals of the Mists, but I’ll get to that in a minute. I’m talking about dungeons.
It’s not at all the reduced dungeon rewards that bother me. It certainly doesn’t help…but it’s not what I’m taking aim at. What I’m taking aim at is the fact that there is no incentive to do any of the dungeons from an enjoyment standpoint. I’ve done every dungeon path in the game probably 80+ times. There needs to be a reason to participate in this content since I’m sure it took a long time to develop.
-Make a “hard mode” dungeon path system similar to hard mode from Guild Wars 1.
-Make a solo dungeon mode with lesser rewards for people who want to play alone for the time being.
-Introduce challenging achievements inside the dungeons.
-Make sure dungeon bosses all have their own unique models. (AC exp paths are all just 3 large gravelings…boooo…)
-Introduce new armor/weapon skins using unique tokens dropping from “Hard Mode”
I’ll cut the list short there for the sake of moving on.
Fractals of the Mists has probably been the content I’ve enjoyed the most. It’s transactional and provides a quick and simple gameplay session to the end of my day, provided I don’t want to log on to play for hours at a time. One of the problems I have though, is the same problem I have with the dungeons. There isn’t enough incentive to do it (I’m not taking about monetary reward).
It would be nice to include a set of fractals armor skins and to use fractals as a gateway for other systems you could put into place, which I’ll talk about later on.
-Include a fractals armor set
-Include new fractals on regular~ basis (new fractal every 1-3 months or so)
The map in Guild Wars 2 is beautiful. It’s really something very special to me, partly because the areas are so open and large. A lot of work went into creating these zones and it’s a SHAME that no one ever visits them.
No one ever runs around the zones, at least not more than a few yards in any given direction because they don’t need to. They have waypoints located about every 300 yards in every direction and that completely destroys the need to traverse the landscape, which…is FUN! It’s so much more immersive to have to travel on foot to a location and so much more enthralling when you get aggro’d by some enemies on the way and hope you don’t get killed on the way there, sending you all the way back to where you came from. That makes something as simple as walking somewhere exciting.
I remember having tons of fun when I played WoW traversing the horde landscape with my friends (as alliance), constantly scrolling my camera in search of hidden dangers, knowing that if I died I’d be sent miles and mile away to try it again.
Mounts. You’ll make a ton of money selling us gem store mounts. I’d buy them. I’d buy them all. There’s no need for them, though, since everyone just uses the waypoints. So, here are my suggestions:
-Remove all waypoints in a zone except one. This way you can still actually get~ to that zone with relative ease.
-Add mounts to the game both unlockable and buyable.
-Add in a player housing area similar to Aion’s or Final Fantasy XIV’s (this is just my personal preference. I love decorating a house in a game and walking a neighborhood seeing how other people decorated theirs)
This is one of the largest drawbacks of playing Guild Wars 2. Everyone has full ascended. Everyone has already hit the ceiling and no we’re all wondering what we’re supposed to do now. This is when people leave the game. It’s kind of like when someone wins the lottery and has no idea what to do with all their money because their entire life’s worth of plans has revolved around actually making the money. Now they just have it all.
Changes to this system would be difficult because it makes up the core of how the game is played. But I think it’s necessary in order to keep people playing for as long as people have played WoW, for example. That game is so old, and still so populated.
-Include several higher tiers of gear above ascended, perhaps even above legendary. (carrots on sticks work wonders)
-Include a build saving interface, similar to how GW1 let you save and load your builds.
-Include a “vanquisher” (from GW1) style achievement system loading you and a group into your own instance of a zone to kill every enemy for the achievement. (tweak it to make it work right for GW2)
-Change the skillbar system to use a pool of weapon skills we can set 1-5, unlockable via achievements/challenges. (people loved skill hunting in GW1. Just use it on a much lesser scale)
Without sounding presumptuous, I’d have to say that if I were creative director of ArenaNet, Guild Wars 2 would be giving World of Warcraft (in all of it’s popularity) a run for it’s money. I’d be listening, intently, on what my player base was saying and making the changes they~ wanted to see in a way that profited me~.
In essence, we really want A? Sell~ A to us.
We really want B? Sell~ B to us.
-Sell us mounts
-Sell us hard mode (for dungeons)
-Sell us new fractals you develop (600-800 gems a piece)
[don’t give that content away for free! Make us pay for it so you can afford to develop even more!]
-Sell us new overworld zones (600-800 gems a piece)
-Sell us additional gameplay modes
-Sell us whatever you think we’d want
Casual players who enjoy, more or less, using GW2 like a glorified chatroom (especially in Lions Arch) may be buying the gemstore outfits and gemstore gliders and that type of thing. Personally, whether I look stupid or amazing I still feel like I don’t have anything left to do so I won’t bother buying anything.
However, you still need to sell people like me something. People who play the game for the challenge of it. You just need to understand my demographic and cater what you’re offering for sale to that demographic. I want more things I can do with~ the character I’ve made. He doesn’t need to look any cooler.
Metaphorically speaking, I have this really nice RC car I built and made look really cool with stickers and decals but no where to drive it. The players need more “track” and they’re willing to pay for it. I’m not saying stop selling “stickers” and “decals” just because I don’t want them. I’m saying, while you’re selling those, please remember to offer me more track.
If you read this far, then I commend you on your commitment to read my post in it’s entirety. You may not agree with what I’d said, but I never asked you to. Hopefully this post made you think about what you~ would like to see in the game’s future and push the developer’s to realize its player’s needs.