Post Patch Dungeon Gold Rewards - Complete

Post Patch Dungeon Gold Rewards - Complete

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Shiren.9532


AC is clearly .5g above the others because the devs wanted to encourage us to run the new reworked dungeon that turned out to be a disaster. Tssk

They put extra work into it so they are bribing players to play it more so that their work doesn’t go to waste.

It is weird seeing AC worth more than some more difficult paths. Maybe they are basing this on their metrics for completion times and popularity?

Post Patch Dungeon Gold Rewards - Complete

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: aophts.9862


Why so much QQ? You can make more than 6.5g per day easily now! This is amazing for me, thanks Anet.

Post Patch Dungeon Gold Rewards - Complete

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: TheKillerAngel.3596


Why so much QQ? You can make more than 6.5g per day easily now! This is amazing for me, thanks Anet.

I can make 6.5g in an hour, lol. If it’s 6.5g a day that’s slow for me.

Think stacking and skipping trash is cheap?
Read: Playing to Win.
Guide: How to play a Mesmer in dungeons.

Post Patch Dungeon Gold Rewards - Complete

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Sipso.9674


Did Anet tested those dung or just thought “All say arah is hard BAM 3g, all the rest must not be so hard BAM 1g”…
AC 1.5g, CoE all paths 1g? Is that some kind of joke? Anet, fix your kitten, seriously this is so much dissapointing. It really looks like you don’t even pay attention to your own content…

Post Patch Dungeon Gold Rewards - Complete

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Xista.7391


Why so much QQ? You can make more than 6.5g per day easily now! This is amazing for me, thanks Anet.

I can make 6.5g in an hour, lol. If it’s 6.5g a day that’s slow for me.

That’s a lot for the majority of the playerbase.

In-game opinions of Skyhammer:

Post Patch Dungeon Gold Rewards - Complete

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Sorin.4310


Why so much QQ? You can make more than 6.5g per day easily now! This is amazing for me, thanks Anet.

I can make 6.5g in an hour, lol. If it’s 6.5g a day that’s slow for me.

That’s a lot for the majority of the playerbase.

Only because they didn’t utilize the dungeon system prior to the update. This is not an improvement.

Post Patch Dungeon Gold Rewards - Complete

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Xista.7391


Why so much QQ? You can make more than 6.5g per day easily now! This is amazing for me, thanks Anet.

I can make 6.5g in an hour, lol. If it’s 6.5g a day that’s slow for me.

That’s a lot for the majority of the playerbase.

Only because they didn’t utilize the dungeon system prior to the update. This is not an improvement.

It’s an improvement for people who don’t grind the same path over and over.

In-game opinions of Skyhammer:

Post Patch Dungeon Gold Rewards - Complete

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: cesmode.4257


If this is at all accurate, this is a serious fail on arenanets part. So…

1. Determine the fastest 3 or so paths
2. Run them for 1 gold each.

Theres no variation in gold reward. What lazy design is this?

Karma is as abundant as air, and as useless as the Kardashians.

Post Patch Dungeon Gold Rewards - Complete

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Softspoken.2410


What I expected: Varied gold rewards across dungeons, probably based on aggregate data for how frequently and quickly they’re completed. (Relative to one another.)

What I got: AC is 1.5g per run, Arah is 3g per run (Except path 3) and everything else is 1g.

Really disappointed.

Mixing insults with your post is like pooping in a salad.
It’s pretty obvious, and nobody’s impressed.

Post Patch Dungeon Gold Rewards - Complete

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: wolfpaq.7354


My god is arenanet lazy.

1.5g for AC, arah path 3.
3g for other arah paths
1g for literally everything else.

I am no dungeon master, but I’m pretty sure that every single path of every dungeon in the game excluding AC & Arah is not equally difficult.

