I’d like to suggest something to the Devs, but first I’d like to explain something.
I quit playing some time after the raids came out. Day 1 my friend and I fought the Vale Guardian, him in Knights gear and me in my Nomads. After about 3 hours of learning him we beat him with our random PUG, which wasn’t using voice chat. All was well and good.
When I got into a group another day to try Gorseval, I realized that my Nomad’s gear was extremely unwelcome. When I hear “Raid” I think of WoW or FFXIV where you have characters of all different roles and stat combinations. In those games I enjoyed being the tank and touting as ridiculous an amount of defense as I could muster. It was fun. And, it didn’t seem to work too badly for the Vale Guardian I’d done. Gorseval was a different story though. He didn’t get harder after the timer ran out. He made you die.
That’s when I realized that there was no real need for all that defense, health and healing. To “tank” all I needed to do was hang some meat around my neck (1 or two trinkets with a small amount of toughness) and the boss would follow me around. I was pretty sad.
I understand that Nomad’s gear is like a bad running joke in GW2. In a game where if you’re good enough you can dodge roll everything while STILL doing thousands of DPS, there isn’t a lot of point in playing a set that offers defense (Ewww…). Still, what I want to play is a character that I’ve mounted as massive a defensive stat combination as I can. That’s just fun for me.
My friend recently told me that GW2 would be having an expansion. And he said so with a cautious look in his eye, because he knows how I feel about not being welcome in the raids and having given it up for that reason. He was wondering if I’d be willing to give it another look since an expansion was releasing.
I thought to myself, “I don’t want to feel like I’m not good enough to complete every piece of content I want to, because I know I am.” The problem is that to participate in the raids I’d have to get with the program and adopt a playstyle I didn’t enjoy playing. If I don’t enjoy it it’s not worth doing and I don’t get to do it I’d rather play something else that allows me to play how I’d prefer. I’m not complaining about that, I’m simply reasoning it out.
In lieu of not being able to participate in the raids unless it means not enjoying myself, I decided I’d bite the bullet with my pride and tell myself that it’s okay if I never get to do the raids. I’d just tell myself, “Oh well, I’d be good enough to do them if I didn’t care about having fun.”
The real kicker is when I’d asked someone about the legendary armor they were wearing, because I’m a completionist and really wanted to work towards some if I decided to come back to the game. Surprise! They’re only available to you if you raid…a lot.
That was it for me. I understand that legendary armor is meant to be a great achievement, but to restrict it to the raids feel unfair. Pretty much all raiders are top-tier players, but that doesn’t mean that people who don’t raid aren’t. My circumstance aside, what about people with amazing skill who don’t have time to devote to it? What about people who only play PVP?
My suggestion is to have the current raid armor then add in additional sets for different aspects of the game, like you have with the backpieces. There’s Fractal and there’s PVP. They should all be equally difficult to obtain and require a reasonably equal amount of effort and skill, but should be geared towards players who want to play the specific content they represent.
As it sits, there are a lot of deservingly skillful players who are going to completely miss out on getting the legendary armor (which I feel should signify a top-tier player, but not exclusively a top-tier raiding player).