Overall I’m really happy with how raids turned out in GW2, and I can’t wait for further raid wings to come out. Since negative criticism is usually the loudest, I thought I’d mention my mostly positive experiences, but also the parts that I think could use improvement.
Difficulty – There are a lot of people shouting for raids to be easier and more accessible, but also quite a few people who want more challenging encounters in future releases. Personally, I think the difficulty of the bosses right now is just about perfect. VG is the easiest of the three by a fair margin, allowing less experienced groups to get through as long as they have the mechanics down reasonably well. Gorseval, on the other hand requires a lot more DPS, and Sabetha demands group coordination and everyone to be alert about cannons, timed bombs, heavy bombs, etc.
However, I don’t think the people asking for more difficult fights are entirely baseless. There have been quite a few 7 and 8 man Gors/Sabetha attempts, and even a few 5 man kills of VG. While I don’t think that extreme level of coordination and optimization should be necessary for success, I think maybe it should be recognized through other rewards. That brings me to the achievements..
Achievements – A lot of these are kind of dumb. A lot of them simply reward you for doing what you’re supposed to do anyway: don’t get hit by X, don’t let Gorseval absorb spirits, don’t die. My favorite of the achievements is Last Cannon, and I think that should be the baseline for how boss achievements are handled. They should require you to do optional things that make the fight more difficult to complete, and require greater degrees of coordination among your raid squad.
The Eternal title isn’t rewarded in a very satisfactory way. Instead of something like beat all the bosses with no one dying, maybe beat all the bosses with a squad size of 9 or less? It’s not a title you really ever have to work for; you either get it because no one screwed up at the end, or you don’t. I Can Outrun a Ghost is another silly achievement; I don’t think I’ve ever seen someone get it without cheesing it, such as pre-patch diamond skin, or dying and rezoning when it almost finishes to get credit.
Rewards – I’m hoping this improves with future releases, but so far the rewards for doing raids haven’t been that great. I’m not a hardcore raider, I only have 21 insights, but so far the only rewards out of the ordinary that I’ve gotten are 5 minis, and a single ascended chest armor. I don’t know if I’m just unlucky, but these drop rates are really low, and they’re stuck on a weekly lockout. You also only get 4g per kill (which will eventually be lowered to 2), which seems pretty small; if you’re still learning the fights, this money might not even cover your food/utility expenses.
Magnetite Shards are also earned too slow to feel rewarding. You get 100 at most per week, which means if you want an ascended 2 hander, you’re looking at 5 weeks of hitting the cap. A full set of ascended armor (which I realize shouldn’t be too easy to get, but come on), would take 13 weeks of always hitting the cap. From the news article on raid rewards, it sounded like the shards were supposed to be a backup in case you get unlucky, but 3 months after Spirit Vale, I have to rely on these to get any worthwhile gear. And on top of how long they take to get, you have to pay a pretty sizable chunk of money! Not only that, but please add the new ascended trinkets to the raid vendor; there is no other way to get these besides random drops.
LFG – This has been mentioned a million times before, but raids really need an LFG channel. Not just for raiders, but for the sake of everyone who doesn’t want to see a million LFRs when they’re trying to do Triple Trouble or something. It doesn’t even need to accommodate squads yet, there should at least be a separate section dedicating to raiding.
Anyway, those are my thoughts on raids so far. I really do enjoy them, but I think they have the potential to be better than they currently are. Thanks so much to the raid team for bringing these to GW2.