Post Patch Dungeon Gold Rewards - Complete

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Nikaido.3457


This patch is both great and bad in a way. I love it, I love running all dungeons in a row to farm gold and material from champs rather than spam the same one over and over. But, this patch, by making the dungeon rewards account bound, just did to regular dungeons what was already the case for Fractals of the Mist. For FOTM if you missed your group for your daily 48 chances are you were not going to get a decent group if they already ran their daily.

The situation felt similar for regular dungeons post patch. After reset I ran TA all paths, CoE all paths, SE P1+P3, HotW P1, AC P1 and P3, CoF P1 and P2, Arah p2… with the exact same group. And some people wanted to group with some of the party members, two got whispers from people who wanted to join in the farming, and I got whispers from someone who wanted to TPVP with me, and I just couldn’t leave my group, because if I did, I wouldn’t be able to get the “right” group for speedclearing everything after leaving so I had to decline and the people who wanted to join my other party mate obviously couldn’t run with them either. And now we are done with most paths until next reset, we still have some we can do with other people, CM, Arah path 3 and 1, AC P2 but overall there is little motivation in joining other runs. And to be honest, I’m not very motivated to do a dungeon like CM without my regulars anyway.

And the fact is, even within dungeon guilds there’s not a lot of people who can spam a whole dungeon rotation in a true speedclear manner because there’s always a couple dungeons that they don’t really know all that well.

This is going to change the face of farming session, when you truly want to farm for gold you will stick with the same group for a long time and you will have all the motivation to avoid being left out and having to run with people who are going to turn farming into a teaching session.

- “No tears, please. It’s a waste of good suffering.”

(edited by Nikaido.3457)

Post Patch Dungeon Gold Rewards - Complete

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: SkyChef.5432


That’s exactly correct Nik.
I had that inkling feeling yesterday when I couldn’t join my group for several reasons.
What could happen to me would be worse for PUG because their selection & their group are even more limit than mine. I really don’t care that much for golds or tokens, but at least I can kill my time by spending more silvers to repair my armors in Arah.
And what PUG (read huge mass of PvE players) would do if they couldn’t get their group going? More Open PvE? more time at TP to buy Quagan back pack? Maybe it’s Anet intention after all.

People are too serious of their knowledge.

(edited by SkyChef.5432)

Post Patch Dungeon Gold Rewards - Complete

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: ShroomOneUp.6913


ok folks since you can not think clearly here is the reason WHY all doungen except arah and AC are 1g. BECAUSE YOU CAN SKIP ALOT OF TRASH AND MINI BOSSES IN THEM.
if they were only easy then cof 1 wouldnt be the only farming doungen. but the thing is that every path in every doungen is plagued by some sort of skipping this and skipping that or ways to exploit ( not in the manner of bug exploit) the ai of bosses or ways to make them easier then they should be. in coe you can skip trash mobs and champions like a breeze of sneeze. thepath 1 boss can be compeltly unchallanging if you use a certan item (i will be so king NOT to anet directly what it is, even though i think they allready know) and thatrs why FOR THE MOMENT all doungen are only give 1 g rewards.
because the player base did everything to avoid as much “content” as possible jsut to get it what it wants.
anet would really like to see people instead of saying i farmed cof1 for 5 months straight, that they “PLAYED THE COMPLETE END GAME”.
and i tell if people wouldnt have started skipping things, they would have spend more time on older content and they would ask for new content later.
but the earlier the palyer base rushes threw content the earlier they scream for new and the devs get into trouble.
to think of it the way the handle the living story could also be a part of that philosophy. its temporary content that need 80% focus during its runnning time and keeps the majority of the players from the doungen for a certain amount of time so they have re schedual their runs differently. they have to do less run per day.
but since we complained we want more permanent content, a-net had to swithc to plan B: striking a fatal wound to grindish farming.

so in conclusion: if you would have enjoyed the game more then sjtu blasting threw it you would still have the ability to get doungen rewards the old way, living stories would maybe even stay two or 3 months with better content during them.

but NO you had to be needy and grind the kitten of the doungens.


