The second thing I tried was posting on reddit if anyone had a squad they raided with everyone and if I could join them as a back-up. No replies. Then I thought to myself maybe having a second guild but hardcore guild would help. So I posted a thread on these fora to see if anyone was interested in having me as a member. No replies.
If you want to be in a “hardcore” guild you will likely not get in by posting on the forums asking, as no one in those guilds is actively looking here. The general attitude regarding the skill level of “people who use the forums” is also not super good, lol. You would likely need to apply to those guilds on their website or by asking someone ingame. I will say though that many hardcore guilds – especially ones with a large roster size – would probably take you if you applied as long as you met whatever minimum requirements they set. Any large guild is really just looking for dedicated players who are willing to learn and have a good attitude.
It’s worth noting though that asking for a hardcore guild as your “second” guild is a pretty quick way to not be invited, as those guild generally want 100% rep and expect you to be involved in guild activities.
The biggest problem isn’t even the raid content for me, it’s legendary armor. Since it’s locked behind raids, I have to raid or I’ll never get full legendary gear that I wanted since launch. Don’t get me wrong I do want to experience the raids because they are a lot of fun.
Some suggestions to solve this problem:
Easy mode: if there was an easy mode for raids, everybody would be able to experience the raid bosses and get legendary armor. Of course on easy mode a lot of the raid rewards would be cut or lessened. I would even be able to raid with my casual guild. I personally don’t see why it is a problem if everyone can get legendary armor, because legendary weapons can also be obtained by anyone. Getting a legendary weapon is not hard, it just takes time. Why does legendary armor have to be hard to get?
I don’t like the idea of including an easy mode which allows you to get the legendary armor. When I get it, I want it to show that I accomplished something at least moderately difficult. You can say that the other legendaries just take time to complete, which isn’t wrong, but I would respond by saying that 1.) I would like it better if legendaries showed some accomplishment rather than just “i have lots of gold”, and 2.) it “just takes time” to get legendary armor too, you just have to do something different with your time.
An LFG raid tab:
An actual raid tab would make it easier to set up a party, making it more likely anyone will. This would also have to allow us to put up an LFG while being in a squad. I image this could be easily done by adding a new button saying ‘’convert squad to raid party.’’.
Everyone has suggested it, anet is “working on it”, etc etc
An actual way to show skill:
If there was an actuall way to show skill, instead of legendary insight, it would be easier to choose a(n) (experienced or) skilled player to join your raid, for a better chance at success.
If you had any realistic solution for this I would be surprised. The only actual way to show skill is to do the raid and play well.
As a last thing I would like to ask for some advice from you guys on how I could improve my raiding situation.
Let me know what you think.
- Steel (pimie.2463)
One piece of advice I can give you is to get into a good, active guild, as this is what has worked for me. Many of the players are more than willing to take inexperienced guildies to train them.
If you already have a group you’re running with that’s great too, but don’t be surprised if it takes you guys a while to clear the wing (assuming you’re all starting from zero experience), as it can take a while to get used to the mechanics. This is the best advice I can give you for this situation:
Make sure that the guys you are running with are actively trying to get better, not just sitting back and watching failure after failure. Don’t be afraid to sit down with everyone and plan out a good teamcomp, good skill/trait builds, correct rotations, etc because the return on doing that is really good for the time it takes to do. I have been dragged into a couple “learning” pug runs by friends where people are allowed to bring crap like non-DH guardian with greatsword, and no one uses facet of nature on revenant and we have no chrono. Then the person running it talks about how important it is not to hit VG at the start to save 5 seconds, how banner over headbutt isn’t optimal, and I feel like I’m taking crazy pills like mugatu at the end of zoolander because half the squad is running around with 5 might stacks and no one seems to think it’s important. I’m not saying you or your group are at that low a level, just that learning is like 80% of the battle, and you will find the bosses a lot easier if you have a good comp and everyone knows their rotations and you address issues head on rather than banging your heads against the boss and hoping it works next time. Because not to be mean but you really shouldn’t be getting stuck on gorseval, as he is a substantially easier than VG as long as you meet the DPS check. The primary issues I see groups having with gorseval are: 1.) People suck at their rotations, 2.) too many people getting slammed and have to spend forever ressing, 3.) People don’t stack so druid heals don’t hit them, and 4.) eles suck at orbs. So check what your teamates are doing, figure out what going wrong, and give specific recommendations.
Have your group watch videos of good players doing the raid and watch for things like positioning and camera movement, and listen to them doing calls to see what you can do better.
This is all stuff you could do, but if you find that your group just isn’t willing to put in the time to get good at the raid then you may have to just try to find a better group (i.e. join a good guild).
Good luck