Wouldn’t it be nice to have practice raid mode? Here’s my suggestion for ‘’Practice Raid mode’’;
- There should be no trash mobs.
- There should only be raid boss with significantly reduced hp and damage so that even 5-man can complete it.
- Obviously no loot rewards.
- Boss mechanics should be the same as normal raid mode
This will not only help players whom are finding it difficult to get into raids because of exp difference and also veteran players to learn different roles in raids e.g. tanking at Xera, canon duty at sabetha etc.
What do you think?
+ There should also be an option to skip to the boss you want practice. For example; if you want to practice Xera there should be an option to skip Escort, McLeod, and KC.
User Blaeys.3102 have summarised the main aim of this proposal very well:
The OP’s idea is about generating more interest in raiding – to ensure the game mode remains healthy and actually warrants continued long term development support.
Yes, the current raids are starting to get stale for a lot of raiders. That isn’t going to get better anytime soon. Unlike games like WoW where raids are the primary focus at end game, raids are just a small part of the GW2 developers endgame efforts (and will likely take a back seat to things like fractals and open world moving forward).
Long term, the only thing that will keep them alive is community support for the game mode – and that means getting more people involved in them. It can’t be the special club for a small group and expect to warrant large scale support.
I refer everyone to this raiding survey made by reddit user Mind101
Approx. 2k players participated in the survey, and Mind101 summarised survey findings as follows;
What has kept people from trying out raids:
I have no GW2 raiding experience, and despite having the right ascended gear for it, people refuse to bring me along and I don’t get access/invited to guilds that do or might do learning parties.
It sounds like (from posts on places like Reddit) Raids require top-notch skill and equipment, and you are considered a hindrance if you don’t have both. That’s a bit intimidating…
I’m a casual, guildless player who doesn’t play often, and more importantly not regularly (maybe twice a month, when i can?). I wasn’t there at the beginning, and now, if I try to join a group, i can only try find pugs who are training for the raid. Those groups never fill. The other option is to join an “experienced group”, well, I’m not experienced, that would be a lack of respect for the other party if i were to join such a group.
Why people stopped raiding:
The gameplay is not fun at all since most of the time, you don’t even know what’s healing you or where damage comes from. You barely even have to dodge in order to survive. Raids in general don’t take advantage of GW2’s combat system in order to create fun, engaging gameplay. There are pretty much no exciting moments during a boss fight, so I tend to fall asleep before the boss is even finished.
[i]Bored of looking for a guild that I both have fun with and can raid with. I hate corner staking and skipping mobs in instances, finding such a guild not disgusted by raid is a bit hard.
Not out of choice – most of my friends quit the game due to the state of things and time differences are hard. I’’d love to get into it but am worried if I don’t have the ‘right’ gear or knowledge that I’ll be kicked from squad. Worried about the opinions of 9 other players and not letting the team down
Let’s get one thing straight, significant number of players want to raid but they feel exp barrier is impossible to overcome. The aim of this mode should be to help new raid players and to some extent low exp players to develop their team coordination and boss mechanics. This mode will help players to transition from new player-to-low exp-to-veteran player.
New players can go through all the boss mechanics in this mode due to significant damage reduction. If they can regularly practice boss mechanics it will improve squad coordination, player movements and correct skill execution. As a result it will improve the chances of successful boss kills in normal mode low exp raids.
(edited by Anka.5086)