Post Patch Dungeon Gold Rewards - Complete

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: SkyChef.5432


^I know that human mind can make sense of the context out of bad spellings, bad grammars and bad structural statements, but I have to admit your post is one of the exception.

People are too serious of their knowledge.

Post Patch Dungeon Gold Rewards - Complete

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: ShroomOneUp.6913


^I know that human mind can make sense of the context out of bad spellings, bad grammars and bad structural statements, but I have to admit your post is one of the exception.

admit it you didn´t even read it.

Post Patch Dungeon Gold Rewards - Complete

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: SkyChef.5432


^I know that human mind can make sense of the context out of bad spellings, bad grammars and bad structural statements, but I have to admit your post is one of the exception.

admit it you didn´t even read it.

No. I read it several times trying to understand what’s you are saying. But I’m sure you haven’t read it otherwise you would edit your post. Right?

People are too serious of their knowledge.

Post Patch Dungeon Gold Rewards - Complete

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: ShroomOneUp.6913


^I know that human mind can make sense of the context out of bad spellings, bad grammars and bad structural statements, but I have to admit your post is one of the exception.

admit it you didn´t even read it.

No. I read it several times trying to understand what’s you are saying. But I’m sure you haven’t read it otherwise you would edit your post. Right?

ok for dumb people:
you guys grind and farm and skip in doungens.
anet makes temporary content in living story to keep you away.
all complain it should be perma.
anet changes doungen rewards.
ergo: its the fault of those who skip grind and farm.
end of story

Post Patch Dungeon Gold Rewards - Complete

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: mehcetylene.2376


On one hand, getting more gold from dungeon rotation than before patch. On the other hand, whoever decided on gold reward obviously put zero thought into effort vs reward. Do we need any more proof that they don’t care about dungeon players anymore (if ever)?

Post Patch Dungeon Gold Rewards - Complete

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: SkyChef.5432


^I know that human mind can make sense of the context out of bad spellings, bad grammars and bad structural statements, but I have to admit your post is one of the exception.

admit it you didn´t even read it.

No. I read it several times trying to understand what’s you are saying. But I’m sure you haven’t read it otherwise you would edit your post. Right?

ok for dumb people:
you guys grind and farm and skip in doungens.
anet makes temporary content in living story to keep you away.
all complain it should be perma.
anet changes doungen rewards.
ergo: its the fault of those who skip grind and farm.
end of story

You couldn’t even write a coherent statement and you call people dumb?

People are too serious of their knowledge.

(edited by SkyChef.5432)

Post Patch Dungeon Gold Rewards - Complete

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: ShroomOneUp.6913


^I know that human mind can make sense of the context out of bad spellings, bad grammars and bad structural statements, but I have to admit your post is one of the exception.

admit it you didn´t even read it.

No. I read it several times trying to understand what’s you are saying. But I’m sure you haven’t read it otherwise you would edit your post. Right?

ok for dumb people:
you guys grind and farm and skip in doungens.
anet makes temporary content in living story to keep you away.
all complain it should be perma.
anet changes doungen rewards.
ergo: its the fault of those who skip grind and farm.
end of story

You couldn’t even write a coherent statement and you call people dumb?

it was coherent you are jsut not suited for the grammar of the mad geniuses´s

Post Patch Dungeon Gold Rewards - Complete

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Solo.9027


All this work went into a new reward gating system to avoid nerfing CoFp1.

Post Patch Dungeon Gold Rewards - Complete

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: SkyChef.5432


Umm. OK, if you said so. Out of that mad genius, I believe you are right of one but not both.
And I think I have DR in my fun so I won’t screw up the OP any more.

People are too serious of their knowledge.

Post Patch Dungeon Gold Rewards - Complete

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: aophts.9862


Why so much QQ? You can make more than 6.5g per day easily now! This is amazing for me, thanks Anet.

