They removed something that had gone a bit overboard. You can’t honestly believe that being able to summon swarms of jagged horrors, that can be kept alive, which deal a lot of bleeding damage, was actually intended? There’s always a reason to bring a class. It’s just that some people prefer to go with what is the most optimal.
It didn’t go overboard. While that mechanic could be awkward, it was absolutely required one to bring necro DPS to a reasonable level. So yes, the damage dealt by horrors seemed to be intended, even though underlying mechanic was awkward, weird and unintended.
Then that’s on the players and not anything within the game. There’s a decently sized margin between what high successful groups are doing and what it would take to fail. It’s more than the several percent you claim. Players very well can control what builds/compositions they have in their group but that by no way means that only those that they choose are what’s viable.
That is exactly on game. It takes exactly the several percent, because after that you risk facing harder mechanics.
There’s always an optimum and any change significant enough could alter what that is. That doesn’t mean that they want this, this, and this class to be highly preferred and this and this class to be largely ignored. That’s chosen entirely by the players that feel only the optimal builds are the way to go. For those that don’t, this isn’t as much of an issue.
There is no valid reason to not go for the optimum. Optimization is what have brought humans (as species) to where we currently are. Of course, you can live in the street, or even in the forest, but it’s far less optimal than in a house. Why must players choose in-game equivalent to living in the forest?
Read my post again about necro. I was speaking specfically about the jagged horrors and not the damage. Whether it was required or not to keep pace with other optimal builds is irrelevant to my post.
It’s on the players for believing that only optimal builds are capable of completing the content. Games will always have limitations but there’s more than enough buffer where players do not need the optimum in order to succeed.
Your analogy disregards what I stated while also reinforces it. You only see in extremes which is what I have seen among other die-hard meta only players. It’s always “meta = succeed” and “non-meta = failure”. You never realize that there are builds inbetween including those that are just below what is considered optimal at that time.
There’s nothing wrong with asking for some parity in condi builds, even if you can beat the fight with any class.
I’m not really sure what you’re arguing here …
Then you haven’t read my post(s).