I can make 6.5g in an hour, lol. If it’s 6.5g a day that’s slow for me.

Doing what? One path of a dungeon? Yeah, go lie to someone else.

Post Patch Dungeon Gold Rewards - Complete

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: ForGreatJustice.3452


If the goal is to reintroduce the population different dungeon paths and increase popularity, the devs should start keeping tabs paths on what’s being run frequently post-patch.

Just posting a few dungeon lfgs real quick, just to see if the unpopular ones are getting more love. Today near primetime NA 6:30ish EST.

My conclusion? Not really


(edited by ForGreatJustice.3452)

Post Patch Dungeon Gold Rewards - Complete

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Amun Ra.6435

Amun Ra.6435

I don’t think a lot of people are bothering with dungeons right now because of the event.

Post Patch Dungeon Gold Rewards - Complete

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Tsanggitu.9603


anet probably never played these dungeons lol…
or ac is just too difficult for them XD

Post Patch Dungeon Gold Rewards - Complete

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: ForGreatJustice.3452


I don’t think a lot of people are bothering with dungeons right now because of the event.

That’s very true, but then again, we’ve been having events every two weeks. The people that were running dungeons while still doing the LS updates are the ones that’ll dictate the next set of dungeon statistics (frequency, popularity, etc.). I think those that weren’t running dungeons before are not really going to start up. Questionable gold spread on paths, no new revamps or changes to existing dungeons… I really can’t see new dungeon goers making an impact in whatever metrics ANet uses to determine their dungeon direction.

If anything, I would guess people as a whole will be doing less dungeons than before.

Post Patch Dungeon Gold Rewards - Complete

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Wukunlin.8461


^I know that human mind can make sense of the context out of bad spellings, bad grammars and bad structural statements, but I have to admit your post is one of the exception.

lemme rephrase his post for you


Oceanic [LOD]

Post Patch Dungeon Gold Rewards - Complete

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: The Fifty Third.3240

The Fifty Third.3240

Arenanet, please please PLEASE fix this. It just seems like laziness on your part, most of these dungeons are worth a lot more than 1 gold, especially with a daily limit, and it feels like you have put no effort into thinking about how much these dungeons should give. SE path 2 for instance is not worth just 1 gold, nor are any of the CoE paths, in fact i can’t see many on there that I would class at 1 gold apart from CoF path 1 and the AC paths.

Please address this soon.

Post Patch Dungeon Gold Rewards - Complete

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: One United.6491

One United.6491

its almost like they started this and said

‘’dam mate this is boring, we’ve only priced AC & Arah and i cant take anymore…. want to put the rest down as 1Gold and go for a pint.’’

I was looking forward to this update and have to say when i first saw it i was thinking WTF, but IF Anet are planing to up some areas over the next few months i think its was good play on there side (this is what i think the plan would be) i would rather them come in low than to come in high and have to cut them one month down the line.

overall i think there is some they could have upped of the bat. Arah p3 2G, Cof P2&3 1.5G to name but a few.

overall good update just needs tweeked some!

Post Patch Dungeon Gold Rewards - Complete

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Heylo.4938


Why so much QQ? You can make more than 6.5g per day easily now! This is amazing for me, thanks Anet.

I can make 6.5g in an hour, lol. If it’s 6.5g a day that’s slow for me.

Doing what? One path of a dungeon? Yeah, go lie to someone else.

I don’t think they’re lying…. a guild group I was in yesterday was lazily running 5 dungeons for 2 hours and we made 9g a piece. By lazily, I mean we took breaks inbetween paths, didn’t bring our dps characters, and kittened around. If we had our serious faces on, we might have been able to smoosh four of those paths into an hour and make around 6g before selling, and we aren’t even awesome speed runners.

Sickest Guild [NA] Blackgate

Post Patch Dungeon Gold Rewards - Complete

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Iehova.9518


What’s the problem?

Lack of good rewards for difficulty in dungeon content leads to picking a daily dose. Repeating the same daily dose day in day out leads to stagnation and burnout. Burning out leads to my entire static group leaving the game altogether.

That’s the bloody problem.

Post Patch Dungeon Gold Rewards - Complete

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Mourningcry.9428


What’s the problem?

Lack of good rewards for difficulty in dungeon content leads to picking a daily dose. Repeating the same daily dose day in day out leads to stagnation and burnout. Burning out leads to my entire static group leaving the game altogether.

That’s the bloody problem.

I posted in a different thread, but I think it applies here.

I would wager the current reward system is simply a test bed for them to gather data on which to re-adjust the rewards. Clearly, all paths are not equal, and as such, should be rewarded appropriately.

As they have it now, they’ve essentailly set a ceiling (3g Arah paths), a control group (the revamped AC) and set all the others to a base. As players are likely to seek the most efficient paths.Anet will be able to reweight the rewards accordingly, as well as see which dungeons should get the “AC” treatment. I wouldn’t doubt we’ll see periodic reward resets.

Welcome to maze, fellow rats.

Post Patch Dungeon Gold Rewards - Complete

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Seigfried.5938


Why so much QQ? You can make more than 6.5g per day easily now! This is amazing for me, thanks Anet.

I can make 6.5g in an hour, lol. If it’s 6.5g a day that’s slow for me.

That’s a lot for the majority of the playerbase.

Do you stand around in LA all day? Well, I must be in the minority…..

So anyway, everything is either 1, 1.5 or 3g. Mostly everything is 1g. It seems not much thought was given in the rewards, gg. Oh and not to mention the best part, it can only be done once a day.

Gandara → SoS → BG → Gandara → SFR

New bunker meta sux

Post Patch Dungeon Gold Rewards - Complete

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Nialiss.6459


>1g on any path

I knew they would do this. I mean seriously? 1g for doing long, boring and broken dungeon paths that has an ugly armor set? Why would anyone set foot in there!?

Post Patch Dungeon Gold Rewards - Complete

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Takato.4976


They could have done really well with this new system. But nope.
Time to not run dungeons often like I always did.

Post Patch Dungeon Gold Rewards - Complete

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: MysticHLE.7160


This list seriously makes no sense. How do CoE p1-3 get placed on par with CoF p1-3? -_-

I was quite upset today after running p2 and p3 of CoE to find out that after spending a good 1.5 hours total…I get the same rewards as running a 10-15 min CoF path?!

(edited by MysticHLE.7160)

Post Patch Dungeon Gold Rewards - Complete

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Bright.9160


Lolwut, I go on a holiday for almost 2 months, come back, hear there was a reward overhaul, and, thinking back to the promises they made around the time I left about ‘revamping dungeon rewards’, I expect something that was at least slightly better than what we had before, only to find out they screwed up everything. GG Anet, you literally did everything wrong you possibly could with this update.

  • You took away every incentive to redo a dungeon path, effectively creating exclusivity within guilds, making people stick in one group, bar everyone else and make it some competition to be able to get a dungeon group. Make this stuff character bound (or at least the tokens), or you’ll effectively break up multiple guilds, I can assure you that much.
  • Missed the correct dungeon path rewards by a long shot. Here is a more sensible reward sheet in my humble opinion, coming from someone who actually knows dungeons

AC P1: 1g
AC P2: 1.5g
AC P3: 1g

CM P1: 1.5g
CM P2: 2g
CM P3: 1g

TA UP: 1g
TA F/U: 1.5g (screw the haters, this path is flipping easy)
TA F/F: 1.5g

SE P1: 1g (maybe even 50s, because this path is stupid easy)
SE P2: 2.5g (this path is stupid long, maybe 2g, but seeing how everyone despises this path, the extra 50s might make it that some people would bother doing it)
SE P3: 1.5g

CoF P1: 50s
CoF P2: 1g
CoF P3: 2g

HoTW P1: 1.5g
HoTW P2: 2.5g (2g if you tone down the healthpools, because they’re just stupid high)
HoTW 3: 2.5g (see my comment at p2)

CoE P1: 1.5g
CoE P2: 1.5g
CoE P3: 1.5g

Arah P1: 3g
Arah P2: 2.5g
Arah P3: 2g (it’s easier than some other paths I ranked lower, but it takes better players to do, and it’s Arah, so imo, it deserves more)
Arah P4: 3g

Honestly, make the rewards character based, and put DR on the gold rewards, use the gold rewards that I proposed, or some variant (they’re not perfect, but at least more sensible than whatever bullkitten you guys came up with), and you’ll actually have made a good update.

Legion of Doom [LOD] – Death ’n Taxes [DnT]
“People wanting content where Berserker sucks should remember that it needs be so hard
that they will cry, not just a river, but a huge ocean.” – Wethospu

(edited by Bright.9160)

Post Patch Dungeon Gold Rewards - Complete

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: hedix.1986


That utterly poorly designed rewards system only shows how little ANet knows its own dungeons.

No wonder, considerings that devs only rarely drop in to hear suggestions/complaints from dungeons runners. Cause, you know, weekly random villain that spoils yet another Tyrian celebration of do-this-tedious-nonsense-1-million-times-for-RNG, that with little effort gets blasted into the sweet oblivion of Temporaty Content, is obviously much more important than more or less challenging gameplay + storytelling opportunity of dungeons that tons of ppl do on daily basis.
I expect people will do it less frequently now, because limited rewards to once-per-day will discourage players to join casuals who only log in late in the evenings, by which time everyone else will have done their daily dungeon. sigh

tl;dr – CoF1 and anything else both =1g? Once per day reward? PUH-LEASE

[QQ] – ex RoS, current Piken Square
[DV] – megaboss community

(edited by hedix.1986)

Post Patch Dungeon Gold Rewards - Complete

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: laokoko.7403


quite honestly, I failed much more AC than COE. Not sure why people rate COE so high. Only thing remotely hard is count to 2 before you dodge.

Ironically, AC pug group even have higher chance to get disband compare to Arah.

Post Patch Dungeon Gold Rewards - Complete

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Ethics.4519


Lolwut, I go on a holiday for almost 2 months, come back, hear there was a reward overhaul, and, thinking back to the promises they made around the time I left about ‘revamping dungeon rewards’, I expect something that was at least slightly better than what we had before, only to find out they screwed up everything. GG Anet, you literally did everything wrong you possibly could with this update.

  • You took away every incentive to redo a dungeon path, effectively creating exclusivity within guilds, making people stick in one group, bar everyone else and make it some competition to be able to get a dungeon group. Make this stuff character bound (or at least the tokens), or you’ll effectively break up multiple guilds, I can assure you that much.
  • Missed the correct dungeon path rewards by a long shot. Here is a more sensible reward sheet in my humble opinion, coming from someone who actually knows dungeons

AC P1: 1g
AC P2: 1.5g
AC P3: 1g

CM P1: 1.5g
CM P2: 2g
CM P3: 1g

TA UP: 1g
TA F/U: 1.5g (screw the haters, this path is flipping easy)
TA F/F: 1.5g

SE P1: 1g (maybe even 50s, because this path is stupid easy)
SE P2: 2.5g (this path is stupid long, maybe 2g, but seeing how everyone despises this path, the extra 50s might make it that some people would bother doing it)
SE P3: 1.5g

CoF P1: 50s
CoF P2: 1g
CoF P3: 2g

HoTW P1: 1.5g
HoTW P2: 2.5g (2g if you tone down the healthpools, because they’re just stupid high)
HoTW 3: 2.5g (see my comment at p2)

CoE P1: 1.5g
CoE P2: 1.5g
CoE P3: 1.5g

Arah P1: 3g
Arah P2: 2.5g
Arah P3: 2g (it’s easier than some other paths I ranked lower, but it takes better players to do, and it’s Arah, so imo, it deserves more)
Arah P4: 3g

Honestly, make the rewards character based, and put DR on the gold rewards, use the gold rewards that I proposed, or some variant (they’re not perfect, but at least more sensible than whatever bullkitten you guys came up with), and you’ll actually have made a good update.

Here you go Anet, Bright nailed it. Now all you have to do is go in an change a couple of numbers. Do you think you can handle that? Go ahead, take a week, you’ll probably need it to make sure all your decimals are in the right place.

RIP in peace Robert

Post Patch Dungeon Gold Rewards - Complete

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: colesy.8490


Why should hotw P1 be 1.5g when it’s basically cof p1 with fatter hp pools?

Sanctum of Rall (NA) – [LOD] – PvE/Dungeon Phantasm Mesmer build
Morrï (Mesmer) | Serah Mahariel (Guardian) | Morrï Mahariel (Warrior)
“colesy’s on rampage today. Slaying casuals left, right and centre” – spoj

Post Patch Dungeon Gold Rewards - Complete

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Bright.9160


Why should hotw P1 be 1.5g when it’s basically cof p1 with fatter hp pools?

Because of the stupid HP pools and the lack of general incentive to do HotW. Although, like I said, what I proposed isn’t necessarily perfect; 1g would also be fine I guess.

Legion of Doom [LOD] – Death ’n Taxes [DnT]
“People wanting content where Berserker sucks should remember that it needs be so hard
that they will cry, not just a river, but a huge ocean.” – Wethospu

Post Patch Dungeon Gold Rewards - Complete

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Dub.1273


Welcome back man.

Dub | [rT]
#LoveArrows2013, never forget.

Post Patch Dungeon Gold Rewards - Complete

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Bright.9160


Welcome back man.

Thanks, still trolling forums and exploiting Arah I see. Give me a few days and I’ll be right back with ya on that.

Legion of Doom [LOD] – Death ’n Taxes [DnT]
“People wanting content where Berserker sucks should remember that it needs be so hard
that they will cry, not just a river, but a huge ocean.” – Wethospu

Post Patch Dungeon Gold Rewards - Complete

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Dub.1273


As if i was ever trolling :o

Dub | [rT]
#LoveArrows2013, never forget.

Post Patch Dungeon Gold Rewards - Complete

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Adamantium.3682


The gold rewards do seem like they weren’t really planned out at all, for lack of a better way of saying it. I saw in the patch notes “all dungeons will give 1-3 gold per day”, and I got happy that the stuff I do a lot of would give me some gold. But it looks like they really just slapped 1 gold on everything except Arah? That’s pretty lazy Anet, come on. Take some time to think about each dungeon path before putting rewards to it. As others have pointed out a lot of these 1 gold dungeons are nowhere near each other in terms of time or difficulty.

[TNO] Gizmo Gigawatt (Engineer)
Jade Quarry

Post Patch Dungeon Gold Rewards - Complete

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: swiftpaw.6397


As if i was ever trolling :o

There is no such thing as trolling, only entertaining.

Grandmaster Forum Mind Brain
|-Swiftpaw Sharpclaw [DnT]-|

Post Patch Dungeon Gold Rewards - Complete

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: monkeydluffy.7896


Arah P1: 3g
Arah P2: 3g
Arah P3: 1.5g
Arah P4: 3g

pathetic…Arah should be atleast 5g….so many pugs struggle with that

Post Patch Dungeon Gold Rewards - Complete

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: The Mexican Cookie.3690

The Mexican Cookie.3690

Xero and I did a ~30 minute pug P2 last night, one guy was even a first timer. Though too be fair, we could have duo’d it faster.

#LoveArrows2013, never forget.